using System; using Unity.Animation; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.DataFlowGraph; using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.NetCode; using Unity.Sample.Core; using Unity.Transforms; using UnityEngine; [ExecuteAlways] [DisableAutoCreation] public class AnimSourceRootSystemGroup : ManualComponentSystemGroup { } // Update the conditions that inform the behavior tree in the state selector [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceRootSystemGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] public class AnimConditionUpdate : ManualComponentSystemGroup// TODO (mogensh) this belongs together with AnimConditions. But that all needs to be rewritten anyway { } // Update anim sources // This is the only place new AnimSource entities can be created // This is only place rig changes are allowed [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceRootSystemGroup))] [UpdateAfter(typeof(AnimConditionUpdate))] [DisableAutoCreation] public class AnimSourcePreUpdateGroup : ManualComponentSystemGroup { } // Initialize newly created AnimSources and deinitializes deleted. // AnimSource output (and input if it has one) is required to be set in this update // Done after update so newly instantiated sources will be initialized this frame [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceRootSystemGroup))] [UpdateAfter(typeof(AnimSourcePreUpdateGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] public class AnimSourceInitializationGroup : ManualComponentSystemGroup { } // Anim state update groups [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceRootSystemGroup))] [UpdateAfter(typeof(AnimSourceInitializationGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] public class AnimSourceUpdateAGroup : ManualComponentSystemGroup { } [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceRootSystemGroup))] [UpdateAfter(typeof(AnimSourceUpdateAGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] public class AnimSourceUpdateBGroup : ManualComponentSystemGroup { } [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceRootSystemGroup))] [UpdateAfter(typeof(AnimSourceUpdateBGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] public class AnimSourceUpdateCGroup : ManualComponentSystemGroup { } // Prepare graph for rendering. Connect AnimSources. Update rig [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceRootSystemGroup))] [UpdateAfter(typeof(AnimSourceUpdateCGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] public class AnimSourceApplyGroup : ManualComponentSystemGroup { } public class AnimSourceController { [ConfigVar(Name = "", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Show part conversion data")] public static ConfigVar ShowLifetime; public struct LOD : ISystemStateComponentData { public static LOD Default => new LOD {Value = -1}; public int Value; } public struct RootAnimSource : ISystemStateComponentData { public static RootAnimSource Default => new RootAnimSource( ); public Entity Value; } public struct OutputNode : ISystemStateComponentData { public static OutputNode Default => new OutputNode( ); public NodeHandle Value; } public struct Settings : IComponentData { public static Settings Default => new Settings(); public WeakAssetReference RootAnimSource; } public struct RigData : IBufferElementData { public BlobAssetReference Rig; public float MaxDist; } public Settings settings; [AlwaysUpdateSystem] [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourcePreUpdateGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] public class Initialization : JobComponentSystem { EntityQuery OutgoingGroup; AnimationGraphSystem m_AnimationGraphSystem; protected override void OnCreate() { base.OnCreate(); OutgoingGroup = GetEntityQuery(typeof(LOD), ComponentType.Exclude()); m_AnimationGraphSystem = World.GetExistingSystem(); m_AnimationGraphSystem.AddRef(); m_AnimationGraphSystem.Set.RendererModel = RenderExecutionModel.Islands; } protected override void OnDestroy() { Entities .WithStructuralChanges() .WithAll() .ForEach((Entity entity) => { Deinitialize(EntityManager, entity, m_AnimationGraphSystem); }).Run(); m_AnimationGraphSystem.RemoveRef(); } protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDependencies) { inputDependencies.Complete(); var animGraphSys = World.GetExistingSystem(); // Initialize Entities .WithStructuralChanges() .WithNone() .WithAll() .ForEach((Entity entity) => { GameDebug.Log(World, ShowLifetime, "InitSys: Initialize DotsAnimStateCtrl:{0}", entity); // Setup lowest LOD rig var rigDataBuffer = EntityManager.GetBuffer(entity); // var lowestLod = rigDataBuffer.Length - 1; // TODO (mogensh) for now we only use Rig LOD for selecting low lod on server var isServer = World.GetExistingSystem() != null;// TODO (mogensh) cant we find better way to test for server? var lod = isServer ? 1 : 0; var rigData = rigDataBuffer[lod]; RigEntityBuilder.SetupRigEntity(entity, EntityManager, rigData.Rig); var animLocalToRigBuffer = EntityManager.AddBuffer(entity); animLocalToRigBuffer.ResizeUninitialized(rigData.Rig.Value.Skeleton.Ids.Length); // Create root animsource var settings = EntityManager.GetComponentData(entity); var rootAnimSourceEntity = PrefabAssetManager.CreateEntity(EntityManager, settings.RootAnimSource); #if UNITY_EDITOR var name = EntityManager.GetName(rootAnimSourceEntity) + " -> Entity " + entity.Index + ".DotsAnimStateController.RootAnimSource"; EntityManager.SetName(rootAnimSourceEntity, name); #endif AnimSource.SetAnimStateEntityOnPrefab(EntityManager, rootAnimSourceEntity, entity); var rootAnimSource = RootAnimSource.Default; rootAnimSource.Value = rootAnimSourceEntity; EntityManager.AddComponentData(entity, rootAnimSource); EntityManager.AddComponentData(entity, new LOD { Value = lod, }); }).Run(); // Deinitialize Entities .WithStructuralChanges() .WithNone() .WithAll() .ForEach((Entity entity, ref RootAnimSource rootAnimSource, ref OutputNode outputNode, ref GraphOutput graphOutput) => { Deinitialize(EntityManager, entity, animGraphSys); }).Run(); return default; } void Deinitialize(EntityManager entityManager, Entity entity, AnimationGraphSystem animGraphSys) { GameDebug.Log(World, ShowLifetime, "InitSys: Deinit DotsAnimStateCtrl Entity:", entity); entityManager.RemoveComponent(entity); if (entityManager.HasComponent(entity)) { var data = entityManager.GetComponentData(entity); PrefabAssetManager.DestroyEntity(EntityManager, data.Value); entityManager.RemoveComponent(entity); } if (entityManager.HasComponent(entity)) { var data = entityManager.GetComponentData(entity); AnimationGraphHelper.DestroyNode(animGraphSys, data.Value); entityManager.RemoveComponent(entity); } if (entityManager.HasComponent(entity)) { var data = entityManager.GetComponentData(entity); animGraphSys.Set.ReleaseGraphValue(data.Buffer); entityManager.RemoveComponent(entity); } } } [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourceApplyGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] [AlwaysSynchronizeSystem] class PrepareGraph : JobComponentSystem { protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { inputDeps.Complete(); var animGraphSys = World.GetExistingSystem(); var commands = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.TempJob); Entities .WithoutBurst() // Can be removed once NodeSets are Burst-friendly .WithNone() .ForEach((Entity entity, ref RootAnimSource rootAnimSource) => { var rootAnimSourceEntity = EntityManager.GetComponentData(rootAnimSource.Value); GameDebug.Assert(rootAnimSourceEntity.outputNode != default,"Root AnimSource has no output node"); var rig = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData(entity).Value; var outputNode = OutputNode.Default; // Create root node and setup graph output outputNode.Value = AnimationGraphHelper.CreateNode(animGraphSys,"Root"); animGraphSys.Set.SendMessage(outputNode.Value, BoundaryNode.SimulationPorts.RigDefinition, rig); var graphOutput = new GraphOutput(); graphOutput.Buffer = animGraphSys.Set.CreateGraphValue(outputNode.Value, BoundaryNode.KernelPorts.Output); commands.AddComponent(entity, graphOutput); // Attach root animsource to rootnode var rootNodeHandle = (NodeHandle)outputNode.Value; var rootNodeId = (InputPortID)BoundaryNode.KernelPorts.Input; animGraphSys.Set.Connect(rootAnimSourceEntity.outputNode, rootAnimSourceEntity.outputPortID, rootNodeHandle,rootNodeId); commands.AddComponent(entity, outputNode); }).Run(); commands.Playback(EntityManager); commands.Dispose(); return default; } } [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AnimSourcePreUpdateGroup))] [DisableAutoCreation] [AlwaysSynchronizeSystem] public class Update : JobComponentSystem { protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { inputDeps.Complete(); var animGraphSys = World.GetExistingSystem(); var commands = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.TempJob); // Update LOD Entities .WithoutBurst() // Can be removed once NodeSets are Burst-friendly .ForEach((Entity entity, ref Translation translation, ref Settings settings, ref LOD lod, ref OutputNode outputNode) => { // TODO (mogensh) for now we only use Rig LOD for selecting low lod on server // var camera = GameApp.CameraStack.TopCamera(); // if (camera == null) // return; // // var camPos = (float3) camera.transform.position; // var charPos = translation.Value; // // var dist = math.distance(camPos, charPos); // var rigDataBuffer = EntityManager.GetBuffer(entity); // var newLod = rigDataBuffer.Length - 1; // for (int i = 0; i < rigDataBuffer.Length; i++) // { // // TODO (mogensh) add threshold that needs to be passed before change (so it does not flicker) // if (dist < rigDataBuffer[i].MaxDist) // { // newLod = i; // break; // } // } // // if (newLod != lod.Value) // { //// GameDebug.Log("NEW LOD IS DIFFERENT"); // var changeRig = true; // newLod == 2 || lod.Value == 2; //// var rigRelativeLod = newLod == 2 ? 0 : newLod; // var rig = rigDataBuffer[newLod].Rig; // // if (changeRig) // { // GameDebug.Log(World,null,"Setting up Rig for lod:{0}. bones:{1} Dist:{2}",newLod, rig.Value.Skeleton.Ids.Length, dist); // // commands.SetSharedComponent(entity, new SharedRigDefinition {Value = rig}); // // var rigBuffers = new RigEntityBuilder.RigBuffers(EntityManager, entity); // rigBuffers.ResizeBuffers(rig); // rigBuffers.InitializeBuffers(rig); // // var animLocalToRigBuffer = EntityManager.GetBuffer(entity); // animLocalToRigBuffer.ResizeUninitialized(rig.Value.Skeleton.Ids.Length); // // animGraphSys.Set.SendMessage(rootNode.Value, BoundaryNode.SimulationPorts.RigDefinition, rig); // } // // lod.Value = newLod; // // } }).Run(); commands.Playback(EntityManager); commands.Dispose(); return default; } } }