using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml.Schema; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Sample.Core; using UnityEngine; unsafe public struct NetworkWriter { public NetworkWriter(uint* buffer, int bufferSize, NetworkSchema schema, bool generateSchema = false) { m_Output = buffer; m_BufferSize = bufferSize; m_Position = 0; m_Schema = schema; m_CurrentField = null; m_NextFieldIndex = 0; m_GenerateSchema = generateSchema; m_FieldMask = 0; } public int GetLength() { return m_Position; } void ValidateOrGenerateSchema(string name, NetworkSchema.FieldType type, int bits = 0, bool delta = false, int precision = 0, int arraySize = 0) { if (m_Position + arraySize >= m_BufferSize) { // This is a really hard error to recover from. So we just try to make sure everything stops... GameDebug.Assert(false, "Out of buffer space in NetworkWriter."); } // Precision is amount of digits (10^-3) GameDebug.Assert(precision < 4, "Precision has to be less than 4 digits. If you need more use unquantizised values"); if (m_GenerateSchema == true) { if (type == NetworkSchema.FieldType.Bool || type == NetworkSchema.FieldType.ByteArray || type == NetworkSchema.FieldType.String) GameDebug.Assert(delta == false, "Delta compression of fields of type bool, bytearray and string not supported"); // TOULF m_Scheme will contain scheme for ALL of the *entity* (not component) m_Schema.AddField(new NetworkSchema.FieldInfo() { name = name, fieldType = type, bits = bits, delta = delta, precision = precision, arraySize = arraySize, fieldMask = m_FieldMask, startContext = m_Schema.numFields * NetworkConfig.maxContextsPerField + * NetworkConfig.maxContextsPerSchema + NetworkConfig.firstSchemaContext }); } else if (m_Schema != null) { m_CurrentField = m_Schema.fields[m_NextFieldIndex]; GameDebug.Assert( == name); GameDebug.Assert(m_CurrentField.fieldType == type); GameDebug.Assert(m_CurrentField.bits == bits); GameDebug.Assert( == delta); GameDebug.Assert(m_CurrentField.precision == precision); GameDebug.Assert(m_CurrentField.arraySize == arraySize); GameDebug.Assert(m_CurrentField.fieldMask == m_FieldMask); ++m_NextFieldIndex; } // TOULF when is it ok that m_Scheme being null? } public enum FieldSectionType { OnlyPredicting, OnlyNotPredicting } public void SetFieldSection(FieldSectionType type) { GameDebug.Assert(m_FieldMask == 0, "Field masks cannot be combined."); if (type == FieldSectionType.OnlyNotPredicting) m_FieldMask = 0x1; else m_FieldMask = 0x2; } public void ClearFieldSection() { GameDebug.Assert(m_FieldMask != 0, "Trying to clear a field mask but none has been set."); m_FieldMask = 0; } public void WriteBoolean(string name, bool value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Bool, 1, false); m_Output[m_Position++] = value ? 1u : 0u; } public void WriteByte(string name, byte value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.UInt, 8, true); m_Output[m_Position++] = value; } public void WriteInt16(string name, short value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Int, 16, true); m_Output[m_Position++] = (ushort)value; } public void WriteUInt16(string name, ushort value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.UInt, 16, true); m_Output[m_Position++] = value; } public void WriteInt32(string name, int value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Int, 32, true); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)value; } public void WriteUInt32(string name, uint value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.UInt, 32, true); m_Output[m_Position++] = value; } public void WriteFloat(string name, float value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Float, 32, false); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value); } public void WriteFloatQ(string name, float value, int precision = 3) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Float, 32, true, precision); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); } public enum OverrunBehaviour { AssertMaxLength, WarnAndTrunc, SilentTrunc } static char[] _writeStringBuf = new char[64]; public void WriteString(string name, string value, int maxLength = 64, OverrunBehaviour overrunBehaviour = OverrunBehaviour.WarnAndTrunc) { if (value == null) value = ""; if (value.Length > _writeStringBuf.Length) _writeStringBuf = new char[_writeStringBuf.Length * 2]; value.CopyTo(0, _writeStringBuf, 0, value.Length); WriteString(name, _writeStringBuf, value.Length, maxLength, overrunBehaviour); } public void WriteString(string name, char[] value, int length, int maxLength, OverrunBehaviour overrunBehaviour) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.String, 0, false, 0, maxLength); GameDebug.Assert(maxLength <= s_ByteBuffer.Length, "NetworkWriter: Max length has to be less than {0}", s_ByteBuffer.Length); GameDebug.Assert((maxLength & 0x3) == 0, "MaxLength has to be 32bit aligned"); var byteCount = 0; if (length > 0) { // Ensure the (utf-8) *encoded* string is not too big. If it is, cut it off, // convert back to unicode and then back again to utf-8. This little dance gives // a valid utf-8 string within the buffer size. byteCount = NetworkConfig.encoding.GetBytes(value, 0, length, s_ByteBuffer, 0); if (byteCount > maxLength) { if (overrunBehaviour == OverrunBehaviour.AssertMaxLength) { GameDebug.Assert(false, "NetworkWriter : string {0} too long. (Using {1}/{2} allowed encoded bytes): ", value, byteCount, maxLength); } // truncate var truncWithBadEnd = NetworkConfig.encoding.GetString(s_ByteBuffer, 0, maxLength); var truncOk = truncWithBadEnd.Substring(0, truncWithBadEnd.Length - 1); var newbyteCount = NetworkConfig.encoding.GetBytes(truncOk, 0, truncOk.Length, s_ByteBuffer, 0); if (overrunBehaviour == OverrunBehaviour.WarnAndTrunc) { GameDebug.LogWarning(string.Format("NetworkWriter : truncated string with {0} bytes. (result: {1})", byteCount - newbyteCount, truncOk)); } byteCount = newbyteCount; GameDebug.Assert(byteCount <= maxLength, "String encoding failed"); } } m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)byteCount; byte* dst = (byte*)(m_Output + m_Position); int i = 0; for (; i < byteCount; ++i) *dst++ = s_ByteBuffer[i]; for (; i < maxLength; ++i) *dst++ = 0; GameDebug.Assert(((uint)dst & 0x3) == 0, "Expected to stay aligned!"); m_Position += maxLength / 4; } public void WriteNativeString(string name, NativeString64 value, int maxLength = 64, OverrunBehaviour overrunBehaviour = OverrunBehaviour.WarnAndTrunc) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.String, 0, false, 0, maxLength); GameDebug.Assert((maxLength & 0x3) == 0, "MaxLength has to be 32bit aligned"); var bytes = &value.buffer.byte0000; var byteCount = maxLength; if (value.LengthInBytes > maxLength) { if (overrunBehaviour == OverrunBehaviour.AssertMaxLength) { GameDebug.Assert(false, "NetworkWriter : string {0} too long. (Using {1}/{2} allowed encoded bytes): ", value, byteCount, maxLength); } // truncate byteCount = maxLength; // Find the last non-trailer code unit and attempt to get its code point // If that fails truncate right before this non-trailer code unit // TODO: NativeString will get API for truncating, replace with that when it's ready var lastNonTrailerIndex = byteCount - 1; while (Unicode.NotTrailer(bytes[lastNonTrailerIndex])) { lastNonTrailerIndex--; } var offset = lastNonTrailerIndex; var conversionError = Unicode.Utf8ToUcs(out var rune, bytes, ref offset, maxLength); if (conversionError != ConversionError.None) { byteCount = lastNonTrailerIndex; } } m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)byteCount; byte* dst = (byte*)(m_Output + m_Position); int i = 0; for (; i < byteCount; ++i) *dst++ = bytes[i]; for (; i < maxLength; ++i) *dst++ = 0; GameDebug.Assert(((uint)dst & 0x3) == 0, "Expected to stay aligned!"); m_Position += maxLength / 4; } public void WriteBytes(string name, byte[] value, int srcIndex, int count, int maxCount) { GameDebug.Assert((maxCount & 0x3) == 0, "MaxCount has to be 32bit aligned"); ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.ByteArray, 0, false, 0, maxCount); if (count > ushort.MaxValue) throw new System.ArgumentException("NetworkWriter : Byte buffer too big : " + count); //m_Output.WriteByteArray(value, srcIndex, count, maxCount); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)count; byte* dst = (byte*)(m_Output + m_Position); int i = 0; for (; i < count; ++i) *dst++ = value[i]; for (; i < maxCount; ++i) *dst++ = 0; m_Position += maxCount / 4; } public void WriteVector2(string name, Vector2 value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Vector2, 32); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value.x); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value.y); } public void WriteVector2Q(string name, Vector2 value, int precision = 3) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Vector2, 32, true, precision); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value.x * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value.y * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); } public void WriteVector3(string name, Vector3 value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Vector3, 32); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value.x); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value.y); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value.z); } public void WriteVector3Q(string name, Vector3 value, int precision = 3) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Vector3, 32, true, precision); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value.x * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value.y * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value.z * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); } public void WriteQuaternion(string name, Quaternion value) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Quaternion, 32); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value.x); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value.y); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value.z); m_Output[m_Position++] = NetworkUtils.FloatToUInt32(value.w); } public void WriteQuaternionQ(string name, Quaternion value, int precision = 3) { ValidateOrGenerateSchema(name, NetworkSchema.FieldType.Quaternion, 32, true, precision); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value.x * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value.y * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value.z * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); m_Output[m_Position++] = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(value.w * NetworkConfig.encoderPrecisionScales[precision]); } public void Flush() { if (m_GenerateSchema) m_Schema.Finalize(); } static byte[] s_ByteBuffer = new byte[1024 * 32]; NetworkSchema m_Schema; NetworkSchema.FieldInfo m_CurrentField; uint* m_Output; int m_BufferSize; int m_Position; int m_NextFieldIndex; byte m_FieldMask; bool m_GenerateSchema; }