using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.Sample.Core; using Unity.Transforms; using UnityEngine.Profiling; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; public interface IGameMode { void Initialize(World world, GameModeSystemServer gameModeSystemServer); void Shutdown(); void Restart(); void Update(); void OnPlayerJoin(ref Player.State playerState); void OnPlayerRespawn(ref Player.State player, ref Vector3 position, ref Quaternion rotation); void OnPlayerKilled(ref Player.State victim, ref Player.State killer); } public class NullGameMode : IGameMode { public void Initialize(World world, GameModeSystemServer gameModeSystemServer) {} public void OnPlayerJoin(ref Player.State playerState) {} public void OnPlayerKilled(ref Player.State victim, ref Player.State killer) {} public void OnPlayerRespawn(ref Player.State player, ref Vector3 position, ref Quaternion rotation) {} public void Restart() {} public void Shutdown() {} public void Update() {} } public class Team { public string name; public int score; } [DisableAutoCreation] [AlwaysSynchronizeSystem] public class GameModeSystemServer : JobComponentSystem { [ConfigVar(Name = "game.respawndelay", DefaultValue = "2", Description = "Time from death to respawning")] public static ConfigVar respawnDelay; [ConfigVar(Name = "game.modename", DefaultValue = "deathmatch", Description = "Which gamemode to use")] public static ConfigVar modeName; public EntityQuery playersComponentGroup; EntityQuery m_TeamBaseComponentGroup; EntityQuery m_SpawnPointComponentGroup; EntityQuery m_PlayersComponentGroup; public Entity gameModeEntity; public readonly ChatSystemServer chatSystem; public List teams = new List(); public List teamBases = new List(); public GameModeSystemServer(World world, ChatSystemServer chatSystem) { m_World = world; this.chatSystem = chatSystem; m_CurrentGameModeName = ""; } public void Restart() { GameDebug.Log("Restarting gamemode"); var bases = m_TeamBaseComponentGroup.ToComponentArray(); teamBases.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < bases.Length; i++) { teamBases.Add(bases[i]); } for (int i = 0, c = teams.Count; i < c; ++i) { teams[i].score = -1; } Entities.ForEach((ref Player.State ps) => { ps.score = 0; ps.displayGameScore = true; ps.goalCompletion = -1.0f; ps.actionString = new NativeString64(); }).Run(); m_EnableRespawning = true; m_GameMode.Restart(); chatSystem.ResetChatTime(); } public void Shutdown() { m_GameMode.Shutdown(); PrefabAssetManager.DestroyEntity(m_World.EntityManager, gameModeEntity); } protected override void OnCreate() { base.OnCreate(); playersComponentGroup = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Player.State)); m_TeamBaseComponentGroup = GetEntityQuery(typeof(TeamBase)); m_SpawnPointComponentGroup = GetEntityQuery(typeof(SpawnPoint.State)); m_PlayersComponentGroup = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Player.State), typeof(PlayerCharacterControl.State)); // Create game mode state //gameModeEntity = PrefabAssetManager.CreateEntity(World, RepEntityType.GameMode); var reg = EntityManager.GetComponentData(GetEntityQuery(typeof(GlobalAssetRegistry)).GetSingletonEntity()); gameModeEntity = PrefabAssetManager.CreateEntity(World.EntityManager, reg.gameModePrefab); } new public EntityQuery GetEntityQuery(params ComponentType[] componentTypes) { return base.GetEntityQuery(componentTypes); } float m_TimerStart; ConfigVar m_TimerLength; public void StartGameTimer(ConfigVar seconds, string message) { m_TimerStart = (float)Time.ElapsedTime; m_TimerLength = seconds; var gameModeState = EntityManager.GetComponentData(gameModeEntity); gameModeState.gameTimerMessage.CopyFrom(message); EntityManager.SetComponentData(gameModeEntity, gameModeState); } public int GetGameTimer() { return Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.FloorToInt(m_TimerStart + m_TimerLength.FloatValue - (float)Time.ElapsedTime)); } public void SetRespawnEnabled(bool enable) { m_EnableRespawning = enable; } char[] _msgBuf = new char[256]; protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { // Handle change of game mode if (m_CurrentGameModeName != modeName.Value) { m_CurrentGameModeName = modeName.Value; switch (m_CurrentGameModeName) { case "deathmatch": m_GameMode = new GameModeDeathmatch(); break; case "assault": m_GameMode = new GameModeAssault(); break; default: m_GameMode = new NullGameMode(); break; } m_GameMode.Initialize(m_World, this); GameDebug.Log("New gamemode : '" + m_GameMode.GetType().ToString() + "'"); Restart(); return default; } var playerStateArray = m_PlayersComponentGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.TempJob); var playerEntityArray = m_PlayersComponentGroup.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob); var playerCharCtrlArray = m_PlayersComponentGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.TempJob); // Handle joining players for (int i = 0, c = playerStateArray.Length; i < c; ++i) { var playerEntity = playerEntityArray[i]; var playerState = playerStateArray[i]; if (!playerState.gameModeSystemInitialized) { playerState.score = 0; playerState.displayGameScore = true; playerState.goalCompletion = -1.0f; m_GameMode.OnPlayerJoin(ref playerState); playerState.gameModeSystemInitialized = true; EntityManager.SetComponentData(playerEntity,playerState); } } playerStateArray.Dispose(); m_GameMode.Update(); // General rules var gameModeState = EntityManager.GetComponentData(gameModeEntity); gameModeState.gameTimerSeconds = GetGameTimer(); EntityManager.SetComponentData(gameModeEntity, gameModeState); playerStateArray = m_PlayersComponentGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.TempJob); var PostUpdateCommands = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.TempJob); for (int i = 0, c = playerStateArray.Length; i < c; ++i) { var playerState = playerStateArray[i]; var controlledEntity = playerState.controlledEntity; var playerEntity = playerEntityArray[i]; playerState.actionString = new NativeString64(playerState.enableCharacterSwitch ? "Press H to change character" : ""); var charControl = playerCharCtrlArray[i]; // Spawn contolled entity (character) any missing if (controlledEntity == Entity.Null) { var position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f); var rotation = Quaternion.identity; GetRandomSpawnTransform(playerState.teamIndex, ref position, ref rotation); m_GameMode.OnPlayerRespawn(ref playerState, ref position, ref rotation); EntityManager.SetComponentData(playerEntity,playerState); if (charControl.characterType == -1) { charControl.characterType = Game.characterType.IntValue; if (Game.allowCharChange.IntValue == 1) { charControl.characterType = playerState.teamIndex; } } EntityManager.SetComponentData(playerEntity,charControl); CharacterSpawnRequest.Create(PostUpdateCommands, charControl.characterType, position, rotation, playerEntity); continue; } // Has new new entity been requested if (charControl.requestedCharacterType != -1) { if (charControl.requestedCharacterType != charControl.characterType) { charControl.characterType = charControl.requestedCharacterType; if (playerState.controlledEntity != Entity.Null) { // Despawn current controlled entity. New entity will be created later if (EntityManager.HasComponent(controlledEntity)) { var predictedState = EntityManager.GetComponentData(controlledEntity); var rotation = math.length(predictedState.velocity) > 0.01f ? Quaternion.LookRotation(math.normalize(predictedState.velocity)) : Quaternion.identity; CharacterDespawnRequest.Create(PostUpdateCommands, controlledEntity); CharacterSpawnRequest.Create(PostUpdateCommands, charControl.characterType, predictedState.position, rotation, playerEntity); } playerState.controlledEntity = Entity.Null; EntityManager.SetComponentData(playerEntity, playerState); } } charControl.requestedCharacterType = -1; EntityManager.SetComponentData(playerEntity,charControl); continue; } if (EntityManager.HasComponent(controlledEntity)) { // Is character dead ? var healthState = EntityManager.GetComponentData(controlledEntity); if ( == 0) { var gameTimeSystem = m_World.GetExistingSystem(); // Send kill msg if (healthState.deathTick == gameTimeSystem.GetWorldTime().tick) { var killerEntity = healthState.killedBy; var killerIndex = FindPlayerControlling(playerStateArray, killerEntity); if (killerIndex != -1) { var killerState = playerStateArray[killerIndex]; var format = s_KillMessages[Random.Range(0, s_KillMessages.Length)]; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _msgBuf, 0, format, killerState.playerName.ToString(), playerState.playerName.ToString(), m_TeamColors[killerState.teamIndex], m_TeamColors[playerState.teamIndex]); chatSystem.SendChatAnnouncement(new CharBufView(_msgBuf, l)); m_GameMode.OnPlayerKilled(ref playerState, ref killerState); EntityManager.SetComponentData(playerEntity, playerState); EntityManager.SetComponentData(playerEntityArray[killerIndex], killerState); } else { var format = s_SuicideMessages[Random.Range(0, s_SuicideMessages.Length)]; var l = StringFormatter.Write(ref _msgBuf, 0, format, playerState.playerName.ToString(), m_TeamColors[playerState.teamIndex]); chatSystem.SendChatAnnouncement(new CharBufView(_msgBuf, l)); m_GameMode.OnPlayerKilled(ref playerState, ref playerState); EntityManager.SetComponentData(playerEntity, playerState); } } // Respawn dead players except if in ended mode if (m_EnableRespawning && (gameTimeSystem.GetWorldTime().tick - healthState.deathTick) * gameTimeSystem.GetWorldTime().tickInterval > respawnDelay.IntValue) { // Despawn current controlled entity. New entity will be created later if (EntityManager.HasComponent(controlledEntity)) CharacterDespawnRequest.Create(PostUpdateCommands, controlledEntity); playerState.controlledEntity = Entity.Null; EntityManager.SetComponentData(playerEntity, playerState); } } } } PostUpdateCommands.Playback(EntityManager); PostUpdateCommands.Dispose(); playerStateArray.Dispose(); playerEntityArray.Dispose(); playerCharCtrlArray.Dispose(); return default; } internal void RequestNextChar(Entity player) { var playerState = m_World.EntityManager.GetComponentData(player); if (!playerState.enableCharacterSwitch) return; var c = m_World.EntityManager.GetComponentData(player); var heroRegistry = HeroRegistry.GetRegistry(EntityManager); c.requestedCharacterType = (c.characterType + 1) % heroRegistry.Value.Heroes.Length; m_World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(player,c); World.GetExistingSystem().SendChatMessage(playerState.playerId, "Switched to: " + c.requestedCharacterType); } public void CreateTeam(string name) { var team = new Team(); = name; teams.Add(team); var gameModeState = EntityManager.GetComponentData(gameModeEntity); // Update clients var idx = teams.Count - 1; if (idx == 0) gameModeState.teamName0.CopyFrom(name); if (idx == 1) gameModeState.teamName1.CopyFrom(name); EntityManager.SetComponentData(gameModeEntity, gameModeState); } // Assign to team with fewest members public void AssignTeam(ref Player.State playerState) { // Count team sizes; ignore self var players = playersComponentGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.TempJob); int[] teamCount = new int[teams.Count]; for (int i = 0, c = players.Length; i < c; ++i) { if (players[i].playerId == playerState.playerId) continue; var idx = players[i].teamIndex; if (idx < teamCount.Length) teamCount[idx]++; } players.Dispose(); // Pick smallest int joinIndex = -1; int smallestTeamSize = 1000; for (int i = 0, c = teams.Count; i < c; i++) { if (teamCount[i] < smallestTeamSize) { smallestTeamSize = teamCount[i]; joinIndex = i; } } // Join playerState.teamIndex = joinIndex < 0 ? 0 : joinIndex; GameDebug.Log("Assigned team " + joinIndex + " to playerId:" + playerState.playerId); } int FindPlayerControlling(NativeArray players, Entity entity) { if (entity == Entity.Null) return -1; for (int i = 0, c = players.Length; i < c; ++i) { var playerState = players[i]; if (playerState.controlledEntity == entity) return i; } return -1; } public bool GetRandomSpawnTransform(int teamIndex, ref Vector3 pos, ref Quaternion rot) { // Make list of spawnpoints for team var teamSpawns = new List(); using (var spawnPointArray = m_SpawnPointComponentGroup.ToComponentDataArray(Allocator.TempJob)) using (var spawnPointEntityArray = m_SpawnPointComponentGroup.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob)) { for (var i = 0; i < spawnPointArray.Length; i++) { var spawnPoint = spawnPointArray[i]; if (spawnPoint.teamIndex == teamIndex) { teamSpawns.Add(i); } } if (teamSpawns.Count == 0) { GameDebug.LogError("Failed to find spawnpoint for team:" + teamIndex); return false; } var index = (m_prevTeamSpawnPointIndex[teamIndex] + 1) % teamSpawns.Count; m_prevTeamSpawnPointIndex[teamIndex] = index; pos = m_World.EntityManager.GetComponentData(spawnPointEntityArray[teamSpawns[index]]).Value; rot = m_World.EntityManager.GetComponentData(spawnPointEntityArray[teamSpawns[index]]).Value; #if UNITY_EDITOR GameDebug.Log("spawning at " + m_World.EntityManager.GetName(spawnPointEntityArray[index])); #endif } return true; } static string[] s_KillMessages = new string[] { "{0} killed {1}", "{0} terminated {1}", "{0} ended {1}", "{0} owned {1}", }; static string[] s_SuicideMessages = new string[] { "{0} rebooted", "{0} gave up", "{0} slipped and accidently killed himself", "{0} wanted to give the enemy team an edge", }; static string[] m_TeamColors = new string[] { "#1EA00000", //"#FF19E3FF", "#1EA00001", //"#00FFEAFF", }; readonly World m_World; int[] m_prevTeamSpawnPointIndex = new int[2]; IGameMode m_GameMode; bool m_EnableRespawning = true; string m_CurrentGameModeName; }