# Modeled after Yamato mobile automation example: https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/mobile-yamato-example {% metadata_file .yamato/project.metafile %} --- {% for project in projects -%} {% for editor in project.test_editors -%} Build_Player_With_Tests_iOS_{{ project.name }}_{{ editor }}: name: build {{ project.name }} - {{ editor }} on iOS agent: type: Unity::VM::osx image: mobile/macos-10.15-testing:stable flavor: b1.large commands: - pip install unity-downloader-cli --index-url https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple --upgrade - unity-downloader-cli -c Editor -c iOS -u {{ editor }} --fast --wait - curl -s https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/unity-tools-local/utr-standalone/utr --output utr - chmod +x ./utr - ./utr --suite=playmode --platform=iOS --editor-location=.Editor --testproject={{ project.path }} --player-save-path=build/players --artifacts_path=build/logs --build-only --testfilter=Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Tests.Runtime artifacts: players: paths: - "build/players/**" logs: paths: - "build/logs/**" {% endfor -%} {% endfor -%} {% for project in projects -%} {% for editor in project.test_editors -%} Build_Player_With_Tests_Android_{{ project.name }}_{{ editor }}: name: build {{ project.name }} - {{ editor }} on Android agent: type: Unity::VM # Any generic image can be used, no need to have Android tools in the image for building # All Android tools will be downloaded by unity-downloader-cli image: desktop/android-execution-r19:v0.1.1-860408 flavor: b1.xlarge commands: # Download unity-downloader-cli - pip install unity-downloader-cli --index-url https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple --upgrade - curl -s https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/unity-tools/utr-standalone/utr.bat --output utr.bat - python .yamato/disable-burst-if-requested.py --project-path {{ project.path }} --platform Android - unity-downloader-cli -c Editor -c Android -u {{ editor }} --fast --wait # Build player(s) - set UTR_VERSION=0.12.0 - ./utr.bat --suite=playmode --platform=Android --editor-location=.Editor --testproject={{ project.path }} --player-save-path=build/players --artifacts_path=build/logs --scripting-backend=mono --build-only --testfilter=Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Tests.Runtime artifacts: players: paths: - "build/players/**" logs: paths: - "build/logs/**" variables: CI: true ENABLE_BURST_COMPILATION: False {% endfor -%} {% endfor -%} # For every editor version, run iOS project tests without # running package tests too since they are handled on their respective jobs {% for project in projects -%} {% for editor in project.test_editors -%} mobile_test_ios_{{ project.name }}_{{ editor }}: name: {{ project.name }} mobile project tests - {{ editor }} on iOS agent: type: Unity::mobile::iPhone image: mobile/macos-10.15-testing:latest flavor: b1.medium # Skip repository cloning skip_checkout: true # Set a dependency on the build job dependencies: - .yamato/mobile-build-and-run.yml#Build_Player_With_Tests_iOS_{{ project.name }}_{{ editor }} commands: # Download standalone UnityTestRunner - curl -s https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/unity-tools-local/utr-standalone/utr --output utr # Give UTR execution permissions - chmod +x ./utr # Run the test build on the device - ./utr --suite=playmode --platform=iOS --player-load-path=build/players --artifacts_path=build/test-results --testfilter=Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Tests.Runtime artifacts: logs: paths: - "build/test-results/**" {% endfor -%} {% endfor -%} # For every editor version, run Android project tests without # running package tests too since they are handled on their respective jobs {% for project in projects -%} {% for editor in project.test_editors -%} mobile_test_android_{{ project.name }}_{{ editor }}: name: {{ project.name }} mobile project tests - {{ editor }} on Android agent: type: Unity::mobile::shield image: mobile/android-execution-r19:stable flavor: b1.medium # Skip repository cloning skip_checkout: true # Set a dependency on the build job dependencies: - .yamato/mobile-build-and-run.yml#Build_Player_With_Tests_Android_{{ project.name }}_{{ editor }} commands: # Download standalone UnityTestRunner - curl -s https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/unity-tools/utr-standalone/utr.bat --output utr.bat - | set ANDROID_DEVICE_CONNECTION=%BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP% start %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\platform-tools\adb.exe connect %BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP% start %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\platform-tools\adb.exe devices set UTR_VERSION=0.12.0 ./utr --artifacts_path=build/test-results --testproject={{ project.path }} --editor-location=.Editor --reruncount=2 --suite=playmode --platform=android --player-connection-ip=%BOKKEN_HOST_IP% --player-load-path=build/players --testfilter=Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Tests.Runtime # Set uploadable artifact paths artifacts: logs: paths: - "build/test-results/**" {% endfor -%} {% endfor -%}