该项目的目的是同时测试和演示来自 Unity DOTS 技术堆栈的多个新包。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

1348 行
56 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using NetworkCompression;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Sample.Core;
public interface ISnapshotGenerator
int WorldTick { get; }
void GenerateEntitySnapshot(int entityId, ref NetworkWriter writer);
string GenerateEntityName(int entityId);
public interface IClientCommandProcessor
void ProcessCommand(int connectionId, int tick, ref NetworkReader data);
unsafe public class NetworkServer
[ConfigVar(Name = "server.debug", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Enable debug printing of server handshake etc.", Flags = ConfigVar.Flags.None)]
public static ConfigVar serverDebug;
[ConfigVar(Name = "server.debugentityids", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Enable debug printing entity id recycling.", Flags = ConfigVar.Flags.None)]
public static ConfigVar serverDebugEntityIds;
// Each client needs to receive this on connect and when any of the values changes
public class ServerInfo
public int serverTickRate;
public NetworkCompressionModel compressionModel = NetworkCompressionModel.DefaultModel;
/// <summary>
/// The game time on the server
/// </summary>
public int serverTime { get; private set; }
// Used for stats
public float serverSimTime { get { return m_ServerSimTime; } }
// TODO (petera) remove this.
// We need to split ClientInfo (tickrate etc.) from the connection
// handshake (protocol version etc.)
public void UpdateClientInfo()
serverInfo.serverTickRate = Game.serverTickRate.IntValue;
foreach (var pair in m_Connections)
pair.Value.clientInfoAcked = false;
public class Counters : NetworkConnectionCounters
public int snapshotsOut;
public int commandsIn;
List<Counters> m_Counters = new List<Counters>();
public List<Counters> GetCounters()
// Gather counters from connections
foreach (var pair in m_Connections)
return m_Counters;
public int NumEntities { get { return m_Entities.Count - m_FreeEntities.Count; } }
public delegate void DataGenerator(ref NetworkWriter writer);
public delegate void SnapshotGenerator(int entityId, ref NetworkWriter writer);
public delegate void CommandProcessor(int time, ref NetworkReader reader);
public delegate void EventProcessor(ushort typeId, ref NetworkReader data);
public delegate string EntityTypeNameGenerator(int typeId);
[ConfigVar(Name = "server.dump_client_streams", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Store client streams raw in files on server")]
public static ConfigVar dump_client_streams;
[ConfigVar(Name = "server.print_senddata_time", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Print average server time spent in senddata")]
public static ConfigVar print_senddata_time;
[ConfigVar(Name = "server.network_prediction", DefaultValue = "1", Description = "Predict snapshots data to improve compression and minimize bandwidth")]
public static ConfigVar network_prediction;
[ConfigVar(Name = "server.debug_hashing", DefaultValue = "1", Description = "Send entity hashes to clients for debugging.")]
public static ConfigVar debug_hashing;
public ServerInfo serverInfo;
unsafe public NetworkServer(INetworkTransport transport)
m_Transport = transport;
serverInfo = new ServerInfo();
// Allocate array to hold world snapshots
m_Snapshots = new WorldSnapshot[NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize];
for (int i = 0; i < m_Snapshots.Length; ++i)
m_Snapshots[i] = new WorldSnapshot();
m_Snapshots[i].data = (uint*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(NetworkConfig.maxWorldSnapshotDataSize, UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<UInt32>(), Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent);
// Allocate scratch*) buffer to hold predictions. *) This is overwritten every time
// a snapshot is being written to a specific client
m_Prediction = (uint*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(NetworkConfig.maxWorldSnapshotDataSize, UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<UInt32>(), Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent);
public void Shutdown()
UnsafeUtility.Free(m_Prediction, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent);
for (int i = 0; i < m_Snapshots.Length; ++i)
UnsafeUtility.Free(m_Snapshots[i].data, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent);
unsafe public void InitializeMap(DataGenerator generator)
// Generate schema the first time we set map info
bool generateSchema = false;
if (m_MapInfo.schema == null)
m_MapInfo.schema = new NetworkSchema(NetworkConfig.mapSchemaId);
generateSchema = true;
// Update map info
var writer = new NetworkWriter(m_MapInfo.data, 1024, m_MapInfo.schema, generateSchema);
generator(ref writer);
m_MapInfo.serverInitSequence = m_ServerSequence;
// Reset map and connection state
serverTime = 0;
foreach (var pair in m_Connections)
public void MapReady(int clientId)
GameDebug.Log("Client " + clientId + " is ready");
GameDebug.Assert(m_Connections.ContainsKey(clientId), "Got MapReady from unknown client?");
m_Connections[clientId].mapReady = true;
// Reserve scene entities with sequential id's starting from 0
public void ReserveSceneEntities(int count)
GameDebug.Assert(m_Entities.Count == 0, "ReserveSceneEntities: Only allowed before other entities have been registrered");
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
m_Entities.Add(new EntityInfo());
// Currently predictingClient can only be set on an entity at time of creation
// in the future it should be something you can change if you for example enter/leave
// a vehicle. There are subtle but tricky replication issues when predicting 'ownership' changes, though...
public int RegisterEntity(int id, ushort typeId, int predictingClientId)
EntityInfo entityInfo;
int freeCount = m_FreeEntities.Count;
if (id >= 0)
GameDebug.Assert(m_Entities[id].spawnSequence == 0, "RegisterEntity: Trying to reuse an id that is used by a scene entity");
entityInfo = m_Entities[id];
else if (freeCount > 0)
id = m_FreeEntities[freeCount - 1];
m_FreeEntities.RemoveAt(freeCount - 1);
entityInfo = m_Entities[id];
entityInfo = new EntityInfo();
id = m_Entities.Count - 1;
entityInfo.typeId = typeId;
entityInfo.predictingClientId = predictingClientId;
entityInfo.spawnSequence = m_ServerSequence + 1; // NOTE : Associate the spawn with the next snapshot
if (serverDebugEntityIds.IntValue > 1)
GameDebug.Log("Registred entity id: " + id);
return id;
public void UnregisterEntity(int id)
m_Entities[id].despawnSequence = m_ServerSequence + 1;
public void HandleClientCommands(int tick, IClientCommandProcessor processor)
foreach (var c in m_Connections)
c.Value.ProcessCommands(tick, processor);
public void QueueEvent(int clientId, ushort typeId, bool reliable, NetworkEventGenerator generator)
ServerConnection connection;
if (m_Connections.TryGetValue(clientId, out connection))
var e = NetworkEvent.Serialize(typeId, reliable, m_EventTypesOut, generator);
public void QueueEventBroadcast(ushort typeId, bool reliable, NetworkEventGenerator generator)
var info = NetworkEvent.Serialize(typeId, reliable, m_EventTypesOut, generator);
foreach (var pair in m_Connections)
unsafe public void GenerateSnapshot(ISnapshotGenerator snapshotGenerator, float simTime)
var time = snapshotGenerator.WorldTick;
if (time == serverTime)
GameDebug.Assert(time > serverTime); // Time should always flow forward
GameDebug.Assert(m_MapInfo.mapId > 0); // Initialize map before generating snapshot
// We currently keep entities around until every client has ack'ed the snapshot with the despawn
// Then we delete them from our list and recycle the id
// TODO: we do not need this anymore?
// Find oldest (smallest seq no) acked snapshot.
var minClientAck = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var pair in m_Connections)
var c = pair.Value;
// If a client is so far behind that we have to send non-baseline updates to it
// there is no reason to keep despawned entities around for this clients sake
if (m_ServerSequence - c.maxSnapshotAck >= NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize - 2) // -2 because we want 3 baselines!
var acked = c.maxSnapshotAck;
if (acked < minClientAck)
minClientAck = acked;
// Recycle despawned entities that have been acked by all
for (int i = 0; i < m_Entities.Count; i++)
var e = m_Entities[i];
if (e.despawnSequence > 0 && e.despawnSequence < minClientAck)
if (serverDebugEntityIds.IntValue > 1)
GameDebug.Log("Recycling entity id: " + i + " because despawned in " + e.despawnSequence + " and minAck is now " + minClientAck);
serverTime = time;
m_ServerSimTime = simTime;
m_LastEntityCount = 0;
// Grab world snapshot from circular buffer
var worldsnapshot = m_Snapshots[m_ServerSequence % m_Snapshots.Length];
worldsnapshot.serverTime = time;
worldsnapshot.length = 0;
// Run through all the registered network entities and serialize the snapshot
for (var id = 0; id < m_Entities.Count; id++)
var entity = m_Entities[id];
// Skip freed
if (entity.spawnSequence == 0)
// Skip entities that are depawned
if (entity.despawnSequence > 0)
// If we are here and are despawned, we must be a despawn/spawn in same frame situation
GameDebug.Assert(entity.despawnSequence == 0 || entity.despawnSequence == entity.spawnSequence, "Snapshotting entity that was deleted in the past?");
GameDebug.Assert(entity.despawnSequence == 0 || entity.despawnSequence == m_ServerSequence, "WUT");
// For now we generate the entity type info the first time we generate a snapshot
// for the particular entity as a more lightweight approach rather than introducing
// a full schema system where the game code must generate and register the type
EntityTypeInfo typeInfo;
bool generateSchema = false;
if (!m_EntityTypes.TryGetValue(entity.typeId, out typeInfo))
typeInfo = new EntityTypeInfo() { name = snapshotGenerator.GenerateEntityName(id), typeId = entity.typeId, createdSequence = m_ServerSequence, schema = new NetworkSchema(entity.typeId + NetworkConfig.firstEntitySchemaId) };
m_EntityTypes.Add(entity.typeId, typeInfo);
generateSchema = true;
// Generate entity snapshot
var snapshotInfo = entity.snapshots.Acquire(m_ServerSequence);
snapshotInfo.start = worldsnapshot.data + worldsnapshot.length;
var writer = new NetworkWriter(snapshotInfo.start, NetworkConfig.maxWorldSnapshotDataSize / 4 - worldsnapshot.length, typeInfo.schema, generateSchema);
snapshotGenerator.GenerateEntitySnapshot(id, ref writer);
snapshotInfo.length = writer.GetLength();
worldsnapshot.length += snapshotInfo.length;
if (entity.despawnSequence == 0)
GameDebug.Assert(snapshotInfo.length > 0, "Tried to generate a entity snapshot but no data was delivered by generator?");
if (generateSchema)
GameDebug.Assert(typeInfo.baseline == null, "Generating schema twice?");
// First time a type/schema is encountered, we clone the serialized data and
// use it as the type-baseline
typeInfo.baseline = (uint*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(snapshotInfo.length * 4, UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<UInt32>(), Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent);// new uint[snapshot.length];// (uint[])snapshot.data.Clone();
for (int i = 0; i < snapshotInfo.length; i++)
typeInfo.baseline[i] = *(snapshotInfo.start + i);
// Check if it is different from the previous generated snapshot
var dirty = !entity.snapshots.Exists(m_ServerSequence - 1);
if (!dirty)
var previousSnapshot = entity.snapshots[m_ServerSequence - 1];
if (previousSnapshot.length != snapshotInfo.length || // TODO (petera) how could length differ???
UnsafeUtility.MemCmp(previousSnapshot.start, snapshotInfo.start, snapshotInfo.length) != 0)
dirty = true;
if (dirty)
entity.updateSequence = m_ServerSequence;
statsSnapshotData += snapshotInfo.length;
statsGeneratedSnapshotSize += worldsnapshot.length * 4;
public void Update(INetworkCallbacks loop)
TransportEvent e = new TransportEvent();
while (m_Transport.NextEvent(ref e))
switch (e.type)
case TransportEvent.Type.Connect:
case TransportEvent.Type.Disconnect:
OnDisconnect(e.connectionId, loop);
case TransportEvent.Type.Data:
OnData(e.connectionId, e.data, e.dataSize, loop);
private long accumSendDataTicks = 0;
private long lastUpdateTick = 0;
public void SendData()
long startTick = 0;
if (NetworkServer.print_senddata_time.IntValue > 0)
startTick = Game.Clock.ElapsedTicks;
foreach (var pair in m_Connections)
#pragma warning disable 0162 // unreachable code
switch (NetworkConfig.ioStreamType)
case NetworkCompression.IOStreamType.Raw:
case NetworkCompression.IOStreamType.Huffman:
#pragma warning restore
if (NetworkServer.print_senddata_time.IntValue > 0)
long stopTick = Game.Clock.ElapsedTicks;
long ticksPerSecond = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency;
accumSendDataTicks += stopTick - startTick;
if (stopTick >= lastUpdateTick + ticksPerSecond)
GameDebug.Log("SendData Time per second: " + accumSendDataTicks * 1000.0 / ticksPerSecond);
accumSendDataTicks = 0;
lastUpdateTick = Game.Clock.ElapsedTicks;
public Dictionary<int, ServerConnection> GetConnections()
return m_Connections;
public Dictionary<ushort, EntityTypeInfo> GetEntityTypes()
return m_EntityTypes;
public void OnConnect(int connectionId, INetworkCallbacks loop)
if (m_Connections.Count >= ServerGameLoop.serverMaxClients.IntValue)
GameDebug.Log("Refusing incoming connection " + connectionId + " due to server.maxclients");
GameDebug.Log("Incoming connection: #" + connectionId + " from: " + m_Transport.GetConnectionDescription(connectionId));
var connection = new ServerConnection(this, connectionId, m_Transport);
m_Connections.Add(connectionId, connection);
void OnDisconnect(int connectionId, INetworkCallbacks loop)
ServerConnection connection;
if (m_Connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out connection))
GameDebug.Log(string.Format("Client {0} disconnected", connectionId));
GameDebug.Log(string.Format("Last package sent : {0} . Last package received {1} {2} ms ago",
NetworkUtils.stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - connection.inSequenceTime));
void OnData(int connectionId, byte[] data, int size, INetworkCallbacks loop)
#pragma warning disable 0162 // unreachable code
switch (NetworkConfig.ioStreamType)
case NetworkCompression.IOStreamType.Raw:
m_Connections[connectionId].ReadPackage<RawInputStream>(data, size, NetworkCompressionModel.DefaultModel, loop);
case NetworkCompression.IOStreamType.Huffman:
m_Connections[connectionId].ReadPackage<HuffmanInputStream>(data, size, NetworkCompressionModel.DefaultModel, loop);
#pragma warning restore
unsafe class MapInfo
public int serverInitSequence; // The server frame the map was initialized
public ushort mapId; // Unique sequence number for the map (to deal with redudant mapinfo messages)
public NetworkSchema schema; // Schema for the map info
public uint* data = (uint*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(1024, UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<uint>(), Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent); // Game specific payload
unsafe public class EntityTypeInfo
public string name;
public ushort typeId;
public NetworkSchema schema;
public int createdSequence;
public uint* baseline;
public int stats_count;
public int stats_bits;
// Holds a information about a snapshot for an entity.
// Each entity has a circular history of these
unsafe class EntitySnapshotInfo
public uint* start; // pointer into WorldSnapshot.data block (see below)
public int length; // length of data in words
// Each tick a WorldSnapshot is generated. The data buffer contains serialized data
// from all serializable entitites
unsafe class WorldSnapshot
public int serverTime; // server tick for this snapshot
public int length; // length of data in data field
public uint* data;
unsafe class EntityInfo
public EntityInfo()
snapshots = new SequenceBuffer<EntitySnapshotInfo>(NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize, () => new EntitySnapshotInfo());
public void Reset()
typeId = 0;
spawnSequence = 0;
despawnSequence = 0;
updateSequence = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < fieldsChangedPrediction.Length; i++)
fieldsChangedPrediction[i] = 0;
predictingClientId = -1;
public ushort typeId;
public int predictingClientId = -1;
public int spawnSequence;
public int despawnSequence;
public int updateSequence;
public SequenceBuffer<EntitySnapshotInfo> snapshots;
public uint* prediction; // NOTE: used in WriteSnapshot but invalid outside that function
public byte[] fieldsChangedPrediction = new byte[(NetworkConfig.maxFieldsPerSchema + 7) / 8];
// On server the fieldmask of an entity is different depending on what client we are sending to
// Flags:
// 1 : receiving client is predicting
// 2 : receiving client is not predicting
public byte GetFieldMask(int connectionId)
byte mask = 0;
if (predictingClientId == -1)
return 0;
if (predictingClientId == connectionId)
mask |= 0x1;
mask |= 0x2;
return mask;
public class ServerPackageInfo : PackageInfo
public int serverSequence; // Used to map package sequences back to server sequence
public int serverTime;
public override void Reset()
serverSequence = 0;
public class ServerConnection : NetworkConnection<NetworkServer.Counters, ServerPackageInfo>
public void SetSnapshotInterval(int _snapshotInterval)
if (_snapshotInterval < 1)
_snapshotInterval = 1;
snapshotInterval = _snapshotInterval;
public ServerConnection(NetworkServer server, int connectionId, INetworkTransport transport) : base(connectionId, transport)
this.server = server;
if (NetworkServer.dump_client_streams.IntValue > 0)
var name = "client_stream_" + connectionId + ".bin";
this.debugSendStreamWriter = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(name, FileMode.Create));
GameDebug.Log("Storing client data stream in " + name);
// update rate overridden by client info right after connect. Start at 1, i.e. update every tick, to allow fast handshake
snapshotInterval = 1;
maxBPS = 0;
nextOutPackageTime = 0;
public new void Reset()
mapAcked = false;
mapReady = false;
snapshotPackageBaseline = 0;
maxSnapshotAck = 0;
maxSnapshotTime = 0;
lastClearedAck = 0;
unsafe public void ProcessCommands(int maxTime, IClientCommandProcessor processor)
var nullReader = new NetworkReader(null, commandSchema);
processor.ProcessCommand(connectionId, 0, ref nullReader);
public void ReadPackage<TInputStream>(byte[] packageData, int packageSize, NetworkCompressionModel model, INetworkCallbacks loop) where TInputStream : struct, NetworkCompression.IInputStream
counters.bytesIn += packageSize;
NetworkMessage content;
byte[] assembledData;
int assembledSize;
int headerSize;
var packageSequence = ProcessPackageHeader(packageData, packageSize, out content, out assembledData, out assembledSize, out headerSize);
// Bail out if the package was bad (duplicate or too old)
if (packageSequence == 0)
var input = default(TInputStream);// new TInputStream(); Due to bug new generates garbage here
input.Initialize(model, assembledData, headerSize);
if ((content & NetworkMessage.ClientConfig) != 0)
ReadClientConfig(ref input);
if ((content & NetworkMessage.Commands) != 0)
ReadCommands(ref input);
if ((content & NetworkMessage.Events) != 0)
ReadEvents(ref input, loop);
public void SendPackage<TOutputStream>(NetworkCompressionCapture networkCompressionCapture) where TOutputStream : struct, NetworkCompression.IOutputStream
// Check if we can and should send new package
var rawOutputStream = new BitOutputStream(m_PackageBuffer);
var canSendPackage = CanSendPackage(ref rawOutputStream);
if (!canSendPackage)
//GameDebug.Log("SERVER: Choked by missing acks from client!");
// Distribute clients evenly according to their with snapshotInterval > 1
// TODO: This kind of assumes same update interval by all ....
if ((server.m_ServerSequence + connectionId) % snapshotInterval != 0)
// Respect max bps rate cap
if (Game.frameTime < nextOutPackageTime)
ServerPackageInfo packageInfo;
BeginSendPackage(ref rawOutputStream, out packageInfo);
int endOfHeaderPos = rawOutputStream.Align();
var output = default(TOutputStream);// new TOutputStream(); Due to bug new generates garbage here
output.Initialize(server.serverInfo.compressionModel, m_PackageBuffer, endOfHeaderPos, networkCompressionCapture);
// We store the server sequence in the package info to be able to map back to
// the snapshot baseline when we get delivery notification for the package and
// similarly for the time as we send the server time as a delta relative to
// the last acknowledged server time
packageInfo.serverSequence = server.m_ServerSequence; // the server snapshot sequence
packageInfo.serverTime = server.serverTime; // Server time (could be ticks or could be ms)
// The ifs below are in essence the 'connection handshake' logic.
if (!clientInfoAcked)
// Keep sending client info until it is acked
WriteClientInfo(ref output);
else if (!mapAcked)
if (server.m_MapInfo.serverInitSequence > 0)
// Keep sending map info until it is acked
WriteMapInfo(ref output);
// Send snapshot, buf only
// if client has declared itself ready
// if we have not already sent for this tick (because we need to be able to map a snapshot
// sequence to a package sequence we cannot send the same snapshot multiple times).
if (mapReady && server.m_ServerSequence > snapshotServerLastWritten)
WriteSnapshot(ref output);
WriteEvents(packageInfo, ref output);
// TODO (petera) this is not nice. We need one structure only to keep track of outstanding packages / acks
// We have to ensure all sequence numbers that have been used by packages sent elsewhere from here
// gets cleared as 'not ack'ed' so they don't show up later as snapshots we think the client has
for (int i = lastClearedAck + 1; i <= outSequence; ++i)
snapshotAcks[i % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize] = false;
lastClearedAck = outSequence;
int compressedSize = output.Flush();
var messageSize = CompleteSendPackage(packageInfo, ref rawOutputStream);
// Decide when next package can go out
if (maxBPS > 0)
double timeLimitBPS = messageSize / maxBPS;
if (timeLimitBPS > (float)snapshotInterval / Game.serverTickRate.FloatValue)
GameDebug.Log("SERVER: Choked by BPS sending " + messageSize);
nextOutPackageTime = Game.frameTime + timeLimitBPS;
int lastClearedAck = 0;
void WriteClientInfo<TOutputStream>(ref TOutputStream output) where TOutputStream : NetworkCompression.IOutputStream
output.WriteRawBits((uint)connectionId, 8);
output.WriteRawBits((uint)server.serverInfo.serverTickRate, 8);
output.WriteRawBits(NetworkConfig.protocolVersion, 8);
byte[] modelData = server.serverInfo.compressionModel.modelData;
output.WriteRawBits((uint)modelData.Length, 16);
for (int i = 0; i < modelData.Length; i++)
output.WriteRawBits(modelData[i], 8);
if (serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
GameDebug.Log(string.Format("WriteClientInfo: connectionId {0} serverTickRate {1}", connectionId, server.serverInfo.serverTickRate));
unsafe void WriteMapInfo<TOutputStream>(ref TOutputStream output) where TOutputStream : NetworkCompression.IOutputStream
output.WriteRawBits(server.m_MapInfo.mapId, 16);
// Write schema if client haven't acked it
output.WriteRawBits(mapSchemaAcked ? 0 : 1U, 1);
if (!mapSchemaAcked)
NetworkSchema.WriteSchema(server.m_MapInfo.schema, ref output);
// Write map data
NetworkSchema.CopyFieldsFromBuffer(server.m_MapInfo.schema, server.m_MapInfo.data, ref output);
unsafe void WriteSnapshot<TOutputStream>(ref TOutputStream output) where TOutputStream : NetworkCompression.IOutputStream
// joinSequence is the *first* snapshot that could have received.
if (joinSequence == 0)
joinSequence = server.m_ServerSequence;
if (serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
GameDebug.Log("Client " + connectionId + " got first snapshot at " + joinSequence);
bool enableNetworkPrediction = network_prediction.IntValue != 0;
bool enableHashing = debug_hashing.IntValue != 0;
// Check if the baseline from the client is too old. We keep N number of snapshots on the server
// so if the client baseline is older than that we cannot generate the snapshot. Furthermore, we require
// the client to keep the last N updates for any entity, so even though the client might have much older
// baselines for some entities we cannot guarantee it.
// TODO : Can we make this simpler?
var haveBaseline = maxSnapshotAck != 0;
if (server.m_ServerSequence - maxSnapshotAck >= NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize - 2) // -2 because we want 3 baselines!
if (serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
GameDebug.Log("ServerSequence ahead of latest ack'ed snapshot by more than cache size. " + (haveBaseline ? "nobaseline" : "baseline"));
haveBaseline = false;
var baseline = haveBaseline ? maxSnapshotAck : 0;
int snapshot0Baseline = baseline;
int snapshot1Baseline = baseline;
int snapshot2Baseline = baseline;
int snapshot0BaselineClient = snapshotPackageBaseline;
int snapshot1BaselineClient = snapshotPackageBaseline;
int snapshot2BaselineClient = snapshotPackageBaseline;
if (enableNetworkPrediction && haveBaseline)
var end = snapshotPackageBaseline - NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize;
end = end < 0 ? 0 : end;
var a = snapshotPackageBaseline - 1;
while (a > end)
if (snapshotAcks[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize])
var base1 = snapshotSeqs[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize];
if (server.m_ServerSequence - base1 < NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize - 2)
snapshot1Baseline = base1;
snapshot1BaselineClient = a;
snapshot2Baseline = snapshotSeqs[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize];
snapshot2BaselineClient = a;
while (a > end)
if (snapshotAcks[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize])
var base2 = snapshotSeqs[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize];
if (server.m_ServerSequence - base2 < NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize - 2)
snapshot2Baseline = base2;
snapshot2BaselineClient = a;
// NETTODO: Write up a list of all sequence numbers. Ensure they are all needed
output.WriteRawBits(haveBaseline ? 1u : 0, 1);
output.WritePackedIntDelta(snapshot0BaselineClient, outSequence - 1, NetworkConfig.baseSequenceContext);
output.WriteRawBits(enableNetworkPrediction ? 1u : 0u, 1);
output.WriteRawBits(enableHashing ? 1u : 0u, 1);
if (enableNetworkPrediction)
output.WritePackedIntDelta(haveBaseline ? snapshot1BaselineClient : 0, snapshot0BaselineClient - 1, NetworkConfig.baseSequence1Context);
output.WritePackedIntDelta(haveBaseline ? snapshot2BaselineClient : 0, snapshot1BaselineClient - 1, NetworkConfig.baseSequence2Context);
// NETTODO: For us serverTime == tick but network layer only cares about a growing int
output.WritePackedIntDelta(server.serverTime, haveBaseline ? maxSnapshotTime : 0, NetworkConfig.serverTimeContext);
// NETTODO: a more generic way to send stats
var temp = server.m_ServerSimTime * 10;
output.WriteRawBits((byte)temp, 8);
// NETTODO: Rename TempListType etc.
// NETTODO: Consider if we need to distinguish between Type & Schema
server.m_PredictionIndex = 0;
for (int id = 0, c = server.m_Entities.Count; id < c; id++)
var entity = server.m_Entities[id];
// Skip freed
if (entity.spawnSequence == 0)
bool spawnedSinceBaseline = (entity.spawnSequence > baseline);
bool despawned = (entity.despawnSequence > 0);
// Note to future self: This is a bit tricky... We consider lifetimes of entities
// re the baseline (last ack'ed, so in the past) and the snapshot we are building (now)
// There are 6 cases (S == spawn, D = despawn):
// --------------------------------- time ----------------------------------->
// | |
// v v
// 1. S-------D IGNORE
// 2. S------------------D SEND DESPAWN
// 3. S-------------------------------------D SEND UPDATE
// 4. S-----D IGNORE
// 5. S-----------------D SEND SPAWN + UPDATE
// 6. S----------D INVALID (FUTURE)
if (despawned && entity.despawnSequence <= baseline)
continue; // case 1: ignore
if (despawned && !spawnedSinceBaseline)
server.m_TempDespawnList.Add(id); // case 2: despawn
if (spawnedSinceBaseline && despawned)
continue; // case 4: ignore
if (spawnedSinceBaseline)
server.m_TempSpawnList.Add(id); // case 5: send spawn + update
// case 5. and 3. fall through to here and gets updated
// Send data from latest tick
var tickToSend = server.m_ServerSequence;
// If despawned, however, we have stopped generating updates so pick latest valid
if (despawned)
tickToSend = Mathf.Max(entity.updateSequence, entity.despawnSequence - 1);
//GameDebug.Assert(tickToSend == server.m_ServerSequence || tickToSend == entity.despawnSequence - 1, "Sending snapshot. Expect to send either current tick or last tick before despawn.");
var entityType = server.m_EntityTypes[entity.typeId];
var snapshot = entity.snapshots[tickToSend];
// NOTE : As long as the server haven't gotten the spawn acked, it will keep sending
// delta relative to 0 as we cannot know if we have a valid baseline on the client or not
uint num_baselines = 1; // if there is no normal baseline, we use schema baseline so there is always one
uint* baseline0 = entityType.baseline;
int time0 = maxSnapshotTime;
if (haveBaseline && entity.spawnSequence <= maxSnapshotAck)
baseline0 = entity.snapshots[snapshot0Baseline].start;
if (enableNetworkPrediction)
uint* baseline1 = entityType.baseline;
uint* baseline2 = entityType.baseline;
int time1 = maxSnapshotTime;
int time2 = maxSnapshotTime;
if (haveBaseline && entity.spawnSequence <= maxSnapshotAck)
GameDebug.Assert(server.m_Snapshots[snapshot0Baseline % server.m_Snapshots.Length].serverTime == maxSnapshotTime, "serverTime == maxSnapshotTime");
GameDebug.Assert(entity.snapshots.Exists(snapshot0Baseline), "Exists(snapshot0Baseline)");
// Newly spawned entities might not have earlier baselines initially
if (snapshot1Baseline != snapshot0Baseline && entity.snapshots.Exists(snapshot1Baseline))
num_baselines = 2;
baseline1 = entity.snapshots[snapshot1Baseline].start;
time1 = server.m_Snapshots[snapshot1Baseline % server.m_Snapshots.Length].serverTime;
if (snapshot2Baseline != snapshot1Baseline && entity.snapshots.Exists(snapshot2Baseline))
num_baselines = 3;
baseline2 = entity.snapshots[snapshot2Baseline].start;
//time2 = entity.snapshots[snapshot2Baseline].serverTime;
time2 = server.m_Snapshots[snapshot2Baseline % server.m_Snapshots.Length].serverTime;
entity.prediction = server.m_Prediction + server.m_PredictionIndex;
NetworkPrediction.PredictSnapshot(entity.prediction, entity.fieldsChangedPrediction, entityType.schema, num_baselines, (uint)time0, baseline0, (uint)time1, baseline1, (uint)time2, baseline2, (uint)server.serverTime, entity.GetFieldMask(connectionId));
server.m_PredictionIndex += entityType.schema.GetByteSize() / 4;
server.statsProcessedOutgoing += entityType.schema.GetByteSize();
if (UnsafeUtility.MemCmp(entity.prediction, snapshot.start, entityType.schema.GetByteSize()) != 0)
if (serverDebug.IntValue > 2)
GameDebug.Log((haveBaseline ? "Upd [BL]" : "Upd [ ]") +
"num_baselines: " + num_baselines + " serverSequence: " + tickToSend + " " +
snapshot0Baseline + "(" + snapshot0BaselineClient + "," + time0 + ") - " +
snapshot1Baseline + "(" + snapshot1BaselineClient + "," + time1 + ") - " +
snapshot2Baseline + "(" + snapshot2BaselineClient + "," + time2 + "). Sche: " +
server.m_TempTypeList.Count + " Spwns: " + server.m_TempSpawnList.Count + " Desp: " + server.m_TempDespawnList.Count + " Upd: " + server.m_TempUpdateList.Count);
var prediction = baseline0;
var fcp = entity.fieldsChangedPrediction;
for (int i = 0, l = fcp.Length; i < l; ++i)
fcp[i] = 0;
if (UnsafeUtility.MemCmp(prediction, snapshot.start, entityType.schema.GetByteSize()) != 0)
if (serverDebug.IntValue > 2)
GameDebug.Log((haveBaseline ? "Upd [BL]" : "Upd [ ]") + snapshot0Baseline + "(" + snapshot0BaselineClient + "," + time0 + "). Sche: " + server.m_TempTypeList.Count + " Spwns: " + server.m_TempSpawnList.Count + " Desp: " + server.m_TempDespawnList.Count + " Upd: " + server.m_TempUpdateList.Count);
if (serverDebug.IntValue > 1 && (server.m_TempSpawnList.Count > 0 || server.m_TempDespawnList.Count > 0))
GameDebug.Log(connectionId + ": spwns: " + string.Join(",", server.m_TempSpawnList) + " despwans: " + string.Join(",", server.m_TempDespawnList));
foreach (var pair in server.m_EntityTypes)
if (pair.Value.createdSequence > maxSnapshotAck)
output.WritePackedUInt((uint)server.m_TempTypeList.Count, NetworkConfig.schemaCountContext);
foreach (var typeInfo in server.m_TempTypeList)
output.WritePackedUInt(typeInfo.typeId, NetworkConfig.schemaTypeIdContext);
NetworkSchema.WriteSchema(typeInfo.schema, ref output);
GameDebug.Assert(typeInfo.baseline != null);
NetworkSchema.CopyFieldsFromBuffer(typeInfo.schema, typeInfo.baseline, ref output);
int previousId = 1;
output.WritePackedUInt((uint)server.m_TempSpawnList.Count, NetworkConfig.spawnCountContext);
foreach (var id in server.m_TempSpawnList)
output.WritePackedIntDelta(id, previousId, NetworkConfig.idContext);
previousId = id;
var entity = server.m_Entities[id];
output.WritePackedUInt((uint)entity.typeId, NetworkConfig.spawnTypeIdContext);
output.WriteRawBits(entity.GetFieldMask(connectionId), 8);
output.WritePackedUInt((uint)server.m_TempDespawnList.Count, NetworkConfig.despawnCountContext);
foreach (var id in server.m_TempDespawnList)
output.WritePackedIntDelta(id, previousId, NetworkConfig.idContext);
previousId = id;
int numUpdates = server.m_TempUpdateList.Count;
output.WritePackedUInt((uint)numUpdates, NetworkConfig.updateCountContext);
if (serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
foreach (var t in server.m_EntityTypes)
t.Value.stats_count = 0;
t.Value.stats_bits = 0;
foreach (var id in server.m_TempUpdateList)
var entity = server.m_Entities[id];
var entityType = server.m_EntityTypes[entity.typeId];
uint* prediction = null;
if (enableNetworkPrediction)
prediction = entity.prediction;
prediction = entityType.baseline;
if (haveBaseline && entity.spawnSequence <= maxSnapshotAck)
prediction = entity.snapshots[snapshot0Baseline].start;
output.WritePackedIntDelta(id, previousId, NetworkConfig.idContext);
previousId = id;
// TODO (petera) It is a mess that we have to repeat the logic about tickToSend from above here
int tickToSend = server.m_ServerSequence;
if (entity.despawnSequence > 0)
tickToSend = Mathf.Max(entity.despawnSequence - 1, entity.updateSequence);
GameDebug.Assert(server.m_ServerSequence - tickToSend < NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize);
if (!entity.snapshots.Exists(tickToSend))
GameDebug.Log("maxSnapAck: " + maxSnapshotAck);
GameDebug.Log("lastWritten: " + snapshotServerLastWritten);
GameDebug.Log("spawn: " + entity.spawnSequence);
GameDebug.Log("despawn: " + entity.despawnSequence);
GameDebug.Log("update: " + entity.updateSequence);
GameDebug.Log("tick: " + server.m_ServerSequence);
GameDebug.Log("id: " + id);
GameDebug.Log("snapshots: " + entity.snapshots.ToString());
//GameDebug.Log("WOULD HAVE crashed looking for " + tickToSend + " changing to " + (entity.despawnSequence - 1));
//tickToSend = entity.despawnSequence - 1;
GameDebug.Assert(false, "Unable to find " + tickToSend + " in snapshots. Would update have worked?");
var snapshotInfo = entity.snapshots[tickToSend];
// NOTE : As long as the server haven't gotten the spawn acked, it will keep sending
// delta relative to 0 as we cannot know if we have a valid baseline on the client or not
uint entity_hash = 0;
var bef = output.GetBitPosition2();
DeltaWriter.Write(ref output, entityType.schema, snapshotInfo.start, prediction, entity.fieldsChangedPrediction, entity.GetFieldMask(connectionId), ref entity_hash);
var aft = output.GetBitPosition2();
if (serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
entityType.stats_bits += (aft - bef);
if (enableHashing)
output.WriteRawBits(entity_hash, 32);
if (!haveBaseline && serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
Debug.Log("Sending no-baseline snapshot. C: " + connectionId + " Seq: " + outSequence + " Max: " + maxSnapshotAck + " Total entities sent: " + server.m_TempUpdateList.Count + " Type breakdown:");
foreach (var c in server.m_EntityTypes)
Debug.Log(c.Value.name + " " + c.Key + " #" + (c.Value.stats_count) + " " + (c.Value.stats_bits / 8) + " bytes");
if (enableHashing)
output.WriteRawBits(server.m_LastEntityCount, 32);
server.statsSentOutgoing += output.GetBitPosition2() / 8;
snapshotServerLastWritten = server.m_ServerSequence;
snapshotSeqs[outSequence % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize] = server.m_ServerSequence;
void ReadClientConfig<TInputStream>(ref TInputStream input) where TInputStream : NetworkCompression.IInputStream
maxBPS = (int)input.ReadRawBits(32);
var snapshotInterval = (int)input.ReadRawBits(16);
if (serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
GameDebug.Log(string.Format("ReadClientConfig: updateRate: {0} snapshotRate: {1}", maxBPS, snapshotInterval));
void ReadCommands<TInputStream>(ref TInputStream input) where TInputStream : NetworkCompression.IInputStream
var schema = input.ReadRawBits(1) != 0;
if (schema)
commandSchema = NetworkSchema.ReadSchema(ref input); // might be overridden
// NETTODO Reconstruct the wide sequence
// NETTODO Rename to commandMessageSequence?
var sequence = Sequence.FromUInt16((ushort)input.ReadRawBits(16), commandSequenceIn);
if (sequence > commandSequenceIn)
commandSequenceIn = sequence;
CommandInfo previous = defaultCommandInfo;
while (input.ReadRawBits(1) != 0)
var command = commandsIn.Acquire(sequence);
command.time = (int)input.ReadPackedIntDelta(previous.time, NetworkConfig.commandTimeContext);
uint hash = 0;
DeltaReader.Read(ref input, commandSchema, command.data, previous.data, zeroFieldsChanged, 0, ref hash);
previous = command;
byte[] zeroFieldsChanged = new byte[(NetworkConfig.maxFieldsPerSchema + 7) / 8];
// when incoming package, this is called up to 16 times, one for each pack that gets acked
// sequence: the 'top' package that is being acknowledged in this package
// TODO (petera) shouldn't sequence be in info?
protected override void NotifyDelivered(int sequence, ServerPackageInfo info, bool madeIt)
base.NotifyDelivered(sequence, info, madeIt);
if (madeIt)
if ((info.content & NetworkMessage.ClientInfo) != 0)
clientInfoAcked = true;
// Check if the client received the map info
if ((info.content & NetworkMessage.MapInfo) != 0 && info.serverSequence >= server.m_MapInfo.serverInitSequence)
mapAcked = true;
mapSchemaAcked = true;
// Update the snapshot baseline if the client received the snapshot
if (mapAcked && (info.content & NetworkMessage.Snapshot) != 0)
snapshotPackageBaseline = sequence;
GameDebug.Assert(snapshotSeqs[sequence % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize] > 0, "Got ack for package we did not expect?");
snapshotAcks[sequence % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize] = true;
// Keep track of newest ack'ed snapshot
if (info.serverSequence > maxSnapshotAck)
if (maxSnapshotAck == 0 && serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
Debug.Log("SERVER: first max ack for " + info.serverSequence);
maxSnapshotAck = info.serverSequence;
maxSnapshotTime = info.serverTime;
class CommandInfo
public int time = 0;
public uint[] data = new uint[NetworkConfig.maxCommandDataSize];
NetworkServer server;
// Connection handshake
public bool clientInfoAcked;
bool mapAcked;
public bool mapReady;
bool mapSchemaAcked;
double nextOutPackageTime;
int snapshotInterval;
int maxBPS;
int snapshotServerLastWritten;
int snapshotPackageBaseline;
// flags for ack of individual snapshots indexed by client sequence
bool[] snapshotAcks = new bool[NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize];
// corresponding server baseline no for each client seq
int[] snapshotSeqs = new int[NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize];
public int maxSnapshotAck;
int maxSnapshotTime;
int joinSequence;
int commandSequenceIn;
int commandSequenceProcessed;
NetworkSchema commandSchema;
SequenceBuffer<CommandInfo> commandsIn = new SequenceBuffer<CommandInfo>(NetworkConfig.commandServerQueueSize, () => new CommandInfo());
CommandInfo defaultCommandInfo = new CommandInfo();
public void StartNetworkProfile()
m_NetworkCompressionCapture = new NetworkCompressionCapture(NetworkConfig.maxContexts, serverInfo.compressionModel);
public void EndNetworkProfile(string filepath)
byte[] model = m_NetworkCompressionCapture.AnalyzeAndGenerateModel();
if (filepath != null)
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, model);
m_NetworkCompressionCapture = null;
INetworkTransport m_Transport;
float m_ServerSimTime; // The time it took to simulate the last update
MapInfo m_MapInfo = new MapInfo();
int m_ServerSequence = 1;
// Entity count of entire snapshot
uint m_LastEntityCount;
Dictionary<ushort, NetworkEventType> m_EventTypesOut = new Dictionary<ushort, NetworkEventType>();
Dictionary<ushort, EntityTypeInfo> m_EntityTypes = new Dictionary<ushort, EntityTypeInfo>();
List<EntityInfo> m_Entities = new List<EntityInfo>();
List<int> m_FreeEntities = new List<int>();
Dictionary<int, ServerConnection> m_Connections = new Dictionary<int, ServerConnection>();
List<EntityTypeInfo> m_TempTypeList = new List<EntityTypeInfo>();
List<int> m_TempSpawnList = new List<int>();
List<int> m_TempDespawnList = new List<int>();
List<int> m_TempUpdateList = new List<int>();
NetworkCompressionCapture m_NetworkCompressionCapture = null;
WorldSnapshot[] m_Snapshots;
uint* m_Prediction;
int m_PredictionIndex;
public int statsSnapshotData;
public int statsGeneratedEntitySnapshots;
public int statsSentUpdates;
public int statsProcessedOutgoing;
public int statsSentOutgoing;
public int statsGeneratedSnapshotSize;
//Counters m_Counters = new Counters();