float3 viewPos = TransformWorldToView(postionWS); |
data.x = length(viewPos / viewPos.z);// distance to surface |
data.y = length(GetCameraPositionWS().xyz - postionWS); // local position in camera space |
data.z = wave.position.y / _MaxWaveHeight; // encode the normalized wave height into additional data |
data.z = wave.position.y / _MaxWaveHeight * 0.5 + 0.5; // encode the normalized wave height into additional data |
data.w = wave.position.x + wave.position.z; |
return data; |
} |
//Gerstner here |
WaveStruct wave; |
SampleWaves(input.posWS, saturate((waterDepth * 0.1 + 0.05)), wave); |
input.normal = wave.normal.xzy; |
input.normal = wave.normal; |
input.posWS += wave.position; |
#ifdef SHADER_API_PS4 |
//return half4(0, frac(ceil(depth.y) / _MaxDepth), frac(IN.posWS.y), 1); |
half depthMulti = 1 / _MaxDepth; |
// Detail waves |
half2 detailBump1 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_SurfaceMap, sampler_SurfaceMap, IN.uv.zw).xy * 2 - 1; |
half2 detailBump2 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_SurfaceMap, sampler_SurfaceMap, IN.uv.xy).xy * 2 - 1; |
half2 detailBump = (detailBump1 + detailBump2 * 0.5) * saturate(depth.x * 0.25 + 0.25); |
IN.normal += half3(detailBump.x, 0, detailBump.y) * _BumpScale; |
IN.normal += half3(1-waterFX.y, 0.5h, 1-waterFX.z) - 0.5; |
IN.normal = normalize(IN.normal); |
// Lighting |
Light mainLight = GetMainLight(TransformWorldToShadowCoord(IN.posWS)); |
half shadow = SoftShadows(screenUV, IN.posWS); |
half3 sss = 1 * (shadow * mainLight.color + GI); |
half3 directLighting = dot(mainLight.direction, half3(0, 1, 0)) * mainLight.color; |
directLighting += saturate(pow(dot(IN.viewDir, -mainLight.direction) * IN.additionalData.z, 3)) * 5 * mainLight.color; |
half3 sss = directLighting * shadow + GI; |
// Foam |
half3 foamMap = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_FoamMap, sampler_FoamMap, IN.uv.zw).rgb; //r=thick, g=medium, b=light |
// Foam lighting |
half3 foam = foamMask.xxx * (mainLight.shadowAttenuation * mainLight.color + GI); |
// Detail waves |
half2 detailBump1 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_SurfaceMap, sampler_SurfaceMap, IN.uv.zw).xy * 2 - 1; |
half2 detailBump2 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_SurfaceMap, sampler_SurfaceMap, IN.uv.xy).xy * 2 - 1; |
half2 detailBump = (detailBump1 + detailBump2 * 0.5) * saturate(depth.x * 0.25 + 0.25); |
IN.normal += half3(detailBump.x, 0, detailBump.y) * _BumpScale; |
IN.normal += half3(1-waterFX.y, 0.5h, 1-waterFX.z) - 0.5; |
IN.normal = normalize(IN.normal); |
// Distortion |
half2 distortion = DistortionUVs(depth.x, IN.normal); |
distortion = screenUV.xy + distortion;// * clamp(depth.x, 0, 5); |
//comp = DebugWaterFX(comp, waterFX, screenUV.x); |
#if defined(_DEBUG_SSS) |
return half4(sss, 1); |
#elif defined(_DEBUG_REFRACTION) |
return half4(refraction, 1); |
#elif defined(_DEBUG_REFLECTION) |
return half4(reflection, 1); |
#elif defined(_DEBUG_NORMAL) |
#else |
return half4(comp, 1); |
#endif |
//return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_PlanarReflectionTexture, sampler_ScreenTextures_linear_clamp, screenUV); |
//return half4(spec, 1); // debug line |
//return half4(diffuse, 1); // debug line |
//return half4( (1 - foamMask).xxx, 1); // debug line |
//eturn half4(pow(dot(IN.normal,float3(0, 1, 0)), 10).xxx, 1); // debug line |
} |