using System; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering { public partial class DebugUI { // Root panel class - we don't want to extend Container here because we need a clear // separation between debug panels and actual widgets public class Panel : IContainer, IComparable { public Flags flags { get; set; } public string displayName { get; set; } public int groupIndex { get; set; } public string queryPath { get { return displayName; } } public bool isEditorOnly { get { return (flags & Flags.EditorOnly) != 0; } } public bool isRuntimeOnly { get { return (flags & Flags.RuntimeOnly) != 0; } } public bool isInactiveInEditor { get { return (isRuntimeOnly && !Application.isPlaying); } } public bool editorForceUpdate { get { return (flags & Flags.EditorForceUpdate) != 0; } } public ObservableList children { get; private set; } public event Action onSetDirty = delegate {}; public Panel() { children = new ObservableList(); children.ItemAdded += OnItemAdded; children.ItemRemoved += OnItemRemoved; } protected virtual void OnItemAdded(ObservableList sender, ListChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.item != null) { e.item.panel = this; e.item.parent = this; } SetDirty(); } protected virtual void OnItemRemoved(ObservableList sender, ListChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.item != null) { e.item.panel = null; e.item.parent = null; } SetDirty(); } public void SetDirty() { foreach (var child in children) child.GenerateQueryPath(); onSetDirty(this); } public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 17; hash = hash * 23 + displayName.GetHashCode(); foreach (var child in children) hash = hash * 23 + child.GetHashCode(); return hash; } int IComparable.CompareTo(Panel other) => other == null ? 1 : groupIndex.CompareTo(other.groupIndex); } } }