# Create Node Menu ## Description The **Create Node Menu** is how to create [Nodes](Node.md) in **Shader Graph**. To open the **Create Node Menu** either right click on the workspace in the [Shader Graph Window](Shader-Graph-Window.md) and select **Create Node** or press spacebar. At the top of the **Create Node Menu** is a search bar. You can search for a node by typing any part of its name in the search field. All [Nodes](Node.md) that are available in **Shader Graph** are listed in the **Create Node Menu** categorised by their function. Any user created [Sub-graphs](Sub-graph.md) are also available in the **Create Node Menu** under **Sub-graph Assets**. Selecting a [Node](Node.md) in the **Create Node Menu** will add it to the workspace. ### Contextual Create Node Menu A contextual **Create Node Menu** filters the [Nodes](Node.md) available to show only those that use the [Data Type](Data-Types.md) of a selected edge. It will list every available [Port](Port.md) on these [Nodes](Node.md) that matches that [Data Type](Data-Types.md). You can open a contextual **Create Node Menu** by dragging an [Edge](Edge.md) from a [Port](Port.md) with left mouse button and releasing it in an empty area of the workspace.