Shader "Instanced/DebugTextShader" { Properties { _FontTex ("Font (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} } CGINCLUDE uint GetUint(Texture2D tex, float4 size, uint x, uint y) { uint w,h; tex.GetDimensions(w,h); y = h - 1 - y; float2 uv = (float2(x,y)+0.5) * size.xy; uint4 bytes = tex.Load(uint3(x,y,0)) * 255; return (bytes.z&0xff) | ((bytes.y&0xff)<<8) | ((bytes.x&0xff)<<16) | ((bytes.w&0xff)<<24); } uint GetUshort(Texture2D tex, float4 size, uint x, uint y) { int bits = (int)(x&1) * 16; return (GetUint(tex, size, x/2,y) >> bits) & 0xFFFF; } ENDCG SubShader { Pass { Tags{ "Queue" = "Transparent" "RenderType" = "Transparent" } ZWrite off ZTest Always Cull off //Blend One One Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #pragma multi_compile_fwdbase nolightmap nodirlightmap nodynlightmap novertexlight #pragma target 4.5 #include "UnityCG.cginc" Texture2D _CellTex; Texture2D _FontTex; uniform float4 _CellTex_TexelSize; uniform float4 _FontTex_TexelSize; // TODO: molokai or tango float4 scales; // glyph scale in world (x,y) and on texture (z,w) StructuredBuffer colorBuffer; float4 Palette(uint index) { return colorBuffer[index]; } uint textBufferWidth; StructuredBuffer textBuffer; struct Cell { uint code; uint color; uint side; }; Cell GetCell(uint x, uint y) { uint u = textBuffer[y * (3840/8) + x]; Cell cell; cell.code = (u & 0x7f) | ((u >> 16) << 7); cell.color = (u >> 8) & 0x7f; cell.side = (u >> 15) & 1; return cell; } struct instanceData { float3 worldPosition; float2 firstCell; float2 cellSize; uint useWorldMatrix; }; StructuredBuffer positionBuffer; struct v2f { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; float2 screenPos : TEXCOORD0; float instanceVal : TEXCOORD1; }; v2f vert(uint vid : SV_VertexID, uint instanceID : SV_InstanceID) { // We just draw a bunch of vertices but want to pretend to // be drawing two-triangle quads. Build inst/vert id for this: int instID = vid / 6.0; int vertID = vid - instID * 6; // Generates (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (1,1) (1,0) (0,0) from vertID float4 v_pos = saturate(float4(2 - abs(vertID - 2), 2 - abs(vertID - 3), 0, 0)); // Read instance data float2 screenPosition; if (positionBuffer[instID].useWorldMatrix != 0) { float4 projectionPosition = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(positionBuffer[instID].worldPosition, 1)); screenPosition.x = (projectionPosition.x / projectionPosition.w) * 0.5 + 0.5; screenPosition.y = -(projectionPosition.y / projectionPosition.w) * 0.5 + 0.5; screenPosition.x /= scales.z; screenPosition.y /= scales.w; } else screenPosition = positionBuffer[instID].worldPosition.xy; float2 pos = screenPosition *; float2 scale = positionBuffer[instID].cellSize * scales.xy; // Generate position float2 p = pos + v_pos * scale; p.y = 1.0 - p.y; p = float2(-1, -1) + p * 2.0; v2f o; o.pos = float4(p.xy, 1, 1); o.screenPos = screenPosition; o.instanceVal = instID; return o; } fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { int instID = i.instanceVal; int2 pixel_xy = i.pos.xy - i.screenPos; pixel_xy.y = _ScreenParams.y-1 - pixel_xy.y; // pixel_xy /= 2; int2 cell_xy = int2(pixel_xy.x >> 3, pixel_xy.y >> 4); int2 firstCell = positionBuffer[i.instanceVal].firstCell; Cell cell = GetCell(firstCell.x + cell_xy.x, firstCell.y + cell_xy.y); if((cell.color & 0xf) == (cell.color >> 4)&0x7) discard; uint coord_x = pixel_xy.x & 7; uint coord_y = pixel_xy.y & 15; uint coord_col = cell.code & 255; uint coord_row = cell.code >> 8; uint coord_side = cell.side; uint bitInCell = coord_y * 8 + coord_x; uint pixelInQuad = bitInCell >> 5; uint pixelInQuadX = pixelInQuad & 1; uint pixelInQuadY = pixelInQuad >> 1; // each 32x32 pixels is a UNICODE row of 8x16 pixel cells (256 code points with the same high byte) // inside each 32x32, each 2x2 is one 8x16 pixel cell of one code point. so it's 16x16 cells total // code points wider than 8x16 (e.g. chinese) have the right half in another 32x32 pixels uint encodedX = pixelInQuadX + 2 * (coord_col & 15) + 32 * (coord_row & 15); uint encodedY = pixelInQuadY + 2 * (coord_col >> 4) + 32 * (coord_row >> 4) + coord_side * 512; int2 encoded_xy = int2(encodedX, encodedY); uint dwordVal = GetUint(_FontTex, _FontTex_TexelSize, encoded_xy.x, encoded_xy.y); uint bitInDword = bitInCell & 31; uint color = (dwordVal >> bitInDword) & 1; if(color) return Palette((cell.color >> 4) & 0x07); else return Palette((cell.color >> 0) & 0x0F); } ENDCG } } }