
Revert "Changes"

This reverts commit a45704dd8550ef4ea82ecd3c4e5caf667d355355.
André McGrail 6 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 333 次插入214 次删除
  1. 510
  2. 37


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serializedVersion: 2

serializedVersion: 2
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--- !u!54 &54710712322113256
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public class Engine : MonoBehaviour
public Rigidbody RB; // The rigid body attatched to the boat
public float vel; // Boats velocity
private Rigidbody RB; // The rigid body attatched to the boat
public Vector3 vel; // Boats velocity
private float turnVel = 0f;
public float torque = 5f;
public float turnAngle = 45f;
private float3[] point = new float3[1]; // engine submerged check
private float3[] heights = new float3[1]; // engine submerged check
private int _guid;

void Awake()
RB = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); // get the RB
engineSound.time = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, engineSound.clip.length); // randomly start the engine sound
waterSound.time = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, waterSound.clip.length); // randomly start the water sound

void FixedUpdate()
vel = RB.velocity.sqrMagnitude; // get the sqr mag
engineSound.pitch = Mathf.Max(vel * 0.01f, 0.3f); // use some magice numbers to control the pitch of the engine sound
vel = RB.velocity; // store the velocity
float velMag = vel.sqrMagnitude; // get the sqr mag
engineSound.pitch = Mathf.Max(velMag * 0.01f, 0.3f); // use some magice numbers to control the pitch of the engine sound
// Get the water level from the engines position and store it
point[0] = transform.TransformPoint(enginePosition);

/// <param name="modifier">Acceleration modifier, adds force in the 0-1 range</param>
public void Accel(float modifier)
if (yHeight > -0.2f) // if the engine is deeper than 0.1
if (yHeight > -0.1f) // if the engine is deeper than 0.1
Vector3 forward = Vector3.Slerp(RB.transform.forward, transform.forward, 0.2f);
//forward.y = 0f;
RB.AddForceAtPosition(forward * modifier * horsePower, point[0], ForceMode.Acceleration); // add force forward based on input and horsepower
modifier = Mathf.Clamp(modifier, 0f, 1f); // clamp for reasonable values
Vector3 forward = transform.forward;
forward.y = 0f;
RB.AddForce(forward * modifier * horsePower, ForceMode.Acceleration); // add force forward based on input and horsepower
RB.AddRelativeTorque(-Vector3.right * modifier, ForceMode.Acceleration);

/// <param name="modifier">Steering modifier, positive for right, negative for negative</param>
public void Turn(float modifier)
var curAngle = transform.localEulerAngles.y;
var angle = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(curAngle, -modifier * turnAngle, ref turnVel, 0.2f);
transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, angle, 0f);
//RB.AddRelativeTorque(vel * -0.001f * new Vector3(0f, angle > 180 ? angle - 360 : angle, 0f), ForceMode.Acceleration); // add torque based on input and torque amount
if (yHeight > -0.1f) // if the engine is deeper than 0.1
modifier = Mathf.Clamp(modifier, -1f, 1f); // clamp for reasonable values
RB.AddRelativeTorque(new Vector3(0f, torque, -torque * 0.5f) * modifier, ForceMode.Acceleration); // add torque based on input and torque amount
// Draw some helper gizmos
