using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using UnityEngine; using Unity.DebugDisplay; namespace Unity.DebugDisplay.NewConsoleThatYouShouldNotUseYet { public class Console { const int k_HistorySize = 1024; // lines of history const int k_BufferSize = 80 * 1024; // arbitrarily set to 1000 scroll back lines at 80 const int k_InputBufferSize = 512; int m_Width; int m_Height; int m_NumLines; int m_LastLine; int m_LastColumn; int m_LastVisibleLine; float m_ConsoleFoldout; float m_ConsoleFoldoutDest; bool m_ConsoleOpen; NativeArray m_InputFieldBuffer; string InputFieldBufferToString() { string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < m_InputFieldLength; ++i) { if (m_InputFieldBuffer[i].side == false) s = s + (char) m_InputFieldBuffer[i].unicode; } return s; } void InputFieldBufferFromString(string s) { m_InputFieldLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i) { Overlay.Text.Cell t = new Overlay.Text.Cell {unicode = s[i]}; m_InputFieldBuffer[m_InputFieldLength++] = t; if (Overlay.Managed.instance.m_Unmanaged.m_Text.isWide(s[i])) { t.side = true; m_InputFieldBuffer[m_InputFieldLength++] = t; } } } int m_CursorPos = 0; int m_InputFieldLength = 0; string[] m_History = new string[k_HistorySize]; int m_HistoryDisplayIndex = 0; int m_HistoryNextIndex = 0; Overlay.Color m_BackgroundColor = Overlay.Color.Black; Overlay.Color m_TextColor = Overlay.Color.BrightGreen; Overlay.Color m_CursorCol = Overlay.Color.Green; NativeArray m_ConsoleBuffer; public Console() { m_ConsoleBuffer = new NativeArray(k_BufferSize, Allocator.Persistent); m_InputFieldBuffer = new NativeArray(k_InputBufferSize, Allocator.Persistent); AddCommand("help", CmdHelp, "Show available commands"); } void CmdHelp(string[] args) { foreach (var c in m_Commands) { Write(" {0,-15} {1}\n", c.Key, m_CommandDescriptions[c.Key]); } } public void Init() { Init(null); } public void Init(Overlay.Managed debugOverlay) { m_DebugOverlay = debugOverlay != null ? debugOverlay : Overlay.Managed.instance; Resize(Overlay.Managed.CellsWide, Overlay.Managed.CellsTall); Clear(); } public void Shutdown() { m_InputFieldBuffer.Dispose(); m_ConsoleBuffer.Dispose(); } public delegate void CommandDelegate(string[] args); Dictionary m_Commands = new Dictionary(); Dictionary m_CommandDescriptions = new Dictionary(); public void AddCommand(string name, CommandDelegate callback, string description) { if (m_Commands.ContainsKey(name)) { Write("Cannot add command {0} twice", name); return; } m_Commands.Add(name, callback); m_CommandDescriptions.Add(name, description); } public void Resize(int width, int height) { m_Width = width; m_Height = height; m_NumLines = m_ConsoleBuffer.Length / m_Width; m_LastLine = m_Height - 1; m_LastVisibleLine = m_Height - 1; m_LastColumn = 0; // TODO: copy old text to resized console } public unsafe void Clear() { UnsafeUtility.MemClear(m_ConsoleBuffer.GetUnsafePtr(), m_ConsoleBuffer.Length * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf()); m_LastColumn = 0; } public void Show(float shown) { m_ConsoleFoldoutDest = shown; } public void TickUpdate() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F12)) { m_ConsoleOpen = !m_ConsoleOpen; m_ConsoleFoldoutDest = m_ConsoleOpen ? 1.0f : 0.0f; Show(m_ConsoleFoldoutDest); } if (!m_ConsoleOpen) return; Scroll((int) Input.mouseScrollDelta.y); if (Input.anyKey) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow) && m_CursorPos > 0) m_CursorPos--; else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow) && m_CursorPos < m_InputFieldLength) m_CursorPos++; else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Home) || (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)))) m_CursorPos = 0; else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.End) || (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)))) m_CursorPos = m_InputFieldLength; else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab)) TabComplete(); else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) HistoryPrev(); else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) HistoryNext(); else { // TODO replace with garbage free alternative (perhaps impossible until new input system?) var inputString = Input.inputString; for (var i = 0; i < inputString.Length; i++) { var ch = inputString[i]; if (ch == '\b') Backspace(); else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') { var s = InputFieldBufferToString(); HistoryStore(s); ExecuteCommand(s); m_InputFieldLength = 0; m_CursorPos = 0; } else Type(ch); } } } } void HistoryPrev() { if (m_HistoryDisplayIndex == 0 || m_HistoryNextIndex - m_HistoryDisplayIndex >= m_History.Length - 1) return; if (m_HistoryDisplayIndex == m_HistoryNextIndex) m_History[m_HistoryNextIndex % m_History.Length] = InputFieldBufferToString(); m_HistoryDisplayIndex--; var s = m_History[m_HistoryDisplayIndex % m_History.Length]; InputFieldBufferFromString(s); m_InputFieldLength = s.Length; m_CursorPos = s.Length; } void HistoryNext() { if (m_HistoryDisplayIndex == m_HistoryNextIndex) return; m_HistoryDisplayIndex++; var s = m_History[m_HistoryDisplayIndex % m_History.Length]; InputFieldBufferFromString(s); m_InputFieldLength = s.Length; m_CursorPos = s.Length; } void HistoryStore(string cmd) { m_History[m_HistoryNextIndex % m_History.Length] = cmd; m_HistoryNextIndex++; m_HistoryDisplayIndex = m_HistoryNextIndex; } void ExecuteCommand(string command) { var splitCommand = command.Split(null as char[], System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (splitCommand.Length < 1) return; Write('>' + string.Join(" ", splitCommand) + '\n'); var commandName = splitCommand[0].ToLower(); CommandDelegate commandDelegate; if (m_Commands.TryGetValue(commandName, out commandDelegate)) { var arguments = new string[splitCommand.Length - 1]; System.Array.Copy(splitCommand, 1, arguments, 0, splitCommand.Length - 1); commandDelegate(arguments); } else { Write("Unknown command: {0}\n", splitCommand[0]); } } int blinking = 0; public void TickLateUpdate() { if (m_ConsoleOpen) { m_DebugOverlay.visibleLinesOfText = m_Height; var lastY = m_Height - 2; for (var y = lastY; y > 4; --y) { int line = m_LastVisibleLine - (lastY - y); var idx = (line % m_NumLines) * m_Width; for (var x = 0; x < m_Width; x++) { var c = m_ConsoleBuffer[idx + x]; m_DebugOverlay.m_Unmanaged.m_Text.PutChar(x, y, c); } } var blank = new Overlay.Text.Cell { }; m_DebugOverlay.m_Unmanaged.m_Text.PutChars(0, m_Height - 1, blank, m_Width); var horizontalScroll = m_CursorPos - m_Width + 1; horizontalScroll = Mathf.Max(0, horizontalScroll); for (var i = horizontalScroll; i < m_InputFieldLength; i++) { var c = m_InputFieldBuffer[i]; c.fg = m_TextColor; = m_BackgroundColor; if (c.unicode != '\0') m_DebugOverlay.m_Unmanaged.m_Text.PutChar(i - horizontalScroll, m_Height - 1, c); } ++blinking; if (((blinking >> 3) & 1) == 1) { var cursor = new Overlay.Text.Cell {unicode = '▒', fg = m_CursorCol, bg = m_BackgroundColor}; m_DebugOverlay.m_Unmanaged.m_Text.PutChar(m_CursorPos - horizontalScroll, m_Height - 1, cursor); } } else { m_DebugOverlay.visibleLinesOfText = 4; } } void NewLine() { // Only scroll view if at bottom if (m_LastVisibleLine == m_LastLine) m_LastVisibleLine++; m_LastLine++; m_LastColumn = 0; } void Scroll(int amount) { m_LastVisibleLine += amount; // Prevent going past last line if (m_LastVisibleLine > m_LastLine) m_LastVisibleLine = m_LastLine; if (m_LastVisibleLine < m_Height - 1) m_LastVisibleLine = m_Height - 1; // Prevent wrapping around if (m_LastVisibleLine < m_LastLine - m_NumLines + m_Height) m_LastVisibleLine = m_LastLine - m_NumLines + m_Height; } public void _Write(char[] buf, int length) { const string hexes = "0123456789ABCDEF"; Overlay.Color col = Overlay.Color.Gray; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (buf[i] == '\n') { NewLine(); continue; } // Parse color markup of the form ^AF7 -> color(0xAA, 0xFF, 0x77) if (buf[i] == '^' && i < length - 3) { var r = (uint) hexes.IndexOf(buf[i + 1]); var g = (uint) hexes.IndexOf(buf[i + 2]); var b = (uint) hexes.IndexOf(buf[i + 3]); var rgba = new Vector4(r, g, b, 15) / 15.0f; col = Overlay.Managed.instance.m_Unmanaged.Quantize(rgba); i += 3; continue; } var idx = (m_LastLine % m_NumLines) * m_Width + m_LastColumn; var t = new Overlay.Text.Cell {unicode = buf[i], fg = col}; m_ConsoleBuffer[idx] = t; m_LastColumn++; if (m_LastColumn >= m_Width) { NewLine(); } } } static char[] _buf = new char[1024]; public void Write(string format) { var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format); _Write(_buf, l); } public void Write(string format, T arg) { var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format, arg); _Write(_buf, l); } public void Write(string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) { var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format, arg0, arg1); _Write(_buf, l); } public void Write(string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, format, arg0, arg1, arg2); _Write(_buf, l); } void Type(char c) { if (m_InputFieldLength >= m_InputFieldBuffer.Length) return; for (int i = 0; i < m_InputFieldLength - m_CursorPos; ++i) m_InputFieldBuffer[m_InputFieldLength - i] = m_InputFieldBuffer[m_InputFieldLength - 1 - i]; m_InputFieldBuffer[m_CursorPos] = new Overlay.Text.Cell {unicode = c}; m_CursorPos++; m_InputFieldLength++; } void Backspace() { if (m_CursorPos == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < m_InputFieldLength - m_CursorPos; ++i) m_InputFieldBuffer[i + m_CursorPos - 1] = m_InputFieldBuffer[i + m_CursorPos]; m_CursorPos--; m_InputFieldLength--; } void TabComplete() { string prefix = InputFieldBufferToString().Substring(0, m_CursorPos); // Look for possible tab completions List matches = new List(); foreach (var c in m_Commands) { var name = c.Key; if (!name.StartsWith(prefix, true, null)) continue; matches.Add(name); } if (matches.Count == 0) return; // Look for longest common prefix int lcp = matches[0].Length; for (var i = 0; i < matches.Count - 1; i++) { lcp = Mathf.Min(lcp, CommonPrefix(matches[i], matches[i + 1])); } var bestMatch = matches[0].Substring(prefix.Length, lcp - prefix.Length); foreach (var c in bestMatch) Type(c); if (matches.Count > 1) { // write list of possible completions for (var i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) Write(" {0}\n", matches[i]); } if (matches.Count == 1) Type(' '); } // Returns length of largest common prefix of two strings static int CommonPrefix(string a, string b) { int minl = Mathf.Min(a.Length, b.Length); for (int i = 1; i <= minl; i++) { if (!a.StartsWith(b.Substring(0, i), true, null)) return i - 1; } return minl; } Overlay.Managed m_DebugOverlay; } }