using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace BoatAttack { [Serializable] public class WaypointGroup : MonoBehaviour { static WaypointGroup Instance = null; public static float raceDelay = 4f; public int WaypointGroupID = 0; public Color WaypointColour = Color.yellow; public bool Loop = false; public float NextWPradius = 5f; public bool raceStarted = false; [NonSerialized] public bool reverse = false; [NonSerialized] public Matrix4x4[] startingPositons = new Matrix4x4[4]; [SerializeField] public List WPs = new List(); private int curWpID; public static WaypointGroup instance => Instance; // Use this for initialization void Awake() { Instance = this; } public void Setup() { if (reverse) { WPs.Reverse(); WPs.Insert(0, WPs[WPs.Count - 1]); WPs.RemoveAt(WPs.Count - 1); } GetStartPositions(); } [Serializable] public class Waypoint { public Vector3 point; [FormerlySerializedAs("WPradius")] public float WPwidth; public Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity; public int WPnumber; public int WPgroup; public Waypoint(Vector3 position, float radius, int ID, int group) { point = position; WPwidth = radius; WPnumber = ID; WPgroup = group; } } public void CreateWaypoint() { Vector3 Pos = gameObject.transform.position; float Rad = NextWPradius; int ID = curWpID; Waypoint WP = new Waypoint(Pos, Rad, ID, WaypointGroupID); WPs.Add(WP); curWpID++; } public Vector3 GetWaypointDestination(int index) { Waypoint wp; if (index > 0 && index < WPs.Count - 1) wp = WPs[index]; else wp = null; return wp.point + (Random.insideUnitSphere * wp.WPwidth); } public Waypoint GetWaypoint(int index) { return WPs[index]; } public Waypoint GetNextWaypoint(Waypoint wp) { var index = WPs.IndexOf(wp); index = (int)Mathf.Repeat(index + 1, WPs.Count); return GetWaypoint(index); } public Waypoint GetClosestWaypoint(Vector3 point) { Waypoint closest = null; Waypoint[] sortedWPs = WPs.OrderBy(wp => Vector3.Distance(point, wp.point)).ToArray(); if (sortedWPs[0].WPnumber < sortedWPs[1].WPnumber && !reverse) closest = sortedWPs[1]; else closest = sortedWPs[0]; return closest; } public Matrix4x4 GetClosestPointOnWaypoint(Vector3 point) { Vector3 respawnPoint =; Waypoint wpA; Waypoint wpB; Waypoint[] sortedWPs = WPs.OrderBy(wp => Vector3.Distance(point, wp.point)).ToArray(); wpA = sortedWPs[0]; wpB = sortedWPs[1]; if (Mathf.Abs(wpA.WPnumber - wpB.WPnumber) > 1) wpB = WPs[(int)Mathf.Repeat(wpA.WPnumber + 2, WPs.Count)]; var closetToLine = FindNearestPointOnLine(new Vector2(wpA.point.x, wpA.point.z), new Vector2(wpB.point.x, wpB.point.z), new Vector2(point.x, point.z)); var lookVec = Vector3.forward; if (wpA.WPnumber > wpB.WPnumber) { lookVec = wpA.point - wpB.point; } else { lookVec = wpB.point - wpA.point; } if ((wpA.WPnumber == 0 && wpB.WPnumber == WPs.Count - 1) || (wpB.WPnumber == 0 && wpA.WPnumber == WPs.Count - 1)) // if at the loop point we need to revese the lookVec lookVec = -lookVec; Quaternion facing = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.Normalize(lookVec * (reverse ? -1f : 1f)), Vector3.up); respawnPoint.x = closetToLine.x; respawnPoint.z = closetToLine.y; Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(respawnPoint, facing,; return matrix; } public Matrix4x4[] GetStartPositions() { var position = WPs[0].point + Vector3.up; var rotation = WPs[0].rotation; if(reverse) rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, Vector3.up); for (int i = 0; i < startingPositons.Length; i++) { var pos = new Vector3(i % 2 == 0 ? 3f : -3f, 0f, i * 6f + 4f); pos.z = -pos.z; startingPositons[i].SetTRS(position, rotation,; startingPositons[i] *= Matrix4x4.Translate(pos); } return startingPositons; } public void DeleteLastWaypoint() { WPs.RemoveAt(curWpID); curWpID--; } public void DeleteAllWaypoints() { WPs.Clear(); curWpID = 0; } public Vector2 FindNearestPointOnLine(Vector2 origin, Vector2 end, Vector2 point) { //Get heading Vector2 heading = (end - origin); float magnitudeMax = heading.magnitude; heading.Normalize(); //Do projection from the point but clamp it Vector2 lhs = point - origin; float dotP = Vector2.Dot(lhs, heading); dotP = Mathf.Clamp(dotP, 0f, magnitudeMax); return origin + heading * dotP; } void OnDrawGizmos() { var c = WaypointColour; for (int i = 0; i < WPs.Count; i++) { Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(WPs[i].point, WPs[i].rotation,; var cube = new Vector3(WPs[i].WPwidth * 2f, 4f, 0.5f); // Fill c.a = 0.5f; Gizmos.color = c; Gizmos.DrawCube(, cube); // Outline c.a = 1f; Gizmos.color = c; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, cube); } startingPositons = GetStartPositions(); c =; var startBox = new Vector3(2f, 0.1f, 6f); foreach (var startPos in startingPositons) { Gizmos.matrix = startPos; c.a = 0.5f; Gizmos.color = c; Gizmos.DrawCube(, startBox); c.a = 1f; Gizmos.color = c; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, startBox); } } } }