// These functions are use to hide the handling of triplanar mapping // Normal need a specific treatment as they use special encoding for both base and detail map // Also we use multiple inclusion to handle the various variation for lod and bias // param can be unused, lod or bias real4 ADD_FUNC_SUFFIX(SampleUVMapping)(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(textureName, samplerName), UVMapping uvMapping, real param) { if (uvMapping.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR) { real3 triplanarWeights = uvMapping.triplanarWeights; real4 val = real4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (triplanarWeights.x > 0.0) val += triplanarWeights.x * SAMPLE_TEXTURE_FUNC(textureName, samplerName, uvMapping.uvZY, param); if (triplanarWeights.y > 0.0) val += triplanarWeights.y * SAMPLE_TEXTURE_FUNC(textureName, samplerName, uvMapping.uvXZ, param); if (triplanarWeights.z > 0.0) val += triplanarWeights.z * SAMPLE_TEXTURE_FUNC(textureName, samplerName, uvMapping.uvXY, param); return val; } else // UV_MAPPING_UVSET / UV_MAPPING_PLANAR { return SAMPLE_TEXTURE_FUNC(textureName, samplerName, uvMapping.uv, param); } } // Nested multiple includes of the file to handle all variations of normal map (AG, RG or RGB) // This version is use for the base normal map (BC5 or DXT5nm) #define ADD_NORMAL_FUNC_SUFFIX(Name) Name #if defined(UNITY_NO_DXT5nm) #define UNPACK_NORMAL_FUNC UnpackNormalRGB #define UNPACK_DERIVATIVE_FUNC UnpackDerivativeNormalRGB #else #define UNPACK_NORMAL_FUNC UnpackNormalmapRGorAG #define UNPACK_DERIVATIVE_FUNC UnpackDerivativeNormalRGorAG #endif #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Sampling/SampleUVMappingNormalInternal.hlsl" #undef ADD_NORMAL_FUNC_SUFFIX #undef UNPACK_NORMAL_FUNC #undef UNPACK_DERIVATIVE_FUNC // This version is for normalmap with AG encoding only. Use with details map encoded with others properties (like smoothness). #define ADD_NORMAL_FUNC_SUFFIX(Name) Name##AG #define UNPACK_NORMAL_FUNC UnpackNormalAG #define UNPACK_DERIVATIVE_FUNC UnpackDerivativeNormalAG #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Sampling/SampleUVMappingNormalInternal.hlsl" #undef ADD_NORMAL_FUNC_SUFFIX #undef UNPACK_NORMAL_FUNC #undef UNPACK_DERIVATIVE_FUNC // This version is for normalmap with RGB encoding only, i.e uncompress or BC7. #define ADD_NORMAL_FUNC_SUFFIX(Name) Name##RGB #define UNPACK_NORMAL_FUNC UnpackNormalRGB #define UNPACK_DERIVATIVE_FUNC UnpackDerivativeNormalRGB #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Sampling/SampleUVMappingNormalInternal.hlsl" #undef ADD_NORMAL_FUNC_SUFFIX #undef UNPACK_NORMAL_FUNC #undef UNPACK_DERIVATIVE_FUNC