private Vector3 localArchimedesForce; |
[SerializeField] |
private Vector3[] voxels; // voxel position
private Vector4[] voxels; // voxel position
private float3[] samplePoints; // sample points for height calc
private float3[] heights; // water height array(only size of 1 when simple or non-physical)
private float3[] normals; // water normal array(only used when non-physical and size of 1 also when simple)
if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.NonPhysical || _buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.Physical) |
{ |
voxels = new Vector3[1]; |
voxels = new Vector4[1]; |
voxels[0].w = 1f; |
samplePoints = new float3[1]; |
} |
{ |
//Debug.Log("new pass: " + gameObject.name);
Physics.autoSyncTransforms = false; |
for(var i = 0; i < voxels.Length; i++) BuoyancyForce(voxels[i], heights[i].y, ref submergedAmount, ref debugInfo[i]); |
Matrix4x4 transformMatrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix; |
for(var i = 0; i < voxels.Length; i++) BuoyancyForce(transformMatrix * voxels[i], heights[i].y, ref submergedAmount, ref debugInfo[i]); |
Physics.SyncTransforms(); |
Physics.autoSyncTransforms = true; |
UpdateDrag(submergedAmount); |
private void BuoyancyForce(Vector3 position, float waterHeight, ref float submergedAmount, ref DebugDrawing _debug) |
{ |
var wp = transform.TransformPoint(position); |
float waterLevel = waterHeight; |
_debug.position = wp; |
_debug.waterHeight = waterLevel; |
_debug.force = Vector3.zero; |
Vector3 force = Vector3.zero; |
//_debug.position = position;
//_debug.waterHeight = waterHeight;
//_debug.force = Vector3.zero;
if (wp.y - voxelResolution < waterLevel) |
if (position.y - voxelResolution < waterHeight) |
float k = Mathf.Clamp01((waterLevel - (wp.y - voxelResolution)) / (voxelResolution * 2f)); |
float k = math.clamp((waterHeight - (position.y - voxelResolution)) / (voxelResolution * 2f), 0f, 1f); |
submergedAmount += k / voxels.Length;//(math.clamp(waterLevel - (wp.y - voxelResolution), 0f, voxelResolution * 2f) / (voxelResolution * 2f)) / voxels.Count;
submergedAmount += k / voxels.Length; |
var velocity = RB.GetPointVelocity(wp); |
var velocity = RB.GetPointVelocity(position); |
force = localDampingForce + Mathf.Sqrt(k) * localArchimedesForce;//\
RB.AddForceAtPosition(force, wp); |
var force = localDampingForce + math.sqrt(k) * localArchimedesForce; |
RB.AddForceAtPosition(force, position); |
_debug.force = force; // For drawing force gizmos
//_debug.force = force; // For drawing force gizmos
//Debug.Log(string.Format("Position: {0:f1} -- Force: {1:f2} -- Height: {2:f2}\nVelocty: {3:f2} -- Damp: {4:f2} -- Mass: {5:f1} -- K: {6:f2}", wp, force, waterLevel, velocity, localDampingForce, RB.mass, localArchimedesForce));
} |
} |
transform.localScale = Vector3.one; |
voxels = null; |
var points = new List<Vector3>(); |
var points = new List<Vector4>(); |
var rawBounds = VoxelBounds(); |
voxelBounds = rawBounds; |
} |
} |
if(inside) |
points.Add(p); |
points.Add(new Vector4(p.x, p.y, p.z, 1f)); |
} |
} |
} |