# Normal From Texture Node ## Description Converts a height map defined by input **Texture** into a normal map. UV values and sampler state can be defined by inputs **UV** and **Sampler** respectively. If nothing is connected to these ports they will use default values from the inputs. See [Port Bindings](Port-Bindings.md) for more information. The strength of the created normal map can be defined by inputs **Offset** and **Strength**, where **Offset** defines the maximum distance of a normal detail and **Strength** acts as a multiplier to the result. ## Ports | Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description | |:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|:---| | Texture | Input | Texture | None | Height map | | UV | Input | Vector 2 | UV | Texture coordinates | | Sampler | Input | Sampler State | None | Sampler for **Texture** | | Offset | Input | Vector 1 | None | Amount to offset samples | | Strength | Input | Vector 1 | None | Strength multiplier | | Out | Output | Vector 3 | None | Output value | ## Generated Code Example The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node. ``` void Unity_NormalFromTexture_float(Texture texture, SamplerState Sampler, float2 UV, float Offset, float Strength, out float3 Out) { Offset = pow(Offset, 3) * 0.1; float2 offsetU = float2(UV.x + Offset, UV.y); float2 offsetV = float2(UV.x, UV.y + Offset); float normalSample = Texture.Sample(Sampler, UV); float uSample = Texture.Sample(Sampler, offsetU); float vSample = Texture.Sample(Sampler, offsetV); float3 va = float3(1, 0, (uSample - normalSample) * Strength); float3 vb = float3(0, 1, (vSample - normalSample) * Strength); Out = normalize(cross(va, vb)); } ```