using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Controls; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { enum MatrixAxis { Row, Column } [Title("Math", "Matrix", "Matrix Split")] class MatrixSplitNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode { const string kInputSlotName = "In"; const string kOutputSlotM0Name = "M0"; const string kOutputSlotM1Name = "M1"; const string kOutputSlotM2Name = "M2"; const string kOutputSlotM3Name = "M3"; public const int InputSlotId = 0; public const int OutputSlotRId = 1; public const int OutputSlotGId = 2; public const int OutputSlotBId = 3; public const int OutputSlotAId = 4; public MatrixSplitNode() { name = "Matrix Split"; UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); } [SerializeField] MatrixAxis m_Axis; [EnumControl("")] MatrixAxis axis { get { return m_Axis; } set { if (m_Axis.Equals(value)) return; m_Axis = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); } } static string[] s_ComponentList = new string[4] { "r", "g", "b", "a" }; public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() { AddSlot(new DynamicMatrixMaterialSlot(InputSlotId, kInputSlotName, kInputSlotName, SlotType.Input)); AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(OutputSlotRId, kOutputSlotM0Name, kOutputSlotM0Name, SlotType.Output,; AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(OutputSlotGId, kOutputSlotM1Name, kOutputSlotM1Name, SlotType.Output,; AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(OutputSlotBId, kOutputSlotM2Name, kOutputSlotM2Name, SlotType.Output,; AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(OutputSlotAId, kOutputSlotM3Name, kOutputSlotM3Name, SlotType.Output,; RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new int[] { InputSlotId, OutputSlotRId, OutputSlotGId, OutputSlotBId, OutputSlotAId }); } static int[] s_OutputSlots = {OutputSlotRId, OutputSlotGId, OutputSlotBId, OutputSlotAId}; public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderStringBuilder sb, GraphContext graphContext, GenerationMode generationMode) { var inputValue = GetSlotValue(InputSlotId, generationMode); var inputSlot = FindInputSlot(InputSlotId); var numInputRows = 0; bool useIndentity = false; if (inputSlot != null) { numInputRows = SlotValueHelper.GetMatrixDimension(inputSlot.concreteValueType); if (numInputRows > 4) numInputRows = 0; if (!owner.GetEdges(inputSlot.slotReference).Any()) { numInputRows = 0; useIndentity = true; } } int concreteRowCount = useIndentity ? 2 : numInputRows; for (var r = 0; r < 4; r++) { string outputValue; if (r >= numInputRows) { outputValue = string.Format("$precision{0}(", concreteRowCount); for (int c = 0; c < concreteRowCount; c++) { if (c != 0) outputValue += ", "; outputValue += Matrix4x4.identity.GetRow(r)[c]; } outputValue += ")"; } else { switch (m_Axis) { case MatrixAxis.Column: outputValue = string.Format("$precision{0}(", numInputRows); for (int c = 0; c < numInputRows; c++) { if (c != 0) outputValue += ", "; outputValue += string.Format("{0}[{1}].{2}", inputValue, c, s_ComponentList[r]); } outputValue += ")"; break; default: outputValue = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", inputValue, r); break; } } sb.AppendLine(string.Format("$precision{0} {1} = {2};", concreteRowCount, GetVariableNameForSlot(s_OutputSlots[r]), outputValue)); } } public override void ValidateNode() { var isInError = false; var errorMessage = k_validationErrorMessage; var dynamicInputSlotsToCompare = DictionaryPool.Get(); var skippedDynamicSlots = ListPool.Get(); var dynamicMatrixInputSlotsToCompare = DictionaryPool.Get(); var skippedDynamicMatrixSlots = ListPool.Get(); // iterate the input slots s_TempSlots.Clear(); GetInputSlots(s_TempSlots); foreach (var inputSlot in s_TempSlots) { inputSlot.hasError = false; // if there is a connection var edges = owner.GetEdges(inputSlot.slotReference).ToList(); if (!edges.Any()) { if (inputSlot is DynamicVectorMaterialSlot) skippedDynamicSlots.Add(inputSlot as DynamicVectorMaterialSlot); if (inputSlot is DynamicMatrixMaterialSlot) skippedDynamicMatrixSlots.Add(inputSlot as DynamicMatrixMaterialSlot); continue; } // get the output details var outputSlotRef = edges[0].outputSlot; var outputNode = owner.GetNodeFromGuid(outputSlotRef.nodeGuid); if (outputNode == null) continue; var outputSlot = outputNode.FindOutputSlot(outputSlotRef.slotId); if (outputSlot == null) continue; if (outputSlot.hasError) { inputSlot.hasError = true; continue; } var outputConcreteType = outputSlot.concreteValueType; // dynamic input... depends on output from other node. // we need to compare ALL dynamic inputs to make sure they // are compatable. if (inputSlot is DynamicVectorMaterialSlot) { dynamicInputSlotsToCompare.Add((DynamicVectorMaterialSlot)inputSlot, outputConcreteType); continue; } else if (inputSlot is DynamicMatrixMaterialSlot) { dynamicMatrixInputSlotsToCompare.Add((DynamicMatrixMaterialSlot)inputSlot, outputConcreteType); continue; } } // and now dynamic matrices var dynamicMatrixType = ConvertDynamicMatrixInputTypeToConcrete(dynamicMatrixInputSlotsToCompare.Values); foreach (var dynamicKvP in dynamicMatrixInputSlotsToCompare) dynamicKvP.Key.SetConcreteType(dynamicMatrixType); foreach (var skippedSlot in skippedDynamicMatrixSlots) skippedSlot.SetConcreteType(dynamicMatrixType); // we can now figure out the dynamic slotType // from here set all the var dynamicType = SlotValueHelper.ConvertMatrixToVectorType(dynamicMatrixType); foreach (var dynamicKvP in dynamicInputSlotsToCompare) dynamicKvP.Key.SetConcreteType(dynamicType); foreach (var skippedSlot in skippedDynamicSlots) skippedSlot.SetConcreteType(dynamicType); s_TempSlots.Clear(); GetInputSlots(s_TempSlots); var inputError = s_TempSlots.Any(x => x.hasError); // configure the output slots now // their slotType will either be the default output slotType // or the above dynanic slotType for dynamic nodes // or error if there is an input error s_TempSlots.Clear(); GetOutputSlots(s_TempSlots); foreach (var outputSlot in s_TempSlots) { outputSlot.hasError = false; if (inputError) { outputSlot.hasError = true; continue; } if (outputSlot is DynamicVectorMaterialSlot) { (outputSlot as DynamicVectorMaterialSlot).SetConcreteType(dynamicType); continue; } else if (outputSlot is DynamicMatrixMaterialSlot) { (outputSlot as DynamicMatrixMaterialSlot).SetConcreteType(dynamicMatrixType); continue; } } isInError |= inputError; s_TempSlots.Clear(); GetOutputSlots(s_TempSlots); isInError |= s_TempSlots.Any(x => x.hasError); isInError |= CalculateNodeHasError(ref errorMessage); isInError |= ValidateConcretePrecision(ref errorMessage); hasError = isInError; if (isInError) { ((GraphData) owner).AddValidationError(tempId, errorMessage); } else { ++version; } ListPool.Release(skippedDynamicSlots); DictionaryPool.Release(dynamicInputSlotsToCompare); ListPool.Release(skippedDynamicMatrixSlots); DictionaryPool.Release(dynamicMatrixInputSlotsToCompare); } } }