using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline; namespace WaterSystem.Data { /// /// This scriptable object stores teh graphical/rendering settings for a water system /// [System.Serializable][CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "WaterSettingsData", menuName = "WaterSystem/Settings", order = 0)] public class WaterSettingsData : ScriptableObject { public GeometryType waterGeomType; // The type of geometry, either vertex offset or tessellation public ReflectionType refType = ReflectionType.PlanarReflection; // How the reflecitons are generated // planar public PlanerReflections.PlanarReflectionSettings planarSettings; // Planar reflection settings // cubemap public Cubemap cubemapRefType; // custom cubemap reference public bool isInfinite; // Is the water infinite (shader incomplete) public Vector4 originOffset = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 500f, 500f); } /// /// The type of reflection source, custom cubemap, closest refelction probe, planar reflection /// [System.Serializable] public enum ReflectionType { Cubemap, ReflectionProbe, PlanarReflection } /// /// The type of geometry, either vertex offset or tessellation /// [System.Serializable] public enum GeometryType { VertexOffset, Tesselation } }