using System; using UnityEngine; using Cinemachine.Utility; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace Cinemachine { /// /// This is a CinemachineComponent in the the Body section of the component pipeline. /// Its job is to position the camera in a variable relationship to a the vcam's /// Follow target object, with offsets and damping. /// /// This component is typically used to implement a camera that follows its target. /// It can accept player input from an input device, which allows the player to /// dynamically control the relationship between the camera and the target, /// for example with a joystick. /// /// The OrbitalTransposer introduces the concept of __Heading__, which is the direction /// in which the target is moving, and the OrbitalTransposer will attempt to position /// the camera in relationship to the heading, which is by default directly behind the target. /// You can control the default relationship by adjusting the Heading Bias setting. /// /// If you attach an input controller to the OrbitalTransposer, then the player can also /// control the way the camera positions itself in relation to the target heading. This allows /// the camera to move to any spot on an orbit around the target. /// [DocumentationSorting(6, DocumentationSortingAttribute.Level.UserRef)] [AddComponentMenu("")] // Don't display in add component menu [RequireComponent(typeof(CinemachinePipeline))] [SaveDuringPlay] public class CinemachineOrbitalTransposer : CinemachineTransposer { /// /// How the "forward" direction is defined. Orbital offset is in relation to the forward /// direction. /// [DocumentationSorting(6.2f, DocumentationSortingAttribute.Level.UserRef)] [Serializable] public struct Heading { /// /// Sets the algorithm for determining the target's heading for purposes /// of re-centering the camera /// [DocumentationSorting(6.21f, DocumentationSortingAttribute.Level.UserRef)] public enum HeadingDefinition { /// /// Target heading calculated from the difference between its position on /// the last update and current frame. /// PositionDelta, /// /// Target heading calculated from its Rigidbody's velocity. /// If no Rigidbody exists, it will fall back /// to HeadingDerivationMode.PositionDelta /// Velocity, /// /// Target heading calculated from the Target Transform's euler Y angle /// TargetForward, /// /// Default heading is a constant world space heading. /// WorldForward, } /// The method by which the 'default heading' is calculated if /// recentering to target heading is enabled [Tooltip("How 'forward' is defined. The camera will be placed by default behind the target. PositionDelta will consider 'forward' to be the direction in which the target is moving.")] public HeadingDefinition m_HeadingDefinition; /// Size of the velocity sampling window for target heading filter. /// Used only if deriving heading from target's movement [Range(0, 10)] [Tooltip("Size of the velocity sampling window for target heading filter. This filters out irregularities in the target's movement. Used only if deriving heading from target's movement (PositionDelta or Velocity)")] public int m_VelocityFilterStrength; /// Additional Y rotation applied to the target heading. /// When this value is 0, the camera will be placed behind the target [Range(-180f, 180f)] [Tooltip("Where the camera is placed when the X-axis value is zero. This is a rotation in degrees around the Y axis. When this value is 0, the camera will be placed behind the target. Nonzero offsets will rotate the zero position around the target.")] public float m_HeadingBias; /// Constructor public Heading(HeadingDefinition def, int filterStrength, float bias) { m_HeadingDefinition = def; m_VelocityFilterStrength = filterStrength; m_HeadingBias = bias; } }; /// The definition of Forward. Camera will follow behind. [Space] [Tooltip("The definition of Forward. Camera will follow behind.")] public Heading m_Heading = new Heading(Heading.HeadingDefinition.TargetForward, 4, 0); /// Controls how automatic orbit recentering occurs [DocumentationSorting(6.5f, DocumentationSortingAttribute.Level.UserRef)] [Serializable] public struct Recentering { /// If checked, will enable automatic recentering of the /// camera based on the heading calculation mode. If FALSE, recenting is disabled. [Tooltip("If checked, will enable automatic recentering of the camera based on the heading definition. If unchecked, recenting is disabled.")] public bool m_enabled; /// If no input has been detected, the camera will wait /// this long in seconds before moving its heading to the default heading. [Tooltip("If no input has been detected, the camera will wait this long in seconds before moving its heading to the zero position.")] public float m_RecenterWaitTime; /// Maximum angular speed of recentering. Will accelerate into and decelerate out of this [Tooltip("Maximum angular speed of recentering. Will accelerate into and decelerate out of this.")] public float m_RecenteringTime; /// Constructor with specific field values public Recentering(bool enabled, float recenterWaitTime, float recenteringSpeed) { m_enabled = enabled; m_RecenterWaitTime = recenterWaitTime; m_RecenteringTime = recenteringSpeed; m_LegacyHeadingDefinition = m_LegacyVelocityFilterStrength = -1; } /// Call this from OnValidate() public void Validate() { m_RecenterWaitTime = Mathf.Max(0, m_RecenterWaitTime); m_RecenteringTime = Mathf.Max(0, m_RecenteringTime); } // Legacy support [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] [FormerlySerializedAs("m_HeadingDefinition")] private int m_LegacyHeadingDefinition; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] [FormerlySerializedAs("m_VelocityFilterStrength")] private int m_LegacyVelocityFilterStrength; internal bool LegacyUpgrade(ref Heading.HeadingDefinition heading, ref int velocityFilter) { if (m_LegacyHeadingDefinition != -1 && m_LegacyVelocityFilterStrength != -1) { heading = (Heading.HeadingDefinition)m_LegacyHeadingDefinition; velocityFilter = m_LegacyVelocityFilterStrength; m_LegacyHeadingDefinition = m_LegacyVelocityFilterStrength = -1; return true; } return false; } }; /// Parameters that control Automating Heading Recentering [Tooltip("Automatic heading recentering. The settings here defines how the camera will reposition itself in the absence of player input.")] public Recentering m_RecenterToTargetHeading = new Recentering(true, 1, 2); /// Axis representing the current heading. Value is in degrees /// and represents a rotation about the up vector [Tooltip("Heading Control. The settings here control the behaviour of the camera in response to the player's input.")] public AxisState m_XAxis = new AxisState(300f, 2f, 1f, 0f, "Mouse X", true); // Legacy support [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] [FormerlySerializedAs("m_Radius")] private float m_LegacyRadius = float.MaxValue; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] [FormerlySerializedAs("m_HeightOffset")] private float m_LegacyHeightOffset = float.MaxValue; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] [FormerlySerializedAs("m_HeadingBias")] private float m_LegacyHeadingBias = float.MaxValue; protected override void OnValidate() { // Upgrade after a legacy deserialize if (m_LegacyRadius != float.MaxValue && m_LegacyHeightOffset != float.MaxValue && m_LegacyHeadingBias != float.MaxValue) { m_FollowOffset = new Vector3(0, m_LegacyHeightOffset, -m_LegacyRadius); m_LegacyHeightOffset = m_LegacyRadius = float.MaxValue; m_Heading.m_HeadingBias = m_LegacyHeadingBias; m_XAxis.m_MaxSpeed /= 10; m_XAxis.m_AccelTime /= 10; m_XAxis.m_DecelTime /= 10; m_LegacyHeadingBias = float.MaxValue; m_RecenterToTargetHeading.LegacyUpgrade( ref m_Heading.m_HeadingDefinition, ref m_Heading.m_VelocityFilterStrength); } m_XAxis.Validate(); m_RecenterToTargetHeading.Validate(); base.OnValidate(); } /// /// Drive the x-axis setting programmatically. /// Automatic heading updating will be disabled. /// [HideInInspector, NoSaveDuringPlay] public bool m_HeadingIsSlave = false; /// /// Delegate that allows the the m_XAxis object to be replaced with another one. /// internal delegate float UpdateHeadingDelegate( CinemachineOrbitalTransposer orbital, float deltaTime, Vector3 up); /// /// Delegate that allows the the XAxis object to be replaced with another one. /// To use it, just call orbital.UpdateHeading() with a reference to a /// private AxisState object, and that AxisState object will be updated and /// used to calculate the heading. /// internal UpdateHeadingDelegate HeadingUpdater = (CinemachineOrbitalTransposer orbital, float deltaTime, Vector3 up) => { return orbital.UpdateHeading(deltaTime, up, ref orbital.m_XAxis); }; /// /// Update the X axis and calculate the heading. This can be called by a delegate /// with a custom axis. /// Used for damping. If less than 0, no damping is done. /// World Up, set by the CinemachineBrain /// /// Axis value /// public float UpdateHeading(float deltaTime, Vector3 up, ref AxisState axis) { // Only read joystick when game is playing if (deltaTime >= 0 || CinemachineCore.Instance.IsLive(VirtualCamera)) { bool xAxisInput = false; xAxisInput |= axis.Update(deltaTime); if (xAxisInput) { mLastHeadingAxisInputTime = Time.time; mHeadingRecenteringVelocity = 0; } } float targetHeading = GetTargetHeading(axis.Value, GetReferenceOrientation(up), deltaTime); if (deltaTime < 0) { mHeadingRecenteringVelocity = 0; if (m_RecenterToTargetHeading.m_enabled) axis.Value = targetHeading; } else { // Recentering if (m_BindingMode != BindingMode.SimpleFollowWithWorldUp && m_RecenterToTargetHeading.m_enabled && (Time.time > (mLastHeadingAxisInputTime + m_RecenterToTargetHeading.m_RecenterWaitTime))) { // Scale value determined heuristically, to account for accel/decel float recenterTime = m_RecenterToTargetHeading.m_RecenteringTime / 3f; if (recenterTime <= deltaTime) axis.Value = targetHeading; else { float headingError = Mathf.DeltaAngle(axis.Value, targetHeading); float absHeadingError = Mathf.Abs(headingError); if (absHeadingError < UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon) { axis.Value = targetHeading; mHeadingRecenteringVelocity = 0; } else { float scale = deltaTime / recenterTime; float desiredVelocity = Mathf.Sign(headingError) * Mathf.Min(absHeadingError, absHeadingError * scale); // Accelerate to the desired velocity float accel = desiredVelocity - mHeadingRecenteringVelocity; if ((desiredVelocity < 0 && accel < 0) || (desiredVelocity > 0 && accel > 0)) desiredVelocity = mHeadingRecenteringVelocity + desiredVelocity * scale; axis.Value += desiredVelocity; mHeadingRecenteringVelocity = desiredVelocity; } } } } float finalHeading = axis.Value; if (m_BindingMode == BindingMode.SimpleFollowWithWorldUp) axis.Value = 0; return finalHeading; } private void OnEnable() { m_XAxis.SetThresholds(0f, 360f, true); PreviousTarget = null; mLastTargetPosition =; } private float mLastHeadingAxisInputTime = 0f; private float mHeadingRecenteringVelocity = 0f; private Vector3 mLastTargetPosition =; private HeadingTracker mHeadingTracker; private Rigidbody mTargetRigidBody = null; private Transform PreviousTarget { get; set; } private Quaternion mHeadingPrevFrame = Quaternion.identity; private Vector3 mOffsetPrevFrame =; /// Positions the virtual camera according to the transposer rules. /// The current camera state /// Used for damping. If less than 0, no damping is done. public override void MutateCameraState(ref CameraState curState, float deltaTime) { //UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("CinemachineOrbitalTransposer.MutateCameraState"); InitPrevFrameStateInfo(ref curState, deltaTime); // Update the heading if (FollowTarget != PreviousTarget) { PreviousTarget = FollowTarget; mTargetRigidBody = (PreviousTarget == null) ? null : PreviousTarget.GetComponent(); mLastTargetPosition = (PreviousTarget == null) ? : PreviousTarget.position; mHeadingTracker = null; } float heading = HeadingUpdater(this, deltaTime, curState.ReferenceUp); if (IsValid) { mLastTargetPosition = FollowTarget.position; // Calculate the heading if (m_BindingMode != BindingMode.SimpleFollowWithWorldUp) heading += m_Heading.m_HeadingBias; Quaternion headingRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(heading, curState.ReferenceUp); // Track the target, with damping Vector3 offset = EffectiveOffset; Vector3 pos; Quaternion orient; TrackTarget(deltaTime, curState.ReferenceUp, headingRot * offset, out pos, out orient); // Place the camera curState.ReferenceUp = orient * Vector3.up; if (deltaTime >= 0) { Vector3 bypass = (headingRot * offset) - mHeadingPrevFrame * mOffsetPrevFrame; bypass = orient * bypass; curState.PositionDampingBypass = bypass; } orient = orient * headingRot; curState.RawPosition = pos + orient * offset; mHeadingPrevFrame = (m_BindingMode == BindingMode.SimpleFollowWithWorldUp) ? Quaternion.identity : headingRot; mOffsetPrevFrame = offset; } //UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); } /// API for the editor, to process a position drag from the user. /// This implementation adds the delta to the follow offset, after zeroing out local x. /// The amount dragged this frame public override void OnPositionDragged(Vector3 delta) { Quaternion targetOrientation = GetReferenceOrientation(VcamState.ReferenceUp); Vector3 localOffset = Quaternion.Inverse(targetOrientation) * delta; localOffset.x = 0; m_FollowOffset += localOffset; m_FollowOffset = EffectiveOffset; } static string GetFullName(GameObject current) { if (current == null) return ""; if (current.transform.parent == null) return "/" +; return GetFullName(current.transform.parent.gameObject) + "/" +; } // Make sure this is calld only once per frame private float GetTargetHeading( float currentHeading, Quaternion targetOrientation, float deltaTime) { if (m_BindingMode == BindingMode.SimpleFollowWithWorldUp) return 0; if (FollowTarget == null) return currentHeading; if (m_Heading.m_HeadingDefinition == Heading.HeadingDefinition.Velocity && mTargetRigidBody == null) { Debug.Log(string.Format( "Attempted to use HeadingDerivationMode.Velocity to calculate heading for {0}. No RigidBody was present on '{1}'. Defaulting to position delta", GetFullName(VirtualCamera.VirtualCameraGameObject), FollowTarget)); m_Heading.m_HeadingDefinition = Heading.HeadingDefinition.PositionDelta; } Vector3 velocity =; switch (m_Heading.m_HeadingDefinition) { case Heading.HeadingDefinition.PositionDelta: velocity = FollowTarget.position - mLastTargetPosition; break; case Heading.HeadingDefinition.Velocity: velocity = mTargetRigidBody.velocity; break; case Heading.HeadingDefinition.TargetForward: velocity = FollowTarget.forward; break; default: case Heading.HeadingDefinition.WorldForward: return 0; } // Process the velocity and derive the heading from it. int filterSize = m_Heading.m_VelocityFilterStrength * 5; if (mHeadingTracker == null || mHeadingTracker.FilterSize != filterSize) mHeadingTracker = new HeadingTracker(filterSize); mHeadingTracker.DecayHistory(); Vector3 up = targetOrientation * Vector3.up; velocity = velocity.ProjectOntoPlane(up); if (!velocity.AlmostZero()) mHeadingTracker.Add(velocity); velocity = mHeadingTracker.GetReliableHeading(); if (!velocity.AlmostZero()) return UnityVectorExtensions.SignedAngle(targetOrientation * Vector3.forward, velocity, up); // If no reliable heading, then stay where we are. return currentHeading; } class HeadingTracker { struct Item { public Vector3 velocity; public float weight; public float time; }; Item[] mHistory; int mTop; int mBottom; int mCount; Vector3 mHeadingSum; float mWeightSum = 0; float mWeightTime = 0; Vector3 mLastGoodHeading =; public HeadingTracker(int filterSize) { mHistory = new Item[filterSize]; float historyHalfLife = filterSize / 5f; // somewhat arbitrarily mDecayExponent = -Mathf.Log(2f) / historyHalfLife; ClearHistory(); } public int FilterSize { get { return mHistory.Length; } } void ClearHistory() { mTop = mBottom = mCount = 0; mWeightSum = 0; mHeadingSum =; } static float mDecayExponent; static float Decay(float time) { return Mathf.Exp(time * mDecayExponent); } public void Add(Vector3 velocity) { if (FilterSize == 0) { mLastGoodHeading = velocity; return; } float weight = velocity.magnitude; if (weight > UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon) { Item item = new Item(); item.velocity = velocity; item.weight = weight; item.time = Time.time; if (mCount == FilterSize) PopBottom(); ++mCount; mHistory[mTop] = item; if (++mTop == FilterSize) mTop = 0; mWeightSum *= Decay(item.time - mWeightTime); mWeightTime = item.time; mWeightSum += weight; mHeadingSum += item.velocity; } } void PopBottom() { if (mCount > 0) { float time = Time.time; Item item = mHistory[mBottom]; if (++mBottom == FilterSize) mBottom = 0; --mCount; float decay = Decay(time - item.time); mWeightSum -= item.weight * decay; mHeadingSum -= item.velocity * decay; if (mWeightSum <= UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon || mCount == 0) ClearHistory(); } } public void DecayHistory() { float time = Time.time; float decay = Decay(time - mWeightTime); mWeightSum *= decay; mWeightTime = time; if (mWeightSum < UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon) ClearHistory(); else mHeadingSum = mHeadingSum * decay; } public Vector3 GetReliableHeading() { // Update Last Good Heading if (mWeightSum > UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon && (mCount == mHistory.Length || mLastGoodHeading.AlmostZero())) { Vector3 h = mHeadingSum / mWeightSum; if (!h.AlmostZero()) mLastGoodHeading = h.normalized; } return mLastGoodHeading; } } } }