using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.VFX; public class CancelByDistance : VFXSpawnerCallbacks { public class InputProperties { [Tooltip("Position that will be compared to the \"position\" EventAttribute")] public Vector3 CheckPosition =; [Tooltip("Distance from which the spawn will be canceled")] public float MaxDistance = 32.0f; [Tooltip("Invert Check : if true will cancel particles that are closer than the MaxDistance instead of those farther")] public bool InvertCheck = false; } static readonly int AttribPositionID = Shader.PropertyToID("position"); static readonly int CheckPositionID = Shader.PropertyToID("CheckPosition"); static readonly int MaxDistanceID = Shader.PropertyToID("MaxDistance"); static readonly int InvertCheckID = Shader.PropertyToID("InvertCheck"); public override void OnPlay(VFXSpawnerState state, VFXExpressionValues vfxValues, VisualEffect vfxComponent) { } public override void OnStop(VFXSpawnerState state, VFXExpressionValues vfxValues, VisualEffect vfxComponent) { } public override void OnUpdate(VFXSpawnerState state, VFXExpressionValues vfxValues, VisualEffect vfxComponent) { Vector3 checkPosition = vfxValues.GetVector3(CheckPositionID); float maxDistance = vfxValues.GetFloat(MaxDistanceID); bool InvertCheck = vfxValues.GetBool(InvertCheckID); Vector3 position = state.vfxEventAttribute.GetVector3(AttribPositionID); bool test = (checkPosition - position).sqrMagnitude > (maxDistance*maxDistance); if (test != InvertCheck) { state.spawnCount = 0; } } }