using System; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering { /// Used in editor drawer part to store the state of expendable areas. /// An enum to use to describe the state. /// A type given to automatically compute the key. public struct ExpandedState where TState : struct, IConvertible { EditorPrefBoolFlags m_State; /// Constructor will create the key to store in the EditorPref the state given generic type passed. /// If key did not exist, it will be created with this value for initialization. public ExpandedState(TState defaultValue, string prefix = "CoreRP") { String Key = string.Format("{0}:{1}:UI_State", prefix, typeof(TTarget).Name); m_State = new EditorPrefBoolFlags(Key); //register key if not already there if (!EditorPrefs.HasKey(Key)) { EditorPrefs.SetInt(Key, (int)(object)defaultValue); } } /// Get or set the state given the mask. public bool this[TState mask] { get { return m_State.HasFlag(mask); } set { m_State.SetFlag(mask, value); } } /// Accessor to the expended state of this specific mask. public bool GetExpandedAreas(TState mask) { return m_State.HasFlag(mask); } /// Setter to the expended state. public void SetExpandedAreas(TState mask, bool value) { m_State.SetFlag(mask, value); } /// Utility to set all states to true public void ExpandAll() { m_State.rawValue = ~(-1); } /// Utility to set all states to false public void CollapseAll() { m_State.rawValue = 0; } } }