# Port Bindings ## Description Some input [Ports](Port.md) might have **Port Bindings**. This means there is an expectation of the data that should be supplied to the [Port](Port.md), such as a **Normal Vector** or **UV**. However, a **Port Binding** only affects a [Port](Port.md) that does not have a connected [Edge](Edge.md). These [Ports](Port.md) still have a regular [Data Type](Data-Types.md) that define what [Edges](Edge.md) can be connected to them. In practice this means that if no [Edge](Edge.md) is connected to the [Port](Port.md) the default data used in that port will be taken from its **Port Binding**. A full list of **Port Bindings** and their associated default options is found below. ## Port Bindings List | Name | Data Type | Options | Description | |:------------|:----------|:------------------|:------------| | Bitangent | Vector 3 | | Vertex or fragment bitangent, label describes expected transform space | | Color | Vector 4 | |RGBA Color picker | | ColorRGB | Vector 3 | | RGB Color picker | | Normal | Vector 3 | | Vertex or fragment normal vector, label describes expected transform space | | Position | Vector 3 | | Vertex or fragment position, label describes expected transform space | | Screen Position | Vector 4 | | Default, Raw, Center, Tiled | Vertex or fragment position in screen space. Dropdown selects mode. See [Screen Position Node](Screen-Position-Node.md) for details | | Tangent | Vector 3 | | Vertex or fragment tangent vector, label describes expected transform space | | UV | Vector 2 | | UV0, UV1, UV2, UV3 | Mesh UV coordinates. Dropdown selects UV channel. | | Vertex Color | Vector 4 | | RGBA vertex color value. | | View Direction | Vector 3 | | Vertex or fragment view direction vector, label describes expected transform space |