using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditorInternal; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing { internal class ReorderableSlotListView : VisualElement { private AbstractMaterialNode m_Node; private SlotType m_SlotType; private ReorderableList m_ReorderableList; private IMGUIContainer m_Container; private GUIStyle m_LabelStyle; private int m_SelectedIndex = -1; private string label => string.Format("{0}s", m_SlotType.ToString()); internal ReorderableSlotListView(AbstractMaterialNode node, SlotType slotType) { styleSheets.Add(Resources.Load("Styles/ReorderableSlotListView")); m_Node = node; m_SlotType = slotType; m_Container = new IMGUIContainer(() => OnGUIHandler ()) { name = "ListContainer" }; Add(m_Container); } internal void RecreateList() { // Get slots based on type List slots = new List(); if(m_SlotType == SlotType.Input) m_Node.GetInputSlots(slots); else m_Node.GetOutputSlots(slots); // Create reorderable list from IDs List slotIDs = slots.Select(s =>; m_ReorderableList = new ReorderableList(slotIDs, typeof(int), true, true, true, true); } private void OnGUIHandler() { if(m_ReorderableList == null) { RecreateList(); AddCallbacks(); } using (var changeCheckScope = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope()) { m_ReorderableList.index = m_SelectedIndex; m_ReorderableList.DoLayoutList(); if (changeCheckScope.changed) m_Node.Dirty(ModificationScope.Node); } } private void AddCallbacks() { m_ReorderableList.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect rect) => { var labelRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width-10, rect.height); EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, label); }; // Draw Element m_ReorderableList.drawElementCallback = (Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) => { // Slot is guaranteed to exist in this UI state MaterialSlot oldSlot = m_Node.FindSlot((int)m_ReorderableList.list[index]); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var displayName = EditorGUI.DelayedTextField( new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width / 2, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), oldSlot.RawDisplayName(), EditorStyles.label); var shaderOutputName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(displayName); var concreteValueType = (ConcreteSlotValueType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup( new Rect(rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y, rect.width - rect.width / 2, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), oldSlot.concreteValueType); if(displayName != oldSlot.RawDisplayName()) displayName = NodeUtils.GetDuplicateSafeNameForSlot(m_Node,, displayName); if(EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { // Cant modify existing slots so need to create new and copy values var newSlot = MaterialSlot.CreateMaterialSlot(concreteValueType.ToSlotValueType(),, displayName, shaderOutputName, m_SlotType,; newSlot.CopyValuesFrom(oldSlot); m_Node.AddSlot(newSlot); // Need to get all current slots as everything after the edited slot in the list must be added again List slots = new List(); if(m_SlotType == SlotType.Input) m_Node.GetInputSlots(slots); else m_Node.GetOutputSlots(slots); // Iterate all the slots foreach (MaterialSlot slot in slots) { // Because the list doesnt match the slot IDs (reordering) // Need to get the index in the list of every slot int listIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m_ReorderableList.list.Count; i++) { if((int)m_ReorderableList.list[i] == listIndex = i; } // Then for everything after the edited slot if(listIndex <= index) continue; // Remove and re-add m_Node.AddSlot(slot); } RecreateList(); m_Node.ValidateNode(); } }; // Element height m_ReorderableList.elementHeightCallback = (int indexer) => { return m_ReorderableList.elementHeight; }; // Add callback delegates m_ReorderableList.onSelectCallback += SelectEntry; m_ReorderableList.onAddCallback += AddEntry; m_ReorderableList.onRemoveCallback += RemoveEntry; m_ReorderableList.onReorderCallback += ReorderEntries; } private void SelectEntry(ReorderableList list) { m_SelectedIndex = list.index; } private void AddEntry(ReorderableList list) { m_Node.owner.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Add Port"); // Need to get all current slots to get the next valid ID List slots = new List(); m_Node.GetSlots(slots); int[] slotIDs = slots.Select(s => => s).ToArray(); int newSlotID = slotIDs.Length > 0 ? slotIDs[0] + 1 : 0; string name = NodeUtils.GetDuplicateSafeNameForSlot(m_Node, newSlotID, "New"); // Create a new slot and add it var newSlot = MaterialSlot.CreateMaterialSlot(SlotValueType.Vector1, newSlotID, name, NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(name), m_SlotType,; m_Node.AddSlot(newSlot); // Select the new slot, then validate the node m_SelectedIndex = list.list.Count - 1; m_Node.ValidateNode(); } private void RemoveEntry(ReorderableList list) { m_Node.owner.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Remove Port"); // Remove the slot from the node m_SelectedIndex = list.index; m_Node.RemoveSlot((int)m_ReorderableList.list[m_SelectedIndex]); // Then remove it from the list // Need to do this order to preserve the list indicies for previous step ReorderableList.defaultBehaviours.DoRemoveButton(list); // Validate m_Node.ValidateNode(); } private void ReorderEntries(ReorderableList list) { m_Node.owner.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Reorder Ports"); // Get all the current slots List slots = new List(); if(m_SlotType == SlotType.Input) m_Node.GetInputSlots(slots); else m_Node.GetOutputSlots(slots); // Store the edges Dictionary> edgeDict = new Dictionary>(); foreach (MaterialSlot slot in slots) edgeDict.Add(slot, (List)slot.owner.owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference)); // Get reorder slots so need to remove them all then re-add foreach (MaterialSlot slot in slots) m_Node.RemoveSlot(; // Order them by their slot ID slots = slots.OrderBy(s =>; // Now add the slots back based on the list order // For each list entry get the slot with that ID for (int i = 0; i < list.list.Count; i++) { var currentSlot = slots.Where(s => == (int)list.list[i]).FirstOrDefault(); m_Node.AddSlot(currentSlot); } // Reconnect the edges foreach (KeyValuePair> entry in edgeDict) { foreach (IEdge edge in entry.Value) { m_Node.owner.Connect(edge.outputSlot, edge.inputSlot); } } RecreateList(); m_Node.ValidateNode(); } } }