using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { /// /// Class ScriptableRenderer implements a rendering strategy. It describes how culling and lighting works and /// the effects supported. /// /// A renderer can be used for all cameras or be overridden on a per-camera basis. It will implement light culling and setup /// and describe a list of ScriptableRenderPass to execute in a frame. The renderer can be extended to support more effect with additional /// ScriptableRendererFeature. Resources for the renderer are serialized in ScriptableRendererData. /// /// he renderer resources are serialized in ScriptableRendererData. /// /// /// /// [MovedFrom("UnityEngine.Rendering.LWRP")] public abstract class ScriptableRenderer { void SetShaderTimeValues(float time, float deltaTime, float smoothDeltaTime, CommandBuffer cmd = null) { // We make these parameters to mirror those described in ` float timeEights = time / 8f; float timeFourth = time / 4f; float timeHalf = time / 2f; // Time values Vector4 timeVector = time * new Vector4(1f / 20f, 1f, 2f, 3f); Vector4 sinTimeVector = new Vector4(Mathf.Sin(timeEights), Mathf.Sin(timeFourth), Mathf.Sin(timeHalf), Mathf.Sin(time)); Vector4 cosTimeVector = new Vector4(Mathf.Cos(timeEights), Mathf.Cos(timeFourth), Mathf.Cos(timeHalf), Mathf.Cos(time)); Vector4 deltaTimeVector = new Vector4(deltaTime, 1f / deltaTime, smoothDeltaTime, 1f / smoothDeltaTime); Vector4 timeParametersVector = new Vector4(time, Mathf.Sin(time), Mathf.Cos(time), 0.0f); if (cmd == null) { Shader.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer._Time, timeVector); Shader.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer._SinTime, sinTimeVector); Shader.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer._CosTime, cosTimeVector); Shader.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer.unity_DeltaTime, deltaTimeVector); Shader.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer._TimeParameters, timeParametersVector); } else { cmd.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer._Time, timeVector); cmd.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer._SinTime, sinTimeVector); cmd.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer._CosTime, cosTimeVector); cmd.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer.unity_DeltaTime, deltaTimeVector); cmd.SetGlobalVector(UniversalRenderPipeline.PerFrameBuffer._TimeParameters, timeParametersVector); } } public RenderTargetIdentifier cameraColorTarget { get => m_CameraColorTarget; } public RenderTargetIdentifier cameraDepth { get => m_CameraDepthTarget; } protected List rendererFeatures { get => m_RendererFeatures; } protected List activeRenderPassQueue { get => m_ActiveRenderPassQueue; } static class RenderPassBlock { // Executes render passes that are inputs to the main rendering // but don't depend on camera state. They all render in monoscopic mode. f.ex, shadow maps. public static readonly int BeforeRendering = 0; // Main bulk of render pass execution. They required camera state to be properly set // and when enabled they will render in stereo. public static readonly int MainRendering = 1; // Execute after Post-processing. public static readonly int AfterRendering = 2; } const int k_RenderPassBlockCount = 3; List m_ActiveRenderPassQueue = new List(32); List m_RendererFeatures = new List(10); RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraColorTarget; RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraDepthTarget; bool m_FirstCameraRenderPassExecuted = false; const string k_SetCameraRenderStateTag = "Clear Render State"; const string k_SetRenderTarget = "Set RenderTarget"; const string k_ReleaseResourcesTag = "Release Resources"; static RenderTargetIdentifier m_ActiveColorAttachment; static RenderTargetIdentifier m_ActiveDepthAttachment; static bool m_InsideStereoRenderBlock; internal static void ConfigureActiveTarget(RenderTargetIdentifier colorAttachment, RenderTargetIdentifier depthAttachment) { m_ActiveColorAttachment = colorAttachment; m_ActiveDepthAttachment = depthAttachment; } public ScriptableRenderer(ScriptableRendererData data) { foreach (var feature in data.rendererFeatures) { if (feature == null) continue; feature.Create(); m_RendererFeatures.Add(feature); } Clear(); } /// /// Configures the camera target. /// /// Camera color target. Pass BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget if rendering to backbuffer. /// Camera depth target. Pass BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget if color has depth or rendering to backbuffer. public void ConfigureCameraTarget(RenderTargetIdentifier colorTarget, RenderTargetIdentifier depthTarget) { m_CameraColorTarget = colorTarget; m_CameraDepthTarget = depthTarget; } /// /// Configures the render passes that will execute for this renderer. /// This method is called per-camera every frame. /// /// Use this render context to issue any draw commands during execution. /// Current render state information. /// /// public abstract void Setup(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData); /// /// Override this method to implement the lighting setup for the renderer. You can use this to /// compute and upload light CBUFFER for example. /// /// Use this render context to issue any draw commands during execution. /// Current render state information. public virtual void SetupLights(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData) { } /// /// Override this method to configure the culling parameters for the renderer. You can use this to configure if /// lights should be culled per-object or the maximum shadow distance for example. /// /// Use this to change culling parameters used by the render pipeline. /// Current render state information. public virtual void SetupCullingParameters(ref ScriptableCullingParameters cullingParameters, ref CameraData cameraData) { } /// /// Called upon finishing camera rendering. You can release any resources created on setup here. /// /// public virtual void FinishRendering(CommandBuffer cmd) { } /// /// Execute the enqueued render passes. This automatically handles editor and stereo rendering. /// /// Use this render context to issue any draw commands during execution. /// Current render state information. public void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData) { Camera camera =; SetCameraRenderState(context, ref renderingData.cameraData); SortStable(m_ActiveRenderPassQueue); // Cache the time for after the call to `SetupCameraProperties` and set the time variables in shader // For now we set the time variables per camera, as we plan to remove `SetupCamearProperties`. // Setting the time per frame would take API changes to pass the variable to each camera render. // Once `SetupCameraProperties` is gone, the variable should be set higher in the call-stack. #if UNITY_EDITOR float time = Application.isPlaying ? Time.time : Time.realtimeSinceStartup; #else float time = Time.time; #endif float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime; float smoothDeltaTime = Time.smoothDeltaTime; SetShaderTimeValues(time, deltaTime, smoothDeltaTime); // Upper limits for each block. Each block will contains render passes with events below the limit. NativeArray blockEventLimits = new NativeArray(k_RenderPassBlockCount, Allocator.Temp); blockEventLimits[RenderPassBlock.BeforeRendering] = RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingPrepasses; blockEventLimits[RenderPassBlock.MainRendering] = RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingPostProcessing; blockEventLimits[RenderPassBlock.AfterRendering] = (RenderPassEvent)Int32.MaxValue; NativeArray blockRanges = new NativeArray(blockEventLimits.Length + 1, Allocator.Temp); FillBlockRanges(blockEventLimits, blockRanges); blockEventLimits.Dispose(); SetupLights(context, ref renderingData); // Before Render Block. This render blocks always execute in mono rendering. // Camera is not setup. Lights are not setup. // Used to render input textures like shadowmaps. ExecuteBlock(RenderPassBlock.BeforeRendering, blockRanges, context, ref renderingData); /// Configure shader variables and other unity properties that are required for rendering. /// * Setup Camera RenderTarget and Viewport /// * VR Camera Setup and SINGLE_PASS_STEREO props /// * Setup camera view, projection and their inverse matrices. /// * Setup properties: _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ProjectionParams, _ScreenParams, _ZBufferParams, unity_OrthoParams /// * Setup camera world clip planes properties /// * Setup HDR keyword /// * Setup global time properties (_Time, _SinTime, _CosTime) bool stereoEnabled = renderingData.cameraData.isStereoEnabled; context.SetupCameraProperties(camera, stereoEnabled); // Override time values from when `SetupCameraProperties` were called. // They might be a frame behind. // We can remove this after removing `SetupCameraProperties` as the values should be per frame, and not per camera. SetShaderTimeValues(time, deltaTime, smoothDeltaTime); if (stereoEnabled) BeginXRRendering(context, camera); #if VISUAL_EFFECT_GRAPH_0_0_1_OR_NEWER var localCmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(string.Empty); //Triggers dispatch per camera, all global parameters should have been setup at this stage. VFX.VFXManager.ProcessCameraCommand(camera, localCmd); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(localCmd); CommandBufferPool.Release(localCmd); #endif // In this block main rendering executes. ExecuteBlock(RenderPassBlock.MainRendering, blockRanges, context, ref renderingData); DrawGizmos(context, camera, GizmoSubset.PreImageEffects); // In this block after rendering drawing happens, e.g, post processing, video player capture. ExecuteBlock(RenderPassBlock.AfterRendering, blockRanges, context, ref renderingData); if (stereoEnabled) EndXRRendering(context, camera); DrawGizmos(context, camera, GizmoSubset.PostImageEffects); InternalFinishRendering(context); blockRanges.Dispose(); } /// /// Enqueues a render pass for execution. /// /// Render pass to be enqueued. public void EnqueuePass(ScriptableRenderPass pass) { m_ActiveRenderPassQueue.Add(pass); } /// /// Returns a clear flag based on CameraClearFlags. /// /// Camera clear flags. /// A clear flag that tells if color and/or depth should be cleared. protected static ClearFlag GetCameraClearFlag(CameraClearFlags cameraClearFlags) { #if UNITY_EDITOR // We need public API to tell if FrameDebugger is active and enabled. In that case // we want to force a clear to see properly the drawcall stepping. // For now, to fix FrameDebugger in Editor, we force a clear. cameraClearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; #endif // LWRP doesn't support CameraClearFlags.DepthOnly and CameraClearFlags.Nothing. // CameraClearFlags.DepthOnly has the same effect of CameraClearFlags.SolidColor // CameraClearFlags.Nothing clears Depth on PC/Desktop and in mobile it clears both // depth and color. // CameraClearFlags.Skybox clears depth only. // Implementation details: // Camera clear flags are used to initialize the attachments on the first render pass. // ClearFlag is used together with Tile Load action to figure out how to clear the camera render target. // In Tile Based GPUs ClearFlag.Depth + RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare becomes DontCare load action. // While ClearFlag.All + RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare become Clear load action. // In mobile we force ClearFlag.All as DontCare doesn't have noticeable perf. difference from Clear // and this avoid tile clearing issue when not rendering all pixels in some GPUs. // In desktop/consoles there's actually performance difference between DontCare and Clear. // RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare in PC/Desktop behaves as not clearing screen // RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare in Vulkan/Metal behaves as DontCare load action // RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare in GLES behaves as glInvalidateBuffer // Always clear on first render pass in mobile as it's same perf of DontCare and avoid tile clearing issues. if (Application.isMobilePlatform) return ClearFlag.All; if ((cameraClearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Skybox && RenderSettings.skybox != null) || cameraClearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Nothing) return ClearFlag.Depth; return ClearFlag.All; } // Initialize Camera Render State // Place all per-camera rendering logic that is generic for all types of renderers here. void SetCameraRenderState(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref CameraData cameraData) { // Reset per-camera shader keywords. They are enabled depending on which render passes are executed. CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(k_SetCameraRenderStateTag); cmd.DisableShaderKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.MainLightShadows); cmd.DisableShaderKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.MainLightShadowCascades); cmd.DisableShaderKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.AdditionalLightsVertex); cmd.DisableShaderKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.AdditionalLightsPixel); cmd.DisableShaderKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.AdditionalLightShadows); cmd.DisableShaderKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.SoftShadows); cmd.DisableShaderKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.MixedLightingSubtractive); // Required by VolumeSystem / PostProcessing. VolumeManager.instance.Update(cameraData.volumeTrigger, cameraData.volumeLayerMask); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); } internal void Clear() { m_CameraColorTarget = BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget; m_CameraDepthTarget = BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget; m_ActiveColorAttachment = BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget; m_ActiveDepthAttachment = BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget; m_FirstCameraRenderPassExecuted = false; m_InsideStereoRenderBlock = false; m_ActiveRenderPassQueue.Clear(); } void ExecuteBlock(int blockIndex, NativeArray blockRanges, ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData, bool submit = false) { int endIndex = blockRanges[blockIndex + 1]; for (int currIndex = blockRanges[blockIndex]; currIndex < endIndex; ++currIndex) { var renderPass = m_ActiveRenderPassQueue[currIndex]; ExecuteRenderPass(context, renderPass, ref renderingData); } if (submit) context.Submit(); } void ExecuteRenderPass(ScriptableRenderContext context, ScriptableRenderPass renderPass, ref RenderingData renderingData) { CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(k_SetRenderTarget); renderPass.Configure(cmd, renderingData.cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor); RenderTargetIdentifier passColorAttachment = renderPass.colorAttachment; RenderTargetIdentifier passDepthAttachment = renderPass.depthAttachment; ref CameraData cameraData = ref renderingData.cameraData; // When render pass doesn't call ConfigureTarget we assume it's expected to render to camera target // which might be backbuffer or the framebuffer render textures. if (!renderPass.overrideCameraTarget) { passColorAttachment = m_CameraColorTarget; passDepthAttachment = m_CameraDepthTarget; } if (passColorAttachment == m_CameraColorTarget && !m_FirstCameraRenderPassExecuted) { m_FirstCameraRenderPassExecuted = true; Camera camera =; ClearFlag clearFlag = GetCameraClearFlag(camera.clearFlags); SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CameraColorTarget, m_CameraDepthTarget, clearFlag, CoreUtils.ConvertSRGBToActiveColorSpace(camera.backgroundColor)); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); cmd.Clear(); if (cameraData.isStereoEnabled) { context.StartMultiEye(; XRUtils.DrawOcclusionMesh(cmd,; } } // Only setup render target if current render pass attachments are different from the active ones else if (passColorAttachment != m_ActiveColorAttachment || passDepthAttachment != m_ActiveDepthAttachment) SetRenderTarget(cmd, passColorAttachment, passDepthAttachment, renderPass.clearFlag, renderPass.clearColor); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); renderPass.Execute(context, ref renderingData); } void BeginXRRendering(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera) { context.StartMultiEye(camera); m_InsideStereoRenderBlock = true; } void EndXRRendering(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera) { context.StopMultiEye(camera); context.StereoEndRender(camera); m_InsideStereoRenderBlock = false; } internal static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTargetIdentifier colorAttachment, RenderTargetIdentifier depthAttachment, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor) { m_ActiveColorAttachment = colorAttachment; m_ActiveDepthAttachment = depthAttachment; RenderBufferLoadAction colorLoadAction = clearFlag != ClearFlag.None ? RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare : RenderBufferLoadAction.Load; RenderBufferLoadAction depthLoadAction = ((uint)clearFlag & (uint)ClearFlag.Depth) != 0 ? RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare : RenderBufferLoadAction.Load; TextureDimension dimension = (m_InsideStereoRenderBlock) ? XRGraphics.eyeTextureDesc.dimension : TextureDimension.Tex2D; SetRenderTarget(cmd, colorAttachment, colorLoadAction, RenderBufferStoreAction.Store, depthAttachment, depthLoadAction, RenderBufferStoreAction.Store, clearFlag, clearColor, dimension); } static void SetRenderTarget( CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTargetIdentifier colorAttachment, RenderBufferLoadAction colorLoadAction, RenderBufferStoreAction colorStoreAction, ClearFlag clearFlags, Color clearColor, TextureDimension dimension) { if (dimension == TextureDimension.Tex2DArray) CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, colorAttachment, clearFlags, clearColor, 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, -1); else CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, colorAttachment, colorLoadAction, colorStoreAction, clearFlags, clearColor); } static void SetRenderTarget( CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTargetIdentifier colorAttachment, RenderBufferLoadAction colorLoadAction, RenderBufferStoreAction colorStoreAction, RenderTargetIdentifier depthAttachment, RenderBufferLoadAction depthLoadAction, RenderBufferStoreAction depthStoreAction, ClearFlag clearFlags, Color clearColor, TextureDimension dimension) { if (depthAttachment == BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget) { SetRenderTarget(cmd, colorAttachment, colorLoadAction, colorStoreAction, clearFlags, clearColor, dimension); } else { if (dimension == TextureDimension.Tex2DArray) CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, colorAttachment, depthAttachment, clearFlags, clearColor, 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, -1); else CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, colorAttachment, colorLoadAction, colorStoreAction, depthAttachment, depthLoadAction, depthStoreAction, clearFlags, clearColor); } } [Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")] void DrawGizmos(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera, GizmoSubset gizmoSubset) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (UnityEditor.Handles.ShouldRenderGizmos()) context.DrawGizmos(camera, gizmoSubset); #endif } // Fill in render pass indices for each block. End index is startIndex + 1. void FillBlockRanges(NativeArray blockEventLimits, NativeArray blockRanges) { int currRangeIndex = 0; int currRenderPass = 0; blockRanges[currRangeIndex++] = 0; // For each block, it finds the first render pass index that has an event // higher than the block limit. for (int i = 0; i < blockEventLimits.Length - 1; ++i) { while (currRenderPass < m_ActiveRenderPassQueue.Count && m_ActiveRenderPassQueue[currRenderPass].renderPassEvent < blockEventLimits[i]) currRenderPass++; blockRanges[currRangeIndex++] = currRenderPass; } blockRanges[currRangeIndex] = m_ActiveRenderPassQueue.Count; } void InternalFinishRendering(ScriptableRenderContext context) { CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(k_ReleaseResourcesTag); for (int i = 0; i < m_ActiveRenderPassQueue.Count; ++i) m_ActiveRenderPassQueue[i].FrameCleanup(cmd); FinishRendering(cmd); Clear(); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); } internal static void SortStable(List list) { int j; for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; ++i) { ScriptableRenderPass curr = list[i]; j = i - 1; for (; j >= 0 && curr < list[j]; --j) list[j + 1] = list[j]; list[j + 1] = curr; } } } }