using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Build; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEditor.Rendering; using UnityEngine; public class ShaderVariantStripper : IPreprocessShaders { ShaderKeyword kLightmapOn; ShaderKeyword kUseDirectionalLightmap; ShaderKeyword kShadowMaskMode; public ShaderVariantStripper() { kLightmapOn = new ShaderKeyword("LIGHTMAP_ON"); kUseDirectionalLightmap = new ShaderKeyword("DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED"); kShadowMaskMode = new ShaderKeyword("SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK"); } public int callbackOrder { get { return 1; } } public void OnProcessShader(Shader shader, ShaderSnippetData snippet, IList inputData) { bool shouldStripNonShadowmaskVariant = false; // We always use shadow-mask // Need to check if this is really okay: // With no mixed light around, HDRP may set SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK off and not allocate resource needed by shader with SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK turned on // However as we test nothing looks broken, let's keep this to make shader compile faster // For final build/release, let's not strip SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK off shaders to be on the safe side if ( == "HDRP/Lit" || == "HDRP/LayeredLit" || == "HDRP/LitTessellation" || == "HDRP/LayeredLitTessellation") { bool isGBufferPass = snippet.passName == "GBuffer"; bool isTransparentBackfacePass = snippet.passName == "TransparentBackface"; bool isForwardPass = snippet.passName == "Forward"; if (isGBufferPass || isTransparentBackfacePass || isForwardPass) { shouldStripNonShadowmaskVariant = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < inputData.Count; ++i) { ShaderCompilerData input = inputData[i]; if (ShouldStripShader(input, shouldStripNonShadowmaskVariant)) { inputData.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } } bool ShouldStripShader(ShaderCompilerData inputData, bool shouldStripNonShadowmaskVariant) { bool lightMapOn = inputData.shaderKeywordSet.IsEnabled(kLightmapOn); bool useDirLightmap = inputData.shaderKeywordSet.IsEnabled(kUseDirectionalLightmap); if ((lightMapOn && !useDirLightmap) || (!lightMapOn && useDirLightmap)) { // Only meaningful combinations are: // 1 - lightmap on, using directional light map // 2 - lightmap not on, does not matter what type of light map you use // Any other combination of keywords should be stripped return true; } if (shouldStripNonShadowmaskVariant) { if (!inputData.shaderKeywordSet.IsEnabled(kShadowMaskMode)) { return true; } } return false; } }