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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
[HelpURL(Documentation.baseURL + Documentation.version + Documentation.subURL + "Free-Camera" + Documentation.endURL)]
public class FreeCamera : MonoBehaviour
public float m_LookSpeedController = 120f;
public float m_LookSpeedMouse = 10.0f;
public float m_MoveSpeed = 10.0f;
public float m_MoveSpeedIncrement = 2.5f;
public float m_Turbo = 10.0f;
private static string kMouseX = "Mouse X";
private static string kMouseY = "Mouse Y";
private static string kRightStickX = "Controller Right Stick X";
private static string kRightStickY = "Controller Right Stick Y";
private static string kVertical = "Vertical";
private static string kHorizontal = "Horizontal";
private static string kYAxis = "YAxis";
private static string kSpeedAxis = "Speed Axis";
void OnEnable()
void RegisterInputs()
List<InputManagerEntry> inputEntries = new List<InputManagerEntry>();
// Add new bindings
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kRightStickX, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Fourth, sensitivity = 1.0f, gravity = 1.0f, deadZone = 0.2f });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kRightStickY, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Fifth, sensitivity = 1.0f, gravity = 1.0f, deadZone = 0.2f, invert = true });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kYAxis, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "page up", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 5", btnNegative = "page down", altBtnNegative = "joystick button 4", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kSpeedAxis, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "home", btnNegative = "end", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kSpeedAxis, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Seventh, gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f });
void Update()
// If the debug menu is running, we don't want to conflict with its inputs.
if (DebugManager.instance.displayRuntimeUI)
float inputRotateAxisX = 0.0f;
float inputRotateAxisY = 0.0f;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
inputRotateAxisX = Input.GetAxis(kMouseX) * m_LookSpeedMouse;
inputRotateAxisY = Input.GetAxis(kMouseY) * m_LookSpeedMouse;
inputRotateAxisX += (Input.GetAxis(kRightStickX) * m_LookSpeedController * Time.deltaTime);
inputRotateAxisY += (Input.GetAxis(kRightStickY) * m_LookSpeedController * Time.deltaTime);
float inputChangeSpeed = Input.GetAxis(kSpeedAxis);
if (inputChangeSpeed != 0.0f)
m_MoveSpeed += inputChangeSpeed * m_MoveSpeedIncrement;
if (m_MoveSpeed < m_MoveSpeedIncrement) m_MoveSpeed = m_MoveSpeedIncrement;
float inputVertical = Input.GetAxis(kVertical);
float inputHorizontal = Input.GetAxis(kHorizontal);
float inputYAxis = Input.GetAxis(kYAxis);
bool moved = inputRotateAxisX != 0.0f || inputRotateAxisY != 0.0f || inputVertical != 0.0f || inputHorizontal != 0.0f || inputYAxis != 0.0f;
if (moved)
float rotationX = transform.localEulerAngles.x;
float newRotationY = transform.localEulerAngles.y + inputRotateAxisX;
// Weird clamping code due to weird Euler angle mapping...
float newRotationX = (rotationX - inputRotateAxisY);
if (rotationX <= 90.0f && newRotationX >= 0.0f)
newRotationX = Mathf.Clamp(newRotationX, 0.0f, 90.0f);
if (rotationX >= 270.0f)
newRotationX = Mathf.Clamp(newRotationX, 270.0f, 360.0f);
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(newRotationX, newRotationY, transform.localEulerAngles.z);
float moveSpeed = Time.deltaTime * m_MoveSpeed;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
moveSpeed *= Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) ? m_Turbo : 1.0f;
moveSpeed *= Input.GetAxis("Fire1") > 0.0f ? m_Turbo : 1.0f;
transform.position += transform.forward * moveSpeed * inputVertical;
transform.position += transform.right * moveSpeed * inputHorizontal;
transform.position += Vector3.up * moveSpeed * inputYAxis;