using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.Rendering; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement; #endif namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.Universal { class Light2DManager : IDisposable { const int k_BlendStyleCount = 4; // This must match the array size of m_LightBlendStyles in _2DRendererData. static Light2DManager s_Instance = new Light2DManager(); Light2DManager m_PrevInstance; List[] m_Lights; CullingGroup m_CullingGroup; BoundingSphere[] m_BoundingSpheres; internal static List[] lights => s_Instance.m_Lights; internal static CullingGroup cullingGroup { get => s_Instance.m_CullingGroup; set => s_Instance.m_CullingGroup = value; } internal static BoundingSphere[] boundingSpheres { get => s_Instance.m_BoundingSpheres; set => s_Instance.m_BoundingSpheres = value; } internal static bool GetGlobalColor(int sortingLayerIndex, int blendStyleIndex, out Color color) { bool foundGlobalColor = false; color =; // This should be rewritten to search only global lights List lights = s_Instance.m_Lights[blendStyleIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < lights.Count; ++i) { Light2D light = lights[i]; if (light.lightType == Light2D.LightType.Global && light.IsLitLayer(sortingLayerIndex)) { bool inCurrentPrefabStage = true; #if UNITY_EDITOR // If we found the first global light in our prefab stage inCurrentPrefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage(light.gameObject) == PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage(); #endif if (inCurrentPrefabStage) { color = light.color * light.intensity; return true; } else { if (!foundGlobalColor) { color = light.color * light.intensity; foundGlobalColor = true; } } } } return foundGlobalColor; } internal static bool ContainsDuplicateGlobalLight(int sortingLayerIndex, int blendStyleIndex) { int globalLightCount = 0; // This should be rewritten to search only global lights List lights = s_Instance.m_Lights[blendStyleIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < lights.Count; i++) { Light2D light = lights[i]; if (light.lightType == Light2D.LightType.Global && light.IsLitLayer(sortingLayerIndex)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR // If we found the first global light in our prefab stage if (PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage(light.gameObject) == PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage()) #endif { if (globalLightCount > 0) return true; globalLightCount++; } } } return false; } internal Light2DManager() { m_PrevInstance = s_Instance; s_Instance = this; m_Lights = new List[k_BlendStyleCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_Lights.Length; ++i) m_Lights[i] = new List(); } public void Dispose() { s_Instance = m_PrevInstance; } } /// /// Class Light2D is a 2D light which can be used with the 2D Renderer. /// /// [ExecuteAlways, DisallowMultipleComponent] [AddComponentMenu("Rendering/2D/Light 2D (Experimental)")] sealed public partial class Light2D : MonoBehaviour { /// /// an enumeration of the types of light /// public enum LightType { Parametric = 0, Freeform = 1, Sprite = 2, Point = 3, Global = 4 } [UnityEngine.Animations.NotKeyable] [SerializeField] LightType m_LightType = LightType.Parametric; LightType m_PreviousLightType = (LightType)LightType.Parametric; [SerializeField, FormerlySerializedAs("m_LightOperationIndex")] int m_BlendStyleIndex = 0; [SerializeField] float m_FalloffIntensity = 0.5f; [ColorUsage(false)] [SerializeField] Color m_Color = Color.white; [SerializeField] float m_Intensity = 1; [SerializeField] float m_LightVolumeOpacity = 0.0f; [SerializeField] int[] m_ApplyToSortingLayers = new int[1]; // These are sorting layer IDs. If we need to update this at runtime make sure we add code to update global lights [SerializeField] Sprite m_LightCookieSprite = null; [SerializeField] bool m_UseNormalMap = false; [SerializeField] int m_LightOrder = 0; [SerializeField] bool m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap = false; int m_PreviousLightOrder = -1; int m_PreviousBlendStyleIndex; float m_PreviousLightVolumeOpacity; Sprite m_PreviousLightCookieSprite = null; Mesh m_Mesh; int m_LightCullingIndex = -1; Bounds m_LocalBounds; [Range(0,1)] [SerializeField] float m_ShadowIntensity = 0.0f; [Range(0,1)] [SerializeField] float m_ShadowVolumeIntensity = 0.0f; internal struct LightStats { public int totalLights; public int totalNormalMapUsage; public int totalVolumetricUsage; } /// /// The lights current type /// public LightType lightType { get => m_LightType; set => m_LightType = value; } /// /// The lights current operation index /// public int blendStyleIndex { get => m_BlendStyleIndex; set => m_BlendStyleIndex = value; } /// /// Specifies the darkness of the shadow /// public float shadowIntensity { get => m_ShadowIntensity; set => m_ShadowIntensity = Mathf.Clamp01(value); } /// /// Specifies the darkness of the shadow /// public float shadowVolumeIntensity { get => m_ShadowVolumeIntensity; set => m_ShadowVolumeIntensity = Mathf.Clamp01(value); } /// /// The lights current color /// public Color color { get { return m_Color; } set { m_Color = value; } } /// /// The lights current intensity /// public float intensity { get { return m_Intensity; } set { m_Intensity = value; } } /// /// The lights current intensity /// public float volumeOpacity => m_LightVolumeOpacity; public Sprite lightCookieSprite => m_LightCookieSprite; public float falloffIntensity => m_FalloffIntensity; public bool useNormalMap => m_UseNormalMap; public bool alphaBlendOnOverlap => m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap; public int lightOrder { get => m_LightOrder; set => m_LightOrder = value; } internal int lightCullingIndex => m_LightCullingIndex; #if UNITY_EDITOR public static string s_IconsPath = "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/2D/Resources/SceneViewIcons/"; public static string s_ParametricLightIconPath = s_IconsPath + "ParametricLight.png"; public static string s_FreeformLightIconPath = s_IconsPath + "FreeformLight.png"; public static string s_SpriteLightIconPath = s_IconsPath + "SpriteLight.png"; public static string s_PointLightIconPath = s_IconsPath + "PointLight.png"; public static string s_GlobalLightIconPath = s_IconsPath + "GlobalLight.png"; public static string[] s_LightIconPaths = new string[] { s_ParametricLightIconPath, s_FreeformLightIconPath, s_SpriteLightIconPath, s_PointLightIconPath, s_GlobalLightIconPath }; #endif internal static void SetupCulling(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera) { if (Light2DManager.cullingGroup == null) return; Light2DManager.cullingGroup.targetCamera = camera; int totalLights = 0; for (int blendStyleIndex = 0; blendStyleIndex < Light2DManager.lights.Length; ++blendStyleIndex) totalLights += Light2DManager.lights[blendStyleIndex].Count; if (Light2DManager.boundingSpheres == null) Light2DManager.boundingSpheres = new BoundingSphere[Mathf.Max(1024, 2 * totalLights)]; else if (totalLights > Light2DManager.boundingSpheres.Length) Light2DManager.boundingSpheres = new BoundingSphere[2 * totalLights]; int currentLightCullingIndex = 0; for (int blendStyleIndex = 0; blendStyleIndex < Light2DManager.lights.Length; ++blendStyleIndex) { var lightsPerBlendStyle = Light2DManager.lights[blendStyleIndex]; for (int lightIndex = 0; lightIndex < lightsPerBlendStyle.Count; ++lightIndex) { Light2D light = lightsPerBlendStyle[lightIndex]; if (light == null) continue; Light2DManager.boundingSpheres[currentLightCullingIndex] = light.GetBoundingSphere(); light.m_LightCullingIndex = currentLightCullingIndex++; } } Light2DManager.cullingGroup.SetBoundingSpheres(Light2DManager.boundingSpheres); Light2DManager.cullingGroup.SetBoundingSphereCount(currentLightCullingIndex); } internal static List GetLightsByBlendStyle(int blendStyleIndex) { return Light2DManager.lights[blendStyleIndex]; } internal int GetTopMostLitLayer() { int largestIndex = -1; int largestLayer = 0; // TODO: SortingLayer.layers allocates the memory for the returned array. // An alternative to this is to keep m_ApplyToSortingLayers sorted by using SortingLayer.GetLayerValueFromID in the comparer. SortingLayer[] layers = SortingLayer.layers; for(int i = 0; i < m_ApplyToSortingLayers.Length; ++i) { for(int layer = layers.Length - 1; layer >= largestLayer; --layer) { if (layers[layer].id == m_ApplyToSortingLayers[i]) { largestIndex = i; largestLayer = layer; } } } if (largestIndex >= 0) return m_ApplyToSortingLayers[largestIndex]; else return -1; } void UpdateMesh() { GetMesh(true); } internal bool IsLitLayer(int layer) { return m_ApplyToSortingLayers != null ? Array.IndexOf(m_ApplyToSortingLayers, layer) >= 0 : false; } void InsertLight() { var lightList = Light2DManager.lights[m_BlendStyleIndex]; int index = 0; while (index < lightList.Count && m_LightOrder > lightList[index].m_LightOrder) index++; lightList.Insert(index, this); } void UpdateBlendStyle() { if (m_BlendStyleIndex == m_PreviousBlendStyleIndex) return; Light2DManager.lights[m_PreviousBlendStyleIndex].Remove(this); m_PreviousBlendStyleIndex = m_BlendStyleIndex; InsertLight(); if (m_LightType == LightType.Global) ErrorIfDuplicateGlobalLight(); } internal BoundingSphere GetBoundingSphere() { return IsShapeLight() ? GetShapeLightBoundingSphere() : GetPointLightBoundingSphere(); } internal Mesh GetMesh(bool forceUpdate = false) { if (m_Mesh != null && !forceUpdate) return m_Mesh; if (m_Mesh == null) m_Mesh = new Mesh(); Color combinedColor = m_Intensity * m_Color; switch (m_LightType) { case LightType.Freeform: m_LocalBounds = LightUtility.GenerateShapeMesh(ref m_Mesh, m_ShapePath, m_ShapeLightFalloffSize); break; case LightType.Parametric: m_LocalBounds = LightUtility.GenerateParametricMesh(ref m_Mesh, m_ShapeLightParametricRadius, m_ShapeLightFalloffSize, m_ShapeLightParametricAngleOffset, m_ShapeLightParametricSides); break; case LightType.Sprite: m_LocalBounds = LightUtility.GenerateSpriteMesh(ref m_Mesh, m_LightCookieSprite, 1); break; case LightType.Point: m_LocalBounds = LightUtility.GenerateParametricMesh(ref m_Mesh, 1.412135f, 0, 0, 4); break; } return m_Mesh; } internal bool IsLightVisible(Camera camera) { bool isVisible = (Light2DManager.cullingGroup == null || Light2DManager.cullingGroup.IsVisible(m_LightCullingIndex)) && isActiveAndEnabled; #if UNITY_EDITOR isVisible &= UnityEditor.SceneManagement.StageUtility.IsGameObjectRenderedByCamera(gameObject, camera); #endif return isVisible; } internal void ErrorIfDuplicateGlobalLight() { for (int i = 0; i < m_ApplyToSortingLayers.Length; ++i) { int sortingLayer = m_ApplyToSortingLayers[i]; if(Light2DManager.ContainsDuplicateGlobalLight(sortingLayer, blendStyleIndex)) Debug.LogError("More than one global light on layer " + SortingLayer.IDToName(sortingLayer) + " for light blend style index " + m_BlendStyleIndex); } } private void Awake() { if (m_ShapePath == null || m_ShapePath.Length == 0) m_ShapePath = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f), new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f), new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f) }; GetMesh(); } void OnEnable() { // This has to stay in OnEnable() because we need to re-initialize the static variables after a domain reload. if (Light2DManager.cullingGroup == null) { Light2DManager.cullingGroup = new CullingGroup(); RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering += SetupCulling; } if (!Light2DManager.lights[m_BlendStyleIndex].Contains(this)) InsertLight(); m_PreviousBlendStyleIndex = m_BlendStyleIndex; if (m_LightType == LightType.Global) ErrorIfDuplicateGlobalLight(); m_PreviousLightType = m_LightType; } private void OnDisable() { bool anyLightLeft = false; for (int i = 0; i < Light2DManager.lights.Length; ++i) { Light2DManager.lights[i].Remove(this); if (Light2DManager.lights[i].Count > 0) anyLightLeft = true; } if (!anyLightLeft && Light2DManager.cullingGroup != null) { Light2DManager.cullingGroup.Dispose(); Light2DManager.cullingGroup = null; RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering -= SetupCulling; } } internal List GetFalloffShape() { List shape = new List(); List extrusionDir = new List(); LightUtility.GetFalloffShape(m_ShapePath, ref extrusionDir); for (int i = 0; i < m_ShapePath.Length; i++) { Vector2 position = new Vector2(); position.x = m_ShapePath[i].x + this.shapeLightFalloffSize * extrusionDir[i].x; position.y = m_ShapePath[i].y + this.shapeLightFalloffSize * extrusionDir[i].y; shape.Add(position); } return shape; } static internal LightStats GetLightStatsByLayer(int layer) { LightStats returnStats = new LightStats(); for(int blendStyleIndex = 0; blendStyleIndex < Light2DManager.lights.Length; blendStyleIndex++) { List lights = Light2DManager.lights[blendStyleIndex]; for (int lightIndex = 0; lightIndex < lights.Count; lightIndex++) { Light2D light = lights[lightIndex]; if (light.IsLitLayer(layer)) { returnStats.totalLights++; if (light.useNormalMap) returnStats.totalNormalMapUsage++; if (light.volumeOpacity > 0) returnStats.totalVolumetricUsage++; } } } return returnStats; } private void LateUpdate() { UpdateBlendStyle(); bool rebuildMesh = false; // Sorting. InsertLight() will make sure the lights are sorted. if (LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_LightOrder, ref m_PreviousLightOrder)) { Light2DManager.lights[(int)m_BlendStyleIndex].Remove(this); InsertLight(); } if (m_LightType != m_PreviousLightType) { if (m_LightType == LightType.Global) ErrorIfDuplicateGlobalLight(); else rebuildMesh = true; m_PreviousLightType = m_LightType; } // Mesh Rebuilding rebuildMesh |= LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_ShapeLightFalloffSize, ref m_PreviousShapeLightFalloffSize); rebuildMesh |= LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_ShapeLightParametricRadius, ref m_PreviousShapeLightParametricRadius); rebuildMesh |= LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_ShapeLightParametricSides, ref m_PreviousShapeLightParametricSides); rebuildMesh |= LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_LightVolumeOpacity, ref m_PreviousLightVolumeOpacity); rebuildMesh |= LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_ShapeLightParametricAngleOffset, ref m_PreviousShapeLightParametricAngleOffset); rebuildMesh |= LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_LightCookieSprite, ref m_PreviousLightCookieSprite); rebuildMesh |= LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_ShapeLightFalloffOffset, ref m_PreviousShapeLightFalloffOffset); #if UNITY_EDITOR rebuildMesh |= LightUtility.CheckForChange(LightUtility.GetShapePathHash(m_ShapePath), ref m_PreviousShapePathHash); #endif if(rebuildMesh && m_LightType != LightType.Global) UpdateMesh(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR private void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawIcon(transform.position, s_LightIconPaths[(int)m_LightType], true); } #endif } }