**_Note:This repositry uses GitLFS, to use this repo you need to pull via Git and make sure GitLFS is installed locally_** # Boat Attack ###### Demo Project using the Lightweight Render Pipeline from Unity3D [![Click for Youtube Video](https://gdurl.com/gRZYX)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PTNdhnqbhzSWUCfAinIefP5cfr6Dezuw/view) This Unity project has been created to aid the testing and development of LWRP. The project is a small vertical slice of a boat racing game, complete with raceable boats and island environment. **Project Features**: * Uses LWRP(Lightweight Render Pipeline) from Unity * Mobile optimized, low poly, LODs, no compute * C# Jobs buoyancy system * Cinemachine camera setups * Shadergraph usage * Postprocesing v2 with Volume blending * Custom LWRP rendering for planar reflections via [SRP callbacks](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Rendering.RenderPipeline.html) * Custom SciptableRenderPass usage for WaterFX and Caustics * Gestner based water system in local package(WIP) * Much more.. [Demo Footage](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PTNdhnqbhzSWUCfAinIefP5cfr6Dezuw/view) # Usage Via your Git GUI(or terminal/commandline) clone* down and open in Unity. Make sure you clone down the relative branch depending on unity version you are using, you will find them via `release/20xx.x` for the version you are using. `master` branch is a development branch and used with the latest version of [SRP](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline), due to this the project has local links to the directory of the SRP cloned down on a specific machine, meaning to use this you will need to clone down SRP and point to the directories via package manager, more info can be found [here](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui-local.html). Feel free to post any issues, but know this is a 'as is' repo, it's meant more for discovery of how some of the LWRP features work and a learning resource for some tricks. # Todo As this project is on goinig there is a lot more left that needs to be worked on, so I repeat this is not a resource for production ready workflow ideas or systems and lots of it was put together very quickly. Some of the things left to do: * Make water system more modular and improve UX * Improve boat AI * Add imposter rendering for vegetation * Make menu system to switch between Demoing/Playing/Benchmarking * Impliment Unity Physics * Optimize cross platform performance and stability * Code cleanup * Wiki explaning features/systems in more depth * Add more sizzle.... ![Sunny Island](https://gdurl.com/X9mK) # Credits [Andre McGrail](http://www.andremcgrail.com) - Design, Programming, Modeling, Texturing, Sound [Alex Best](https://big_ally.artstation.com) - Modeling, Texturing [Stintah](https://soundcloud.com/stintah) - Soundtrack Special thanks to: [Felipe Lira](https://github.com/phi-lira) - For Making LWRP [Tim Cooper](https://github.com/stramit) - Assorted SRP code help And thanks to many more who have helped with suggestions and feedback! # Notes *Make sure you clone the repo as downloading the zip will not contain the GitLFS files(all textures/meshes etc)