using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.Graphing; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { [HasDependencies(typeof(MinimalSubGraphNode))] [Title("Utility", "Sub-graph")] class SubGraphNode : AbstractMaterialNode , IGeneratesBodyCode , IOnAssetEnabled , IGeneratesFunction , IMayRequireNormal , IMayRequireTangent , IMayRequireBitangent , IMayRequireMeshUV , IMayRequireScreenPosition , IMayRequireViewDirection , IMayRequirePosition , IMayRequireVertexColor , IMayRequireTime , IMayRequireFaceSign , IMayRequireCameraOpaqueTexture , IMayRequireDepthTexture { [Serializable] public class MinimalSubGraphNode : IHasDependencies { [SerializeField] string m_SerializedSubGraph = string.Empty; public void GetSourceAssetDependencies(List paths) { var assetReference = JsonUtility.FromJson(m_SerializedSubGraph); var guid = assetReference?.subGraph?.guid; if (guid != null) { paths.Add(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid)); } } } [Serializable] class SubGraphHelper { public SubGraphAsset subGraph; } [Serializable] class SubGraphAssetReference { public AssetReference subGraph = default; public override string ToString() { return $"subGraph={subGraph}"; } } [Serializable] class AssetReference { public long fileID = default; public string guid = default; public int type = default; public override string ToString() { return $"fileID={fileID}, guid={guid}, type={type}"; } } [SerializeField] string m_SerializedSubGraph = string.Empty; [NonSerialized] SubGraphAsset m_SubGraph; [SerializeField] List m_PropertyGuids = new List(); [SerializeField] List m_PropertyIds = new List(); public string subGraphGuid { get { var assetReference = JsonUtility.FromJson(m_SerializedSubGraph); return assetReference?.subGraph?.guid; } } void LoadSubGraph() { if (m_SubGraph == null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SerializedSubGraph)) { return; } var graphGuid = subGraphGuid; var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(graphGuid); m_SubGraph = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath); if (m_SubGraph == null) { return; } name =; concretePrecision = m_SubGraph.outputPrecision; } } public SubGraphAsset asset { get { LoadSubGraph(); return m_SubGraph; } set { if (asset == value) return; var helper = new SubGraphHelper(); helper.subGraph = value; m_SerializedSubGraph = EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(helper, true); m_SubGraph = null; UpdateSlots(); Dirty(ModificationScope.Topological); } } public override bool hasPreview { get { return asset != null; } } public override PreviewMode previewMode { get { if (asset == null) return PreviewMode.Preview2D; return PreviewMode.Preview3D; } } public SubGraphNode() { name = "Sub Graph"; } public override bool allowedInSubGraph { get { return true; } } public override bool canSetPrecision { get { return false; } } public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderStringBuilder sb, GraphContext graphContext, GenerationMode generationMode) { if (asset == null || hasError) { var outputSlots = new List(); GetOutputSlots(outputSlots); var outputPrecision = asset != null ? asset.outputPrecision : ConcretePrecision.Float; foreach (var slot in outputSlots) { sb.AppendLine($"{slot.concreteValueType.ToShaderString(outputPrecision)} {GetVariableNameForSlot(} = {slot.GetDefaultValue(GenerationMode.ForReals)};"); } return; } var inputVariableName = $"_{GetVariableNameForNode()}"; GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceInputTransferCode(sb, asset.requirements, asset.inputStructName, inputVariableName); foreach (var outSlot in asset.outputs) sb.AppendLine("{0} {1};", outSlot.concreteValueType.ToShaderString(asset.outputPrecision), GetVariableNameForSlot(; var arguments = new List(); foreach (var prop in asset.inputs) { prop.ValidateConcretePrecision(asset.graphPrecision); var inSlotId = m_PropertyIds[m_PropertyGuids.IndexOf(prop.guid.ToString())]; switch(prop) { case TextureShaderProperty texture2DProp: arguments.Add(string.Format("TEXTURE2D_ARGS({0}, sampler{0})", GetSlotValue(inSlotId, generationMode, prop.concretePrecision))); break; case Texture2DArrayShaderProperty texture2DArrayProp: arguments.Add(string.Format("TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_ARGS({0}, sampler{0})", GetSlotValue(inSlotId, generationMode, prop.concretePrecision))); break; case Texture3DShaderProperty texture3DProp: arguments.Add(string.Format("TEXTURE3D_ARGS({0}, sampler{0})", GetSlotValue(inSlotId, generationMode, prop.concretePrecision))); break; case CubemapShaderProperty cubemapProp: arguments.Add(string.Format("TEXTURECUBE_ARGS({0}, sampler{0})", GetSlotValue(inSlotId, generationMode, prop.concretePrecision))); break; default: arguments.Add(string.Format("{0}", GetSlotValue(inSlotId, generationMode, prop.concretePrecision))); break; } } // pass surface inputs through arguments.Add(inputVariableName); foreach (var outSlot in asset.outputs) arguments.Add(GetVariableNameForSlot(; sb.AppendLine("{0}({1});", asset.functionName, arguments.Aggregate((current, next) => string.Format("{0}, {1}", current, next))); } public void OnEnable() { UpdateSlots(); } public void Reload(HashSet changedFileDependencies) { if (changedFileDependencies.Contains(asset.assetGuid) || asset.descendents.Any(changedFileDependencies.Contains)) { m_SubGraph = null; UpdateSlots(); owner.ClearErrorsForNode(this); ValidateNode(); Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); } } public virtual void UpdateSlots() { var validNames = new List(); if (asset == null) { return; } var props = asset.inputs; foreach (var prop in props) { SlotValueType valueType = prop.concreteShaderValueType.ToSlotValueType(); var propertyString = prop.guid.ToString(); var propertyIndex = m_PropertyGuids.IndexOf(propertyString); if (propertyIndex < 0) { propertyIndex = m_PropertyGuids.Count; m_PropertyGuids.Add(propertyString); m_PropertyIds.Add(prop.guid.GetHashCode()); } var id = m_PropertyIds[propertyIndex]; MaterialSlot slot = MaterialSlot.CreateMaterialSlot(valueType, id, prop.displayName, prop.referenceName, SlotType.Input,, ShaderStageCapability.All); // Copy defaults switch(prop.concreteShaderValueType) { case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4: { var tSlot = slot as Matrix4MaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Matrix4ShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.value = tProp.value; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3: { var tSlot = slot as Matrix3MaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Matrix3ShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.value = tProp.value; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2: { var tSlot = slot as Matrix2MaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Matrix2ShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.value = tProp.value; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2D: { var tSlot = slot as Texture2DInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as TextureShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.texture = tProp.value.texture; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2DArray: { var tSlot = slot as Texture2DArrayInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Texture2DArrayShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.textureArray = tProp.value.textureArray; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture3D: { var tSlot = slot as Texture3DInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Texture3DShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.texture = tProp.value.texture; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Cubemap: { var tSlot = slot as CubemapInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as CubemapShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.cubemap = tProp.value.cubemap; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Gradient: { var tSlot = slot as GradientInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as GradientShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.value = tProp.value; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4: { var tSlot = slot as Vector4MaterialSlot; var vector4Prop = prop as Vector4ShaderProperty; var colorProp = prop as ColorShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && vector4Prop != null) tSlot.value = vector4Prop.value; else if (tSlot != null && colorProp != null) tSlot.value = colorProp.value; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3: { var tSlot = slot as Vector3MaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Vector3ShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.value = tProp.value; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2: { var tSlot = slot as Vector2MaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Vector2ShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.value = tProp.value; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1: { var tSlot = slot as Vector1MaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Vector1ShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.value = tProp.value; } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Boolean: { var tSlot = slot as BooleanMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as BooleanShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) tSlot.value = tProp.value; } break; } AddSlot(slot); validNames.Add(id); } var outputStage = asset.effectiveShaderStage; foreach (var slot in asset.outputs) { AddSlot(MaterialSlot.CreateMaterialSlot(slot.valueType,, slot.RawDisplayName(), slot.shaderOutputName, SlotType.Output,, outputStage)); validNames.Add(; } RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validNames, true); } void ValidateShaderStage() { if (asset != null) { List slots = new List(); GetInputSlots(slots); GetOutputSlots(slots); var outputStage = asset.effectiveShaderStage; foreach (MaterialSlot slot in slots) slot.stageCapability = outputStage; } } public override void ValidateNode() { base.ValidateNode(); if (asset == null) { hasError = true; var assetGuid = subGraphGuid; var assetPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(subGraphGuid) ? null : AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(assetGuid); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath)) { owner.AddValidationError(tempId, $"Could not find Sub Graph asset with GUID {assetGuid}."); } else { owner.AddValidationError(tempId, $"Could not load Sub Graph asset at \"{assetPath}\" with GUID {assetGuid}."); } return; } if (asset.isRecursive || owner.isSubGraph && (asset.descendents.Contains(owner.assetGuid) || asset.assetGuid == owner.assetGuid)) { hasError = true; owner.AddValidationError(tempId, $"Detected a recursion in Sub Graph asset at \"{AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(subGraphGuid)}\" with GUID {subGraphGuid}."); } else if (!asset.isValid) { hasError = true; owner.AddValidationError(tempId, $"Invalid Sub Graph asset at \"{AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(subGraphGuid)}\" with GUID {subGraphGuid}."); } ValidateShaderStage(); } public override void CollectShaderProperties(PropertyCollector visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) { base.CollectShaderProperties(visitor, generationMode); if (asset == null) return; foreach (var property in asset.nodeProperties) { visitor.AddShaderProperty(property); } } public void CollectShaderKeywords(KeywordCollector keywords, GenerationMode generationMode) { if (asset == null) return; foreach (var keyword in asset.keywords) { keywords.AddShaderKeyword(keyword as ShaderKeyword); } } public override void CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(List properties) { base.CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(properties); if (asset == null) return; foreach (var property in asset.nodeProperties) { properties.Add(property.GetPreviewMaterialProperty()); } } public virtual void GenerateNodeFunction(FunctionRegistry registry, GraphContext graphContext, GenerationMode generationMode) { if (asset == null || hasError) return; foreach (var function in asset.functions) { registry.ProvideFunction(function.key, s => { s.AppendLines(function.value); }); } } public NeededCoordinateSpace RequiresNormal(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return NeededCoordinateSpace.None; return asset.requirements.requiresNormal; } public bool RequiresMeshUV(UVChannel channel, ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return false; return asset.requirements.requiresMeshUVs.Contains(channel); } public bool RequiresScreenPosition(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return false; return asset.requirements.requiresScreenPosition; } public NeededCoordinateSpace RequiresViewDirection(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return NeededCoordinateSpace.None; return asset.requirements.requiresViewDir; } public NeededCoordinateSpace RequiresPosition(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return NeededCoordinateSpace.None; return asset.requirements.requiresPosition; } public NeededCoordinateSpace RequiresTangent(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return NeededCoordinateSpace.None; return asset.requirements.requiresTangent; } public bool RequiresTime() { if (asset == null) return false; return asset.requirements.requiresTime; } public bool RequiresFaceSign(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return false; return asset.requirements.requiresFaceSign; } public NeededCoordinateSpace RequiresBitangent(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return NeededCoordinateSpace.None; return asset.requirements.requiresBitangent; } public bool RequiresVertexColor(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return false; return asset.requirements.requiresVertexColor; } public bool RequiresCameraOpaqueTexture(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return false; return asset.requirements.requiresCameraOpaqueTexture; } public bool RequiresDepthTexture(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { if (asset == null) return false; return asset.requirements.requiresDepthTexture; } } }