using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Shared.Infrastructure; using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Shared.Net.UnityServices.Infrastructure; using Unity.Services.Authentication; using Unity.Services.Lobbies; using Unity.Services.Lobbies.Models; using UnityEngine; using VContainer; using VContainer.Unity; namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Shared.Net.UnityServices.Lobbies { /// /// An abstraction layer between the direct calls into the Lobby API and the outcomes you actually want. /// public class LobbyServiceFacade : IDisposable, IStartable { [Inject] LifetimeScope m_ParentScope; [Inject] UpdateRunner m_UpdateRunner; [Inject] LocalLobby m_LocalLobby; [Inject] LocalLobbyUser m_LocalUser; [Inject] IPublisher m_UnityServiceErrorMessagePub; [Inject] IPublisher m_LobbyListFetchedPub; const float k_HeartbeatPeriod = 8; // The heartbeat must be rate-limited to 5 calls per 30 seconds. We'll aim for longer in case periods don't align. float m_HeartbeatTime = 0; LifetimeScope m_ServiceScope; LobbyAPIInterface m_LobbyApiInterface; JoinedLobbyContentHeartbeat m_JoinedLobbyContentHeartbeat; RateLimitCooldown m_RateLimitQuery; RateLimitCooldown m_RateLimitJoin; RateLimitCooldown m_RateLimitQuickJoin; RateLimitCooldown m_RateLimitHost; public Lobby CurrentUnityLobby { get; private set; } bool m_IsTracking = false; public void Start() { m_ServiceScope = m_ParentScope.CreateChild(builder => { builder.Register(Lifetime.Singleton); builder.Register(Lifetime.Singleton); }); m_LobbyApiInterface = m_ServiceScope.Container.Resolve(); m_JoinedLobbyContentHeartbeat = m_ServiceScope.Container.Resolve(); //See m_RateLimitQuery = new RateLimitCooldown(1f); m_RateLimitJoin = new RateLimitCooldown(3f); m_RateLimitQuickJoin = new RateLimitCooldown(10f); m_RateLimitHost = new RateLimitCooldown(3f); } public void Dispose() { EndTracking(); if (m_ServiceScope != null) { m_ServiceScope.Dispose(); } } public void SetRemoteLobby(Lobby lobby) { CurrentUnityLobby = lobby; m_LocalLobby.ApplyRemoteData(lobby); } public void BeginTracking() { if (!m_IsTracking) { m_IsTracking = true; // 2s update cadence is arbitrary and is here to demonstrate the fact that this update can be rather infrequent // the actual rate limits are tracked via the RateLimitCooldown objects defined above m_UpdateRunner.Subscribe(UpdateLobby, 2f); m_JoinedLobbyContentHeartbeat.BeginTracking(); } } public Task EndTracking() { var task = Task.CompletedTask; if (CurrentUnityLobby != null) { CurrentUnityLobby = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_LocalLobby?.LobbyID)) { task = LeaveLobbyAsync(m_LocalLobby?.LobbyID); } m_LocalUser.ResetState(); m_LocalLobby?.Reset(m_LocalUser); } if (m_IsTracking) { m_UpdateRunner.Unsubscribe(UpdateLobby); m_IsTracking = false; m_HeartbeatTime = 0; m_JoinedLobbyContentHeartbeat.EndTracking(); } return task; } async void UpdateLobby(float unused) { if (!m_RateLimitQuery.CanCall) { return; } try { var lobby = await m_LobbyApiInterface.GetLobby(m_LocalLobby.LobbyID); CurrentUnityLobby = lobby; m_LocalLobby.ApplyRemoteData(lobby); // as client, check if host is still in lobby if (!m_LocalUser.IsHost) { foreach (var lobbyUser in m_LocalLobby.LobbyUsers) { if (lobbyUser.Value.IsHost) { return; } } m_UnityServiceErrorMessagePub.Publish(new UnityServiceErrorMessage("Host left the lobby", "Disconnecting.", UnityServiceErrorMessage.Service.Lobby)); await EndTracking(); // no need to disconnect Netcode, it should already be handled by Netcode's callback to disconnect } } catch (LobbyServiceException e) { if (e.Reason == LobbyExceptionReason.RateLimited) { m_RateLimitQuery.PutOnCooldown(); } } } /// /// Attempt to create a new lobby and then join it. /// public async Task<(bool Success, Lobby Lobby)> TryCreateLobbyAsync(string lobbyName, int maxPlayers, bool isPrivate) { if (!m_RateLimitHost.CanCall) { Debug.LogWarning("Create Lobby hit the rate limit."); return (false, null); } try { var lobby = await m_LobbyApiInterface.CreateLobby(AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId, lobbyName, maxPlayers, isPrivate, m_LocalUser.GetDataForUnityServices(), null); return (true, lobby); } catch (LobbyServiceException e) { if (e.Reason == LobbyExceptionReason.RateLimited) { m_RateLimitHost.PutOnCooldown(); } } return (false, null); } /// /// Attempt to join an existing lobby. Will try to join via code, if code is null - will try to join via ID. /// public async Task<(bool Success, Lobby Lobby)> TryJoinLobbyAsync(string lobbyId, string lobbyCode) { if (!m_RateLimitJoin.CanCall || (lobbyId == null && lobbyCode == null)) { Debug.LogWarning("Join Lobby hit the rate limit."); return (false, null); } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lobbyCode)) { var lobby = await m_LobbyApiInterface.JoinLobbyByCode(AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId, lobbyCode, m_LocalUser.GetDataForUnityServices()); return (true, lobby); } else { var lobby = await m_LobbyApiInterface.JoinLobbyById(AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId, lobbyId, m_LocalUser.GetDataForUnityServices()); return (true, lobby); } } catch (LobbyServiceException e) { if (e.Reason == LobbyExceptionReason.RateLimited) { m_RateLimitJoin.PutOnCooldown(); } } return (false, null); } /// /// Attempt to join the first lobby among the available lobbies that match the filtered onlineMode. /// public async Task<(bool Success, Lobby Lobby)> TryQuickJoinLobbyAsync() { if (!m_RateLimitQuickJoin.CanCall) { Debug.LogWarning("Quick Join Lobby hit the rate limit."); return (false, null); } try { var lobby = await m_LobbyApiInterface.QuickJoinLobby(AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId, m_LocalUser.GetDataForUnityServices()); return (true, lobby); } catch (LobbyServiceException e) { if (e.Reason == LobbyExceptionReason.RateLimited) { m_RateLimitQuickJoin.PutOnCooldown(); } } return (false, null); } /// /// Used for getting the list of all active lobbies, without needing full info for each. /// public async Task RetrieveAndPublishLobbyListAsync() { if (!m_RateLimitQuery.CanCall) { Debug.LogWarning("Retrieve Lobby list hit the rate limit. Will try again soon..."); return; } try { var response = await m_LobbyApiInterface.QueryAllLobbies(); m_LobbyListFetchedPub.Publish(new LobbyListFetchedMessage(LocalLobby.CreateLocalLobbies(response))); } catch (LobbyServiceException e) { if (e.Reason == LobbyExceptionReason.RateLimited) { m_RateLimitQuery.PutOnCooldown(); } } } /// /// Attempt to leave a lobby /// public async Task LeaveLobbyAsync(string lobbyId) { string uasId = AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId; try { await m_LobbyApiInterface.RemovePlayerFromLobby(uasId, lobbyId); } catch (LobbyServiceException e) when (e is { Reason: LobbyExceptionReason.LobbyNotFound }) { // If Lobby is not found, it has already been deleted. No need to throw here. } } public async void RemovePlayerFromLobbyAsync(string uasId, string lobbyId) { if (m_LocalUser.IsHost) { await m_LobbyApiInterface.RemovePlayerFromLobby(uasId, lobbyId); } else { Debug.LogError("Only the host can remove other players from the lobby."); } } public async void DeleteLobbyAsync(string lobbyId) { if (m_LocalUser.IsHost) { await m_LobbyApiInterface.DeleteLobby(lobbyId); } else { Debug.LogError("Only the host can delete a lobby."); } } /// /// Attempt to push a set of key-value pairs associated with the local player which will overwrite any existing data for these keys. /// public async Task UpdatePlayerDataAsync(Dictionary data) { if (!m_RateLimitQuery.CanCall) { return; } try { var result = await m_LobbyApiInterface.UpdatePlayer(CurrentUnityLobby.Id, AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId, data, null, null); if (result != null) { CurrentUnityLobby = result; // Store the most up-to-date lobby now since we have it, instead of waiting for the next heartbeat. } } catch (LobbyServiceException e) { if (e.Reason == LobbyExceptionReason.RateLimited) { m_RateLimitQuery.PutOnCooldown(); } } } /// /// Lobby can be provided info about Relay (or any other remote allocation) so it can add automatic disconnect handling. /// public async Task UpdatePlayerRelayInfoAsync(string allocationId, string connectionInfo) { if (!m_RateLimitQuery.CanCall) { return; } try { await m_LobbyApiInterface.UpdatePlayer(CurrentUnityLobby.Id, AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId, new Dictionary(), allocationId, connectionInfo); } catch (LobbyServiceException e) { if (e.Reason == LobbyExceptionReason.RateLimited) { m_RateLimitQuery.PutOnCooldown(); } //todo - retry logic? SDK is supposed to handle this eventually } } /// /// Attempt to update a set of key-value pairs associated with a given lobby. /// public async Task UpdateLobbyDataAsync(Dictionary data) { if (!m_RateLimitQuery.CanCall) { return; } var dataCurr = CurrentUnityLobby.Data ?? new Dictionary(); foreach (var dataNew in data) { if (dataCurr.ContainsKey(dataNew.Key)) { dataCurr[dataNew.Key] = dataNew.Value; } else { dataCurr.Add(dataNew.Key, dataNew.Value); } } //we would want to lock lobbies from appearing in queries if we're in relay mode and the relay isn't fully set up yet var shouldLock = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_LocalLobby.RelayJoinCode); try { var result = await m_LobbyApiInterface.UpdateLobby(CurrentUnityLobby.Id, dataCurr, shouldLock); if (result != null) { CurrentUnityLobby = result; } } catch (LobbyServiceException e) { if (e.Reason == LobbyExceptionReason.RateLimited) { m_RateLimitQuery.PutOnCooldown(); } } } /// /// Lobby requires a periodic ping to detect rooms that are still active, in order to mitigate "zombie" lobbies. /// public void DoLobbyHeartbeat(float dt) { m_HeartbeatTime += dt; if (m_HeartbeatTime > k_HeartbeatPeriod) { m_HeartbeatTime -= k_HeartbeatPeriod; m_LobbyApiInterface.SendHeartbeatPing(CurrentUnityLobby.Id); } } } }