using UnityEditor.AnimatedValues;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.LookDev
/// Interface to comunicate with simple
public interface ICameraUpdater
void UpdateCamera(Camera camera);
/// Class containing data regarding position, rotation and viewport size of a camera
public class CameraState : ICameraUpdater
private static readonly Quaternion k_DefaultRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
private const float k_DefaultViewSize = 10f;
private static readonly Vector3 k_DefaultPivot =;
private const float k_DefaultFoV = 90f;
private const float k_NearFactor = 0.000005f;
private const float k_MaxFar = 1000;
/// The position of the camera pivot
[field: SerializeField]
public Vector3 pivot { get; set; } = k_DefaultPivot;
/// The rotation of the camera arround the pivot
[field: SerializeField]
public Quaternion rotation { get; set; } = k_DefaultRotation;
/// The size of the view
[field: SerializeField]
public float viewSize { get; set; } = k_DefaultViewSize;
/// The distance from pivot
public float distanceFromPivot
// distance coeficient from vertical FOV should be
// 1f / Mathf.Tan(kDefaultFoV * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad)
// but with fixed FoV of 90, this coef is always equal to 1f
=> viewSize;
/// The position of the camera
public Vector3 position
=> pivot + rotation * new Vector3(0, 0, -distanceFromPivot);
/// The field of view of the camera
public float fieldOfView => k_DefaultFoV;
/// The far clip distance from camera
public float farClip => Mathf.Max(k_MaxFar, 2 * k_MaxFar * viewSize);
/// The near clip distance from camera
public float nearClip => farClip * k_NearFactor;
/// The Forward vector in world space
public Vector3 forward => rotation * Vector3.forward;
/// The Up vector in world space
public Vector3 up => rotation * Vector3.up;
/// The Right vector in world space
public Vector3 right => rotation * Vector3.right;
internal Vector3 QuickReprojectionWithFixedFOVOnPivotPlane(Rect screen, Vector2 screenPoint)
if (screen.height == 0)
float aspect = screen.width / screen.height;
//Note: verticalDistance is same than distance from pivot with fixed FoV 90°
float verticalDistance = distanceFromPivot;
Vector2 normalizedScreenPoint = new Vector2(
screenPoint.x * 2f / screen.width - 1f,
screenPoint.y * 2f / screen.height - 1f);
return pivot
- up * verticalDistance * normalizedScreenPoint.y
- right * verticalDistance * aspect * normalizedScreenPoint.x;
//Pivot is always on center axis by construction
internal Vector3 QuickProjectPivotInScreen(Rect screen)
=> new Vector3(screen.width * .5f, screen.height * .5f, distanceFromPivot);
/// Update a Camera component and its transform with this state values
/// The camera to update
public void UpdateCamera(Camera camera)
camera.transform.rotation = rotation;
camera.transform.position = position;
camera.nearClipPlane = nearClip;
camera.farClipPlane = farClip;
camera.fieldOfView = fieldOfView;
/// Reset the State to its default values
public void Reset()
pivot = k_DefaultPivot;
rotation = k_DefaultRotation;
viewSize = k_DefaultViewSize;
internal void SynchronizeFrom(CameraState other)
pivot = other.pivot;
rotation = other.rotation;
viewSize = other.viewSize;