using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Burst; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.Physics.Authoring; using Unity.Transforms; using UnityEngine; using WaterSystem; using WaterSystem.Data; public class GertsnerSystem : JobComponentSystem { private int _waveCount; private NativeArray waveData; protected override void OnCreate() { _waveCount = Water.Instance._waves.Length; waveData = new NativeArray(_waveCount, Allocator.Persistent); for (var i = 0; i < waveData.Length; i++) { waveData[i] = Water.Instance._waves[i]; } base.OnCreate(); } protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { var job = new HeightJob { waveData = waveData, time = Time.deltaTime, offsetBuffer = GetBufferFromEntity(false), heightBuffer = GetBufferFromEntity(false) }; return job.Schedule(this, inputDeps); } [BurstCompile] public struct HeightJob : IJobForEachWithEntity { [ReadOnly] public NativeArray waveData; // wave data stroed in vec4's like the shader version but packed into one [ReadOnly] public float time; [ReadOnly] public BufferFromEntity offsetBuffer; [NativeDisableParallelForRestriction] public BufferFromEntity heightBuffer; // The code actually running on the job public void Execute(Entity entity, int i, [ReadOnly] ref Translation translation, ref BuoyantData data) { DynamicBuffer offsets = offsetBuffer[entity]; DynamicBuffer heights = heightBuffer[entity]; for (int vi = 0; vi < offsets.Length; vi++) { float3 voxelPos = translation.Value + offsets[vi].Value; var waveCountMulti = 1f / waveData.Length; float3 wavePos = new float3(0f, 0f, 0f); float3 waveNorm = new float3(0f, 0f, 0f); for (var wave = 0; wave < waveData.Length; wave++) // for each wave { // Wave data vars var pos = new float2(voxelPos.x, voxelPos.z); var amplitude = waveData[wave].amplitude; var direction = waveData[wave].direction; var wavelength = waveData[wave].wavelength; var omniPos = waveData[wave].origin; ////////////////////////////////wave value calculations////////////////////////// var w = 6.28318f / wavelength; // 2pi over wavelength(hardcoded) var wSpeed = math.sqrt(9.8f * w); // frequency of the wave based off wavelength var peak = 0.8f; // peak value, 1 is the sharpest peaks var qi = peak / (amplitude * w * waveData.Length); var windDir = new float2(0f, 0f); var dir = 0f; direction = math.radians(direction); // convert the incoming degrees to radians var windDirInput = new float2(math.sin(direction), math.cos(direction)) * (1 - waveData[wave].onmiDir); // calculate wind direction - TODO - currently radians var windOmniInput = (pos - omniPos) * waveData[wave].onmiDir; windDir += windDirInput; windDir += windOmniInput; windDir = math.normalize(windDir); dir =, pos - (omniPos * waveData[wave].onmiDir)); // calculate a gradient along the wind direction ////////////////////////////position output calculations///////////////////////// var calc = dir * w + -time * wSpeed; // the wave calculation var cosCalc = math.cos(calc); // cosine version(used for horizontal undulation) var sinCalc = math.sin(calc); // sin version(used for vertical undulation) // calculate the offsets for the current point wavePos.x += qi * amplitude * windDir.x * cosCalc; wavePos.z += qi * amplitude * windDir.y * cosCalc; wavePos.y += ((sinCalc * amplitude)) * waveCountMulti; // the height is divided by the number of waves if (offsets.Length == 1) { ////////////////////////////normal output calculations///////////////////////// float wa = w * amplitude; // normal vector float3 norm = new float3(-(windDir.xy * wa * cosCalc), 1 - (qi * wa * sinCalc)); waveNorm += (norm * waveCountMulti) * amplitude; } } heights[vi] = new VoxelHeight{Value = wavePos}; if (offsets.Length == 1) data.normal = math.normalize(waveNorm.xzy); } } } }