// Buoyancy.cs // by Alex Zhdankin // Version 2.1 // // http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/72974-Buoyancy-script // // Terms of use: do whatever you like // // Further tweaks by Andre McGrail // // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Mathematics; namespace WaterSystem { public class BuoyantObject : MonoBehaviour { public BuoyancyType _buoyancyType; // type of buoyancy to calculate public float density; // density of the object, this is calculated off it's volume and mass public float volume; // volume of the object, this is calculated via it's colliders public float voxelResolution = 0.51f; // voxel resolution, represents the half size of a voxel when creating the voxel representation private Bounds _voxelBounds; // bounds of the voxels public Vector3 centerOfMass = Vector3.zero; // Center Of Mass offset public float waterLevelOffset = 0f; private const float Dampner = 0.005f; private const float WaterDensity = 1000; private float _baseDrag; // reference to original drag private float _baseAngularDrag; // reference to original angular drag private int _guid; // GUID for the height system private float3 _localArchimedesForce; private Vector3[] _voxels; // voxel position private NativeArray _samplePoints; // sample points for height calc [NonSerialized] public float3[] Heights; // water height array(only size of 1 when simple or non-physical) private float3[] _normals; // water normal array(only used when non-physical and size of 1 also when simple) private float3[] _velocity; // voxel velocity for buoyancy [SerializeField] Collider[] colliders; // colliders attatched ot this object private Rigidbody _rb; private DebugDrawing[] _debugInfo; // For drawing force gizmos [NonSerialized] public float PercentSubmerged; [ContextMenu("Initialize")] private void Init() { _voxels = null; switch (_buoyancyType) { case BuoyancyType.NonPhysical: SetupVoxels(); SetupData(); break; case BuoyancyType.NonPhysicalVoxel: SetupColliders(); SetupVoxels(); SetupData(); break; case BuoyancyType.Physical: SetupVoxels(); SetupData(); SetupPhysical(); break; case BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel: SetupColliders(); SetupVoxels(); SetupData(); SetupPhysical(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } private void SetupVoxels() { if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.NonPhysicalVoxel || _buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel) { SliceIntoVoxels(); } else { _voxels = new Vector3[1]; _voxels[0] = centerOfMass; } } private void SetupData() { _debugInfo = new DebugDrawing[_voxels.Length]; Heights = new float3[_voxels.Length]; _normals = new float3[_voxels.Length]; _samplePoints = new NativeArray(_voxels.Length, Allocator.Persistent); } private void OnEnable() { _guid = gameObject.GetInstanceID(); Init(); LocalToWorldConversion(); } private void SetupColliders() { // The object must have a Collider colliders = GetComponentsInChildren(); if (colliders.Length != 0) return; colliders = new Collider[1]; colliders[0] = gameObject.AddComponent(); Debug.LogError($"Buoyancy:Object \"{name}\" had no coll. BoxCollider has been added."); } private void Update() { switch (_buoyancyType) { case BuoyancyType.NonPhysical: { var t = transform; var vec = t.position; vec.y = Heights[0].y + waterLevelOffset; t.position = vec; t.up = Vector3.Slerp(t.up, _normals[0], Time.deltaTime); break; } case BuoyancyType.NonPhysicalVoxel: // do the voxel non-physical break; case BuoyancyType.Physical: LocalToWorldJob.CompleteJob(_guid); GetVelocityPoints(); break; case BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel: LocalToWorldJob.CompleteJob(_guid); GetVelocityPoints(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } GerstnerWavesJobs.UpdateSamplePoints(ref _samplePoints, _guid); GerstnerWavesJobs.GetData(_guid, ref Heights, ref _normals); } private void FixedUpdate() { var submergedAmount = 0f; switch (_buoyancyType) { case BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel: { LocalToWorldJob.CompleteJob(_guid); //Debug.Log("new pass: " + gameObject.name); Physics.autoSyncTransforms = false; for (var i = 0; i < _voxels.Length; i++) BuoyancyForce(_samplePoints[i], _velocity[i], Heights[i].y + waterLevelOffset, ref submergedAmount, ref _debugInfo[i]); Physics.SyncTransforms(); Physics.autoSyncTransforms = true; UpdateDrag(submergedAmount); break; } case BuoyancyType.Physical: //LocalToWorldJob.CompleteJob(_guid); BuoyancyForce(Vector3.zero, _velocity[0], Heights[0].y + waterLevelOffset, ref submergedAmount, ref _debugInfo[0]); //UpdateDrag(submergedAmount); break; case BuoyancyType.NonPhysical: break; case BuoyancyType.NonPhysicalVoxel: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } private void LateUpdate() { LocalToWorldConversion(); } private void OnDisable() { LocalToWorldJob.Cleanup(_guid); } private void OnDestroy() { LocalToWorldJob.Cleanup(_guid); } private void LocalToWorldConversion() { if (_buoyancyType != BuoyancyType.Physical && _buoyancyType != BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel) return; var transformMatrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix; LocalToWorldJob.ScheduleJob(_guid, transformMatrix); } private void BuoyancyForce(Vector3 position, float3 velocity, float waterHeight, ref float submergedAmount, ref DebugDrawing debug) { debug.Position = position; debug.WaterHeight = waterHeight; debug.Force = Vector3.zero; if (!(position.y - voxelResolution < waterHeight)) return; var k = math.clamp(waterHeight - (position.y - voxelResolution), 0f, 1f); submergedAmount += k / _voxels.Length; var localDampingForce = Dampner * _rb.mass * -velocity; var force = localDampingForce + math.sqrt(k) * _localArchimedesForce; _rb.AddForceAtPosition(force, position); debug.Force = force; // For drawing force Gizmos //Debug.Log(string.Format("Position: {0:f1} -- Force: {1:f2} -- Height: {2:f2}\nVelocity: {3:f2} -- Damp: {4:f2} -- Mass: {5:f1} -- K: {6:f2}", wp, force, waterLevel, velocity, localDampingForce, RB.mass, localArchimedesForce)); } private void UpdateDrag(float submergedAmount) { PercentSubmerged = math.lerp(PercentSubmerged, submergedAmount, 0.25f); _rb.drag = _baseDrag + _baseDrag * (PercentSubmerged * 10f); _rb.angularDrag = _baseAngularDrag + PercentSubmerged * 0.5f; } private void GetVelocityPoints() { for (var i = 0; i < _voxels.Length; i++) { _velocity[i] = _rb.GetPointVelocity(_samplePoints[i]); } } private void SliceIntoVoxels() { var t = transform; var rot = t.rotation; var pos = t.position; var size = t.localScale; t.SetPositionAndRotation(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity); t.localScale = Vector3.one; _voxels = null; var points = new List(); var rawBounds = VoxelBounds(); _voxelBounds = rawBounds; _voxelBounds.size = RoundVector(rawBounds.size, voxelResolution); for (var ix = -_voxelBounds.extents.x; ix < _voxelBounds.extents.x; ix += voxelResolution) { for (var iy = -_voxelBounds.extents.y; iy < _voxelBounds.extents.y; iy += voxelResolution) { for (var iz = -_voxelBounds.extents.z; iz < _voxelBounds.extents.z; iz += voxelResolution) { var x = (voxelResolution * 0.5f) + ix; var y = (voxelResolution * 0.5f) + iy; var z = (voxelResolution * 0.5f) + iz; var p = new Vector3(x, y, z) + _voxelBounds.center; var inside = false; foreach (var t1 in colliders) { if (PointIsInsideCollider(t1, p)) { inside = true; } } if(inside) points.Add(p); } } } _voxels = points.ToArray(); t.SetPositionAndRotation(pos, rot); t.localScale = size; var voxelVolume = Mathf.Pow(voxelResolution, 3f) * _voxels.Length; var rawVolume = rawBounds.size.x * rawBounds.size.y * rawBounds.size.z; volume = Mathf.Min(rawVolume, voxelVolume); density = gameObject.GetComponent().mass / volume; } private Bounds VoxelBounds() { var bounds = new Bounds(); foreach (var nextCollider in colliders) { bounds.Encapsulate(nextCollider.bounds); } return bounds; } private static Vector3 RoundVector(Vector3 vec, float rounding) { return new Vector3(Mathf.Ceil(vec.x / rounding) * rounding, Mathf.Ceil(vec.y / rounding) * rounding, Mathf.Ceil(vec.z / rounding) * rounding); } private bool PointIsInsideCollider(Collider c, Vector3 p) { var cp = Physics.ClosestPoint(p, c, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity); return Vector3.Distance(cp, p) < 0.01f; } private void SetupPhysical() { if (!TryGetComponent(out _rb)) { _rb = gameObject.AddComponent(); Debug.LogError($"Buoyancy:Object \"{name}\" had no Rigidbody. Rigidbody has been added."); } _rb.centerOfMass = centerOfMass + _voxelBounds.center; _baseDrag = _rb.drag; _baseAngularDrag = _rb.angularDrag; _velocity = new float3[_voxels.Length]; var archimedesForceMagnitude = WaterDensity * Mathf.Abs(Physics.gravity.y) * volume; _localArchimedesForce = new float3(0, archimedesForceMagnitude, 0) / _voxels.Length; LocalToWorldJob.SetupJob(_guid, _voxels, ref _samplePoints); } private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { const float gizmoSize = 0.05f; var t = transform; var matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(t.position, t.rotation, t.lossyScale); if (_voxels != null) { Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; foreach (var p in _voxels) { Gizmos.DrawCube(p, new Vector3(gizmoSize, gizmoSize, gizmoSize)); } } Gizmos.matrix = matrix; if (voxelResolution >= 0.1f) { Gizmos.DrawWireCube(_voxelBounds.center, _voxelBounds.size); Vector3 center = _voxelBounds.center; float y = center.y - _voxelBounds.extents.y; for (float x = -_voxelBounds.extents.x; x < _voxelBounds.extents.x; x += voxelResolution) { Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3(x, y, -_voxelBounds.extents.z + center.z), new Vector3(x, y, _voxelBounds.extents.z + center.z)); } for (float z = -_voxelBounds.extents.z; z < _voxelBounds.extents.z; z += voxelResolution) { Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3(-_voxelBounds.extents.x, y, z + center.z), new Vector3(_voxelBounds.extents.x, y, z + center.z)); } } else _voxelBounds = VoxelBounds(); Gizmos.color = Color.red; Gizmos.DrawSphere(_voxelBounds.center + centerOfMass, 0.2f); Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; if (_debugInfo != null) { foreach (DebugDrawing debug in _debugInfo) { Gizmos.color = Color.cyan; Gizmos.DrawCube(debug.Position, new Vector3(gizmoSize, gizmoSize, gizmoSize)); // drawCenter var water = debug.Position; water.y = debug.WaterHeight; Gizmos.DrawLine(debug.Position, water); // draw the water line Gizmos.DrawSphere(water, gizmoSize * 4f); if(_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.Physical || _buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel) { Gizmos.color = Color.red; Gizmos.DrawRay(debug.Position, debug.Force / _rb.mass); // draw force } } } } private struct DebugDrawing { public Vector3 Force; public Vector3 Position; public float WaterHeight; } public enum BuoyancyType { NonPhysical, NonPhysicalVoxel, Physical, PhysicalVoxel } } }