using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace BoatAttack.UI { public class RaceUI : MonoBehaviour { private Boat _boat; public TextMeshProUGUI lapCounter; public TextMeshProUGUI positionNumber; public TextMeshProUGUI timeTotal; public TextMeshProUGUI timeLap; public TextMeshProUGUI speedText; public TextMeshProUGUI speedFormatText; public RectTransform map; public GameObject gameplayUi; public GameObject raceStat; public GameObject matchEnd; [Header("Assets")] public AssetReference playerMarker; public AssetReference playerMapMarker; public AssetReference raceStatsPlayer; private int _playerIndex; private int _totalLaps; private int _totalPlayers; private float _timeOffset; private float _smoothedSpeed; private float _smoothSpeedVel; private AppSettings.SpeedFormat _speedFormat; private RaceStatsPlayer[] _raceStats; private void OnEnable() { RaceManager.raceStarted += SetGameplayUi; } public void Setup(int player) { _playerIndex = player; _boat =[_playerIndex].Boat; _totalLaps = RaceManager.GetLapCount(); _totalPlayers =; _timeOffset = Time.time; switch (AppSettings.Instance.speedFormat) { case AppSettings.SpeedFormat._Kph: _speedFormat = AppSettings.SpeedFormat._Kph; speedFormatText.text = "kph"; break; case AppSettings.SpeedFormat._Mph: _speedFormat = AppSettings.SpeedFormat._Mph; speedFormatText.text = "mph"; break; } StartCoroutine(SetupPlayerMarkers(player)); StartCoroutine(SetupPlayerMapMarkers()); StartCoroutine(CreateGameStats()); } public void Disable() { gameObject.SetActive(false); } public void SetGameplayUi(bool enable) { if (enable) { foreach (var stat in _raceStats) { stat.UpdateStats(); } } gameplayUi.SetActive(enable); } public void SetGameStats(bool enable) { raceStat.SetActive(enable); } public void MatchEnd() { matchEnd.SetActive(true); SetGameStats(true); SetGameplayUi(false); } private IEnumerator CreateGameStats() { _raceStats = new RaceStatsPlayer[RaceManager.RaceData.boatCount]; for(var i = 0; i < RaceManager.RaceData.boatCount; i++) { var raceStatLoading = raceStatsPlayer.InstantiateAsync(raceStat.transform); yield return raceStatLoading; +=[i].boatName; raceStatLoading.Result.TryGetComponent(out _raceStats[i]); _raceStats[i].Setup([i].Boat); } } private IEnumerator SetupPlayerMarkers(int player) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if (i == player) continue; var markerLoading = playerMarker.InstantiateAsync(gameplayUi.transform); yield return markerLoading; // wait for marker to load +=[i].boatName; if (markerLoading.Result.TryGetComponent(out var pm)) pm.Setup([i]); } } private IEnumerator SetupPlayerMapMarkers() { foreach (var boatData in { var mapMarkerLoading = playerMapMarker.InstantiateAsync(map); yield return mapMarkerLoading; // wait for marker to load if (mapMarkerLoading.Result.TryGetComponent(out var pm)) pm.Setup(boatData); } } public void UpdateLapCounter(int lap) { lapCounter.text = $"{lap}/{_totalLaps}"; } public void UpdatePlaceCounter(int place) { positionNumber.text = $"{place}/{_totalPlayers}"; } public void UpdateSpeed(float velocity) { var speed = 0f; switch (_speedFormat) { case AppSettings.SpeedFormat._Kph: speed = velocity * 3.6f; break; case AppSettings.SpeedFormat._Mph: speed = velocity * 2.23694f; break; } _smoothedSpeed = Mathf.SmoothDamp(_smoothedSpeed, speed, ref _smoothSpeedVel, 1f); speedText.text = _smoothedSpeed.ToString("000"); } public void FinishMatch() { AppSettings.LoadScene(0, LoadSceneMode.Single); } public void LateUpdate() { var rawTime = RaceManager.RaceTime; timeTotal.text = $"time {FormatRaceTime(rawTime)}"; var l = (_boat.SplitTimes.Count > 0) ? rawTime - _boat.SplitTimes[_boat.LapCount - 1] : 0f; timeLap.text = $"lap {FormatRaceTime(l)}"; } public static string FormatRaceTime(float seconds) { var t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); return $"{t.Minutes:D2}:{t.Seconds:D2}.{t.Milliseconds:D3}"; } public static string OrdinalNumber(int num) { var number = num.ToString(); if (number.EndsWith("11")) return $"{number}th"; if (number.EndsWith("12")) return $"{number}th"; if (number.EndsWith("13")) return $"{number}th"; if (number.EndsWith("1")) return $"{number}st"; if (number.EndsWith("2")) return $"{number}nd"; if (number.EndsWith("3")) return $"{number}rd"; return $"{number}th"; } public static float BestLapFromSplitTimes(List splits) { // ignore 0 as it's the beginning of the race if (splits.Count <= 1) return 0; var fastestLap = Mathf.Infinity; for (var i = 1; i < splits.Count; i++) { var lap = splits[i] - splits[i - 1]; fastestLap = lap < fastestLap ? lap : fastestLap; } return fastestLap; } } }