Boat Attack使用了Universal RP的许多新图形功能,可以用于探索 Universal RP 的使用方式和技巧。
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using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
//Volumes are documented in HDRP for now
[HelpURL(Documentation.baseURLHDRP + Documentation.version + Documentation.subURL + "Volumes" + Documentation.endURL)]
public class Volume : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("A global volume is applied to the whole scene.")]
public bool isGlobal = true;
[Tooltip("Volume priority in the stack. Higher number means higher priority. Negative values are supported.")]
public float priority = 0f;
[Tooltip("Outer distance to start blending from. A value of 0 means no blending and the volume overrides will be applied immediately upon entry.")]
public float blendDistance = 0f;
[Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Total weight of this volume in the scene. 0 means it won't do anything, 1 means full effect.")]
public float weight = 1f;
// Modifying sharedProfile will change the behavior of all volumes using this profile, and
// change profile settings that are stored in the project too
public VolumeProfile sharedProfile = null;
// This property automatically instantiates the profile and makes it unique to this volume
// so you can safely edit it via scripting at runtime without changing the original asset
// in the project.
// Note that if you pass in your own profile, it is your responsibility to destroy it once
// it's not in use anymore.
public VolumeProfile profile
if (m_InternalProfile == null)
m_InternalProfile = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<VolumeProfile>();
if (sharedProfile != null)
foreach (var item in sharedProfile.components)
var itemCopy = Instantiate(item);
return m_InternalProfile;
set => m_InternalProfile = value;
internal VolumeProfile profileRef => m_InternalProfile == null ? sharedProfile : m_InternalProfile;
public bool HasInstantiatedProfile() => m_InternalProfile != null;
// Needed for state tracking (see the comments in Update)
int m_PreviousLayer;
float m_PreviousPriority;
VolumeProfile m_InternalProfile;
void OnEnable()
m_PreviousLayer = gameObject.layer;
VolumeManager.instance.Register(this, m_PreviousLayer);
void OnDisable()
VolumeManager.instance.Unregister(this, gameObject.layer);
void Update()
// Unfortunately we need to track the current layer to update the volume manager in
// real-time as the user could change it at any time in the editor or at runtime.
// Because no event is raised when the layer changes, we have to track it on every
// frame :/
int layer = gameObject.layer;
if (layer != m_PreviousLayer)
VolumeManager.instance.UpdateVolumeLayer(this, m_PreviousLayer, layer);
m_PreviousLayer = layer;
// Same for priority. We could use a property instead, but it doesn't play nice with the
// serialization system. Using a custom Attribute/PropertyDrawer for a property is
// possible but it doesn't work with Undo/Redo in the editor, which makes it useless for
// our case.
if (priority != m_PreviousPriority)
m_PreviousPriority = priority;
// TODO: Look into a better volume previsualization system
List<Collider> m_TempColliders;
void OnDrawGizmos()
if (m_TempColliders == null)
m_TempColliders = new List<Collider>();
var colliders = m_TempColliders;
if (isGlobal || colliders == null)
var scale = transform.localScale;
var invScale = new Vector3(1f / scale.x, 1f / scale.y, 1f / scale.z);
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, scale);
Gizmos.color = CoreRenderPipelinePreferences.volumeGizmoColor;
// Draw a separate gizmo for each collider
foreach (var collider in colliders)
if (!collider.enabled)
// We'll just use scaling as an approximation for volume skin. It's far from being
// correct (and is completely wrong in some cases). Ultimately we'd use a distance
// field or at least a tesselate + push modifier on the collider's mesh to get a
// better approximation, but the current Gizmo system is a bit limited and because
// everything is dynamic in Unity and can be changed at anytime, it's hard to keep
// track of changes in an elegant way (which we'd need to implement a nice cache
// system for generated volume meshes).
switch (collider)
case BoxCollider c:
Gizmos.DrawCube(, c.size);
case SphereCollider c:
// For sphere the only scale that is used is the transform.x
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, * scale.x);
Gizmos.DrawSphere(, c.radius);
case MeshCollider c:
// Only convex mesh m_Colliders are allowed
if (!c.convex)
c.convex = true;
// Mesh pivot should be centered or this won't work
// Nothing for capsule (DrawCapsule isn't exposed in Gizmo), terrain, wheel and
// other m_Colliders...