using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace BoatAttack.Boat
/// This is an overall controller for a boat
public class BoatController : MonoBehaviour
//Boat stats
public bool Human; // Is human
public Color PrimaryColor; // Boat primary colour
public Color TrimColor; // Boat secondary colour
public Renderer boatRenderer; // The renderer for the boat mesh
void OnValidate()
Colourize(); // Update the colour material property block
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
if (Human == true)
gameObject.AddComponent(); // Adds a human controller if human
gameObject.AddComponent(); // Adds an AI controller if AI
/// This sets both the primary and secondary colour and assigns via a MPB
void Colourize()
if (boatRenderer)
MaterialPropertyBlock mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
mpb.SetColor("_Color1", PrimaryColor);
mpb.SetColor("_Color2", TrimColor);