using UnityEngine; using System; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using UnityEditor.UIElements; using System.Linq; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.LookDev { /// /// Lighting environment used in LookDev /// public class Environment : ScriptableObject { [Serializable] public abstract class BaseEnvironmentCubemapHandler { [SerializeField] string m_CubemapGUID; Cubemap m_Cubemap; /// /// The cubemap used for this part of the lighting environment /// public Cubemap cubemap { get { if (m_Cubemap == null || m_Cubemap.Equals(null)) LoadCubemap(); return m_Cubemap; } set { m_Cubemap = value; m_CubemapGUID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_Cubemap)); } } void LoadCubemap() { m_Cubemap = null; GUID storedGUID; GUID.TryParse(m_CubemapGUID, out storedGUID); if (!storedGUID.Empty()) { string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(m_CubemapGUID); m_Cubemap = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); } } } /// /// Class containing editor data for shadow part of the lighting environment /// [Serializable] public class Shadow : BaseEnvironmentCubemapHandler { // Setup default position to be on the sun in the default HDRI. // This is important as the defaultHDRI don't call the set brightest spot function on first call. [SerializeField] float m_Latitude = 60.0f; // [-90..90] [SerializeField] float m_Longitude = 299.0f; // [0..360[ /// /// The shading tint to used when computing shadow from sun /// public Color color = Color.white; /// /// The Latitude position of the sun casting shadows /// public float sunLatitude { get => m_Latitude; set => m_Latitude = ClampLatitude(value); } internal static float ClampLatitude(float value) => Mathf.Clamp(value, -90, 90); /// /// The Longitude position of the sun casting shadows /// public float sunLongitude { get => m_Longitude; set => m_Longitude = ClampLongitude(value); } internal static float ClampLongitude(float value) { value = value % 360f; if (value < 0.0) value += 360f; return value; } } /// /// Class containing editor data for sky part of the lighting environment /// [Serializable] public class Sky : BaseEnvironmentCubemapHandler { /// /// Offset on the longitude. Affect both sky and sun position in Shadow part /// public float rotation = 0.0f; /// /// Exposure to use with this Sky /// public float exposure = 1f; /// /// Implicit conversion operator to runtime version of sky datas /// /// Editor version of the datas public static implicit operator UnityEngine.Rendering.LookDev.Sky(Sky sky) => sky == null ? default : new UnityEngine.Rendering.LookDev.Sky() { cubemap = sky.cubemap, longitudeOffset = sky.rotation, exposure = sky.exposure }; } /// /// The sky part of the lighting environment /// public Sky sky = new Sky(); /// /// The shadow part of the lighting environment /// public Shadow shadow = new Shadow(); /// /// Compute the shadow runtime data with editor datas /// public UnityEngine.Rendering.LookDev.Sky shadowSky => new UnityEngine.Rendering.LookDev.Sky() { cubemap = shadow.cubemap ?? sky.cubemap, longitudeOffset = sky.rotation, exposure = sky.exposure }; internal float shadowIntensity => shadow.cubemap == null ? 0.3f : 1f; internal void UpdateSunPosition(Light sun) => sun.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(shadow.sunLatitude, sky.rotation + shadow.sunLongitude, 0f); internal void CopyTo(Environment other) { = sky.cubemap; = sky.exposure; = sky.rotation; other.shadow.cubemap = shadow.cubemap; other.shadow.sunLatitude = shadow.sunLatitude; other.shadow.sunLongitude = shadow.sunLongitude; other.shadow.color = shadow.color; = name + " (copy)"; } /// /// Compute sun position to be brightest spot of the sky /// public void ResetToBrightestSpot() => EnvironmentElement.ResetToBrightestSpot(this); } [CustomEditor(typeof(Environment))] class EnvironmentEditor : Editor { //display nothing public sealed override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI() => null; // Don't use ImGUI public sealed override void OnInspectorGUI() { } //but make preview in Project window override public Texture2D RenderStaticPreview(string assetPath, UnityEngine.Object[] subAssets, int width, int height) => EnvironmentElement.GetLatLongThumbnailTexture(target as Environment, width); } interface IBendable { void Bind(T data); } class EnvironmentElement : VisualElement, IBendable { internal const int k_SkyThumbnailWidth = 200; internal const int k_SkyThumbnailHeight = 100; const int k_SkadowThumbnailWidth = 60; const int k_SkadowThumbnailHeight = 30; const int k_SkadowThumbnailXPosition = 130; const int k_SkadowThumbnailYPosition = 10; static Material s_cubeToLatlongMaterial; static Material cubeToLatlongMaterial { get { if (s_cubeToLatlongMaterial == null || s_cubeToLatlongMaterial.Equals(null)) { s_cubeToLatlongMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/LookDev/CubeToLatlong")); } return s_cubeToLatlongMaterial; } } VisualElement environmentParams; Environment environment; Image latlong; ObjectField skyCubemapField; FloatField skyRotationOffset; FloatField skyExposureField; ObjectField shadowCubemapField; Vector2Field sunPosition; ColorField shadowColor; TextField environmentName; Action OnChangeCallback; public Environment target => environment; public EnvironmentElement() => Create(withPreview: true); public EnvironmentElement(bool withPreview, Action OnChangeCallback = null) { this.OnChangeCallback = OnChangeCallback; Create(withPreview); } public EnvironmentElement(Environment environment) { Create(withPreview: true); Bind(environment); } void Create(bool withPreview) { if (withPreview) { latlong = new Image(); = k_SkyThumbnailWidth; = k_SkyThumbnailHeight; Add(latlong); } environmentParams = GetDefaultInspector(); Add(environmentParams); } public void Bind(Environment environment) { this.environment = environment; if (environment == null || environment.Equals(null)) return; if (latlong != null && !latlong.Equals(null)) latlong.image = GetLatLongThumbnailTexture(); skyCubemapField.SetValueWithoutNotify(; skyRotationOffset.SetValueWithoutNotify(; skyExposureField.SetValueWithoutNotify(; shadowCubemapField.SetValueWithoutNotify(environment.shadow.cubemap); sunPosition.SetValueWithoutNotify(new Vector2(environment.shadow.sunLongitude, environment.shadow.sunLatitude)); shadowColor.SetValueWithoutNotify(environment.shadow.color); environmentName.SetValueWithoutNotify(; } public void Bind(Environment environment, Image deportedLatlong) { latlong = deportedLatlong; Bind(environment); } static public Vector2 PositionToLatLong(Vector2 position) { Vector2 result = new Vector2(); result.x = position.y * Mathf.PI * 0.5f * Mathf.Rad2Deg; result.y = (position.x * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 2f * Mathf.PI * Mathf.Rad2Deg; if (result.x < -90.0f) result.x = -90f; if (result.x > 90.0f) result.x = 90f; return result; } public static void ResetToBrightestSpot(Environment environment) { cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex",; cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetVector("_WindowParams", new Vector4(10000, -1000.0f, 2, 0.0f)); // Neutral value to not clip cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetVector("_CubeToLatLongParams", new Vector4(Mathf.Deg2Rad *, 0.5f, 1.0f, 3.0f)); // We use LOD 3 to take a region rather than a single pixel in the map cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetPass(0); int width = k_SkyThumbnailWidth; int height = width >> 1; RenderTexture temporaryRT = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB); Texture2D brightestPointTexture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBAHalf, false); // Convert cubemap to a 2D LatLong to read on CPU Graphics.Blit(, temporaryRT, cubeToLatlongMaterial); brightestPointTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0, false); brightestPointTexture.Apply(); // CPU read back // From Doc: The returned array is a flattened 2D array, where pixels are laid out left to right, bottom to top (i.e. row after row) Color[] color = brightestPointTexture.GetPixels(); = null; temporaryRT.Release(); float maxLuminance = 0.0f; int maxIndex = 0; for (int index = height * width - 1; index >= 0; --index) { Color pixel = color[index]; float luminance = pixel.r * 0.2126729f + pixel.g * 0.7151522f + pixel.b * 0.0721750f; if (maxLuminance < luminance) { maxLuminance = luminance; maxIndex = index; } } Vector2 sunPosition = PositionToLatLong(new Vector2(((maxIndex % width) / (float)(width - 1)) * 2f - 1f, ((maxIndex / width) / (float)(height - 1)) * 2f - 1f)); environment.shadow.sunLatitude = sunPosition.x; environment.shadow.sunLongitude = sunPosition.y -; } public Texture2D GetLatLongThumbnailTexture() => GetLatLongThumbnailTexture(environment, k_SkyThumbnailWidth); public static Texture2D GetLatLongThumbnailTexture(Environment environment, int width) { int height = width >> 1; RenderTexture oldActive =; RenderTexture temporaryRT = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB); = temporaryRT; cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex",; cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetVector("_WindowParams", new Vector4( height, //height -1000f, //y position, -1000f to be sure to not have clipping issue (we should not clip normally but don't want to create a new shader) 2f, //margin value 1f)); //Pixel per Point cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetVector("_CubeToLatLongParams", new Vector4( Mathf.Deg2Rad *, //rotation of the environment in radian 1f, //alpha 1f, //intensity 0f)); //LOD cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetPass(0); GL.LoadPixelMatrix(0, width, height, 0); GL.Clear(true, true,; Rect skyRect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height); Renderer.DrawFullScreenQuad(skyRect); if (environment.shadow.cubemap != null) { cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", environment.shadow.cubemap); cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetVector("_WindowParams", new Vector4( height, //height -1000f, //y position, -1000f to be sure to not have clipping issue (we should not clip normally but don't want to create a new shader) 2f, //margin value 1f)); //Pixel per Point cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetVector("_CubeToLatLongParams", new Vector4( Mathf.Deg2Rad *, //rotation of the environment in radian 1f, //alpha 0.3f, //intensity 0f)); //LOD cubeToLatlongMaterial.SetPass(0); int shadowWidth = (int)(width * (k_SkadowThumbnailWidth / (float)k_SkyThumbnailWidth)); int shadowXPosition = (int)(width * (k_SkadowThumbnailXPosition / (float)k_SkyThumbnailWidth)); int shadowYPosition = (int)(width * (k_SkadowThumbnailYPosition / (float)k_SkyThumbnailWidth)); Rect shadowRect = new Rect( shadowXPosition, shadowYPosition, shadowWidth, shadowWidth >> 1); Renderer.DrawFullScreenQuad(shadowRect); } Texture2D result = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); result.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0, false); result.Apply(false); = oldActive; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(temporaryRT); return result; } public VisualElement GetDefaultInspector() { VisualElement inspector = new VisualElement() { name = "inspector" }; VisualElement header = new VisualElement() { name = "inspector-header" }; header.Add(new Image() { image = CoreEditorUtils.LoadIcon(@"Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/Editor/LookDev/Icons/", "LookDev_EnvironmentHDR", forceLowRes: true) }); environmentName = new TextField(); environmentName.isDelayed = true; environmentName.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => { string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(environment); = evt.newValue; AssetDatabase.SetLabels(environment, new string[] { evt.newValue }); EditorUtility.SetDirty(environment); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); =; }); header.Add(environmentName); inspector.Add(header); Foldout foldout = new Foldout() { text = "Environment Settings" }; skyCubemapField = new ObjectField("Sky with Sun") { tooltip = "A cubemap that will be used as the sky." }; skyCubemapField.allowSceneObjects = false; skyCubemapField.objectType = typeof(Cubemap); skyCubemapField.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => { var tmp =; RegisterChange(ref tmp, evt.newValue as Cubemap); = tmp; latlong.image = GetLatLongThumbnailTexture(environment, k_SkyThumbnailWidth); }); foldout.Add(skyCubemapField); shadowCubemapField = new ObjectField("Sky without Sun") { tooltip = "[Optional] A cubemap that will be used to compute self shadowing.\nIt should be the same sky without the sun.\nIf nothing is provided, the sky with sun will be used with lower intensity." }; shadowCubemapField.allowSceneObjects = false; shadowCubemapField.objectType = typeof(Cubemap); shadowCubemapField.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => { var tmp = environment.shadow.cubemap; RegisterChange(ref tmp, evt.newValue as Cubemap); environment.shadow.cubemap = tmp; latlong.image = GetLatLongThumbnailTexture(environment, k_SkyThumbnailWidth); }); foldout.Add(shadowCubemapField); skyRotationOffset = new FloatField("Rotation") { tooltip = "Rotation offset on the longitude of the sky." }; skyRotationOffset.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => RegisterChange(ref, Environment.Shadow.ClampLongitude(evt.newValue), skyRotationOffset, updatePreview: true)); foldout.Add(skyRotationOffset); skyExposureField = new FloatField("Exposure") { tooltip = "The exposure to apply with this sky." }; skyExposureField.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => RegisterChange(ref, evt.newValue)); foldout.Add(skyExposureField); var style = foldout.Q().style; style.marginLeft = 3; style.unityFontStyleAndWeight = FontStyle.Bold; inspector.Add(foldout); sunPosition = new Vector2Field("Sun Position") { tooltip = "The sun position as (Longitude, Latitude)\nThe button compute brightest position in the sky with sun." }; sunPosition.Q("unity-x-input").Q().formatString = "n1"; sunPosition.Q("unity-y-input").Q().formatString = "n1"; sunPosition.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => { var tmpContainer = new Vector2( environment.shadow.sunLongitude, environment.shadow.sunLatitude); var tmpNewValue = new Vector2( Environment.Shadow.ClampLongitude(evt.newValue.x), Environment.Shadow.ClampLatitude(evt.newValue.y)); RegisterChange(ref tmpContainer, tmpNewValue, sunPosition); environment.shadow.sunLongitude = tmpContainer.x; environment.shadow.sunLatitude = tmpContainer.y; }); foldout.Add(sunPosition); Button sunToBrightess = new Button(() => { ResetToBrightestSpot(environment); sunPosition.SetValueWithoutNotify(new Vector2( Environment.Shadow.ClampLongitude(environment.shadow.sunLongitude), Environment.Shadow.ClampLatitude(environment.shadow.sunLatitude))); }) { name = "sunToBrightestButton" }; sunToBrightess.Add(new Image() { image = CoreEditorUtils.LoadIcon(@"Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/Editor/LookDev/Icons/", "LookDev_SunPosition", forceLowRes: true) }); sunToBrightess.AddToClassList("sun-to-brightest-button"); var vector2Input = sunPosition.Q(className: "unity-vector2-field__input"); vector2Input.Remove(sunPosition.Q(className: "unity-composite-field__field-spacer")); vector2Input.Add(sunToBrightess); shadowColor = new ColorField("Shadow Tint") { tooltip = "The wanted shadow tint to be used when computing shadow." }; shadowColor.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => RegisterChange(ref environment.shadow.color, evt.newValue)); foldout.Add(shadowColor); style = foldout.Q().style; style.marginLeft = 3; style.unityFontStyleAndWeight = FontStyle.Bold; inspector.Add(foldout); return inspector; } void RegisterChange(ref TValueType reflectedVariable, TValueType newValue, BaseField resyncField = null, bool updatePreview = false) { if (environment == null || environment.Equals(null)) return; reflectedVariable = newValue; resyncField?.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue); if (updatePreview && latlong != null && !latlong.Equals(null)) latlong.image = GetLatLongThumbnailTexture(environment, k_SkyThumbnailWidth); EditorUtility.SetDirty(environment); OnChangeCallback?.Invoke(); } } }