using System; using NUnit.Framework; using Unity.Sample.Core; using UnityEngine; namespace NetcodeTests { [TestFixture] public class GameTests : NetTestBase { public class MyEntity : TestEntity { public Vector3 position = new Vector3(); bool flag; public string message = ""; public int health = 100; public float predictedData = 100.0f; public float nonpredictedData = 100.0f; public float justData = 100.0f; public override void UpdateServer(TestWorld world) { var t = world.tick * Mathf.PI / 100.0f; if ((world.tick + % 100 < 50) { position.x = Mathf.Cos(t); position.y = Mathf.Sin(t); } justData = world.tick % 100 < 50 ? 0.0f : world.tick * 0.01f; flag = world.random.Next(0, 100) < 95; if ((world.tick + % 200 == 0) message = "abcdefghijklmn".Substring(world.random.Next(0, 2), world.random.Next(3, 5)); var t2 = world.tick % 200; position.z = t2 < 100 ? t2 : 100 - t2; // delay changing value one frame so test verification can tell apart // if clients are getting updates or not if (spawnTick > world.tick) { predictedData = Mathf.Sin(t * 1.0f); nonpredictedData = Mathf.Sin(t * 1.1f); } if (health > 0) --health; } public override void Serialize(ref NetworkWriter writer) { base.Serialize(ref writer); writer.WriteVector3Q("position", position, 3); writer.WriteInt32("health", health); writer.WriteBoolean("flag", flag); writer.WriteString("message", message); writer.WriteFloat("justData", justData); writer.SetFieldSection(NetworkWriter.FieldSectionType.OnlyPredicting); writer.WriteFloat("predictedData", predictedData); writer.ClearFieldSection(); writer.SetFieldSection(NetworkWriter.FieldSectionType.OnlyNotPredicting); writer.WriteFloat("nonpredictedData", nonpredictedData); writer.ClearFieldSection(); } public override void AssertReplicatedCorrectly(TestSerializable clientEntity, bool isPredicting) { base.AssertReplicatedCorrectly(clientEntity, isPredicting); var c = clientEntity as MyEntity; Assert.IsTrue(c != null); //Assert.IsTrue(position == c.position); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(position.x - c.position.x) < Math.Pow(10, -3)); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(position.y - c.position.y) < Math.Pow(10, -3)); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(position.z - c.position.z) < Math.Pow(10, -3)); Assert.IsTrue(justData == c.justData); Assert.IsTrue(health ==; Assert.IsTrue(flag == c.flag); Assert.IsTrue(message.CompareTo(c.message) == 0); Assert.IsTrue(c.predictingClientId == -1); // Clients never know anything about if they predict or not if (isPredicting) { Assert.IsTrue(predictingClientId != -1); Assert.IsTrue(predictedData == c.predictedData); Assert.IsTrue(100.0f == c.nonpredictedData); // we should not be getting anything beyond the value at spawn } else { Assert.IsTrue(100.0f == c.predictedData); // we should not be getting anything beyond the value at spawn Assert.IsTrue(nonpredictedData == c.nonpredictedData); } } public override void Deserialize(ref NetworkReader reader) { base.Deserialize(ref reader); position = reader.ReadVector3Q(); health = reader.ReadInt32(); flag = reader.ReadBoolean(); message = reader.ReadString(); justData = reader.ReadFloat(); predictedData = reader.ReadFloat(); nonpredictedData = reader.ReadFloat(); } } [SetUp] public void TestSetup() { ConfigVar.ResetAllToDefault(); } [Test] [Ignore("New netcode introduced with CL 16168 breaks this test")] public void GameTests_SpawnAndUpdate100Entities() { TestTransport.Reset(); TestGameServer server = new TestGameServer(); TestGameClient client = new TestGameClient(2); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) server.SpawnEntity(-1); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { server.Update(); client.Update(); if (i > 2), server.clients[0]); } var c = server.networkServer.GetConnections()[server.clients[0]]; GameDebug.Log("Sent bytes: " + c.counters.bytesOut); GameDebug.Log("Sent packages: " + c.counters.packagesOut); GameDebug.Log("Generated snapshots: " + server.networkServer.statsGeneratedEntitySnapshots); GameDebug.Log("Sent snapshotdata: " + server.networkServer.statsSentOutgoing); } [Test] [Ignore("New netcode introduced with CL 16168 breaks this test")] public void GameTests_RandomSpawnAndDespawn() { TestTransport.Reset(); var random = new System.Random(129315); TestGameServer server = new TestGameServer(); TestGameClient client = new TestGameClient(2); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { // 20 % of spawning in frames 0-100, 200-300, etc. and 10% otherwise and wise // verse for despawning, so we can oscilating number oFf entities if (random.Next(0, i % 200 < 100 ? 5 : 10) == 0) { server.SpawnEntity(-1); } if (random.Next(0, i % 200 > 100 ? 5 : 10) == 0 && > 0) { var index = random.Next(0,; var enumerator =; while (index >= 0) { enumerator.MoveNext(); --index; } server.DespawnEntity(enumerator.Current.Value); } server.Update(); client.Update(); if (i > 2), server.clients[0]); } } [Test] [Ignore("New netcode introduced with CL 16168 breaks this test")] public void GameTests_SpawnAndDespawnDuringConnect() { TestTransport.Reset(); // Once upon a time there was a server... TestGameServer server = new TestGameServer(); server.Update(); // One tick to get away from 0 // And it had a nice, old entity. Born all the way back in tick 1 var oldOne = server.SpawnEntity(-1); // Then a client joined the server TestGameClient client = new TestGameClient(2); // They did the handshake / map / client ready server.Update(); client.Update(); // And exchanged / client config/info server.Update(); client.Update(); // Meanwhile in another part of the net, a router decides to start dropping // packages like santa himself. Horrors! Our client is now unable to speak // a word. In particualar unable to say ACK NetworkClient.clientBlockOut.Value = "1"; // The server suspects nothing and passes on a snapshot. Of course no // ack will come back from the poor client server.Update(); client.Update(); // And then, in a freak accident, just as we have sent the first snapshot // to the client, the old entity decide to die... server.DespawnEntity(oldOne); // Since we have not heard acks from the client, the server dutifully // keeps sending snapshots with no baseline. It is very tempting // for the server to not send out anything about the oldOne now. // After all it was born eons ago AND now it is gone. // How could an old, dead entity be of interest to a young client? // But what has been spawned must be despawned! // And we already told the client about the oldOne in our first snapshot. server.Update(); client.Update(); // Now the router comes back to life. Server begins to get acks // so snapshots can now be delta compressed. Skies seem to be clearing up. NetworkClient.clientBlockOut.Value = "0"; // Look at them sync again. Perhaps this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { server.Update(); client.Update();, server.clients[0]); } // THE END } [Test] [Ignore("New netcode introduced with CL 16168 breaks this test")] public void GameTests_AfterNonBaselineNewEntityTypeInSameSlot() { TestTransport.Reset(); TestGameServer server = new TestGameServer(); server.Update(); TestGameClient client = new TestGameClient(2); NetworkServer.serverDebug.Value = "2"; NetworkClient.clientDebug.Value = "2"; // Handshake server.Update(); client.Update(); // Map server.Update(); client.Update(); // Spawn entity of one type TestEntity entity = server.SpawnEntity(-1); server.Update(); client.Update();, server.clients[0]); // Despawn and respawn with new type server.DespawnEntity(entity); NetworkClient.clientBlockIn.Value = "-1"; NetworkConfig.netChokeSendInterval.Value = "0"; // Run enough updates so that server consider id for despawned entity reusable for (int i = 0; i < NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize; i++) { server.Update(); client.Update(); } // Spawn new entity. Different type but will have same id entity = server.SpawnEntity(-1); NetworkClient.clientBlockIn.Value = "0"; server.Update(); client.Update(); server.Update(); client.Update();, server.clients[0]); } [Test] [Ignore("New netcode introduced with CL 16168 breaks this test")] public void GameTests_AfterNonBaselineStaleEntitiesRemoved() { TestTransport.Reset(); TestGameServer server = new TestGameServer(); server.Update(); TestGameClient client = new TestGameClient(2); NetworkServer.serverDebug.Value = "2"; NetworkClient.clientDebug.Value = "2"; // Handshake server.Update(); client.Update(); // Map server.Update(); client.Update(); // Spawn entity of one type TestEntity entity = server.SpawnEntity(-1); server.Update(); client.Update();, server.clients[0]); NetworkClient.clientBlockIn.Value = "-1"; NetworkConfig.netChokeSendInterval.Value = "0"; // Run enough updates so that server consider id for despawned entity reusable for (int i = 0; i < NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize; i++) { server.Update(); client.Update(); } // Despawn. Since next update going out is without baseline, no explicit despawn will // be sent. We rely on client to prune this entity as a stale entity. server.DespawnEntity(entity); NetworkClient.clientBlockIn.Value = "0"; server.Update(); client.Update(); server.Update(); client.Update();, server.clients[0]); } [Test] public void GameTests_StaleBaselineTest() { NetworkConfig.netChokeSendInterval.Value = "0"; TestTransport.Reset(); TestGameServer server = new TestGameServer(); server.Update(); // Server tick away from 0 TestGameClient client = new TestGameClient(2); // Handshakes server.Update(); client.Update(); server.Update(); client.Update(); var e = server.SpawnEntity(-1); server.DespawnEntity(e); // Server send first snapshot. No BL. Contains SPAWN server.Update(); server.Update(); client.Update(); for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) { server.Update(); } client.m_Transport.DropPackages(); e = server.SpawnEntity(-1); server.Update(); client.Update(); server.Update(); client.Update(); server.Update(); client.Update(); NetworkConfig.netChokeSendInterval.Value = "0.3"; } [Test] [Ignore("New netcode introduced with CL 16168 breaks this test")] public void GameTests_PredictingClientData() { TestTransport.Reset(); TestGameServer server = new TestGameServer(); TestGameClient client1 = new TestGameClient(2); TestGameClient client2 = new TestGameClient(3); // Allow server to get connections server.Update(); server.Update(); // NOTE: this relies on incoming clients getting assigned id's 1, 2, 3 .. Assert.AreEqual(2, server.clients.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, server.clients[0]); Assert.AreEqual(2, server.clients[1]); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { // Spawn entities that are non predicted as well as predicted by either client var idx = i % (server.clients.Count + 1); var simulatingClient = idx < server.clients.Count ? server.clients[idx] : -1; server.SpawnEntity(simulatingClient); server.Update(); client1.Update(); client2.Update(); if (i > 2) {, server.clients[0]);, server.clients[1]); } } } [Test] [Ignore("New netcode introduced with CL 16168 breaks this test")] public void GameTests_FullSpawnAndDespawn() { TestTransport.Reset(); TestGameServer server = new TestGameServer(); TestGameClient client = new TestGameClient(2); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { server.SpawnEntity(-1); server.Update(); client.Update(); if (i > 2), server.clients[0]); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { Assert.AreNotEqual(, 0); var enumerator =; enumerator.MoveNext(); server.DespawnEntity(enumerator.Current.Value); server.Update(); client.Update(); if (i > 2), server.clients[0]); } // Test spawn and despawn in same frame for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var entity = server.SpawnEntity(-1); server.DespawnEntity(entity); server.Update(); client.Update(); if (i > 2), server.clients[0]); } // Run server for enough ticks so that it can assume all despawned entities are too old to be of interest // to any client. for (int i = 0; i < NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize + 1; i++) { server.Update(); client.Update(); } // Then server should have deleted them all from its internal list Assert.AreEqual(0, server.networkServer.NumEntities); } [Test] [Ignore("New netcode introduced with CL 16168 breaks this test")] public void GameTests_MapReset() { TestTransport.Reset(); var random = new System.Random(129315); TestGameServer server = new TestGameServer(); TestGameClient client = new TestGameClient(2); for (int mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < 10; ++mapIndex) { server.SetMap("Map " + mapIndex); for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) server.SpawnEntity(-1); for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j) { server.Update(); client.Update(); if (j > 2), server.clients[0]); } } for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { server.Update(); client.Update(); } server.SetMap("Haha"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { server.Update(); client.Update(); } server.SetMap("Huhu"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { // 20 % of spawning in frames 0-100, 200-300, etc. and 10% otherwise and wise // verse for despawning, so we can oscilating number oFf entities if (random.Next(0, i % 200 < 10 ? 5 : 10) == 0) { server.SpawnEntity(-1); } if (random.Next(0, i % 200 > 100 ? 5 : 10) == 0 && > 0) { var index = random.Next(0,; var enumerator =; while (index >= 0) { enumerator.MoveNext(); --index; } server.DespawnEntity(enumerator.Current.Value); } server.Update(); client.Update(); if (i > 5), server.clients[0]); } } } }