using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Sample.Core; // Simple, team based deathmatch mode public class GameModeDeathmatch : IGameMode { [ConfigVar(Name = "", DefaultValue = "1", Description = "Minimum players before match starts")] public static ConfigVar minPlayers; [ConfigVar(Name = "", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Time before match starts")] public static ConfigVar preMatchTime; [ConfigVar(Name = "", DefaultValue = "10", Description = "Time after match ends before new will begin")] public static ConfigVar postMatchTime; [ConfigVar(Name = "", DefaultValue = "1800", Description = "Deathmatch round length (seconds)")] public static ConfigVar roundLength; public void Initialize(World world, GameModeSystemServer gameModeSystemServer) { m_world = world; m_GameModeSystemServer = gameModeSystemServer; // Create teams m_GameModeSystemServer.CreateTeam("Team 1"); m_GameModeSystemServer.CreateTeam("Team 2"); Console.Write("Deathmatch game mode initialized"); } public void Restart() { foreach (var t in m_GameModeSystemServer.teams) t.score = 0; m_Phase = Phase.Countdown; m_GameModeSystemServer.StartGameTimer(preMatchTime, "PreMatch"); } public void Shutdown() { } char[] _msgBuf = new char[256]; public void Update() { var players = m_GameModeSystemServer.playersComponentGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.TempJob); switch (m_Phase) { case Phase.Countdown: if (m_GameModeSystemServer.GetGameTimer() == 0) { if (players.Length < minPlayers.IntValue) { m_GameModeSystemServer.chatSystem.SendChatAnnouncement("Waiting for more players."); m_GameModeSystemServer.StartGameTimer(preMatchTime, "PreMatch"); } else { m_GameModeSystemServer.StartGameTimer(roundLength, ""); m_Phase = Phase.Active; m_GameModeSystemServer.chatSystem.SendChatAnnouncement("Match started!"); } } break; case Phase.Active: if (m_GameModeSystemServer.GetGameTimer() == 0) { // Find winner team var winTeam = -1; var teams = m_GameModeSystemServer.teams; // TODO (petera) Get rid of teams list and hardcode for teamsize 2 as all ui etc assumes it anyways. if (teams.Count == 2) { winTeam = teams[0].score > teams[1].score ? 0 : teams[0].score < teams[1].score ? 1 : -1; } // TODO : For now we just kill all players when we restart // but we should change it to something less dramatic like taking // control away from the player or something for (int i = 0, c = players.Length; i < c; i++) { var playerState = players[i]; if (playerState.controlledEntity != Entity.Null) { var healthState = m_world.EntityManager .GetComponentData(playerState.controlledEntity); = 0.0f; healthState.deathTick = -1; m_world.EntityManager .SetComponentData(playerState.controlledEntity, healthState); } playerState.displayGameResult = true; if (winTeam == -1) playerState.gameResult = new NativeString64("TIE"); else playerState.gameResult = new NativeString64((playerState.teamIndex == winTeam) ? "VICTORY" : "DEFEAT"); playerState.displayCountDown = false; playerState.displayScoreBoard = false; playerState.displayGoal = false; } m_Phase = Phase.Ended; m_GameModeSystemServer.SetRespawnEnabled(false); m_GameModeSystemServer.StartGameTimer(postMatchTime, "PostMatch"); var l = 0; if (winTeam > -1) l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _msgBuf, 0, "Match over. {0} wins!", m_GameModeSystemServer.teams[winTeam].name); else l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _msgBuf, 0, "Match over. Its a tie!"); m_GameModeSystemServer.chatSystem.SendChatAnnouncement(new CharBufView(_msgBuf, l)); } break; case Phase.Ended: if (m_GameModeSystemServer.GetGameTimer() == 0) { for (int i = 0, c = players.Length; i < c; i++) { var playerState = players[i]; playerState.displayGameResult = false; } m_GameModeSystemServer.Restart(); } break; } for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { var player = players[i]; if (player.controlledEntity == Entity.Null) continue; var charPredictedState = m_world.EntityManager.GetComponentData(player.controlledEntity); var position = charPredictedState.position; player.enableCharacterSwitch = false; foreach (var b in m_GameModeSystemServer.teamBases) { if (b.teamIndex == player.teamIndex) { var inside = (b.boxCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(position) -; if (Mathf.Abs(inside.x) < b.boxCollider.size.x * 0.5f && Mathf.Abs(inside.y) < b.boxCollider.size.y * 0.5f && Mathf.Abs(inside.z) < b.boxCollider.size.z * 0.5f) { player.enableCharacterSwitch = true; break; } } } } players.Dispose(); var gameModeState = m_world.EntityManager.GetComponentData(m_GameModeSystemServer.gameModeEntity); // Push scores to gameMode that is synchronized to client gameModeState.teamScore0 = m_GameModeSystemServer.teams[0].score; gameModeState.teamScore1 = m_GameModeSystemServer.teams[1].score; m_world.EntityManager.SetComponentData(m_GameModeSystemServer.gameModeEntity, gameModeState); } public void OnPlayerJoin(ref Player.State playerState) { playerState.score = 0; m_GameModeSystemServer.AssignTeam(ref playerState); } public void OnPlayerKilled(ref Player.State victim, ref Player.State killer) { if (killer.teamIndex != victim.teamIndex) { killer.score++; m_GameModeSystemServer.teams[killer.teamIndex].score++; } else if (victim.playerId == killer.playerId) { victim.score--; m_GameModeSystemServer.teams[victim.teamIndex].score--; } } public void OnPlayerRespawn(ref Player.State playerState, ref Vector3 position, ref Quaternion rotation) { m_GameModeSystemServer.GetRandomSpawnTransform(playerState.teamIndex, ref position, ref rotation); } enum Phase { Undefined, Countdown, Active, Ended, } Phase m_Phase; World m_world; GameModeSystemServer m_GameModeSystemServer; }