using BoatAttack; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Mathematics; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; class PathData { public Vector3[] pathPoint; public int curPoint; public int curWP; public bool foundPath; }; public class AIController_DOTS : MonoBehaviour { static AIController_DOTS main; Dictionary paths; private void Awake() { if (main != null && main != this) { Destroy(this); return; } main = this; paths = new Dictionary(); } public static void Register(Entity entity) { if (main.paths.ContainsKey(entity)) return; PathData data = new PathData(); main.paths.Add(entity, data); } public static void GetInputs(Entity entity, float3 pos, quaternion rot, out float throttle, out float steering) { main.GetInputsInternal(entity, pos, rot, out throttle, out steering); } void GetInputsInternal(Entity entity, float3 pos, quaternion rot, out float throttle, out float steering) { throttle = steering = 0; //Do we have data? PathData data; if (!paths.TryGetValue(entity, out data)) return; if (data.pathPoint == null) { WaypointGroup.Waypoint wp = WaypointGroup.instance.GetClosestWaypoint(pos); CalculatePath(WaypointGroup.instance.GetNextWaypoint(wp), data, pos); } else if (data.pathPoint.Length > data.curPoint && data.foundPath) { if ((Vector3.Distance(pos, data.pathPoint[data.curPoint])) < 8) // If we are close to the current point on the path get the next { data.curPoint++; // Move on to next point if (data.curPoint >= data.pathPoint.Length) CalculatePath(WaypointGroup.instance.GetWaypoint(data.curWP), data, pos); } } if (data.pathPoint != null && data.pathPoint.Length > data.curPoint) { //Get angle to the destination and the side Vector3 normDir = data.pathPoint[data.curPoint] - (Vector3)pos; normDir = normDir.normalized; var forward = math.forward(rot); float dot = Vector3.Dot(normDir, forward); //float angle = Mathf.Acos (dot) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; float targetSide = Vector3.Cross(forward, normDir).y;//positive on right side, negative on left side steering = Mathf.Clamp(targetSide, -1.0f, 1.0f); throttle = dot > 0 ? 1f : 0.25f; } } void CalculatePath(WaypointGroup.Waypoint wp, PathData data, float3 pos) { var offset = (UnityEngine.Random.value * 2f - 1f) * wp.WPwidth * Vector3.left; var curWPPos = wp.point + wp.rotation * offset; data.curWP++; if (data.curWP >= WaypointGroup.instance.WPs.Count) data.curWP = 0; var navPath = new NavMeshPath(); // New nav path NavMesh.CalculatePath(pos, curWPPos, 255, navPath); if (navPath.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete) // if the path is good(complete) use it { data.pathPoint = navPath.corners; data.curPoint = 1; data.foundPath = true; } else if (navPath == null || navPath.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathInvalid) // if the path is bad, we havent found a path { data.foundPath = false; } } }