using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Profiling; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering.LWRP; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering { public class MiniProfiler : MonoBehaviour { private bool m_Enable = true; private bool m_CurrentBatcherEnable = false; private const float kAverageStatDuration = 1.0f; // stats refresh each second private int m_frameCount; private float m_AccDeltaTime; private string m_statsLabel; private GUIStyle m_style; internal class RecorderEntry { public string name; public int callCount; public float accTime; public Profiling.Recorder recorder; }; enum SRPBMarkers { kStdRenderDraw, kStdShadowDraw, kSRPBRenderDraw, kSRPBShadowDraw, kRenderThreadIdle, kStdFlush, kSRPBFlush, }; RecorderEntry[] recordersList = { // Warning: Keep that list in the exact same order than SRPBMarkers enum new RecorderEntry() { name="RenderLoop.Draw" }, new RecorderEntry() { name="Shadows.Draw" }, new RecorderEntry() { name="RenderLoopNewBatcher.Draw" }, new RecorderEntry() { name="ShadowLoopNewBatcher.Draw" }, new RecorderEntry() { name="RenderLoopDevice.Idle" }, new RecorderEntry() { name="BatchRenderer.Flush" }, new RecorderEntry() { name="SRPBatcher.Flush" }, }; void Awake() { for (int i = 0; i < recordersList.Length; i++) { var sampler = Sampler.Get(recordersList[i].name); if (sampler.isValid) recordersList[i].recorder = sampler.GetRecorder(); } m_style =new GUIStyle(); m_style.fontSize = 30; m_style.normal.textColor = Color.white; ResetStats(); } void RazCounters() { m_AccDeltaTime = 0.0f; m_frameCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < recordersList.Length; i++) { recordersList[i].accTime = 0.0f; recordersList[i].callCount = 0; } } void ResetStats() { m_statsLabel = "Gathering data..."; RazCounters(); } void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F9)) { UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipeline.asset.useSRPBatcher = !UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipeline.asset.useSRPBatcher; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F8)) { m_Enable = !m_Enable; ResetStats(); } if ( m_CurrentBatcherEnable != UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipeline.asset.useSRPBatcher ) { ResetStats(); m_CurrentBatcherEnable = UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipeline.asset.useSRPBatcher; } if (m_Enable) { bool SRPBatcher = GraphicsSettings.useScriptableRenderPipelineBatching; m_AccDeltaTime += Time.unscaledDeltaTime; m_frameCount++; // get timing & update average accumulators for (int i = 0; i < recordersList.Length; i++) { if (recordersList[i].recorder != null) { recordersList[i].accTime += recordersList[i].recorder.elapsedNanoseconds / 1000000.0f; // acc time in ms recordersList[i].callCount += recordersList[i].recorder.sampleBlockCount; } } if (m_AccDeltaTime >= kAverageStatDuration) { float ooFrameCount = 1.0f / (float)m_frameCount; float avgStdRender = recordersList[(int)SRPBMarkers.kStdRenderDraw].accTime * ooFrameCount; float avgStdShadow = recordersList[(int)SRPBMarkers.kStdShadowDraw].accTime * ooFrameCount; float avgSRPBRender = recordersList[(int)SRPBMarkers.kSRPBRenderDraw].accTime * ooFrameCount; float avgSRPBShadow = recordersList[(int)SRPBMarkers.kSRPBShadowDraw].accTime * ooFrameCount; float RTIdleTime = recordersList[(int)SRPBMarkers.kRenderThreadIdle].accTime * ooFrameCount; m_statsLabel = string.Format("Accumulated time for RenderLoop.Draw and ShadowLoop.Draw (all threads)\n{0:F2}ms CPU Rendering time ( incl {1:F2}ms RT idle )\n", avgStdRender + avgStdShadow + avgSRPBRender + avgSRPBShadow, RTIdleTime); if (SRPBatcher) { m_statsLabel += string.Format(" {0:F2}ms SRP Batcher code path ({1} flush(s))\n", avgSRPBRender + avgSRPBShadow, recordersList[(int)SRPBMarkers.kSRPBFlush].callCount / (int)m_frameCount); m_statsLabel += string.Format(" {0:F2}ms All objects\n", avgSRPBRender); m_statsLabel += string.Format(" {0:F2}ms Shadows\n", avgSRPBShadow); } m_statsLabel += string.Format(" {0:F2}ms Standard code path ({1} flush(s))\n", avgStdRender + avgStdShadow, recordersList[(int)SRPBMarkers.kStdFlush].callCount / (int)m_frameCount); m_statsLabel += string.Format(" {0:F2}ms All objects\n", avgStdRender); m_statsLabel += string.Format(" {0:F2}ms Shadows\n", avgStdShadow); m_statsLabel += string.Format("Global Main Loop: {0:F2}ms ({1} FPS)\n", m_AccDeltaTime * 1000.0f * ooFrameCount, (int)(((float)m_frameCount) / m_AccDeltaTime)); RazCounters(); } } } void OnGUI() { if (m_Enable) { bool SRPBatcher = UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipeline.asset.useSRPBatcher; // = 15; GUI.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); float w = 1000, h = 356; if ( SRPBatcher ) GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(32, 50, w, h), "(SRP batcher ON)",; else GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(32, 50, w, h), "(SRP batcher OFF)",; GUILayout.Label(m_statsLabel, m_style); GUILayout.EndArea(); } } } }