using System; using Unity.Animation; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.Physics; using Unity.Physics.Systems; using Unity.DataFlowGraph; using Unity.Sample.Core; using UnityEngine; public class AnimSourceStandIK { [ConfigVar(Name = "char.standik", DefaultValue = "1", Description = "Enable stand foot ik")] public static ConfigVar useFootIk; [ConfigVar(Name = "debug.char.standik", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Debug foot ik raycast")] public static ConfigVar debugStandIk; [Serializable] public struct PlaySettings { [Range(0f, 2f)] public float weight; public float playSpeed; } [Serializable] public struct BoneReferences : IComponentData { public int HipsIndex; public int LeftToeIndex; public int RightToeIndex; public int LeftFootIkBoneIndex; public int RightFootIkBoneIndex; } public struct Settings : IComponentData { public float animTurnAngle; // Total turn in turn anim public StandIkNode.Settings FootIk; public BoneReferences boneReferences; public BlobAssetReference rigReference; } public struct SystemState : ISystemStateComponentData { public static SystemState Default => new SystemState(); public NodeHandle StandIkNode; public StandPhase StandPhase; public float3 LeftFootPos; // TODO: Use float3 instead? public float3 RightFootPos; public Unity.Physics.RaycastHit LeftHit; public Unity.Physics.RaycastHit RightHit; public bool LeftHitSuccess; public bool RightHitSuccess; public int Mask; public float2 TurnStartOffset; public float2 TurnEndOffset; public float3 TurnStartNormalLeft; public float3 TurnStartNormalRight; public float3 TurnEndNormalLeft; public float3 TurnEndNormalRight; public FootFalls LeftTurnFootFalls; public FootFalls RightTurnFootFalls; public BoneReferences currentRigBoneIdx; } public enum StandPhase { Moving, Standing, Turning, TurnStart, TurnEnd } public struct FootFalls { public float leftFootUp; public float leftFootDown; public float rightFootUp; public float rightFootDown; } [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceInitializationGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] [AlwaysSynchronizeSystem] class InitSystem : JobComponentSystem { AnimationGraphSystem m_AnimationGraphSystem; protected override void OnCreate() { base.OnCreate(); m_AnimationGraphSystem = World.GetExistingSystem(); m_AnimationGraphSystem.AddRef(); } protected override void OnDestroy() { base.OnDestroy(); var cmdBuffer = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp); var animationGraphSystem = m_AnimationGraphSystem; Entities .WithoutBurst() // Can be removed once NodeSets are Burst-friendly .ForEach((Entity entity, ref SystemState state) => { Deinitialize(cmdBuffer, entity, animationGraphSystem, state); }).Run(); cmdBuffer.Dispose(); m_AnimationGraphSystem.RemoveRef(); } protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { inputDeps.Complete(); var nodeSet = m_AnimationGraphSystem.Set; var commands = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.TempJob); var animationGraphSystem = m_AnimationGraphSystem; Entities .WithoutBurst() // Can be removed once NodeSets are Burst-friendly .WithNone() .ForEach((Entity entity, ref AnimSource.Data animSource, ref Settings settings) => { var state = SystemState.Default; state.StandIkNode = AnimationGraphHelper.CreateNode(animationGraphSystem, "StandIkNode"); nodeSet.SetData(state.StandIkNode, StandIkNode.KernelPorts.Weight, 1f); // TODO: Hardcode values for now. Next step, generate from events (when they arrive) or evaluate curves? state.LeftTurnFootFalls = new FootFalls { leftFootUp = 0.3015f, leftFootDown = 0.4659f, rightFootUp = 0.0925f, rightFootDown = 0.2957f }; state.RightTurnFootFalls = new FootFalls { leftFootUp = 0.1202f, leftFootDown = 0.2635f, rightFootUp = 0.2706f, rightFootDown = 0.4499f }; // Set collision mask var defaultLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default"); var playerLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("collision_player"); var platformLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Platform"); state.Mask = 1 << defaultLayer | 1 << playerLayer | 1 << platformLayer; // Expose input and outputs animSource.inputNode = state.StandIkNode; animSource.inputPortID = (InputPortID)StandIkNode.KernelPorts.Input; animSource.outputNode = state.StandIkNode; animSource.outputPortID = (OutputPortID)StandIkNode.KernelPorts.Output; commands.AddComponent(entity, state); }).Run(); Entities .WithoutBurst() // Can be removed once NodeSets are Burst-friendly .WithNone() .ForEach((Entity entity, ref SystemState state) => { Deinitialize(commands, entity, animationGraphSystem, state); }).Run(); commands.Playback(EntityManager); commands.Dispose(); return default; } static void Deinitialize(EntityCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, Entity entity, AnimationGraphSystem animGraphSys, SystemState state) { AnimationGraphHelper.DestroyNode(animGraphSys,state.StandIkNode); cmdBuffer.RemoveComponent(entity, typeof(SystemState)); } } [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceUpdateCGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] [AlwaysSynchronizeSystem] class UpdateSystem : JobComponentSystem { protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { inputDeps.Complete(); var physicsWorld = World.GetExistingSystem().PhysicsWorld; bool useFootIkValue = useFootIk.IntValue > 0; var characterInterpolatedDataFromEntity = GetComponentDataFromEntity(false); var characterPredictedDataFromEntity = GetComponentDataFromEntity(true); Entities .ForEach((Entity entity, ref AnimSource.Data animSource, ref Settings settings, ref SystemState state, ref AnimSource.AllowWrite allowWrite) => { if (!characterInterpolatedDataFromEntity.HasComponent(animSource.animStateEntity)) { //GameDebug.LogWarning(World,"AnimSource does not have Character.InterpolatedData components. Has it been deleted?"); return; } var animState = characterInterpolatedDataFromEntity[animSource.animStateEntity]; var predictedState = characterPredictedDataFromEntity[animSource.animStateEntity]; // Foot IK update if (settings.FootIk.enabled == 1 && useFootIkValue) { // Figure out stand state if (math.length(predictedState.velocity) < 0.001f && allowWrite.FirstUpdate) state.StandPhase = StandPhase.Moving; else if (math.length(predictedState.velocity) > 0.001f) state.StandPhase = StandPhase.Moving; else if (animState.turnDirection != 0 && state.StandPhase != StandPhase.TurnStart && state.StandPhase != StandPhase.Turning) state.StandPhase = StandPhase.TurnStart; else if (animState.turnDirection != 0) state.StandPhase = StandPhase.Turning; else if (animState.turnDirection == 0 && state.StandPhase == StandPhase.Turning) state.StandPhase = StandPhase.TurnEnd; else state.StandPhase = StandPhase.Standing; // Update foot position if (state.StandPhase == StandPhase.Moving || allowWrite.FirstUpdate) { var rotation = quaternion.Euler(0f, math.radians(animState.rotation), 0f); state.LeftFootPos = math.mul(rotation , settings.FootIk.leftToeStandPos) + animState.Position; state.RightFootPos = math.mul(rotation, settings.FootIk.rightToeStandPos) + animState.Position; } else if (state.StandPhase == StandPhase.TurnStart) { // Predict foot placement after turn // TODO: Convert all angles to radians in convert var predictedRotation = quaternion.Euler(0f, math.radians(animState.turnStartAngle + settings.animTurnAngle * animState.turnDirection), 0f); state.LeftFootPos = math.mul(predictedRotation, settings.FootIk.leftToeStandPos) + animState.Position; state.RightFootPos = math.mul(predictedRotation, settings.FootIk.rightToeStandPos) + animState.Position; } // Do raycasts var upVector = new float3(0f, 1f, 0f); var rayEmitOffset = upVector * settings.FootIk.emitRayOffset; if (state.StandPhase == StandPhase.Moving || state.StandPhase == StandPhase.TurnStart) { Entity hitEntity; var maxRayDistance = settings.FootIk.emitRayOffset + settings.FootIk.maxRayDistance; var downVector = new float3(0f, -1f, 0f); state.LeftHitSuccess = Raycast(state.LeftFootPos + rayEmitOffset, state.LeftFootPos + downVector * maxRayDistance, out state.LeftHit, out hitEntity, physicsWorld); state.RightHitSuccess = Raycast(state.RightFootPos + rayEmitOffset, state.RightFootPos + downVector * maxRayDistance, out state.RightHit, out hitEntity, physicsWorld); // if (hitEntity != Entity.Null) // { // GameDebug.Log("Collided with entity: " + EntityManager.GetName(hitEntity)); // } } // Update foot offsets if (allowWrite.FirstUpdate) { animState.footIkOffset =; animState.footIkNormalLeft =; animState.footIkNormalRight =; animState.footIkWeight = 0.0f; } if (state.StandPhase == StandPhase.Moving || state.StandPhase == StandPhase.TurnEnd) { animState.footIkOffset = GetClampedOffset(state, settings); animState.footIkNormalLeft = state.LeftHit.SurfaceNormal; animState.footIkNormalRight = state.RightHit.SurfaceNormal; state.TurnStartOffset.x = animState.footIkOffset.x; state.TurnStartOffset.y = animState.footIkOffset.y; state.TurnStartNormalLeft = state.LeftHit.SurfaceNormal; state.TurnStartNormalRight = state.RightHit.SurfaceNormal; } else if (state.StandPhase == StandPhase.TurnStart) { state.TurnEndOffset = GetClampedOffset(state, settings); state.TurnEndNormalLeft = state.LeftHit.SurfaceNormal; state.TurnEndNormalRight = state.RightHit.SurfaceNormal; } if (state.StandPhase == StandPhase.TurnStart || state.StandPhase == StandPhase.Turning) { var absAngleRemaining = 90 - math.abs(MathHelper.DeltaAngle(animState.rotation, animState.turnStartAngle)); var turnFraction = (-absAngleRemaining + settings.animTurnAngle) / settings.animTurnAngle; var footFalls = animState.turnDirection == -1 ? state.LeftTurnFootFalls : state.RightTurnFootFalls; var leftFootFraction = GetFootFraction(turnFraction, footFalls.leftFootUp, footFalls.leftFootDown); animState.footIkOffset.x = math.lerp(state.TurnStartOffset.x, state.TurnEndOffset.x, leftFootFraction); animState.footIkNormalLeft = math.lerp(state.TurnStartNormalLeft, state.TurnEndNormalLeft, leftFootFraction); var rightFootFraction = GetFootFraction(turnFraction, footFalls.rightFootUp, footFalls.rightFootDown); animState.footIkOffset.y = math.lerp(state.TurnStartOffset.y, state.TurnEndOffset.y, rightFootFraction); animState.footIkNormalRight = math.lerp(state.TurnStartNormalRight, state.TurnEndNormalRight, rightFootFraction); } animState.footIkWeight = math.clamp(animState.footIkWeight + (1 - settings.FootIk.enterStateEaseIn), 0f, 1f); } #if UNITY_EDITOR DebugSceneView(animState, settings, state); #endif DebugApplyPresentation(); allowWrite.FirstUpdate = false; characterInterpolatedDataFromEntity[animSource.animStateEntity] = animState; }).Run(); return default; } } [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceApplyGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] [AlwaysSynchronizeSystem] class PrepareGraph : JobComponentSystem { protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { inputDeps.Complete(); var nodeSet = World.GetExistingSystem().Set; var cmdBuffer = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.TempJob); // Handle rig change Entities .WithNone() .WithoutBurst() // Can be removed once NodeSets are Burst-friendly .ForEach((Entity entity, ref AnimSource.Data animSource, ref Settings settings, ref SystemState state) => { if (!EntityManager.HasComponent(animSource.animStateEntity)) { GameDebug.LogWarning(World, "AnimSource does not have Character.InterpolatedData components. Has it been deleted?"); return; } if (!EntityManager.HasComponent(animSource.animStateEntity)) return; var sharedRigDef = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData(animSource.animStateEntity); var rig = sharedRigDef.Value; nodeSet.SendMessage(state.StandIkNode, StandIkNode.SimulationPorts.RigDefinition, rig); // Remap rig indexes BlobAssetReference rigMap; AnimationAssetDatabase.GetOrCreateRigMapping(World, settings.rigReference, rig, out rigMap); state.currentRigBoneIdx.HipsIndex = rigMap.Value.BoneMap[settings.boneReferences.HipsIndex]; state.currentRigBoneIdx.LeftToeIndex = rigMap.Value.BoneMap[settings.boneReferences.LeftToeIndex]; state.currentRigBoneIdx.RightToeIndex = rigMap.Value.BoneMap[settings.boneReferences.RightToeIndex]; state.currentRigBoneIdx.LeftFootIkBoneIndex = rigMap.Value.BoneMap[settings.boneReferences.LeftFootIkBoneIndex]; state.currentRigBoneIdx.RightFootIkBoneIndex = rigMap.Value.BoneMap[settings.boneReferences.RightFootIkBoneIndex]; cmdBuffer.AddComponent(entity); }).Run(); Entities .WithoutBurst() // Can be removed once NodeSets are Burst-friendly .ForEach((Entity entity, ref AnimSource.Data animSource, ref Settings settings, ref SystemState state) => { if (!EntityManager.HasComponent(animSource.animStateEntity)) { GameDebug.LogWarning(World,"AnimSource does not have Character.InterpolatedData components. Has it been deleted?"); return; } var animState = EntityManager.GetComponentData(animSource.animStateEntity); // GameDebug.Log("Foot IK Weight: " + animState.footIkWeight); // Rotate the foot normals into character space var footIkNormalLeft = math.mul(quaternion.Euler(0f, math.radians(-animState.rotation), 0f), animState.footIkNormalLeft); var footIkNormalRight = math.mul(quaternion.Euler(0f, math.radians(-animState.rotation), 0f), animState.footIkNormalRight); var data = new StandIkNode.StandIkData { Settings = settings.FootIk, LeftToeIdx = state.currentRigBoneIdx.LeftToeIndex, RightToeIdx = state.currentRigBoneIdx.RightToeIndex, LeftFootIkIdx = state.currentRigBoneIdx.LeftFootIkBoneIndex, RightFootIkIdx = state.currentRigBoneIdx.RightFootIkBoneIndex, HipsIdx = state.currentRigBoneIdx.HipsIndex, ikOffset = animState.footIkOffset, normalLeftFoot = footIkNormalLeft, normalRightFoot = footIkNormalRight, Weight = animState.footIkWeight, }; nodeSet.SendMessage(state.StandIkNode, StandIkNode.SimulationPorts.StandIkSetup, in data); }).Run(); cmdBuffer.Playback(EntityManager); cmdBuffer.Dispose(); return default; } } static float2 GetClampedOffset(SystemState state, Settings settings) { var leftOffset = 0.0f; var rightOffset = 0.0f; if (state.LeftHitSuccess) { leftOffset = math.clamp(state.LeftHit.Position.y - state.LeftFootPos.y + settings.FootIk.leftToeStandPos.y, -settings.FootIk.maxStepSize, settings.FootIk.maxStepSize); } if (state.RightHitSuccess) { rightOffset = math.clamp(state.RightHit.Position.y - state.RightFootPos.y + settings.FootIk.rightToeStandPos.y, -settings.FootIk.maxStepSize, settings.FootIk.maxStepSize); } var stepMag = math.abs(leftOffset - rightOffset); if (stepMag > settings.FootIk.maxStepSize) { leftOffset = (leftOffset / stepMag) * settings.FootIk.maxStepSize; rightOffset = (rightOffset / stepMag) * settings.FootIk.maxStepSize; } return new float2(leftOffset, rightOffset); } static float GetFootFraction(float turnFraction, float footUp, float footDown) { if (turnFraction <= footUp) { return 0f; } if (turnFraction < footDown) { return (turnFraction - footUp) / (footDown - footUp); } return 1f; } static void DebugSceneView(Character.InterpolatedData animState, Settings settings, SystemState state) { if (settings.FootIk.debugIdlePos == 1) { var rotation = quaternion.Euler(0f, math.radians(animState.rotation), 0f); var leftIdlePos = math.mul(rotation, settings.FootIk.leftToeStandPos) + animState.Position; var rightIdlePos = math.mul(rotation, settings.FootIk.rightToeStandPos) + animState.Position; DebugDraw.Sphere(leftIdlePos, 0.01f,; DebugDraw.Sphere(leftIdlePos, 0.04f,; DebugDraw.Sphere(rightIdlePos, 0.01f,; DebugDraw.Sphere(rightIdlePos, 0.04f,; } if (settings.FootIk.debugRayCast == 1) { DebugDraw.Sphere(state.LeftFootPos, 0.025f, Color.yellow); DebugDraw.Sphere(state.RightFootPos, 0.025f, Color.yellow); DebugDraw.Sphere(state.LeftHit.Position, 0.015f); DebugDraw.Sphere(state.RightHit.Position, 0.015f); UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(state.LeftHit.Position, state.LeftHit.Position + state.LeftHit.SurfaceNormal,; UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(state.RightHit.Position, state.RightHit.Position + state.RightHit.SurfaceNormal,; } } // TODO: Into separate system? static void DebugApplyPresentation() { // if (debugStandIk.IntValue > 0) // { // var charIndex = s_Instances.IndexOf(this); // var lineIndex = charIndex * 3 + 1; // // var color = s_DebugColors[charIndex % s_DebugColors.Length]; // var leftHitString = "Char " + charIndex + " - Left XForm hit: Nothing"; // if (m_LeftHitSuccess) // leftHitString = "Char " + charIndex + " - Left XForm hit: " +; // // DebugOverlay.Write(color, 2, lineIndex, leftHitString); // GameDebug.Log(leftHitString); // // var rightHitString = "Char " + charIndex + " - Right XForm hit: Nothing"; // if (m_RightHitSuccess) // rightHitString = "Char " + charIndex + " - Right XForm hit: " +; // // DebugOverlay.Write(color, 2, lineIndex + 1, rightHitString); // GameDebug.Log(rightHitString); // } } // TODO: Ray cast into job, possibly batch? // TODO: Case multiple points on foot, possibly shape cast static public bool Raycast(float3 RayFrom, float3 RayTo, out Unity.Physics.RaycastHit hit, out Entity entity, PhysicsWorld physicsWorld) { var collisionWorld = physicsWorld.CollisionWorld; var filter = CollisionFilter.Default; filter.CollidesWith = 1 << 0; RaycastInput input = new RaycastInput() { Start = RayFrom, End = RayTo, Filter = filter, }; var success = collisionWorld.CastRay(input, out hit); if (success) { entity = physicsWorld.Bodies[hit.RigidBodyIndex].Entity; } else { entity = Entity.Null; } return success; } }