using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Entities; using System; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Sample.Core; public class GameModeAssault : IGameMode { static readonly int s_AttackTeam = 0; static readonly int s_DefendTeam = 1; [ConfigVar(Name = "game.assault.minplayers", DefaultValue = "2", Description = "Minimum players before match starts")] public static ConfigVar minPlayers; [ConfigVar(Name = "game.assault.roundlength", DefaultValue = "420", Description = "Round length (seconds)")] public static ConfigVar roundLength; [ConfigVar(Name = "game.assault.prematchtime", DefaultValue = "10", Description = "Time before match starts")] public static ConfigVar preMatchTime; [ConfigVar(Name = "game.assault.postmatchtime", DefaultValue = "10", Description = "Time after match ends before new will begin")] public static ConfigVar postMatchTime; EntityQuery m_PlayersGroup; EntityQuery m_CapturePointGroup; public void Initialize(World world, GameModeSystemServer gameModeSystemServer) { m_World = world; m_GameModeSystemServer = gameModeSystemServer; m_PlayersGroup = m_GameModeSystemServer.GetEntityQuery(typeof(Player.State)); m_CapturePointGroup = m_GameModeSystemServer.GetEntityQuery(typeof(CapturePoint)); // Create teams m_GameModeSystemServer.CreateTeam("Attackers"); m_GameModeSystemServer.CreateTeam("Defenders"); Console.Write("Assault game mode initialized"); } public void Restart() { GameDebug.Log("Restarting gamemode..."); var captures = m_CapturePointGroup.ToComponentArray(); for (var i = 0; i < captures.Length; i++) { var c = captures[i]; GameDebug.Log("Capture " + c.objectiveName + " reset"); c.status = CapturePoint.Status.Locked; c.captured = 0; } m_Phase = Phase.PreGame; m_GameModeSystemServer.StartGameTimer(preMatchTime, "PreMatch"); m_ActiveCapturePoint = null; SelectNextCapturePoint(); } public void Shutdown() { } char[] _msgBuf = new char[256]; public void Update() { switch (m_Phase) { case Phase.PreGame: if (m_GameModeSystemServer.GetGameTimer() == 0) { var playerStateArray = m_PlayersGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.Persistent); if (playerStateArray.Length < minPlayers.IntValue) { m_GameModeSystemServer.chatSystem.SendChatAnnouncement("Waiting for more players."); m_GameModeSystemServer.StartGameTimer(preMatchTime, "PreMatch"); } else { m_GameModeSystemServer.StartGameTimer(roundLength, ""); m_Phase = Phase.Active; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _msgBuf, 0, "Match started! {0} is attacking!", m_GameModeSystemServer.teams[s_AttackTeam].name); m_GameModeSystemServer.chatSystem.SendChatAnnouncement(new CharBufView(_msgBuf, l)); } playerStateArray.Dispose(); } break; case Phase.Active: int winTeam = -1; if (m_GameModeSystemServer.GetGameTimer() == 0) { winTeam = s_DefendTeam; } if (m_ActiveCapturePoint != null) { UpdateCurrentCapturePoint(); if (m_ActiveCapturePoint.status == CapturePoint.Status.Completed) { var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _msgBuf, 0, "{0} captured {1}. {2}/{3}", m_GameModeSystemServer.teams[s_AttackTeam].name, m_ActiveCapturePoint.objectiveName, m_NumCaptured + 1, m_NumCapturePoints); m_GameModeSystemServer.chatSystem.SendChatAnnouncement(new CharBufView(_msgBuf, l)); SelectNextCapturePoint(); if (m_ActiveCapturePoint == null) { winTeam = s_AttackTeam; } } } if (winTeam > -1) { var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _msgBuf, 0, "Match over! {0} won!", m_GameModeSystemServer.teams[winTeam].name); m_GameModeSystemServer.chatSystem.SendChatAnnouncement(new CharBufView(_msgBuf, l)); var players = m_PlayersGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.Persistent); for (var i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { var p = players[i]; p.displayGameResult = true; p.gameResult = new NativeString64(p.teamIndex == winTeam ? "VICTORY" : "DEFEAT"); p.displayGoal = false; p.goalString = new NativeString64(); p.goalCompletion = -1.0f; if (p.controlledEntity != Entity.Null) { var healthState = m_World.EntityManager .GetComponentData(p.controlledEntity); = 0.0f; healthState.deathTick = -1; m_World.EntityManager .SetComponentData(p.controlledEntity, healthState); } } m_Phase = Phase.PostGame; m_GameModeSystemServer.SetRespawnEnabled(false); m_GameModeSystemServer.StartGameTimer(postMatchTime, "PostMatch"); } break; case Phase.PostGame: if (m_GameModeSystemServer.GetGameTimer() == 0) { var players = m_PlayersGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.Persistent); for (var i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { var playerState = players[i]; playerState.displayGameResult = false; } m_GameModeSystemServer.Restart(); } break; } } public void OnPlayerJoin(ref Player.State playerState) { playerState.score = 0; m_GameModeSystemServer.AssignTeam(ref playerState); } public void OnPlayerKilled(ref Player.State victim,ref Player.State killer) { if (killer.teamIndex != victim.teamIndex) { killer.score++; } } bool InsideCylinder(Vector3 position, Vector3 cylinderBase, float height, float radius) { if (position.y < cylinderBase.y || position.y > cylinderBase.y + height) return false; if (new Vector2(position.x - cylinderBase.x, position.z - cylinderBase.z).magnitude > radius) return false; return true; } void UpdateCurrentCapturePoint() { // Count attackers and defenders in capture zone var attacking = 0; var defending = 0; var capturePosition = m_ActiveCapturePoint.transform.position; var defendersBasePoint = m_DefendersBasePoint == null ? : m_DefendersBasePoint.transform.position; var attackersBasePoint = m_AttackersBasePoint == null ? : m_AttackersBasePoint.transform.position; var players = m_PlayersGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.Persistent); for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { var player = players[i]; if (player.controlledEntity == Entity.Null) continue; var healthState = m_World.EntityManager.GetComponentData(player.controlledEntity); // Skip dead if ( <= 0) continue; var charPredictedState = m_World.EntityManager.GetComponentData(player.controlledEntity); var position = charPredictedState.position; bool insideActive = InsideCylinder(position, capturePosition, m_ActiveCapturePoint.height, m_ActiveCapturePoint.radius); if (insideActive) { if (player.teamIndex == s_DefendTeam) ++defending; else ++attacking; } // Is char switch allowed? bool switchOk = false; if (player.teamIndex == s_DefendTeam && m_DefendersBasePoint != null && InsideCylinder(position, defendersBasePoint, m_DefendersBasePoint.height, m_DefendersBasePoint.radius)) switchOk = true; if (player.teamIndex == s_AttackTeam && m_AttackersBasePoint != null && InsideCylinder(position, attackersBasePoint, m_AttackersBasePoint.height, m_AttackersBasePoint.radius)) switchOk = true; foreach (var b in m_GameModeSystemServer.teamBases) { if (b.teamIndex == player.teamIndex) { var inside = (b.boxCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(position) -; if (Mathf.Abs(inside.x) < b.boxCollider.size.x * 0.5f && Mathf.Abs(inside.y) < b.boxCollider.size.y * 0.5f && Mathf.Abs(inside.z) < b.boxCollider.size.z * 0.5f) { switchOk = true; } } } player.enableCharacterSwitch = switchOk; } for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { var player = players[i]; // TODO (petera) ok to brute force settings every frame? player.displayGoal = true; player.goalPosition = capturePosition; player.goalString = new NativeString64(player.teamIndex == s_AttackTeam ? m_ActiveCaptureMessage : m_ActiveDefendMessage); player.goalCompletion = m_ActiveCapturePoint.captured; player.goalDefendersColor = player.teamIndex == s_AttackTeam ? (uint)Game.GameColor.Enemy : (uint)Game.GameColor.Friend; player.goalAttackersColor = player.teamIndex == s_AttackTeam ? (uint)Game.GameColor.Friend : (uint)Game.GameColor.Enemy; player.goalAttackers = (uint)attacking; player.goalDefenders = (uint)defending; } var status = CapturePoint.Status.Active; if (defending > 0 && attacking > 0) status = CapturePoint.Status.Contested; else { var gameTimeSystem = m_World.GetExistingSystem(); if (attacking > 0) { float attackMultiplier = Mathf.Sqrt(attacking); // Somewhat random sub-linear scale m_ActiveCapturePoint.captured = Mathf.Clamp01(m_ActiveCapturePoint.captured + gameTimeSystem.GetWorldTime().tickInterval * attackMultiplier / m_ActiveCapturePoint.captureTime); if (m_ActiveCapturePoint.captured == 1.0f) status = CapturePoint.Status.Completed; else status = CapturePoint.Status.Capturing; } else if (defending > 0) { float defendMultiplier = Mathf.Sqrt(defending); // Somewhat random sub-linear scale m_ActiveCapturePoint.captured = Mathf.Clamp01(m_ActiveCapturePoint.captured - gameTimeSystem.GetWorldTime().tickInterval * defendMultiplier / m_ActiveCapturePoint.captureTime); status = CapturePoint.Status.Healing; } else status = CapturePoint.Status.Active; } if (status != m_ActiveCapturePoint.status) { GameDebug.Log(string.Format("Capture Point {0} switched from {1} to {2}",, m_ActiveCapturePoint.status.ToString(), status.ToString())); m_ActiveCapturePoint.status = status; } } List sortedCapturePoints = new List(); void SelectNextCapturePoint() { var capturePoints = m_CapturePointGroup.ToComponentArray(); sortedCapturePoints.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < capturePoints.Length; i++) sortedCapturePoints.Add(capturePoints[i]); sortedCapturePoints.Sort(CapturePointComparer); m_NumCapturePoints = capturePoints.Length; // Count captured m_NumCaptured = 0; m_DefendersBasePoint = null; m_ActiveCapturePoint = null; m_AttackersBasePoint = null; foreach (var c in sortedCapturePoints) { if (c.status == CapturePoint.Status.Completed) { m_NumCaptured++; m_AttackersBasePoint = c; } else { if (m_ActiveCapturePoint == null) m_ActiveCapturePoint = c; else if (m_DefendersBasePoint == null) m_DefendersBasePoint = c; } } if (m_ActiveCapturePoint != null) { m_ActiveCapturePoint.status = CapturePoint.Status.Active; m_ActiveCaptureMessage = "Attack '" + m_ActiveCapturePoint.objectiveName + "'"; m_ActiveDefendMessage = "Defend '" + m_ActiveCapturePoint.objectiveName + "'"; } GameDebug.Log("Updated spawnpoint: " + m_ActiveCapturePoint + ":" + m_DefendersBasePoint + m_AttackersBasePoint); } int CapturePointComparer(CapturePoint x, CapturePoint y) { return x.captureIndex.CompareTo(y.captureIndex); } int m_LastSpawnIdx = 0; public void OnPlayerRespawn(ref Player.State playerState, ref Vector3 position, ref Quaternion rotation) { SpawnPoint[] spawns = null; if (playerState.teamIndex == s_AttackTeam && m_AttackersBasePoint != null) spawns = m_AttackersBasePoint.spawns; else if (playerState.teamIndex == s_DefendTeam && m_DefendersBasePoint != null) spawns = m_DefendersBasePoint.spawns; // Spawn at capture point if possible if (spawns != null && spawns.Length > 0) { int l = spawns.Length; m_LastSpawnIdx = (m_LastSpawnIdx + 1) % l; var spawn = spawns[m_LastSpawnIdx]; position = spawn.transform.position; rotation = spawn.transform.rotation; } else { GameDebug.Log("Spawning at home base"); // Spawn at home base m_GameModeSystemServer.GetRandomSpawnTransform(playerState.teamIndex, ref position, ref rotation); } } enum Phase { Undefined, PreGame, Active, PostGame, } Phase m_Phase; CapturePoint m_ActiveCapturePoint; CapturePoint m_AttackersBasePoint; CapturePoint m_DefendersBasePoint; string m_ActiveCaptureMessage; string m_ActiveDefendMessage; int m_NumCaptured; int m_NumCapturePoints; World m_World; GameModeSystemServer m_GameModeSystemServer; }