using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Unity.Entities; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace Unity.Scenes.Editor { [ExecuteAlways] [UpdateInGroup(typeof(InitializationSystemGroup))] [UpdateBefore(typeof(SubSceneStreamingSystem))] class SubSceneLiveLinkSystem : ComponentSystem { class GameObjectPrefabLiveLinkSceneTracker : AssetPostprocessor { static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths) { foreach (var asset in importedAssets) { if (asset.EndsWith(".prefab", true, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) GlobalDirtyLiveLink(); } } } static int GlobalDirtyID = 0; static int PreviousGlobalDirtyID = 0; MethodInfo m_GetDirtyIDMethod = typeof(Scene).GetProperty("dirtyID", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public).GetMethod; UInt64 m_LiveLinkEditSceneViewMask = 1UL << 60; UInt64 m_LiveLinkEditGameViewMask = 1UL << 58; HashSet m_EditingSceneAssets = new HashSet(); static void AddUnique(ref List list, SubScene scene) { if (list == null) list = new List(10); if (!list.Contains(scene)) list.Add(scene); } protected override void OnUpdate() { List needLiveLinkSync = null; List cleanupScene = null; List markSceneLoadedFromLiveLink = null; List removeSceneLoadedFromLiveLink = null; m_EditingSceneAssets.Clear(); var liveLinkEnabled = SubSceneInspectorUtility.LiveLinkEnabled; // By default all scenes need to have m_GameObjectSceneCullingMask, otherwise they won't show up in game view for (int i = 0; i != EditorSceneManager.sceneCount; i++) { var scene = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneAt(i); if (scene.isSubScene) { if (liveLinkEnabled) EditorSceneManager.SetSceneCullingMask(scene, m_LiveLinkEditSceneViewMask); else EditorSceneManager.SetSceneCullingMask(scene, EditorSceneManager.DefaultSceneCullingMask | m_LiveLinkEditGameViewMask); var sceneAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(scene.path); if (scene.isLoaded && sceneAsset != null) m_EditingSceneAssets.Add(sceneAsset); } } if (PreviousGlobalDirtyID != GlobalDirtyID) { Entities.ForEach((SubScene subScene) => { subScene.LiveLinkDirtyID = -1; }); PreviousGlobalDirtyID = GlobalDirtyID; } Entities.ForEach((SubScene subScene) => { var isLoaded = m_EditingSceneAssets.Contains(subScene.SceneAsset); // We are editing with live link. Ensure it is active & up to date if (isLoaded && liveLinkEnabled) { if (subScene.LiveLinkDirtyID != GetSceneDirtyID(subScene.LoadedScene) || subScene.LiveLinkShadowWorld == null) AddUnique(ref needLiveLinkSync, subScene); } // We are editing without live link. // We should have no entity representation loaded for the scene. else if (isLoaded && !liveLinkEnabled) { var hasAnythingLoaded = false; foreach (var s in subScene._SceneEntities) hasAnythingLoaded |= EntityManager.HasComponent(s) || !EntityManager.HasComponent(s); if (hasAnythingLoaded) { AddUnique(ref cleanupScene, subScene); AddUnique(ref markSceneLoadedFromLiveLink, subScene); } } // Scene is not being edited, thus should not be live linked. else { var isDrivenByLiveLink = false; foreach (var s in subScene._SceneEntities) isDrivenByLiveLink |= EntityManager.HasComponent(s); if (isDrivenByLiveLink || subScene.LiveLinkShadowWorld != null) { AddUnique(ref cleanupScene, subScene); AddUnique(ref removeSceneLoadedFromLiveLink, subScene); } } }); if (needLiveLinkSync != null) { // Live link changes to entity world foreach (var scene in needLiveLinkSync) { // Prevent live link updating during drag operation // (Currently performance is not good enough to do it completely live) if (!IsHotControlActive()) ApplyLiveLink(scene); else EditorUpdateUtility.EditModeQueuePlayerLoopUpdate(); } } if (cleanupScene != null) { // Live link changes to entity world foreach (var scene in cleanupScene) { CleanupScene(scene); } } if (markSceneLoadedFromLiveLink != null) { foreach (var scene in markSceneLoadedFromLiveLink) { foreach (var sceneEntity in scene._SceneEntities) { if (!EntityManager.HasComponent(sceneEntity)) EntityManager.AddComponentData(sceneEntity, new SubSceneStreamingSystem.IgnoreTag()); } } } if (removeSceneLoadedFromLiveLink != null) { foreach (var scene in removeSceneLoadedFromLiveLink) { foreach (var sceneEntity in scene._SceneEntities) { EntityManager.RemoveComponent(sceneEntity); } } } } void CleanupScene(SubScene scene) { // Debug.Log("CleanupScene: " + scene.SceneName); scene.CleanupLiveLink(); var streamingSystem = World.GetExistingSystem(); foreach (var sceneEntity in scene._SceneEntities) { streamingSystem.UnloadSceneImmediate(sceneEntity); EntityManager.DestroyEntity(sceneEntity); } scene._SceneEntities = new List(); scene.UpdateSceneEntities(); } void ApplyLiveLink(SubScene scene) { //Debug.Log("ApplyLiveLink: " + scene.SceneName); var streamingSystem = World.GetExistingSystem(); var isFirstTime = scene.LiveLinkShadowWorld == null; if (scene.LiveLinkShadowWorld == null) scene.LiveLinkShadowWorld = new World("LiveLink"); using (var cleanConvertedEntityWorld = new World("Clean Entity Conversion World")) { // Unload scene //@TODO: We optimally shouldn't be unloading the scene here. We should simply prime the shadow world with the scene that we originally loaded into the player (Including Entity GUIDs) // This way we can continue the live link, compared to exactly what we loaded into the player. if (isFirstTime) { foreach (var s in scene._SceneEntities) { streamingSystem.UnloadSceneImmediate(s); EntityManager.DestroyEntity(s); } var sceneEntity = EntityManager.CreateEntity(); EntityManager.SetName(sceneEntity, "Scene (LiveLink): " + scene.SceneName); EntityManager.AddComponentObject(sceneEntity, scene); EntityManager.AddComponentData(sceneEntity, new SubSceneStreamingSystem.StreamingState { Status = SubSceneStreamingSystem.StreamingStatus.Loaded}); EntityManager.AddComponentData(sceneEntity, new SubSceneStreamingSystem.IgnoreTag( )); scene._SceneEntities = new List(); scene._SceneEntities.Add(sceneEntity); } // Convert scene GameObjectConversionUtility.ConvertScene(scene.LoadedScene, scene.SceneGUID, cleanConvertedEntityWorld, GameObjectConversionUtility.ConversionFlags.AddEntityGUID | GameObjectConversionUtility.ConversionFlags.AssignName); var convertedEntityManager = cleanConvertedEntityWorld.EntityManager; var liveLinkSceneEntity = scene._SceneEntities[0]; /// We want to let the live linked scene be able to reference the already existing Scene Entity (Specifically SceneTag should point to the scene Entity after live link completes) // Add Scene tag to all entities using the convertedSceneEntity that will map to the already existing scene entity. convertedEntityManager.AddSharedComponentData(convertedEntityManager.UniversalQuery, new SceneTag { SceneEntity = liveLinkSceneEntity }); WorldDiffer.DiffAndApply(cleanConvertedEntityWorld, scene.LiveLinkShadowWorld, World); convertedEntityManager.Debug.CheckInternalConsistency(); scene.LiveLinkShadowWorld.EntityManager.Debug.CheckInternalConsistency(); var group = EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(typeof(SceneTag), ComponentType.Exclude()); group.SetFilter(new SceneTag {SceneEntity = liveLinkSceneEntity}); EntityManager.AddSharedComponentData(group, new EditorRenderData() { SceneCullingMask = m_LiveLinkEditGameViewMask, PickableObject = scene.gameObject }); group.Dispose(); scene.LiveLinkDirtyID = GetSceneDirtyID(scene.LoadedScene); EditorUpdateUtility.EditModeQueuePlayerLoopUpdate(); } } static GameObject GetGameObjectFromAny(Object target) { Component component = target as Component; if (component != null) return component.gameObject; return target as GameObject; } internal static bool IsHotControlActive() { return GUIUtility.hotControl != 0; } UndoPropertyModification[] PostprocessModifications(UndoPropertyModification[] modifications) { foreach (var mod in modifications) { var target = GetGameObjectFromAny(; if (target) { var targetScene = target.scene; Entities.ForEach((SubScene scene) => { if (scene.IsLoaded && scene.LoadedScene == targetScene) { scene.LiveLinkDirtyID = -1; } }); } } return modifications; } int GetSceneDirtyID(Scene scene) { if (scene.IsValid()) { return (int)m_GetDirtyIDMethod.Invoke(scene, null); } else return -1; } static void GlobalDirtyLiveLink() { GlobalDirtyID++; } protected override void OnCreate() { Undo.postprocessModifications += PostprocessModifications; Undo.undoRedoPerformed += GlobalDirtyLiveLink; Camera.onPreCull += OnPreCull; RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering += OnPreCull; } void OnPreCull(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera) { OnPreCull(camera); } void OnPreCull(Camera camera) { if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game) { //Debug.Log("Configure game view"); camera.overrideSceneCullingMask = EditorSceneManager.DefaultSceneCullingMask | m_LiveLinkEditGameViewMask; } else if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView) { if (camera.scene.IsValid()) { // Debug.Log("Prefab view" + camera.GetInstanceID()); camera.overrideSceneCullingMask = 0; } else { // Debug.Log("Scene view" + camera.GetInstanceID()); camera.overrideSceneCullingMask = EditorSceneManager.DefaultSceneCullingMask | m_LiveLinkEditSceneViewMask; } } } protected override void OnDestroy() { Undo.postprocessModifications -= PostprocessModifications; Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= GlobalDirtyLiveLink; Camera.onPreCull -= OnPreCull; RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering -= OnPreCull; } } }