# Flipbook Node ## Description Creates a flipbook, or texture sheet animation, of the UVs supplied to input **UV**. The amount of tiles on the sheet are defined by the values of the inputs **Width** and **Height**. The index of the current tile is defined by the value of the input **Tile**. This node can be used to create a texture animation functionality, commonly used for particle effects and sprites, by supplying [Time](Time-Node.md) to the input **Tile** and outputting to the UV input slot of a [Texture Sampler](Sample-Texture-2D-Node.md). UV data is typically in the range of 0 to 1 starting from the bottom left of UV space. This can be seen by the black value at the bottom left corner of a UV preview. As flipbooks typically start from top left the parameter **Invert Y** is enabled by default, however you can change the direction of the Flipbook by switching the **Invert X** and **Invert Y** parameters. ## Ports | Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description | |:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|:---| | UV | Input | Vector 2 | UV | Input UV value | | Width | Input | Vector 1 | None | Amount of horizontal tiles | | Height | Input | Vector 1 | None | Amount of vertical tiles | | Tile | Input | Vector 1 | None | Current tile index | | Out | Output | Vector 2 | None | Output UV value | ## Controls | Name | Type | Options | Description | |:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---| | Invert X | Toggle | True, False | If enabled tiles are iterated from right to left | | Invert Y | Toggle | True, False | If enabled tiles are iterated from top to bottom | ## Generated Code Example The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node. ``` float2 _Flipbook_Invert = float2(FlipX, FlipY); void Unity_Flipbook_float(float2 UV, float Width, float Height, float Tile, float2 Invert, out float2 Out) { Tile = fmod(Tile, Width * Height); float2 tileCount = float2(1.0, 1.0) / float2(Width, Height); float tileY = abs(Invert.y * Height - (floor(Tile * tileCount.x) + Invert.y * 1)); float tileX = abs(Invert.x * Width - ((Tile - Width * floor(Tile * tileCount.x)) + Invert.x * 1)); Out = (UV + float2(tileX, tileY)) * tileCount; } ```