using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.IO.IsolatedStorage; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.Graphing.Util; using UnityEditorInternal; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001; using Data.Util; using UnityEditor.ProjectWindowCallback; using UnityEngine; using Object = System.Object; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { // a structure used to track active variable dependencies in the shader code // (i.e. the use of uv0 in the pixel shader means we need a uv0 interpolator, etc.) struct Dependency { public string name; // the name of the thing public string dependsOn; // the thing above depends on this -- it reads it / calls it / requires it to be defined public Dependency(string name, string dependsOn) { = name; this.dependsOn = dependsOn; } }; [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Struct)] class InterpolatorPack : System.Attribute { public InterpolatorPack() { } } // attribute used to flag a field as needing an HLSL semantic applied // i.e. float3 position : POSITION; // ^ semantic [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Field)] class Semantic : System.Attribute { public string semantic; public Semantic(string semantic) { this.semantic = semantic; } } // attribute used to flag a field as being optional // i.e. if it is not active, then we can omit it from the struct [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Field)] class Optional : System.Attribute { public Optional() { } } // attribute used to override the HLSL type of a field with a custom type string [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Field)] class OverrideType : System.Attribute { public string typeName; public OverrideType(string typeName) { this.typeName = typeName; } } // attribute used to disable a field using a preprocessor #if [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Field)] class PreprocessorIf : System.Attribute { public string conditional; public PreprocessorIf(string conditional) { this.conditional = conditional; } } static class ShaderSpliceUtil { enum BaseFieldType { Invalid, Float, Uint, }; private static BaseFieldType GetBaseFieldType(string typeName) { if (typeName.StartsWith("Vector") || typeName.Equals("Single")) { return BaseFieldType.Float; } if (typeName.StartsWith("UInt32")) // We don't have proper support for uint (Uint, Uint2, Uint3, Uint4). Need these types, for now just supporting instancing via a single uint. { return BaseFieldType.Uint; } return BaseFieldType.Invalid; } private static int GetComponentCount(string typeName) { switch (GetBaseFieldType(typeName)) { case BaseFieldType.Float: return GetFloatVectorCount(typeName); case BaseFieldType.Uint: return GetUintCount(typeName); default: return 0; } } private static int GetFloatVectorCount(string typeName) { if (typeName.Equals("Vector4")) { return 4; } else if (typeName.Equals("Vector3")) { return 3; } else if (typeName.Equals("Vector2")) { return 2; } else if (typeName.Equals("Single")) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } // Need uint types private static int GetUintCount(string typeName) { if (typeName.Equals("UInt32")) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } private static string[] vectorTypeNames = { "unknown", "float", "float2", "float3", "float4" }; private static string[] uintTypeNames = { "unknown", "uint", }; private static char[] channelNames = { 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w' }; private static string GetChannelSwizzle(int firstChannel, int channelCount) { System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); int lastChannel = System.Math.Min(firstChannel + channelCount - 1, 4); for (int index = firstChannel; index <= lastChannel; index++) { result.Append(channelNames[index]); } return result.ToString(); } private static bool ShouldSpliceField(System.Type parentType, FieldInfo field, IActiveFields activeFields, out bool isOptional) { bool fieldActive = true; isOptional = field.IsDefined(typeof(Optional), false); if (isOptional) { string fullName = parentType.Name + "." + field.Name; if (!activeFields.Contains(fullName)) { // not active, skip the optional field fieldActive = false; } } return fieldActive; } private static string GetFieldSemantic(FieldInfo field) { string semanticString = null; object[] semantics = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Semantic), false); if (semantics.Length > 0) { Semantic firstSemantic = (Semantic)semantics[0]; semanticString = " : " + firstSemantic.semantic; } return semanticString; } private static string GetFieldType(FieldInfo field, out int componentCount) { string fieldType; object[] overrideType = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(OverrideType), false); if (overrideType.Length > 0) { OverrideType first = (OverrideType)overrideType[0]; fieldType = first.typeName; componentCount = 0; } else { // TODO: handle non-float types componentCount = GetComponentCount(field.FieldType.Name); switch (GetBaseFieldType(field.FieldType.Name)) { case BaseFieldType.Float: fieldType = vectorTypeNames[componentCount]; break; case BaseFieldType.Uint: fieldType = uintTypeNames[componentCount]; break; default: fieldType = "unknown"; break; } } return fieldType; } private static bool IsFloatVectorType(string type) { return GetFloatVectorCount(type) != 0; } private static string GetFieldConditional(FieldInfo field) { string conditional = null; object[] overrideType = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PreprocessorIf), false); if (overrideType.Length > 0) { PreprocessorIf first = (PreprocessorIf)overrideType[0]; conditional = first.conditional; } return conditional; } public static void BuildType(System.Type t, ActiveFields activeFields, ShaderGenerator result) { result.AddShaderChunk("struct " + t.Name + " {"); result.Indent(); foreach (FieldInfo field in t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public)) { if (field.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field) { bool isOptional = false; var fieldIsActive = false; var keywordIfdefs = string.Empty; if (activeFields.permutationCount > 0) { // Evaluate all activeFields instance var instances = activeFields .allPermutations.instances .Where(i => ShouldSpliceField(t, field, i, out isOptional)) .ToList(); fieldIsActive = instances.Count > 0; if (fieldIsActive) keywordIfdefs = KeywordUtil.GetKeywordPermutationSetConditional(instances .Select(i => i.permutationIndex).ToList()); } else { fieldIsActive = ShouldSpliceField(t, field, activeFields.baseInstance, out isOptional); } if (fieldIsActive) { // The field is used, so generate it var semanticString = GetFieldSemantic(field); int componentCount; var fieldType = GetFieldType(field, out componentCount); var conditional = GetFieldConditional(field); if (conditional != null) result.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywordIfdefs)) result.AddShaderChunk(keywordIfdefs); var fieldDecl = fieldType + " " + field.Name + semanticString + ";" + (isOptional ? " // optional" : string.Empty); result.AddShaderChunk(fieldDecl); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywordIfdefs)) result.AddShaderChunk("#endif // Shader Graph Keywords"); if (conditional != null) result.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional); } } } result.Deindent(); result.AddShaderChunk("};"); object[] packAttributes = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InterpolatorPack), false); if (packAttributes.Length > 0) { var generatedPackedTypes = new Dictionary)>(); if (activeFields.permutationCount > 0) { foreach (var instance in activeFields.allPermutations.instances) { var instanceGenerator = new ShaderGenerator(); BuildPackedType(t, instance, instanceGenerator); var key = instanceGenerator.GetShaderString(0); if (generatedPackedTypes.TryGetValue(key, out var value)) value.Item2.Add(instance.permutationIndex); else generatedPackedTypes.Add(key, (instanceGenerator, new List { instance.permutationIndex })); } var isFirst = true; foreach (var generated in generatedPackedTypes) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; result.AddShaderChunk(KeywordUtil.GetKeywordPermutationSetConditional(generated.Value.Item2)); } else result.AddShaderChunk(KeywordUtil.GetKeywordPermutationSetConditional(generated.Value.Item2).Replace("#if", "#elif")); result.AddGenerator(generated.Value.Item1); } if (generatedPackedTypes.Count > 0) result.AddShaderChunk("#endif"); } else { BuildPackedType(t, activeFields.baseInstance, result); } } } public static void BuildPackedType(System.Type unpacked, IActiveFields activeFields, ShaderGenerator result) { // for each interpolator, the number of components used (up to 4 for a float4 interpolator) List packedCounts = new List(); ShaderGenerator packer = new ShaderGenerator(); ShaderGenerator unpacker = new ShaderGenerator(); ShaderGenerator structEnd = new ShaderGenerator(); string unpackedStruct = unpacked.Name.ToString(); string packedStruct = "Packed" + unpacked.Name; string packerFunction = "Pack" + unpacked.Name; string unpackerFunction = "Unpack" + unpacked.Name; // declare struct header: // struct packedStruct { result.AddShaderChunk("struct " + packedStruct + " {"); result.Indent(); // declare function headers: // packedStruct packerFunction(unpackedStruct input) // { // packedStruct output; packer.AddShaderChunk(packedStruct + " " + packerFunction + "(" + unpackedStruct + " input)"); packer.AddShaderChunk("{"); packer.Indent(); packer.AddShaderChunk(packedStruct + " output;"); // unpackedStruct unpackerFunction(packedStruct input) // { // unpackedStruct output; unpacker.AddShaderChunk(unpackedStruct + " " + unpackerFunction + "(" + packedStruct + " input)"); unpacker.AddShaderChunk("{"); unpacker.Indent(); unpacker.AddShaderChunk(unpackedStruct + " output;"); // TODO: this could do a better job packing // especially if we allowed breaking up fields across multiple interpolators (to pack them into remaining space...) // though we would want to only do this if it improves final interpolator count, and is worth it on the target machine foreach (FieldInfo field in unpacked.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public)) { if (field.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field) { bool isOptional; if (ShouldSpliceField(unpacked, field, activeFields, out isOptional)) { string semanticString = GetFieldSemantic(field); int floatVectorCount; string fieldType = GetFieldType(field, out floatVectorCount); string conditional = GetFieldConditional(field); if ((semanticString != null) || (conditional != null) || (floatVectorCount == 0)) { // not a packed value if (conditional != null) { structEnd.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional); packer.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional); unpacker.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional); } structEnd.AddShaderChunk(fieldType + " " + field.Name + semanticString + "; // unpacked"); packer.AddShaderChunk("output." + field.Name + " = input." + field.Name + ";"); unpacker.AddShaderChunk("output." + field.Name + " = input." + field.Name + ";"); if (conditional != null) { structEnd.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional); packer.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional); unpacker.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional); } } else { // pack float field // super simple packing: use the first interpolator that has room for the whole value int interpIndex = packedCounts.FindIndex(x => (x + floatVectorCount <= 4)); int firstChannel; if (interpIndex < 0) { // allocate a new interpolator interpIndex = packedCounts.Count; firstChannel = 0; packedCounts.Add(floatVectorCount); } else { // pack into existing interpolator firstChannel = packedCounts[interpIndex]; packedCounts[interpIndex] += floatVectorCount; } // add code to packer and unpacker -- packed data declaration is handled later string packedChannels = GetChannelSwizzle(firstChannel, floatVectorCount); packer.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("output.interp{0:00}.{1} = input.{2};", interpIndex, packedChannels, field.Name)); unpacker.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("output.{0} = input.interp{1:00}.{2};", field.Name, interpIndex, packedChannels)); } } } } // add packed data declarations to struct, using the packedCounts for (int index = 0; index < packedCounts.Count; index++) { int count = packedCounts[index]; result.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("{0} interp{1:00} : TEXCOORD{1}; // auto-packed", vectorTypeNames[count], index)); } // add unpacked data declarations to struct (must be at end) result.AddGenerator(structEnd); // close declarations result.Deindent(); result.AddShaderChunk("};"); packer.AddShaderChunk("return output;"); packer.Deindent(); packer.AddShaderChunk("}"); unpacker.AddShaderChunk("return output;"); unpacker.Deindent(); unpacker.AddShaderChunk("}"); // combine all of the code into the result result.AddGenerator(packer); result.AddGenerator(unpacker); } // returns the offset of the first non-whitespace character, in the range [start, end] inclusive ... will return end if none found private static int SkipWhitespace(string str, int start, int end) { int index = start; while (index < end) { char c = str[index]; if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { break; } index++; } return index; } public class TemplatePreprocessor { // inputs ActiveFields activeFields; Dictionary namedFragments; string templatePath; bool debugOutput; string buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat; // intermediates HashSet includedFiles; // outputs ShaderStringBuilder result; List sourceAssetDependencyPaths; public TemplatePreprocessor(ActiveFields activeFields, Dictionary namedFragments, bool debugOutput, string templatePath, List sourceAssetDependencyPaths, string buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat, ShaderStringBuilder outShaderCodeResult = null) { this.activeFields = activeFields; this.namedFragments = namedFragments; this.debugOutput = debugOutput; this.templatePath = templatePath; this.sourceAssetDependencyPaths = sourceAssetDependencyPaths; this.buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat = buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat; this.result = outShaderCodeResult ?? new ShaderStringBuilder(); includedFiles = new HashSet(); } public ShaderStringBuilder GetShaderCode() { return result; } public void ProcessTemplateFile(string filePath) { if (File.Exists(filePath) && !includedFiles.Contains(filePath)) { includedFiles.Add(filePath); if (sourceAssetDependencyPaths != null) sourceAssetDependencyPaths.Add(filePath); string[] templateLines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath); foreach (string line in templateLines) { ProcessTemplateLine(line, 0, line.Length); } } } private struct Token { public string s; public int start; public int end; public Token(string s, int start, int end) { this.s = s; this.start = start; this.end = end; } public static Token Invalid() { return new Token(null, 0, 0); } public bool IsValid() { return (s != null); } public bool Is(string other) { int len = end - start; return (other.Length == len) && (0 == string.Compare(s, start, other, 0, len)); } public string GetString() { int len = end - start; if (len > 0) { return s.Substring(start, end - start); } return null; } } public void ProcessTemplateLine(string line, int start, int end) { bool appendEndln = true; int cur = start; while (cur < end) { // find an escape code '$' int dollar = line.IndexOf('$', cur, end - cur); if (dollar < 0) { // no escape code found in the remaining code -- just append the rest verbatim AppendSubstring(line, cur, true, end, false); break; } else { // found $ escape sequence Token command = ParseIdentifier(line, dollar+1, end); if (!command.IsValid()) { Error("ERROR: $ must be followed by a command string (if, splice, or include)", line, dollar+1); break; } else { if (command.Is("include")) { ProcessIncludeCommand(command, end); break; // include command always ignores the rest of the line, error or not } else if (command.Is("splice")) { if (!ProcessSpliceCommand(command, end, ref cur)) { // error, skip the rest of the line break; } } else if (command.Is("buildType")) { ProcessBuildTypeCommand(command, end); break; // buildType command always ignores the rest of the line, error or not } else { // let's see if it is a predicate Token predicate = ParseUntil(line, dollar + 1, end, ':'); if (!predicate.IsValid()) { Error("ERROR: unrecognized command: " + command.GetString(), line, command.start); break; } else { if (!ProcessPredicate(predicate, end, ref cur, ref appendEndln)) { break; // skip the rest of the line } } } } } } if (appendEndln) { result.AppendNewLine(); } } private void ProcessIncludeCommand(Token includeCommand, int lineEnd) { if (Expect(includeCommand.s, includeCommand.end, '(')) { Token param = ParseString(includeCommand.s, includeCommand.end + 1, lineEnd); if (!param.IsValid()) { Error("ERROR: $include expected a string file path parameter", includeCommand.s, includeCommand.end + 1); } else { var includeLocation = Path.Combine(templatePath, param.GetString()); if (!File.Exists(includeLocation)) { Error("ERROR: $include cannot find file : " + includeLocation, includeCommand.s, param.start); } else { // skip a line, just to be sure we've cleaned up the current line result.AppendNewLine(); result.AppendLine("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); result.AppendLine("// TEMPLATE INCLUDE : " + param.GetString()); result.AppendLine("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); ProcessTemplateFile(includeLocation); result.AppendNewLine(); result.AppendLine("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); result.AppendLine("// END TEMPLATE INCLUDE : " + param.GetString()); result.AppendLine("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } } } } private bool ProcessSpliceCommand(Token spliceCommand, int lineEnd, ref int cur) { if (!Expect(spliceCommand.s, spliceCommand.end, '(')) { return false; } else { Token param = ParseUntil(spliceCommand.s, spliceCommand.end + 1, lineEnd, ')'); if (!param.IsValid()) { Error("ERROR: splice command is missing a ')'", spliceCommand.s, spliceCommand.start); return false; } else { // append everything before the beginning of the escape sequence AppendSubstring(spliceCommand.s, cur, true, spliceCommand.start-1, false); // find the named fragment string name = param.GetString(); // unfortunately this allocates a new string string fragment; if ((namedFragments != null) && namedFragments.TryGetValue(name, out fragment)) { // splice the fragment result.Append(fragment); } else { // no named fragment found result.Append("/* WARNING: $splice Could not find named fragment '{0}' */", name); } // advance to just after the ')' and continue parsing cur = param.end + 1; } } return true; } private void ProcessBuildTypeCommand(Token command, int endLine) { if (Expect(command.s, command.end, '(')) { Token param = ParseUntil(command.s, command.end + 1, endLine, ')'); if (!param.IsValid()) { Error("ERROR: buildType command is missing a ')'", command.s, command.start); } else { string typeName = param.GetString(); string assemblyQualifiedTypeName = string.Format(buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat, typeName); Type type = Type.GetType(assemblyQualifiedTypeName); if (type == null) { Error("ERROR: buildType could not find type : " + typeName, command.s, param.start); } else { result.AppendLine("// Generated Type: " + typeName); ShaderGenerator temp = new ShaderGenerator(); BuildType(type, activeFields, temp); result.AppendLine(temp.GetShaderString(0, false)); } } } } private bool ProcessPredicate(Token predicate, int endLine, ref int cur, ref bool appendEndln) { // eval if(param) var fieldName = predicate.GetString(); var nonwhitespace = SkipWhitespace(predicate.s, predicate.end + 1, endLine); if (activeFields.permutationCount > 0) { var passedPermutations = activeFields.allPermutations.instances .Where(i => i.Contains(fieldName)) .ToList(); if (passedPermutations.Count > 0) { var ifdefs = KeywordUtil.GetKeywordPermutationSetConditional( passedPermutations.Select(i => i.permutationIndex).ToList() ); result.AppendLine(ifdefs); // Append the rest of the line AppendSubstring(predicate.s, nonwhitespace, true, endLine, false); result.AppendLine(""); result.AppendLine("#endif"); return false; } return false; } else { // eval if(param) if (activeFields.baseInstance.Contains(fieldName)) { // predicate is active // append everything before the beginning of the escape sequence AppendSubstring(predicate.s, cur, true, predicate.start-1, false); // continue parsing the rest of the line, starting with the first nonwhitespace character cur = nonwhitespace; return true; } else { // predicate is not active if (debugOutput) { // append everything before the beginning of the escape sequence AppendSubstring(predicate.s, cur, true, predicate.start-1, false); // append the rest of the line, commented out result.Append("// "); AppendSubstring(predicate.s, nonwhitespace, true, endLine, false); } else { // don't append anything appendEndln = false; } return false; } } } private Token ParseIdentifier(string code, int start, int end) { if (start < end) { char c = code[start]; if (Char.IsLetter(c) || (c == '_')) { int cur = start + 1; while (cur < end) { c = code[cur]; if (!(Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || (c == '_'))) break; cur++; } return new Token(code, start, cur); } } return Token.Invalid(); } private Token ParseString(string line, int start, int end) { if (Expect(line, start, '"')) { return ParseUntil(line, start + 1, end, '"'); } return Token.Invalid(); } private Token ParseUntil(string line, int start, int end, char endChar) { int cur = start; while (cur < end) { if (line[cur] == endChar) { return new Token(line, start, cur); } cur++; } return Token.Invalid(); } private bool Expect(string line, int location, char expected) { if ((location < line.Length) && (line[location] == expected)) { return true; } Error("Expected '" + expected + "'", line, location); return false; } private void Error(string error, string line, int location) { // append the line for context result.Append("\n"); result.Append("// "); AppendSubstring(line, 0, true, line.Length, false); result.Append("\n"); // append the location marker, and error description result.Append("// "); result.AppendSpaces(location); result.Append("^ "); result.Append(error); result.Append("\n"); } // an easier to use version of substring Append() -- explicit inclusion on each end, and checks for positive length private void AppendSubstring(string str, int start, bool includeStart, int end, bool includeEnd) { if (!includeStart) { start++; } if (!includeEnd) { end--; } int count = end - start + 1; if (count > 0) { result.Append(str, start, count); } } } public static void ApplyDependencies(IActiveFields activeFields, List dependsList) { // add active fields to queue Queue fieldsToPropagate = new Queue(); foreach (var f in activeFields.fields) { fieldsToPropagate.Enqueue(f); } // foreach field in queue: while (fieldsToPropagate.Count > 0) { string field = fieldsToPropagate.Dequeue(); if (activeFields.Contains(field)) // this should always be true { // find all dependencies of field that are not already active foreach (Dependency[] dependArray in dependsList) { foreach (Dependency d in dependArray.Where(d => ( == field) && !activeFields.Contains(d.dependsOn))) { // activate them and add them to the queue activeFields.Add(d.dependsOn); fieldsToPropagate.Enqueue(d.dependsOn); } } } } } }; class NewGraphAction : EndNameEditAction { AbstractMaterialNode m_Node; public AbstractMaterialNode node { get { return m_Node; } set { m_Node = value; } } public override void Action(int instanceId, string pathName, string resourceFile) { var graph = new GraphData(); graph.AddNode(node); graph.path = "Shader Graphs"; FileUtilities.WriteShaderGraphToDisk(pathName, graph); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); UnityEngine.Object obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(pathName); Selection.activeObject = obj; } } static class GraphUtil { internal static string ConvertCamelCase(string text, bool preserveAcronyms) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) return string.Empty; StringBuilder newText = new StringBuilder(text.Length * 2); newText.Append(text[0]); for (int i = 1; i < text.Length; i++) { if (char.IsUpper(text[i])) if ((text[i - 1] != ' ' && !char.IsUpper(text[i - 1])) || (preserveAcronyms && char.IsUpper(text[i - 1]) && i < text.Length - 1 && !char.IsUpper(text[i + 1]))) newText.Append(' '); newText.Append(text[i]); } return newText.ToString(); } public static void CreateNewGraph(AbstractMaterialNode node) { var graphItem = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); graphItem.node = node; ProjectWindowUtil.StartNameEditingIfProjectWindowExists(0, graphItem, string.Format("New Shader Graph.{0}", ShaderGraphImporter.Extension), null, null); } public static Type GetOutputNodeType(string path) { var textGraph = File.ReadAllText(path, Encoding.UTF8); var graph = JsonUtility.FromJson(textGraph); return graph.outputNode.GetType(); } public static bool IsShaderGraph(this Shader shader) { var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(shader); var importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path); return importer is ShaderGraphImporter; } public static void GeneratePropertiesBlock(ShaderStringBuilder sb, PropertyCollector propertyCollector, KeywordCollector keywordCollector, GenerationMode mode) { sb.AppendLine("Properties"); using (sb.BlockScope()) { foreach (var prop in => x.generatePropertyBlock)) { sb.AppendLine(prop.GetPropertyBlockString()); } // Keywords use hardcoded state in preview // Do not add them to the Property Block if(mode == GenerationMode.Preview) return; foreach (var key in keywordCollector.keywords.Where(x => x.generatePropertyBlock)) { sb.AppendLine(key.GetPropertyBlockString()); } } } public static void GenerateApplicationVertexInputs(ShaderGraphRequirements graphRequiements, ShaderStringBuilder vertexInputs) { vertexInputs.AppendLine("struct GraphVertexInput"); using (vertexInputs.BlockSemicolonScope()) { vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 vertex : POSITION;"); if(graphRequiements.requiresNormal != NeededCoordinateSpace.None || graphRequiements.requiresBitangent != NeededCoordinateSpace.None) vertexInputs.AppendLine("float3 normal : NORMAL;"); if(graphRequiements.requiresTangent != NeededCoordinateSpace.None || graphRequiements.requiresBitangent != NeededCoordinateSpace.None) vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 tangent : TANGENT;"); if (graphRequiements.requiresVertexColor) { vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 color : COLOR;"); } foreach (var channel in graphRequiements.requiresMeshUVs.Distinct()) vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 texcoord{0} : TEXCOORD{0};", (int)channel); vertexInputs.AppendLine("UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID"); } } static void Visit(List outputList, Dictionary unmarkedNodes, AbstractMaterialNode node) { if (!unmarkedNodes.ContainsKey(node.guid)) return; foreach (var slot in node.GetInputSlots()) { foreach (var edge in node.owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference)) { var inputNode = node.owner.GetNodeFromGuid(edge.outputSlot.nodeGuid); Visit(outputList, unmarkedNodes, inputNode); } } unmarkedNodes.Remove(node.guid); outputList.Add(node); } public static GenerationResults GetShader(this GraphData graph, AbstractMaterialNode node, GenerationMode mode, string name) { // ----------------------------------------------------- // // SETUP // // ----------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------- // String builders var finalShader = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var results = new GenerationResults(); var shaderProperties = new PropertyCollector(); var shaderKeywords = new KeywordCollector(); var shaderPropertyUniforms = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var shaderKeywordDeclarations = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var shaderKeywordPermutations = new ShaderStringBuilder(1); var functionBuilder = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var functionRegistry = new FunctionRegistry(functionBuilder); var vertexDescriptionFunction = new ShaderStringBuilder(0); var surfaceDescriptionInputStruct = new ShaderStringBuilder(0); var surfaceDescriptionStruct = new ShaderStringBuilder(0); var surfaceDescriptionFunction = new ShaderStringBuilder(0); var vertexInputs = new ShaderStringBuilder(0); graph.CollectShaderKeywords(shaderKeywords, mode); if(graph.GetKeywordPermutationCount() > ShaderGraphPreferences.variantLimit) { graph.AddValidationError(node.tempId, ShaderKeyword.kVariantLimitWarning, Rendering.ShaderCompilerMessageSeverity.Error); results.configuredTextures = shaderProperties.GetConfiguredTexutres(); results.shader = string.Empty; return results; } // ------------------------------------- // Get Slot and Node lists var activeNodeList = ListPool.Get(); NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(activeNodeList, node); var slots = new List(); if (node is IMasterNode || node is SubGraphOutputNode) slots.AddRange(node.GetInputSlots()); else { var outputSlots = node.GetOutputSlots().ToList(); if (outputSlots.Count > 0) slots.Add(outputSlots[0]); } // ------------------------------------- // Get Requirements var requirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(activeNodeList, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment); // ----------------------------------------------------- // // KEYWORDS // // ----------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------- // Get keyword permutations graph.CollectShaderKeywords(shaderKeywords, mode); // Track permutation indicies for all nodes and requirements List[] keywordPermutationsPerNode = new List[activeNodeList.Count]; // ------------------------------------- // Evaluate all permutations for(int i = 0; i < shaderKeywords.permutations.Count; i++) { // Get active nodes for this permutation var localNodes = ListPool.Get(); NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(localNodes, node, keywordPermutation: shaderKeywords.permutations[i]); // Track each pixel node in this permutation foreach(AbstractMaterialNode pixelNode in localNodes) { int nodeIndex = activeNodeList.IndexOf(pixelNode); if(keywordPermutationsPerNode[nodeIndex] == null) keywordPermutationsPerNode[nodeIndex] = new List(); keywordPermutationsPerNode[nodeIndex].Add(i); } // Get active requirements for this permutation var localSurfaceRequirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(localNodes, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment, false); var localPixelRequirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(localNodes, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // // START VERTEX DESCRIPTION // // ----------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------- // Generate Vertex Description function vertexDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("GraphVertexInput PopulateVertexData(GraphVertexInput v)"); using (vertexDescriptionFunction.BlockScope()) { vertexDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("return v;"); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // // START SURFACE DESCRIPTION // // ----------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------- // Generate Input structure for Surface Description function // Surface Description Input requirements are needed to exclude intermediate translation spaces GenerateSurfaceInputStruct(surfaceDescriptionInputStruct, requirements, "SurfaceDescriptionInputs"); results.previewMode = PreviewMode.Preview2D; foreach (var pNode in activeNodeList) { if (pNode.previewMode == PreviewMode.Preview3D) { results.previewMode = PreviewMode.Preview3D; break; } } // ------------------------------------- // Generate Output structure for Surface Description function GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(surfaceDescriptionStruct, slots, useIdsInNames: !(node is IMasterNode)); // ------------------------------------- // Generate Surface Description function GenerateSurfaceDescriptionFunction( activeNodeList, keywordPermutationsPerNode, node, graph, surfaceDescriptionFunction, functionRegistry, shaderProperties, shaderKeywords, mode, outputIdProperty: results.outputIdProperty); // ----------------------------------------------------- // // GENERATE VERTEX > PIXEL PIPELINE // // ----------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------- // Keyword declarations shaderKeywords.GetKeywordsDeclaration(shaderKeywordDeclarations, mode); // ------------------------------------- // Property uniforms shaderProperties.GetPropertiesDeclaration(shaderPropertyUniforms, mode, graph.concretePrecision); // ------------------------------------- // Generate Input structure for Vertex shader GenerateApplicationVertexInputs(requirements, vertexInputs); // ----------------------------------------------------- // // FINALIZE // // ----------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------- // Build final shader finalShader.AppendLine(@"Shader ""{0}""", name); using (finalShader.BlockScope()) { GraphUtil.GeneratePropertiesBlock(finalShader, shaderProperties, shaderKeywords, mode); finalShader.AppendNewLine(); finalShader.AppendLine(@"HLSLINCLUDE"); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl"""); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Packing.hlsl"""); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/NormalSurfaceGradient.hlsl"""); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"""); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/UnityInstancing.hlsl"""); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/EntityLighting.hlsl"""); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/ShaderVariables.hlsl"""); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/ShaderVariablesFunctions.hlsl"""); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl"""); finalShader.AppendLines(shaderKeywordDeclarations.ToString()); finalShader.AppendLine(@"#define SHADERGRAPH_PREVIEW 1"); finalShader.AppendNewLine(); finalShader.AppendLines(shaderKeywordPermutations.ToString()); finalShader.AppendLines(shaderPropertyUniforms.ToString()); finalShader.AppendNewLine(); finalShader.AppendLines(surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.ToString()); finalShader.AppendNewLine(); finalShader.Concat(functionBuilder); finalShader.AppendNewLine(); finalShader.AppendLines(surfaceDescriptionStruct.ToString()); finalShader.AppendNewLine(); finalShader.AppendLines(surfaceDescriptionFunction.ToString()); finalShader.AppendNewLine(); finalShader.AppendLines(vertexInputs.ToString()); finalShader.AppendNewLine(); finalShader.AppendLines(vertexDescriptionFunction.ToString()); finalShader.AppendNewLine(); finalShader.AppendLine(@"ENDHLSL"); finalShader.AppendLines(ShaderGenerator.GetPreviewSubShader(node, requirements)); ListPool.Release(activeNodeList); } // ------------------------------------- // Finalize results.configuredTextures = shaderProperties.GetConfiguredTexutres(); ShaderSourceMap sourceMap; results.shader = finalShader.ToString(out sourceMap); results.sourceMap = sourceMap; return results; } public static void GenerateSurfaceInputStruct(ShaderStringBuilder sb, ShaderGraphRequirements requirements, string structName) { sb.AppendLine($"struct {structName}"); using (sb.BlockSemicolonScope()) { ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresNormal, InterpolatorType.Normal, sb); ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresTangent, InterpolatorType.Tangent, sb); ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresBitangent, InterpolatorType.BiTangent, sb); ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresViewDir, InterpolatorType.ViewDirection, sb); ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresPosition, InterpolatorType.Position, sb); if (requirements.requiresVertexColor) sb.AppendLine("float4 {0};", ShaderGeneratorNames.VertexColor); if (requirements.requiresScreenPosition) sb.AppendLine("float4 {0};", ShaderGeneratorNames.ScreenPosition); if (requirements.requiresFaceSign) sb.AppendLine("float {0};", ShaderGeneratorNames.FaceSign); foreach (var channel in requirements.requiresMeshUVs.Distinct()) sb.AppendLine("half4 {0};", channel.GetUVName()); if (requirements.requiresTime) { sb.AppendLine("float3 {0};", ShaderGeneratorNames.TimeParameters); } } } public static void GenerateSurfaceInputTransferCode(ShaderStringBuilder sb, ShaderGraphRequirements requirements, string structName, string variableName) { sb.AppendLine($"{structName} {variableName};"); ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresNormal, InterpolatorType.Normal, sb, $"{variableName}.{{0}} = IN.{{0}};"); ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresTangent, InterpolatorType.Tangent, sb, $"{variableName}.{{0}} = IN.{{0}};"); ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresBitangent, InterpolatorType.BiTangent, sb, $"{variableName}.{{0}} = IN.{{0}};"); ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresViewDir, InterpolatorType.ViewDirection, sb, $"{variableName}.{{0}} = IN.{{0}};"); ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresPosition, InterpolatorType.Position, sb, $"{variableName}.{{0}} = IN.{{0}};"); if (requirements.requiresVertexColor) sb.AppendLine($"{variableName}.{ShaderGeneratorNames.VertexColor} = IN.{ShaderGeneratorNames.VertexColor};"); if (requirements.requiresScreenPosition) sb.AppendLine($"{variableName}.{ShaderGeneratorNames.ScreenPosition} = IN.{ShaderGeneratorNames.ScreenPosition};"); if (requirements.requiresFaceSign) sb.AppendLine($"{variableName}.{ShaderGeneratorNames.FaceSign} = IN.{ShaderGeneratorNames.FaceSign};"); foreach (var channel in requirements.requiresMeshUVs.Distinct()) sb.AppendLine($"{variableName}.{channel.GetUVName()} = IN.{channel.GetUVName()};"); if (requirements.requiresTime) { sb.AppendLine($"{variableName}.{ShaderGeneratorNames.TimeParameters} = IN.{ShaderGeneratorNames.TimeParameters};"); } } public static void GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(ShaderStringBuilder surfaceDescriptionStruct, List slots, string structName = "SurfaceDescription", IActiveFieldsSet activeFields = null, bool useIdsInNames = false) { surfaceDescriptionStruct.AppendLine("struct {0}", structName); using (surfaceDescriptionStruct.BlockSemicolonScope()) { foreach (var slot in slots) { string hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName); if (useIdsInNames) { hlslName = $"{hlslName}_{}"; } surfaceDescriptionStruct.AppendLine("{0} {1};", slot.concreteValueType.ToShaderString(slot.owner.concretePrecision), hlslName); if (activeFields != null) { activeFields.AddAll(structName + "." + hlslName); } } } } public static void GenerateSurfaceDescriptionFunction( List nodes, List[] keywordPermutationsPerNode, AbstractMaterialNode rootNode, GraphData graph, ShaderStringBuilder surfaceDescriptionFunction, FunctionRegistry functionRegistry, PropertyCollector shaderProperties, KeywordCollector shaderKeywords, GenerationMode mode, string functionName = "PopulateSurfaceData", string surfaceDescriptionName = "SurfaceDescription", Vector1ShaderProperty outputIdProperty = null, IEnumerable slots = null, string graphInputStructName = "SurfaceDescriptionInputs") { if (graph == null) return; GraphContext graphContext = new GraphContext(graphInputStructName); graph.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode); surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} {1}(SurfaceDescriptionInputs IN)", surfaceDescriptionName, functionName), false); using (surfaceDescriptionFunction.BlockScope()) { surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("{0} surface = ({0})0;", surfaceDescriptionName); for(int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { GenerateDescriptionForNode(nodes[i], keywordPermutationsPerNode[i], functionRegistry, surfaceDescriptionFunction, shaderProperties, shaderKeywords, graph, graphContext, mode); } functionRegistry.builder.currentNode = null; surfaceDescriptionFunction.currentNode = null; GenerateSurfaceDescriptionRemap(graph, rootNode, slots, surfaceDescriptionFunction, mode); surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("return surface;"); } } static void GenerateDescriptionForNode( AbstractMaterialNode activeNode, List keywordPermutations, FunctionRegistry functionRegistry, ShaderStringBuilder descriptionFunction, PropertyCollector shaderProperties, KeywordCollector shaderKeywords, GraphData graph, GraphContext graphContext, GenerationMode mode) { if (activeNode is IGeneratesFunction functionNode) { functionRegistry.builder.currentNode = activeNode; functionNode.GenerateNodeFunction(functionRegistry, graphContext, mode); functionRegistry.builder.ReplaceInCurrentMapping(PrecisionUtil.Token, activeNode.concretePrecision.ToShaderString()); } if (activeNode is IGeneratesBodyCode bodyNode) { if(keywordPermutations != null) descriptionFunction.AppendLine(KeywordUtil.GetKeywordPermutationSetConditional(keywordPermutations)); descriptionFunction.currentNode = activeNode; bodyNode.GenerateNodeCode(descriptionFunction, graphContext, mode); descriptionFunction.ReplaceInCurrentMapping(PrecisionUtil.Token, activeNode.concretePrecision.ToShaderString()); if(keywordPermutations != null) descriptionFunction.AppendLine("#endif"); } activeNode.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode); if (activeNode is SubGraphNode subGraphNode) { subGraphNode.CollectShaderKeywords(shaderKeywords, mode); } } static void GenerateSurfaceDescriptionRemap( GraphData graph, AbstractMaterialNode rootNode, IEnumerable slots, ShaderStringBuilder surfaceDescriptionFunction, GenerationMode mode) { if (rootNode is IMasterNode || rootNode is SubGraphOutputNode) { var usedSlots = slots ?? rootNode.GetInputSlots(); foreach (var input in usedSlots) { if (input != null) { var foundEdges = graph.GetEdges(input.slotReference).ToArray(); var hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(input.shaderOutputName); if (rootNode is SubGraphOutputNode) { hlslName = $"{hlslName}_{}"; } if (foundEdges.Any()) { surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("surface.{0} = {1};", hlslName, rootNode.GetSlotValue(, mode, rootNode.concretePrecision)); } else { surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("surface.{0} = {1};", hlslName, input.GetDefaultValue(mode, rootNode.concretePrecision)); } } } } else if (rootNode.hasPreview) { var slot = rootNode.GetOutputSlots().FirstOrDefault(); if (slot != null) { var hlslSafeName = $"{NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName)}_{}"; surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("surface.{0} = {1};", hlslSafeName, rootNode.GetSlotValue(, mode, rootNode.concretePrecision)); } } } const string k_VertexDescriptionStructName = "VertexDescription"; public static void GenerateVertexDescriptionStruct(ShaderStringBuilder builder, List slots, string structName = k_VertexDescriptionStructName, IActiveFieldsSet activeFields = null) { builder.AppendLine("struct {0}", structName); using (builder.BlockSemicolonScope()) { foreach (var slot in slots) { string hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName); builder.AppendLine("{0} {1};", slot.concreteValueType.ToShaderString(slot.owner.concretePrecision), hlslName); if (activeFields != null) { activeFields.AddAll(structName + "." + hlslName); } } } } public static void GenerateVertexDescriptionFunction( GraphData graph, ShaderStringBuilder builder, FunctionRegistry functionRegistry, PropertyCollector shaderProperties, KeywordCollector shaderKeywords, GenerationMode mode, AbstractMaterialNode rootNode, List nodes, List[] keywordPermutationsPerNode, List slots, string graphInputStructName = "VertexDescriptionInputs", string functionName = "PopulateVertexData", string graphOutputStructName = k_VertexDescriptionStructName) { if (graph == null) return; GraphContext graphContext = new GraphContext(graphInputStructName); graph.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode); builder.AppendLine("{0} {1}({2} IN)", graphOutputStructName, functionName, graphInputStructName); using (builder.BlockScope()) { builder.AppendLine("{0} description = ({0})0;", graphOutputStructName); for(int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { GenerateDescriptionForNode(nodes[i], keywordPermutationsPerNode[i], functionRegistry, builder, shaderProperties, shaderKeywords, graph, graphContext, mode); } functionRegistry.builder.currentNode = null; builder.currentNode = null; if(slots.Count != 0) { foreach (var slot in slots) { var isSlotConnected = slot.owner.owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference).Any(); var slotName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName); var slotValue = isSlotConnected ? ((AbstractMaterialNode)slot.owner).GetSlotValue(, mode, slot.owner.concretePrecision) : slot.GetDefaultValue(mode, slot.owner.concretePrecision); builder.AppendLine("description.{0} = {1};", slotName, slotValue); } } builder.AppendLine("return description;"); } } public static GenerationResults GetPreviewShader(this GraphData graph, AbstractMaterialNode node) { return graph.GetShader(node, GenerationMode.Preview, String.Format("hidden/preview/{0}", node.GetVariableNameForNode())); } static Dictionary s_LegacyTypeRemapping; public static Dictionary GetLegacyTypeRemapping() { if (s_LegacyTypeRemapping == null) { s_LegacyTypeRemapping = new Dictionary(); foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypesOrNothing()) { if (type.IsAbstract) continue; foreach (var attribute in type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FormerNameAttribute), false)) { var legacyAttribute = (FormerNameAttribute)attribute; var serializationInfo = new SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo { fullName = legacyAttribute.fullName }; s_LegacyTypeRemapping[serializationInfo] = SerializationHelper.GetTypeSerializableAsString(type); } } } } return s_LegacyTypeRemapping; } /// /// Sanitizes a supplied string such that it does not collide /// with any other name in a collection. /// /// /// A collection of names that the new name should not collide with. /// /// /// The format applied to the name if a duplicate exists. /// This must be a format string that contains `{0}` and `{1}` /// once each. An example could be `{0} ({1})`, which will append ` (n)` /// to the name for the n`th duplicate. /// /// /// The name to be sanitized. /// /// /// A name that is distinct form any name in `existingNames`. /// internal static string SanitizeName(IEnumerable existingNames, string duplicateFormat, string name) { if (!existingNames.Contains(name)) return name; string escapedDuplicateFormat = Regex.Escape(duplicateFormat); // Escaped format will escape string interpolation, so the escape caracters must be removed for these. escapedDuplicateFormat = escapedDuplicateFormat.Replace(@"\{0}", @"{0}"); escapedDuplicateFormat = escapedDuplicateFormat.Replace(@"\{1}", @"{1}"); var baseRegex = new Regex(string.Format(escapedDuplicateFormat, @"^(.*)", @"(\d+)")); var baseMatch = baseRegex.Match(name); if (baseMatch.Success) name = baseMatch.Groups[1].Value; string baseNameExpression = string.Format(@"^{0}", Regex.Escape(name)); var regex = new Regex(string.Format(escapedDuplicateFormat, baseNameExpression, @"(\d+)") + "$"); var existingDuplicateNumbers = existingNames.Select(existingName => regex.Match(existingName)).Where(m => m.Success).Select(m => int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value)).Where(n => n > 0).Distinct().ToList(); var duplicateNumber = 1; existingDuplicateNumbers.Sort(); if (existingDuplicateNumbers.Any() && existingDuplicateNumbers.First() == 1) { duplicateNumber = existingDuplicateNumbers.Last() + 1; for (var i = 1; i < existingDuplicateNumbers.Count; i++) { if (existingDuplicateNumbers[i - 1] != existingDuplicateNumbers[i] - 1) { duplicateNumber = existingDuplicateNumbers[i - 1] + 1; break; } } } return string.Format(duplicateFormat, name, duplicateNumber); } public static bool WriteToFile(string path, string content) { try { File.WriteAllText(path, content); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); return false; } } static ProcessStartInfo CreateProcessStartInfo(string filePath) { string externalScriptEditor = ScriptEditorUtility.GetExternalScriptEditor(); ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.UseShellExecute = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX string arg = string.Format("-a \"{0}\" -n --args \"{1}\"", externalScriptEditor, Path.GetFullPath(filePath)); psi.FileName = "open"; psi.Arguments = arg; #else psi.Arguments = Path.GetFileName(filePath); psi.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); psi.FileName = externalScriptEditor; #endif return psi; } public static void OpenFile(string path) { string filePath = Path.GetFullPath(path); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("Path {0} doesn't exists", path)); return; } string externalScriptEditor = ScriptEditorUtility.GetExternalScriptEditor(); if (externalScriptEditor != "internal") { ProcessStartInfo psi = CreateProcessStartInfo(filePath); Process.Start(psi); } else { Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = filePath; p.EnableRaisingEvents = true; p.Exited += (Object obj, EventArgs args) => { if(p.ExitCode != 0) Debug.LogWarningFormat("Unable to open {0}: Check external editor in preferences", filePath); }; p.Start(); } } } }