using UnityEngine; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.IO; using System; using Unity.Burst; using Unity.Sample.Core; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace Unity.DebugDisplay { public struct Overlay { public enum Color { Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Brown, Gray, DarkGray, BrightBlue, BrightGreen, BrightCyan, BrightRed, BrightMagenta, Yellow, White } public void Clear() { m_Text.ClearCells(); m_TextReservations = m_Text.ReserveAll(); // clear out all the tex boxes m_GraphReservations = m_Graph.ReserveAll(); // clear out all the graphs m_LineReservations = m_Line.ReserveAll(); // clear out all the lines } public Text.Reservation m_TextReservations; public Line.Reservation m_LineReservations; public Graph.Reservation m_GraphReservations; public Graph.Data.Reservation m_GraphDataReservations; public struct Unit { public int m_begin; public int m_next; public int m_end; public Unit(int me, int writers, int writableBegin, int writableEnd) { var writables = writableEnd - writableBegin; m_begin = writableBegin + (me * writables) / writers; m_end = writableBegin + ((me + 1) * writables) / writers; if (m_begin > writableEnd) m_begin = writableEnd; if (m_end > writableEnd) m_end = writableEnd; m_next = m_begin; } public void Fill() { m_next = m_end; } public int Length => m_end - m_begin; public int Filled => m_next - m_begin; public int Remaining => m_end - m_next; } public struct Text : IDisposable { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct Cell { [FieldOffset(0)] public byte unicodelo; [FieldOffset(1)] public byte color; [FieldOffset(2)] public ushort unicodehi; public uint unicode { get { uint value = (uint) (unicodelo & 0x7f); if ((unicodelo & 0x80) == 0x80) value |= (uint) unicodehi << 7; return value; } set { unicodelo = (byte) (value & 0x7f); if (value > 0x7f) unicodelo |= 0x80; unicodehi = (ushort) (value >> 7); } } public Color fg { get => (Color) ((color >> 0) & 0xf); set => color = (byte) ((color & 0xF0) | (((int) value & 0xF) << 0)); } public Color bg { get => (Color) ((color >> 4) & 0x7); set => color = (byte) ((color & 0x8F) | (((int) value & 0x7) << 4)); } public bool side { get => (color & 0x80) == 0x80; set { color &= 0x7F; color = (byte) (color | (value ? 0x80 : 0x00)); } } } public struct Instance { public Vector3 worldPosition; public Vector2 firstCell; public Vector2 cellSize; public uint useWorldMatrix; } public const int kMaxInstances = 128; public const int kMaxColors = 16; public const int kMaxDisplayPixelsWide = 3840; // no support for 8K or 16K, yet public const int kMaxDisplayPixelsTall = 2160; public const int kCellPixelsWide = 8; public const int kCellPixelsTall = 16; public const int kMaxCellsWide = (kMaxDisplayPixelsWide + kCellPixelsWide - 1) / kCellPixelsWide; public const int kMaxCellsTall = (kMaxDisplayPixelsTall + kCellPixelsTall - 1) / kCellPixelsTall; public const int kMaxCells = kMaxCellsWide * kMaxCellsTall; [BurstDiscard] public int CellsWide => m_CellsWide; [BurstDiscard] public int CellsTall => m_CellsTall; public int m_CellsWide; public int m_CellsTall; public NativeArray m_Instance; public NativeArray m_Cell; public NativeArray m_Wide; // 1 bit for each UNICODE code point: am I wide (Chinese) or not (Roman) public unsafe void ClearCells() { UnsafeUtility.MemClear(m_Cell.GetUnsafePtr(), m_Cell.Length * sizeof(Cell)); } public void Initialize(int cellsWide, int cellsTall) { m_CellsWide = cellsWide; m_CellsTall = cellsTall; m_Instance = new NativeArray(kMaxInstances, Allocator.Persistent); m_Cell = new NativeArray(kMaxCells, Allocator.Persistent); m_Wide = new NativeArray(8192, Allocator.Persistent); } public void Initialize() { Initialize(Screen.width / kCellPixelsWide, Screen.height / kCellPixelsTall); } public void ClearTextBox(int index) { m_Instance[index] = new Instance(); } public unsafe void SetTextBox(int cellX, int cellY, int cellW, int cellH, int index) { m_Instance[index] = new Instance { worldPosition = new Vector2(cellX * kCellPixelsWide, cellY * kCellPixelsTall), firstCell = new Vector2(cellX, cellY), cellSize = new Vector2(cellW, cellH), useWorldMatrix = 0 }; } public unsafe void SetTextBoxSmooth(Vector3 position, int cellX, int cellY, int cellW, int cellH, int index) { m_Instance[index] = new Instance { worldPosition = position, firstCell = new Vector2(cellX, cellY), cellSize = new Vector2(cellW, cellH), useWorldMatrix = 1 }; } public bool isWide(uint c) { var bits = m_Wide[(int) c >> 3]; var mask = 1 << (int) (c & 7); return (bits & mask) != 0; } public void PutChar(int x, int y, Cell t) { if (x < 0 || x >= kMaxCellsWide || y < 0 || y >= kMaxCellsTall) return; var offset = y * kMaxCellsWide + x; m_Cell[offset] = t; } public unsafe void PutChars(int x, int y, Cell t, int count) { while (count-- != 0) PutChar(x++, y, t); } public void PutChar(ref int x, int y, uint utf32, Color fg, Color bg) { Cell t = new Cell {unicode = utf32, fg = fg, bg = bg}; PutChar(x++, y, t); if (isWide(t.unicode)) { t.side = true; PutChar(x++, y, t); } } public void PutChar(ref int x, int y, char utf16, Color fg, Color bg) { PutChar(ref x, y, (uint) utf16, fg, bg); } unsafe bool IsSurrogatePair(char* c, int index) { if (c[0] >= 0xD800 && c[0] <= 0xDBFF && c[1] >= 0xDC00 && c[1] <= 0xDFFF) return true; return false; } unsafe uint ConvertToUtf32(char* c, int index) { if (!IsSurrogatePair(c, index)) return c[index]; uint hi = (uint) c[index] - 0xD800; uint lo = (uint) c[index] - 0xDC00; uint offset = (hi << 10) | lo; return 0x10000 + offset; } unsafe public void PutChars(ref int x, int y, char* c, int length, Color fg, Color bg) { for (var i = 0; i < length; i += IsSurrogatePair(c, i) ? 2 : 1) { uint utf32 = ConvertToUtf32(c, i); PutChar(ref x, y, utf32, fg, bg); } } public unsafe void SetLabel(Vector3 position, int cellX, int cellY, char* c, int length, Color fg, Color bg, int index) { SetTextBoxSmooth(position, cellX, cellY, length, 1, index); PutChars(ref cellX, cellY, c, length, fg, bg); } public void Dispose() { m_Instance.Dispose(); m_Cell.Dispose(); m_Wide.Dispose(); } public Reservation ReserveAll() { return new Reservation { m_text = this, m_unit = new Unit(0, 1, 0, m_Instance.Length) }; } public struct Reservation : IDisposable { public Text m_text; public Unit m_unit; public Reservation Reserve(int count) { if (m_unit.m_next + count > m_unit.m_end) count = m_unit.m_end - m_unit.m_next; var result = new Reservation { m_text = m_text, m_unit = new Unit(0, 1, m_unit.m_next, m_unit.m_next + count) }; m_unit.m_next += count; return result; } public Reservation PartitionForJob(int me, int writers) { return new Reservation { m_text = m_text, m_unit = new Unit(me, writers, m_unit.m_begin, m_unit.m_end) }; } public void AddTextBox(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (m_unit.m_next < m_unit.m_end) m_text.SetTextBox(x, y, w, h, m_unit.m_next++); } public unsafe void AddLabel(Vector3 position, char* c, int length, Color fg, Color bg) { if (m_unit.m_next < m_unit.m_end) m_text.SetLabel(position, 0, m_text.m_CellsTall + m_unit.m_next, c, length, fg, bg, m_unit.m_next++); } [BurstDiscard] public unsafe void AddLabel(Vector3 position, string s, Color fg, Color bg) { fixed (char* c = s) AddLabel(position, c, s.Length, fg, bg); } public void Dispose() { while (m_unit.m_next < m_unit.m_end) m_text.ClearTextBox(m_unit.m_next++); } } } public struct Graph : IDisposable { public struct Data { public int offset; public int length; public void Validate() { if ((length & (length - 1)) != 0) throw new ArgumentException( $"Length of data in graph is {length} which must be a power of two."); } public struct Reservation { public Graph m_graph; public Unit m_unit; public Reservation Reserve(int count) { if (m_unit.m_next + count > m_unit.m_end) count = m_unit.m_end - m_unit.m_next; var result = new Reservation { m_graph = m_graph, m_unit = new Unit(0, 1, m_unit.m_next, m_unit.m_next + count) }; m_unit.m_next += count; return result; } public Reservation PartitionForJob(int me, int writers) { return new Reservation { m_graph = m_graph, m_unit = new Unit(me, writers, m_unit.m_begin, m_unit.m_end) }; } public float GetValue(int offset) { return m_graph.m_Data[m_unit.m_begin + (offset & (m_unit.Length - 1))]; } public void SetValue(int offset, float value) { m_graph.m_Data[m_unit.m_begin + (offset & (m_unit.Length - 1))] = value; } public void AddValue(float value) { if (m_unit.m_next >= m_unit.m_end) m_unit.m_next = m_unit.m_begin; m_graph.m_Data[m_unit.m_next++] = value; } public Data GetData() { return new Data {offset = m_unit.m_begin, length = m_unit.Length}; } public unsafe void CalcMinMaxMean(out float minValue, out float maxValue, out float mean) { float* f = (float*) m_graph.m_Data.GetUnsafePtr(); minValue = f[m_unit.m_begin]; maxValue = f[m_unit.m_begin]; float sum = f[m_unit.m_begin]; for (var i = m_unit.m_begin + 1; i < m_unit.m_end; i++) { var x = f[i]; sum += x; if (x < minValue) minValue = x; if (x > maxValue) maxValue = x; } mean = sum / m_unit.Length; } public unsafe void CalcStatistics(out float mean, out float variance, out float minValue, out float maxValue) { CalcMinMaxMean(out minValue, out maxValue, out mean); float* f = (float*) m_graph.m_Data.GetUnsafePtr(); float sum2 = 0; for (var i = m_unit.m_begin; i < m_unit.m_end; i++) { float d = f[i] - mean; sum2 += d * d; } variance = sum2 / m_unit.Length; } } } public Data.Reservation ReserveAllData() { return new Data.Reservation { m_graph = this, m_unit = new Unit(0, 1, 0, m_Data.Length) }; } public struct Sample { public Data data; // offset of first datum, count of data public Color color; // color of data public float xMin; // first data to display public float xMax; // last data to display public float yMin; // first Y value to display public float yMax; // last Y value to display } public struct InstanceSample { public int color; // color of the sample public int firstIndex; // first sample index in range to display public int indexMask; // AND sample index with this to make it wrap around public float indexMul; // multiply the pixel.x by this, public float indexAdd; // and then by this to get the sample index. public float sampleMul; // multiply the sample by this, public float sampleAdd; // and then add this to get the pixel.y } public struct Instance { public Vector2 screenPosition; public Vector2 cellSize; public int frameColor; public int samples; public InstanceSample sample0; public InstanceSample sample1; }; public const int kMaxDisplayPixelsWide = 3840; // no support for 8K or 16K, yet public const int kMaxDisplayPixelsTall = 2160; public const int kCellPixelsWide = 8; public const int kCellPixelsTall = 16; public const int kMaxCellsWide = (kMaxDisplayPixelsWide + kCellPixelsWide - 1) / kCellPixelsWide; public const int kMaxCellsTall = (kMaxDisplayPixelsTall + kCellPixelsTall - 1) / kCellPixelsTall; public const int kMaxCells = kMaxCellsWide * kMaxCellsTall; public const int kMaxInstances = 16; public const int kMaxValues = 4096; public const int kMaxColors = 16; public NativeArray m_Instance; public NativeArray m_Data; [BurstDiscard] public static int CellsWide => Screen.width / kCellPixelsWide; [BurstDiscard] public static int CellsTall => Screen.height / kCellPixelsTall; public void Initialize() { m_Instance = new NativeArray(kMaxInstances, Allocator.Persistent); m_Data = new NativeArray(kMaxValues, Allocator.Persistent); } float recip(float f) { return (f == 0.0f) ? 1 : 1.0f / f; } public void ClearGraph(int index) { m_Instance[index] = new Instance(); } public void SetGraph(int x, int y, int w, int h, Sample a, int index) { if (index >= m_Instance.Length) return;; a.xMax += 1; float axScale = (a.xMax - a.xMin) / (w * 8 - 1); float ayScale = (h * 16 - 2) * recip(a.yMin - a.yMax); m_Instance[index] = new Instance { screenPosition = new Vector2(x * Graph.kCellPixelsWide, y * Graph.kCellPixelsTall), cellSize = new Vector2(w, h), frameColor = (int) Color.White, samples = 1, sample0 = new InstanceSample { color = (int) a.color, firstIndex =, indexMask = - 1, indexMul = axScale, indexAdd = a.xMin, sampleMul = ayScale, sampleAdd = ayScale * -a.yMax + 1, } }; } public unsafe void SetGraph(int x, int y, int w, int h, Sample a, Sample b, int index) { if (index >= m_Instance.Length) return;;; a.xMax += 1; b.xMax += 1; float axScale = (a.xMax - a.xMin) / (w * 8 - 1); float ayScale = (h * 16 - 2) * recip(a.yMin - a.yMax); float bxScale = (b.xMax - b.xMin) / (w * 8 - 1); float byScale = (h * 16 - 2) * recip(b.yMin - b.yMax); m_Instance[index] = new Instance { screenPosition = new Vector2(x * Graph.kCellPixelsWide, y * Graph.kCellPixelsTall), cellSize = new Vector2(w, h), frameColor = (int) Color.White, samples = 2, sample0 = new InstanceSample { color = (int) a.color, firstIndex =, indexMask = - 1, indexMul = axScale, indexAdd = a.xMin, sampleMul = ayScale, sampleAdd = ayScale * -a.yMax + 1, }, sample1 = new InstanceSample { color = (int) b.color, firstIndex =, indexMask = - 1, indexMul = bxScale, indexAdd = b.xMin, sampleMul = byScale, sampleAdd = byScale * -b.yMax + 1, } }; } public void Dispose() { m_Instance.Dispose(); m_Data.Dispose(); } public Reservation ReserveAll() { return new Reservation { m_graph = this, m_unit = new Unit(0, 1, 0, m_Instance.Length) }; } public struct Reservation : IDisposable { public Graph m_graph; public Unit m_unit; public Reservation Reserve(int count) { if (m_unit.m_next + count > m_unit.m_end) count = m_unit.m_end - m_unit.m_next; var result = new Reservation { m_graph = m_graph, m_unit = new Unit(0, 1, m_unit.m_next, m_unit.m_next + count) }; m_unit.m_next += count; return result; } public Reservation PartitionForJob(int me, int writers) { return new Reservation { m_graph = m_graph, m_unit = new Unit(me, writers, m_unit.m_begin, m_unit.m_end) }; } public void AddGraph(int x, int y, int w, int h, Graph.Sample a) { if (m_unit.m_next < m_unit.m_end) m_graph.SetGraph(x, y, w, h, a, m_unit.m_next++); } public void AddGraph(int x, int y, int w, int h, Graph.Sample a, Graph.Sample b) { if (m_unit.m_next < m_unit.m_end) m_graph.SetGraph(x, y, w, h, a, b, m_unit.m_next++); } public void Dispose() { while (m_unit.m_next < m_unit.m_end) m_graph.ClearGraph(m_unit.m_next++); } } } public struct Line : IDisposable { const int kMaxLines = 500; public struct Instance { public Vector4 m_begin; public Vector4 m_end; } public NativeArray m_Instance; public void Initialize() { m_Instance = new NativeArray(kMaxLines, Allocator.Persistent); } public void SetLine(Vector3 begin, Vector3 end, Color color, int index) { m_Instance[index] = new Instance { m_begin = new Vector4(begin.x, begin.y, begin.z, (uint) color), m_end = new Vector4(end.x, end.y, end.z, (uint) color) }; } public void ClearLine(int index) { m_Instance[index] = new Instance { }; } public void Dispose() { m_Instance.Dispose(); } public Reservation ReserveAll() { return new Reservation { m_line = this, m_unit = new Unit(0, 1, 0, m_Instance.Length) }; } public struct Reservation : IDisposable { public Line m_line; public Unit m_unit; public Reservation Reserve(int count) { if (m_unit.m_next + count > m_unit.m_end) count = m_unit.m_end - m_unit.m_next; var result = new Reservation { m_line = m_line, m_unit = new Unit(0, 1, m_unit.m_next, m_unit.m_next + count) }; m_unit.m_next += count; return result; } public Reservation PartitionForJob(int me, int writers) { return new Reservation { m_line = m_line, m_unit = new Unit(me, writers, m_unit.m_begin, m_unit.m_end) }; } public void AddLine(Vector3 begin, Vector3 end, Color color) { if (m_unit.m_next < m_unit.m_end) m_line.SetLine(begin, end, color, m_unit.m_next++); } public void Dispose() { while (m_unit.m_next < m_unit.m_end) m_line.ClearLine(m_unit.m_next++); } } } public Text m_Text; public Graph m_Graph; public Line m_Line; public const int kMaxColors = 16; public NativeArray m_ColorData; public void Initialize() { m_ColorData = new NativeArray(kMaxColors, Allocator.Persistent); m_Text.Initialize(); m_Graph.Initialize(); m_Line.Initialize(); m_TextReservations = m_Text.ReserveAll(); m_GraphReservations = m_Graph.ReserveAll(); m_GraphDataReservations = m_Graph.ReserveAllData(); m_LineReservations = m_Line.ReserveAll(); } public Color Quantize(Vector4 color) { int index = 0; float best = (color - m_ColorData[0]).SqrMagnitude(); for (int i = 1; i < m_ColorData.Length; ++i) { float distance = (color - m_ColorData[i]).SqrMagnitude(); if (distance < best) { best = distance; index = i; } } return (Color) index; } public void Dispose() { m_Graph.Dispose(); m_Text.Dispose(); m_Line.Dispose(); m_ColorData.Dispose(); } public class Managed { [ConfigVar(Name = "show.overlay", DefaultValue = "1", Description = "Show the debug overlay")] public static ConfigVar showOverlay; public Overlay m_Unmanaged; Color m_ForegroundColor = Color.White; Color m_BackgroundColor = Color.Black; public int visibleLinesOfText = 40; static DebugDisplayResources resources; public static int PixelsWide => Screen.width; public static int PixelsTall => Screen.height; public static int CellsWide => (PixelsWide + Overlay.Text.kCellPixelsWide - 1) / Overlay.Text.kCellPixelsWide; public static int CellsTall => (PixelsTall + Overlay.Text.kCellPixelsTall - 1) / Overlay.Text.kCellPixelsTall; public void Init() { m_Unmanaged.Initialize(); if (resources == null) { resources = Resources.Load("DebugDisplayResources"); Debug.Assert(resources != null, "Unable to load DebugDisplayResources"); Stream s = new MemoryStream(resources.wide.bytes); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(s); var wide = new byte[s.Length]; br.Read(wide, 0, (int) s.Length); for (var i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i) m_Unmanaged.m_Text.m_Wide[i] = wide[i]; } SetPalette(windows); } public void Shutdown() { if (m_GraphSampleBuffer != null) m_GraphSampleBuffer.Release(); m_GraphSampleBuffer = null; if (m_GraphInstanceBuffer != null) m_GraphInstanceBuffer.Release(); m_GraphInstanceBuffer = null; if (m_TextCellBuffer != null) m_TextCellBuffer.Release(); m_TextCellBuffer = null; if (m_TextInstanceBuffer != null) m_TextInstanceBuffer.Release(); m_TextInstanceBuffer = null; if (m_LineVertexBuffer != null) m_LineVertexBuffer.Release(); m_LineVertexBuffer = null; if (m_ColorBuffer != null) m_ColorBuffer.Release(); m_ColorBuffer = null; m_Unmanaged.Dispose(); } public void TickLateUpdate() { // Recreate compute buffer if needed. if (m_ColorBuffer == null || m_ColorBuffer.count != m_Unmanaged.m_ColorData.Length) { if (m_ColorBuffer != null) { m_ColorBuffer.Release(); m_ColorBuffer = null; } m_ColorBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(m_Unmanaged.m_ColorData.Length, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf()); resources.textMaterial.SetBuffer("colorBuffer", m_ColorBuffer); resources.graphMaterial.SetBuffer("colorBuffer", m_ColorBuffer); resources.lineMaterial.SetBuffer("colorBuffer", m_ColorBuffer); } if (m_TextCellBuffer == null || m_TextCellBuffer.count != m_Unmanaged.m_Text.m_Cell.Length) { if (m_TextCellBuffer != null) { m_TextCellBuffer.Release(); m_TextCellBuffer = null; } m_TextCellBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(m_Unmanaged.m_Text.m_Cell.Length, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf()); resources.textMaterial.SetBuffer("textBuffer", m_TextCellBuffer); } if (m_TextInstanceBuffer == null || m_TextInstanceBuffer.count != m_Unmanaged.m_Text.m_Instance.Length) { if (m_TextInstanceBuffer != null) { m_TextInstanceBuffer.Release(); m_TextInstanceBuffer = null; } m_TextInstanceBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(m_Unmanaged.m_Text.m_Instance.Length, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf()); resources.textMaterial.SetBuffer("positionBuffer", m_TextInstanceBuffer); } if (m_LineVertexBuffer == null || m_LineVertexBuffer.count != m_Unmanaged.m_Line.m_Instance.Length) { if (m_LineVertexBuffer != null) { m_LineVertexBuffer.Release(); m_LineVertexBuffer = null; } m_LineVertexBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(m_Unmanaged.m_Line.m_Instance.Length, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf()); resources.lineMaterial.SetBuffer("positionBuffer", m_LineVertexBuffer); } if (m_GraphSampleBuffer == null || m_GraphSampleBuffer.count != m_Unmanaged.m_Graph.m_Data.Length) { if (m_GraphSampleBuffer != null) { m_GraphSampleBuffer.Release(); m_GraphSampleBuffer = null; } m_GraphSampleBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(m_Unmanaged.m_Graph.m_Data.Length, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf()); resources.graphMaterial.SetBuffer("sampleBuffer", m_GraphSampleBuffer); } if (m_GraphInstanceBuffer == null || m_GraphInstanceBuffer.count != m_Unmanaged.m_Graph.m_Instance.Length) { if (m_GraphInstanceBuffer != null) { m_GraphInstanceBuffer.Release(); m_GraphInstanceBuffer = null; } m_GraphInstanceBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(m_Unmanaged.m_Graph.m_Instance.Length, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf()); resources.graphMaterial.SetBuffer("instanceBuffer", m_GraphInstanceBuffer); } m_ColorBuffer.SetData(m_Unmanaged.m_ColorData); m_TextCellBuffer.SetData(m_Unmanaged.m_Text.m_Cell); m_GraphSampleBuffer.SetData(m_Unmanaged.m_Graph.m_Data); m_NumGraphsToDraw = m_Unmanaged.m_GraphReservations.m_unit.Filled; m_NumTextBoxesToDraw = m_Unmanaged.m_TextReservations.m_unit.Filled; m_NumLinesToDraw = m_Unmanaged.m_LineReservations.m_unit.Filled; m_GraphInstanceBuffer.SetData(m_Unmanaged.m_Graph.m_Instance, 0, 0, m_NumGraphsToDraw); m_TextInstanceBuffer.SetData(m_Unmanaged.m_Text.m_Instance, 0, 0, m_NumTextBoxesToDraw); m_LineVertexBuffer.SetData(m_Unmanaged.m_Line.m_Instance, 0, 0, m_NumLinesToDraw); var scales = new Vector4(1.0f / CellsWide, 1.0f / CellsTall, 1.0f / PixelsWide, 1.0f / PixelsTall); resources.textMaterial.SetVector("scales", scales); resources.graphMaterial.SetVector("scales", scales); resources.lineMaterial.SetVector("scales", scales); _Clear(); } public static void SetColor(Color col) { if (instance == null) return; instance.m_ForegroundColor = col; } public unsafe static void Write(int x, int y, char[] buf, int count) { if (instance == null) return; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) instance.m_Unmanaged.m_Text.PutChar(ref x, y, buf[i], instance.m_ForegroundColor, instance.m_BackgroundColor); } public static void Write(int x, int y, string format) { if (instance == null) return; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format); instance._DrawText(x, y, ref _buf, l); } public static void Write(int x, int y, string format, T arg) { if (instance == null) return; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format, arg); instance._DrawText(x, y, ref _buf, l); } public static void Write(Color col, int x, int y, string format) { if (instance == null) return; var c = instance.m_ForegroundColor; instance.m_ForegroundColor = col; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format); instance._DrawText(x, y, ref _buf, l); instance.m_ForegroundColor = c; } public static void Write(Color col, int x, int y, string format, T arg) { if (instance == null) return; var c = instance.m_ForegroundColor; instance.m_ForegroundColor = col; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format, arg); instance._DrawText(x, y, ref _buf, l); instance.m_ForegroundColor = c; } public static void Write(Color col, int x, int y, string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) { if (instance == null) return; var c = instance.m_ForegroundColor; instance.m_ForegroundColor = col; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format, arg0, arg1); instance._DrawText(x, y, ref _buf, l); instance.m_ForegroundColor = c; } public static void Write(int x, int y, string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) { if (instance == null) return; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format, arg0, arg1); instance._DrawText(x, y, ref _buf, l); } public static void Write(int x, int y, string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { if (instance == null) return; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format, arg0, arg1, arg2); instance._DrawText(x, y, ref _buf, l); } public static void Write(int x, int y, string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) { if (instance == null) return; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); instance._DrawText(x, y, ref _buf, l); } void _DrawText(int x, int y, ref char[] text, int length) { const string hexes = "0123456789ABCDEF"; var col = m_ForegroundColor; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (text[i] == '^' && i < length - 3) { var r = hexes.IndexOf(text[i + 1]); var g = hexes.IndexOf(text[i + 2]); var b = hexes.IndexOf(text[i + 3]); var rgba = new Vector4(r, g, b, 15) / 15.0f; col = m_Unmanaged.Quantize(rgba); i += 3; continue; } m_Unmanaged.m_Text.PutChar(ref x, y, text[i], col, 0); } } void _Clear() { m_Unmanaged.Clear(); m_Unmanaged.m_TextReservations.AddTextBox(0, 0, Overlay.Text.kMaxCellsWide, visibleLinesOfText); // steal one text box for the full-screen thing } static char[] _buf = new char[1024]; public void Render() { resources.lineMaterial.SetPass(0); Graphics.DrawProceduralNow(MeshTopology.Lines, m_NumLinesToDraw, 1); resources.textMaterial.SetPass(0); Graphics.DrawProceduralNow(MeshTopology.Triangles, m_NumTextBoxesToDraw * 6, 1); resources.graphMaterial.SetPass(0); Graphics.DrawProceduralNow(MeshTopology.Triangles, m_NumGraphsToDraw * 6, 1); } int m_NumTextBoxesToDraw = 0; int m_NumGraphsToDraw = 0; int m_NumLinesToDraw = 0; ComputeBuffer m_GraphSampleBuffer; // one big 1D array of floats ComputeBuffer m_GraphInstanceBuffer; // one thing for each graph to display ComputeBuffer m_TextCellBuffer; // one big 2D array of character cells ComputeBuffer m_TextInstanceBuffer; // one thing for each text box to display ComputeBuffer m_LineVertexBuffer; // one big 1D array of line vertex positions. ComputeBuffer m_ColorBuffer; public uint[] molokai = new uint[16] { 0x181915, 0x7a0137, 0x498702, 0xc5bb63, 0x3465a4, 0x75507b, 0x4194b0, 0xd3d7cf, 0x45473c, 0xe00265, 0x6dca04, 0xe6db74, 0x1d71ca, 0xaf5fff, 0x5cd1f8, 0xffffff, }; public uint[] windows = new uint[16] { 0x000000, 0x800000, 0x008000, 0x808000, 0x000080, 0x800080, 0x008080, 0xc0c0c0, 0x808080, 0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0xffff00, 0x0000ff, 0xff00ff, 0x00ffff, 0xffffff, }; public void SetPalette(uint[] source) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Unmanaged.m_ColorData.Length; ++i) { uint r = (source[i] >> 0) & 0xff; uint g = (source[i] >> 8) & 0xff; uint b = (source[i] >> 16) & 0xff; m_Unmanaged.m_ColorData[i] = new Vector4(r, g, b, 255) / 255.0f; } } private static Managed _instance; public static void Initialize() { _instance = new Managed(); _instance.Init(); } public static void DoShutdown() { if (_instance != null) _instance.Shutdown(); } public static Managed instance { get { return _instance; } } void _Render(CameraType cameraType, CommandBuffer cmd) { if (cameraType != CameraType.Game) return; cmd.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, resources.textMaterial, 0, MeshTopology.Triangles, m_NumTextBoxesToDraw * 6, 1); cmd.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, resources.graphMaterial, 0, MeshTopology.Triangles, m_NumGraphsToDraw * 6, 1); } void _Render3D(CameraType cameraType, CommandBuffer cmd) { cmd.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, resources.lineMaterial, 0, MeshTopology.Lines, m_NumLinesToDraw, 1); } public static bool ShouldShow() { if (showOverlay == null) return false; return showOverlay.IntValue != 0; } public static void Render(CameraType cameraType, CommandBuffer cmd) { if(!ShouldShow()) return; instance?._Render(cameraType, cmd); } public static void Render3D(CameraType cameraType, CommandBuffer cmd) { if(!ShouldShow()) return; instance?._Render3D(cameraType, cmd); } } } }