using System; using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Sample.Core; using UnityEngine; public class CapturePoint : MonoBehaviour { public string objectiveName; public float radius; public float height; public byte captureIndex; public float captureTime = 10.0f; public SpawnPoint[] spawns; public Animator animator; public enum Status { Locked, Active, Capturing, Healing, Contested, Completed } [System.NonSerialized] public Status status; [System.NonSerialized] public float captured; private void OnEnable() { // TODO (mogensh) As we dont have good way of having strings on ECS data components we keep this as monobehavior and only use GameModeData for serialization var goe = GetComponent(); goe.EntityManager.AddComponent(goe.Entity, typeof(CapturePointData)); } #if UNITY_EDITOR #pragma warning disable 649 [ConfigVar(Name = "debug.capture", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Debugging capture zones")] static ConfigVar debugCapture; #pragma warning restore 649 void Update() { foreach (var i in CapturePointReference.capturePointReferences) { if (i.index == captureIndex && i.animator != null) { i.animator.SetInteger("Captured", debugCapture.IntValue); } } } void OnDrawGizmos() { var position = transform.position; var halfHeight = height / 2; position.y += halfHeight; DebugDraw.Cylinder(position, Vector3.up, radius, halfHeight,; } #endif } [Serializable] public struct CapturePointData : IComponentData { public int foo; // public void Serialize(ref SerializeContext context, ref NetworkWriter writer) // { // var behaviour = context.entityManager.GetComponentObject(context.entity); // // writer.WriteString("objectiveName", behaviour.objectiveName); // // writer.WriteByte("status", (byte)behaviour.status); // writer.WriteFloatQ("captured", behaviour.captured, 2); // } // // public void Deserialize(ref SerializeContext context, ref NetworkReader reader) // { // var behaviour = context.entityManager.GetComponentObject(context.entity); // // behaviour.objectiveName = reader.ReadString(); // // behaviour.status = (CapturePoint.Status)reader.ReadByte(); // behaviour.captured = reader.ReadFloatQ(); // // // TODO (petera) replace with proper cross scene reference system // foreach (var i in CapturePointReference.capturePointReferences) // { // if (i.index == behaviour.captureIndex && i.animator != null) // { // int captured = 0; // if (behaviour.status == CapturePoint.Status.Capturing || behaviour.status == CapturePoint.Status.Contested) // captured = 1; // else if (behaviour.status == CapturePoint.Status.Completed) // captured = 2; // i.animator.SetInteger("Captured", captured); // } // } // } }