using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets; using Cinemachine; using BoatAttack.UI; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace BoatAttack { /// /// This is an overall controller for a boat /// public class Boat : MonoBehaviour { // Boat stats public Renderer boatRenderer; // The renderer for the boat mesh public Renderer engineRenderer; // The renderer for the boat mesh public Engine engine; private Matrix4x4 _spawnPosition; // RaceStats [NonSerialized] public int Place = 0; [NonSerialized] public float LapPercentage; [NonSerialized] public int LapCount; [NonSerialized] public bool MatchComplete; private int _wpCount = -1; private WaypointGroup.Waypoint _lastCheckpoint; private WaypointGroup.Waypoint _nextCheckpoint; [NonSerialized] public readonly List SplitTimes = new List(); public CinemachineVirtualCamera cam; private float _camFovVel; [NonSerialized] public RaceUI RaceUi; private Object _controller; private int _playerIndex; // Shader Props private static readonly int LiveryPrimary = Shader.PropertyToID("_Color1"); private static readonly int LiveryTrim = Shader.PropertyToID("_Color2"); private void Awake() { _spawnPosition = transform.localToWorldMatrix; TryGetComponent(out engine.RB); } public void Setup(int player = 1, bool isHuman = true, BoatLivery livery = new BoatLivery()) { _playerIndex = player - 1; cam.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player" + player); // assign player layer SetupController(isHuman); // create or change controller Colorize(livery); } void SetupController(bool isHuman) { var controllerType = isHuman ? typeof(HumanController) : typeof(AiController); // If controller exists then make sure it's teh right one, if not add it if (_controller) { if (_controller.GetType() == controllerType) return; Destroy(_controller); _controller = gameObject.AddComponent(controllerType); } else { _controller = gameObject.AddComponent(controllerType); } } private void Update() { UpdateLaps(); if (RaceUi) { RaceUi.UpdatePlaceCounter(Place); RaceUi.UpdateSpeed(engine.VelocityMag); } } private void LateUpdate() { if (cam) { var fov = Mathf.SmoothStep(80f, 100f, engine.VelocityMag * 0.005f); cam.m_Lens.FieldOfView = Mathf.SmoothDamp(cam.m_Lens.FieldOfView, fov, ref _camFovVel, 0.5f); } } private void FixedUpdate() { if (WaypointGroup.Instance == null) return; if (!RaceManager.RaceStarted) { // race not started, make sure to keep boat fairly aligned. var target = WaypointGroup.Instance.StartingPositions[_playerIndex]; Vector3 targetPosition = target.GetColumn(3); Vector3 targetForward = target.GetColumn(2); var t = transform; var currentPosition = t.position; var currentForward = t.forward; targetPosition.y = currentPosition.y; engine.RB.AddForce((currentPosition - targetPosition) * 0.25f); engine.RB.MoveRotation(Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.Slerp(currentForward, targetForward, 0.1f * Time.fixedDeltaTime))); } } private void UpdateLaps() { if (WaypointGroup.Instance == null) return; LapPercentage = WaypointGroup.Instance.GetPercentageAroundTrack(transform.position); var lowPercentage = _lastCheckpoint?.normalizedDistance ?? 0f; var highPercentage = _nextCheckpoint?.normalizedDistance ?? 1f; LapPercentage = Mathf.Clamp(LapPercentage, lowPercentage, highPercentage <= 0.001f ? 1f : highPercentage); if (RaceUi) { RaceUi.UpdateLapCounter(LapCount); } } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (!other.CompareTag("waypoint") || MatchComplete) return; var wp = WaypointGroup.Instance.GetTriggersWaypoint(other as BoxCollider); var wpIndex = WaypointGroup.Instance.GetWaypointIndex(wp); if (wp.isCheckpoint || wpIndex == 0) { _lastCheckpoint = wp; _nextCheckpoint = WaypointGroup.Instance.GetNextCheckpoint(wpIndex); } EnteredWaypoint(wpIndex, wp.isCheckpoint); } private void EnteredWaypoint(int index, bool checkpoint) { var count = WaypointGroup.Instance.WPs.Count; var nextWp = (int) Mathf.Repeat(_wpCount + 1, count); if (nextWp != index) return; _wpCount = nextWp; if (index != 0) return; LapCount++; SplitTimes.Add(RaceManager.RaceTime); if (LapCount > RaceManager.GetLapCount()) { Debug.Log($"Boat {name} finished {RaceUI.OrdinalNumber(Place)} with time:{RaceUI.FormatRaceTime(SplitTimes.Last())}"); RaceManager.BoatFinished(_playerIndex); MatchComplete = true; } } [ContextMenu("Randomize")] private void ColorizeInvoke() { Colorize(,, true); } private void Colorize(Color primaryColor, Color trimColor, bool random = false) { var livery = new BoatLivery { primaryColor = random ? ConstantData.GetRandomPaletteColor : primaryColor, trimColor = random ? ConstantData.GetRandomPaletteColor : trimColor }; Colorize(livery); } /// /// This sets both the primary and secondary colour and assigns via a MPB /// private void Colorize(BoatLivery livery) { boatRenderer?.material?.SetColor(LiveryPrimary, livery.primaryColor); engineRenderer?.material?.SetColor(LiveryPrimary, livery.primaryColor); boatRenderer?.material?.SetColor(LiveryTrim, livery.trimColor); engineRenderer?.material?.SetColor(LiveryTrim, livery.trimColor); } public void ResetPosition() { if (WaypointGroup.Instance) { var resetMatrix = WaypointGroup.Instance.GetClosestPointOnWaypoint(transform.position); var resetPoint = resetMatrix.GetColumn(3); resetPoint.y = _spawnPosition.GetColumn(3).y; engine.RB.velocity =; engine.RB.angularVelocity =; engine.RB.position = resetPoint; engine.RB.rotation = resetMatrix.rotation; } } } [Serializable] public class BoatData { public string boatName; public AssetReference boatPrefab; public BoatLivery livery; public bool human; [NonSerialized] public Boat Boat; [NonSerialized] public GameObject BoatObject; public void SetController(GameObject boat, Boat controller) { BoatObject = boat; this.Boat = controller; } } [Serializable] public struct BoatLivery { [ColorUsage(false)] public Color primaryColor; [ColorUsage(false)] public Color trimColor; } }