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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Client;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Visual
/// <summary>
/// Provides logic for the Party HUD with information on the player and allies
/// Party HUD shows hero portrait and class info for all ally characters
/// Party HUD also shows healthbars for each player allows clicks to select an ally
/// </summary>
public class PartyHUD : MonoBehaviour
ClientPlayerAvatarRuntimeCollection m_PlayerAvatars;
private Image m_HeroPortrait;
private GameObject[] m_AllyPanel;
private TextMeshProUGUI[] m_PartyNames;
private Image[] m_PartyClassSymbols;
private Slider[] m_PartyHealthSliders;
private Image[] m_PartyHealthGodModeImages;
// track a list of hero (slot 0) + allies
private ulong[] m_PartyIds;
// track Hero's target to show when it is the Hero or an ally
private ulong m_CurrentTarget;
NetworkCharacterState m_OwnedCharacterState;
ClientPlayerAvatar m_OwnedPlayerAvatar;
private Dictionary<ulong, NetworkCharacterState> m_TrackedAllies = new Dictionary<ulong, NetworkCharacterState>();
private Client.ClientInputSender m_ClientSender;
void Awake()
// Make sure arrays are initialized
m_PlayerAvatars.ItemAdded += PlayerAvatarAdded;
m_PlayerAvatars.ItemRemoved += PlayerAvatarRemoved;
void PlayerAvatarAdded(ClientPlayerAvatar clientPlayerAvatar)
if (clientPlayerAvatar.NetcodeHooks.IsOwner)
void PlayerAvatarRemoved(ClientPlayerAvatar clientPlayerAvatar)
if (m_OwnedPlayerAvatar == clientPlayerAvatar)
else if (m_TrackedAllies.ContainsKey(clientPlayerAvatar.NetcodeHooks.NetworkObjectId))
void SetHeroData(ClientPlayerAvatar clientPlayerAvatar)
var networkCharacterStateExists =
clientPlayerAvatar.TryGetComponent(out NetworkCharacterState networkCharacterState);
"NetworkCharacterState component not found on ClientPlayerAvatar");
m_OwnedPlayerAvatar = clientPlayerAvatar;
m_OwnedCharacterState = networkCharacterState;
// Hero is always our slot 0
m_PartyIds[0] = m_OwnedCharacterState.NetworkObject.NetworkObjectId;
// set hero portrait
if (m_OwnedCharacterState.TryGetComponent(out NetworkAvatarGuidState avatarGuidState))
m_HeroPortrait.sprite = avatarGuidState.RegisteredAvatar.Portrait;
SetUIFromSlotData(0, m_OwnedCharacterState);
m_OwnedCharacterState.HealthState.HitPoints.OnValueChanged += SetHeroHealth;
m_OwnedCharacterState.NetworkLifeState.IsGodMode.OnValueChanged += SetHeroGodModeStatus;
// plus we track their target
m_OwnedCharacterState.TargetId.OnValueChanged += OnHeroSelectionChanged;
m_ClientSender = m_OwnedCharacterState.GetComponent<ClientInputSender>();
void SetHeroHealth(int previousValue, int newValue)
m_PartyHealthSliders[0].value = newValue;
void SetHeroGodModeStatus(bool previousValue, bool newValue)
/// <summary>
/// Gets Player Name from the NetworkObjectId of his controlled Character.
/// </summary>
string GetPlayerName(Component component)
var networkName = component.GetComponent<NetworkNameState>();
return networkName.Name.Value;
// set the class type for an ally - allies are tracked by appearance so you must also provide appearance id
void SetAllyData(ClientPlayerAvatar clientPlayerAvatar)
var networkCharacterStateExists =
clientPlayerAvatar.TryGetComponent(out NetworkCharacterState networkCharacterState);
"NetworkCharacterState component not found on ClientPlayerAvatar");
ulong id = networkCharacterState.NetworkObjectId;
if (id == 0)
throw new Exception("Order of components initialization might be messed up, shouldn't be here");
int slot = FindOrAddAlly(id);
// do nothing if not in a slot
if (slot == -1)
SetUIFromSlotData(slot, networkCharacterState);
networkCharacterState.HealthState.HitPoints.OnValueChanged += (int previousValue, int newValue) =>
SetAllyHealth(id, newValue);
networkCharacterState.NetworkLifeState.IsGodMode.OnValueChanged += (value, newValue) =>
SetAllyGodModeStatus(id, newValue);
m_TrackedAllies.Add(networkCharacterState.NetworkObjectId, networkCharacterState);
void SetUIFromSlotData(int slot, NetworkCharacterState netState)
m_PartyHealthSliders[slot].maxValue = netState.CharacterClass.BaseHP.Value;
m_PartyHealthSliders[slot].value = netState.HitPoints;
m_PartyNames[slot].text = GetPlayerName(netState);
m_PartyClassSymbols[slot].sprite = netState.CharacterClass.ClassBannerLit;
void SetAllyGodModeStatus(ulong id, bool newValue)
int slot = FindOrAddAlly(id);
// do nothing if not in a slot
if (slot == -1)
void SetAllyHealth(ulong id, int hp)
int slot = FindOrAddAlly(id);
// do nothing if not in a slot
if (slot == -1)
m_PartyHealthSliders[slot].value = hp;
private void OnHeroSelectionChanged(ulong prevTarget, ulong newTarget)
SetHeroSelectFX(m_CurrentTarget, false);
SetHeroSelectFX(newTarget, true);
// Helper to change name appearance for selected or unselected party members
// also updates m_CurrentTarget
private void SetHeroSelectFX(ulong target, bool selected)
// check id against all party slots
int slot = FindOrAddAlly(target, true);
if (slot >= 0)
m_PartyNames[slot].color = selected ? Color.green : Color.white;
if (selected)
m_CurrentTarget = target;
m_CurrentTarget = 0;
public void SelectPartyMember(int slot)
m_ClientSender.RequestAction(ActionType.GeneralTarget, Client.ClientInputSender.SkillTriggerStyle.UI, m_PartyIds[slot]);
// helper to initialize the Allies array - safe to call multiple times
private void InitPartyArrays()
if (m_PartyIds == null)
// clear party ID array
m_PartyIds = new ulong[m_PartyHealthSliders.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < m_PartyHealthSliders.Length; i++)
// initialize all IDs positions to 0 and HP to 1000 on sliders
m_PartyIds[i] = 0;
m_PartyHealthSliders[i].maxValue = 1000;
// Helper to find ally slots, returns -1 if no slot is found for the id
// If a slot is available one will be added for this id unless dontAdd=true
private int FindOrAddAlly(ulong id, bool dontAdd = false)
// make sure allies array is ready
int openslot = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < m_PartyIds.Length; i++)
// if this ID is in the list, return the slot index
if (m_PartyIds[i] == id) { return i; }
// otherwise, record the first open slot (not slot 0 thats for the Hero)
if (openslot == -1 && i > 0 && m_PartyIds[i] == 0)
openslot = i;
// if we don't add, we are done nw and didnt fint the ID
if (dontAdd) { return -1; }
// Party slot was not found for this ID - add one in the open slot
if (openslot > 0)
// activeate the correct ally panel
m_AllyPanel[openslot - 1].SetActive(true);
// and save ally ID to party array
m_PartyIds[openslot] = id;
return openslot;
// this should not happen unless there are too many players - we didn't find the ally or a slot
return -1;
void RemoveHero()
if (m_OwnedCharacterState && m_OwnedCharacterState.HealthState)
m_OwnedCharacterState.HealthState.HitPoints.OnValueChanged -= SetHeroHealth;
m_OwnedCharacterState.NetworkLifeState.IsGodMode.OnValueChanged -= SetHeroGodModeStatus;
m_OwnedCharacterState = null;
/// <summary>
/// Remove an ally from the PartyHUD UI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"> NetworkObjectID of the ally. </param>
void RemoveAlly(ulong id)
for (int i = 0; i < m_PartyIds.Length; i++)
// if this ID is in the list, return the slot index
if (m_PartyIds[i] == id)
m_AllyPanel[i - 1].SetActive(false);
// and save ally ID to party array
m_PartyIds[i] = 0;
if (m_TrackedAllies.TryGetValue(id, out NetworkCharacterState networkCharacterState))
networkCharacterState.HealthState.HitPoints.OnValueChanged -= (int previousValue, int newValue) =>
SetAllyHealth(id, newValue);
networkCharacterState.NetworkLifeState.IsGodMode.OnValueChanged -= (value, newValue) =>
SetAllyGodModeStatus(id, value);
void OnDestroy()
m_PlayerAvatars.ItemAdded -= PlayerAvatarAdded;
m_PlayerAvatars.ItemRemoved -= PlayerAvatarRemoved;
foreach (var kvp in m_TrackedAllies)