using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Threading; namespace TusClient { public class TusClient { // *********************************************************************************************** // Properties // *********************************************************************************************** // Events public delegate void UploadingEvent(long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal); public event UploadingEvent Uploading; public delegate void DownloadingEvent(long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal); public event DownloadingEvent Downloading; private string autorization = null; public String Autorization { set { autorization = value; } } // *********************************************************************************************** // Private //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private CancellationTokenSource cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); // *********************************************************************************************** // Public //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public IWebProxy Proxy { get; set; } public TusClient() { } public void Cancel() { this.cancelSource.Cancel(); } public string Create(string URL, System.IO.FileInfo file, Dictionary metadata = null) { if (metadata == null) { metadata = new Dictionary(); } if (!metadata.ContainsKey("filename")) { metadata["filename"] = file.Name; } return Create(URL, file.Length, metadata); } public string Create(string URL, long UploadLength, Dictionary metadata = null) { var requestUri = new Uri(URL); var client = new TusHTTPClient(); client.Proxy = this.Proxy; var request = new TusHTTPRequest(URL); request.Method = "POST"; request.AddHeader("Tus-Resumable", "1.0.0"); request.AddHeader("Upload-Length", UploadLength.ToString()); request.AddHeader("Content-Length", "0"); if (autorization != null) request.AddHeader("Authorization", autorization); if (metadata == null) { metadata = new Dictionary(); } var metadatastrings = new List(); foreach (var meta in metadata) { string k = meta.Key.Replace(" ", "").Replace(",", ""); string v = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(meta.Value)); metadatastrings.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}", k, v)); } request.AddHeader("Upload-Metadata", string.Join(",", metadatastrings.ToArray())); var response = client.PerformRequest(request); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created) { if (response.Headers.ContainsKey("Location")) { Uri locationUri; if (Uri.TryCreate(response.Headers["Location"], UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out locationUri)) { if (!locationUri.IsAbsoluteUri) { locationUri = new Uri(requestUri, locationUri); } return locationUri.ToString(); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid Location Header"); } } else { throw new Exception("Location Header Missing"); } } else { throw new Exception("CreateFileInServer failed. " + response.ResponseString); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void Upload(string URL, System.IO.FileInfo file) { using (var fs = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { Upload(URL, fs); } } public void Upload(string URL, System.IO.Stream fs) { var Offset = this.getFileOffset(URL); var client = new TusHTTPClient(); System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1 sha = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed(); int ChunkSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(5 * 1024.0 * 1024.0); //3 mb if (Offset == fs.Length) { if (Uploading != null) Uploading((long)fs.Length, (long)fs.Length); } while (Offset < fs.Length) { fs.Seek(Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] buffer = new byte[ChunkSize]; var BytesRead = fs.Read(buffer, 0, ChunkSize); Array.Resize(ref buffer, BytesRead); var sha1hash = sha.ComputeHash(buffer); var request = new TusHTTPRequest(URL); request.cancelToken = this.cancelSource.Token; request.Method = "PATCH"; if (autorization != null) { request.AddHeader("Authorization", autorization); } request.AddHeader("Tus-Resumable", "1.0.0"); request.AddHeader("Upload-Offset", string.Format("{0}", Offset)); request.AddHeader("Upload-Checksum", "sha1 " + Convert.ToBase64String(sha1hash)); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/offset+octet-stream"); request.BodyBytes = buffer; request.Uploading += delegate(long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal) { if (Uploading != null) Uploading((long)Offset + bytesTransferred, (long)fs.Length); }; try { var response = client.PerformRequest(request); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent) { Offset += BytesRead; } else { throw new Exception("WriteFileInServer failed. " + response.ResponseString); } } catch (IOException ex) { if (ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(System.Net.Sockets.SocketException)) { var socketex = (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException)ex.InnerException; if (socketex.SocketErrorCode == System.Net.Sockets.SocketError.ConnectionReset) { // retry by continuing the while loop but get new offset from server to prevent Conflict error Offset = this.getFileOffset(URL); } else { throw socketex; } } else { throw; } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public TusHTTPResponse Download(string URL) { var client = new TusHTTPClient(); var request = new TusHTTPRequest(URL); request.cancelToken = this.cancelSource.Token; request.Method = "GET"; request.Downloading += delegate(long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal) { if (Downloading != null) Downloading((long)bytesTransferred, (long)bytesTotal); }; var response = client.PerformRequest(request); return response; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public TusHTTPResponse Head(string URL) { var client = new TusHTTPClient(); var request = new TusHTTPRequest(URL); request.Method = "HEAD"; request.AddHeader("Tus-Resumable", "1.0.0"); if (autorization != null) { request.AddHeader("Authorization", autorization); } try { var response = client.PerformRequest(request); return response; } catch (TusException ex) { var response = new TusHTTPResponse(); response.StatusCode = ex.statuscode; return response; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public class TusServerInfo { public string Version = ""; public string SupportedVersions = ""; public string Extensions = ""; public long MaxSize = 0; public bool SupportsDelete { get { return this.Extensions.Contains("termination"); } } } public TusServerInfo getServerInfo(string URL) { var client = new TusHTTPClient(); var request = new TusHTTPRequest(URL); request.Method = "OPTIONS"; var response = client.PerformRequest(request); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { // Spec says NoContent but tusd gives OK because of browser bugs var info = new TusServerInfo(); response.Headers.TryGetValue("Tus-Resumable", out info.Version); response.Headers.TryGetValue("Tus-Version", out info.SupportedVersions); response.Headers.TryGetValue("Tus-Extension", out info.Extensions); string MaxSize; if (response.Headers.TryGetValue("Tus-Max-Size", out MaxSize)) { info.MaxSize = long.Parse(MaxSize); } else { info.MaxSize = 0; } return info; } else { throw new Exception("getServerInfo failed. " + response.ResponseString); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public bool Delete(string URL) { var client = new TusHTTPClient(); var request = new TusHTTPRequest(URL); request.Method = "DELETE"; request.AddHeader("Tus-Resumable", "1.0.0"); if (autorization != null) { request.AddHeader("Authorization", autorization); } var response = client.PerformRequest(request); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Gone) { return true; } else { return false; } } // *********************************************************************************************** // Internal //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private long getFileOffset(string URL) { var client = new TusHTTPClient(); var request = new TusHTTPRequest(URL); request.Method = "HEAD"; request.AddHeader("Tus-Resumable", "1.0.0"); if (autorization != null) request.AddHeader("Authorization", autorization); var response = client.PerformRequest(request); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (response.Headers.ContainsKey("Upload-Offset")) { return long.Parse(response.Headers["Upload-Offset"]); } else { throw new Exception("Offset Header Missing"); } } else { throw new Exception("getFileOffset failed. " + response.ResponseString); } } // *********************************************************************************************** } // End of Class } // End of Namespace